Urge Overkill version, of course.
First story! The rating comes in very soon, just a warning (: This is set after the present point in the show, about two months into the future. Reviews would make me really happy!

We've seen each other through it all.

We made it through all of his fighting with Fitz, and the trauma of the dance.

And he's been there for me through my parent's divorce, and my stupid (attempted) rebellion.

Through all of that and everything in between, we've stuck together.

And I love him.

At first, I was hesitant to admit it, even to myself.

I mean, how am I supposed to know what love means? How it feels? It's not like I have the best relationship experience to go off of.

But all doubt fades as soon as my blue eyes meet his mesmerizing emerald green ones.

And when my lips meet his.

And when his arms are around me, and when his laugh fills my ears.

And when I see that annoying yet devastatingly sexy smirk that seems to be permanently etched upon his face…

Eli Goldsworthy is the one for me. And I know without a single doubt in my mind that I am madly in love with him.

The thing is, I haven't told him yet.

He was hesitant about our relationship from the start, and with every right. After Julia… Well I'm surprised he recovered as well as he did.

I'm just scared that it might freak him out if I pronounce my love to him. It's not unheard of for a guy to get nervous and back off once that level of seriousness is introduced.

So I've kept my feelings to myself. All I know is that I love Eli, and that is enough for me.


"I'm sorry, Clare, something just came up. I wish I could come, but I can't."

"So you cancel our plans, with no good reason besides 'something'?"

Adam is keeping something from me, I just know it.

He and Eli were supposed to come over to my place tonight for a movie night. We would be alone, since my dad had already moved out and my mom was going out with her sister.

But now, he's cancelling on me.

"What's the big deal, anyway?" he asked with a roll of his eyes, "Are you really complaining to spend time alone with Eli?"

I was excited to have time alone with him; I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I wasn't.

"Well, yeah, but…" I bit my lip, thinking of how to make sense of my thoughts, "But just because I like time alone with him doesn't mean I don't want to see you too."

Adam smiled, and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into a hug as we began to walk towards our English class.

"Clare, you'll have plenty of chances to see me this weekend. Enjoy your Friday night with your boy."

I smiled up at him, wrapping my own arm around his waist and returning the hug. "Promise?"

"I swear."

"Hey, now, what is this? Putting the moves on my girl, Torres?" Eli's voice came from behind and we both turned around to greet him.

As my eyes fell upon his face, I couldn't help but smile like a crazy person. I wasn't even paying attention between the playful banter and sarcasm that was being exchanged between the two in their conversation.

That beautiful face got me every time.

Every so often his eyes would shift from Adam to me, and my heart would skip a beat.

As he spoke, I watched his lips move and it took all I had not to jump on him and kiss him right then and there.

And when he stopped speaking, that pesky smirk of his would sit upon his lips.

How could a simple facial expression be so obnoxious, yet so seductive all at the same time?

"Claaare?" Adam sang, waving a hand in front of my dazed face. "Earth to Edwards. Class is starting."

I snapped from my trance and looked between the two boys, both of who knew exactly what had been distracting me.

Adam looked slightly disgusted. Eli, however, held a certain smugness in his smirk.

"S-sorry…" I said quietly, my cheeks growing hot. I spun around and found my way to my seat, shuffling through my notebook pages to the assignment we currently had to do.

"I know I'm distracting, but if you can focus on Mrs. Dawes for the next hour, I'll make some of those naughty thoughts of yours a reality tonight. When we're all alone," he whispered as he slid into his seat behind mine.

I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He knew how crazy he made me.

"You wish," I teased. I usually turned him down at these types of suggestions. However, I'd been giving in a lot more recently.

Sure, we hadn't gone all the way. But during some of our more heated make out sessions, we'd ventured to do pretty much everything else...

Suddenly realizing he had known we would be alone, I turned around, "So Adam told you he couldn't come tonight?"

He hesitated rather than snapping back with some sort of quick comment. This always worried me. Or in cases like this, made me suspicious.

"Or… was it you that told him he couldn't come?"

The look on his face quickly became mischievous, mine quickly becoming stern.

"Eli! You're horrible!"

"But you love it," he said with a smirk.

God, that smirk. I turned back around in my seat before my mind ventured any further.