My first Halloween Fic. Stay with me, I'm going to be trying to finish sometime soon.

Sorry about my Hiatus. Switched is almost done, I have a form of writer's block. Then I'm going to immediately start on its sequels. ENJOY!

"Guys, Halloween plans- anyone got some?" Mr. Schue said brightly as the choir shuffled into the classroom.

The Kids mumbled a response that nearly matched what he thought they would be doing: Handing out candy, partying and pranking. Though one specific blond was, "going to Santana's." She really didn't need to elaborate.

"Good!" the curly-haired teacher exclaimed. "Because we are going to do a CORN MAZE!"

The club looked at each other, part confused, but excitement building in each one of their chests- for different reasons. "That's right. I was approached with this idea on Friday, and since Artie just told me he had family plans, we get to go! And to keep you motivated, the owner is giving a $50 gift card to the mall to the team that makes it back first with their card filled out with stamps. Unfortunately, we have to do the 'Haunted' maze, which runs after dark. So bring flashlights! Now partner up and get strategizing."

Rachel, who had been counting heads in her mind, shot up like a bullet. "Mr. Schue! We seem to have an odd number on our hands! As team leader, I feel as though it's my responsibility to take the dive and go solo on this one. Actually I would prefer it."

"Rachel-"Mr. Schuster began.

"Hold your horses, Princess." Kurt said. "I can't go, I'm afraid. As much as I would love to go hiking though a field at night, I have other things to prioritize."

"Err, o.k. Kurt, if you're sure?" Mr. Schue checked to make sure the boy was fine with that, and then turned to look at the class. "K, so Mike and Tina, Sam and Quinn, Puck and Finn, Brittney and Santana, and it looks like Rachel and Mercedes. K, we're all set! Good luck guys!"

Finn helped Rachel off the bus, who flashed him a grateful smile. Although they weren't partners, he had sat with her on the bus. "Thank you, Finn." She reached up and kissed Finn on the cheek.

"All right Kiddies!" a man dressed in flannel strutted up to the bus once all the kids had descended from their ride. Mr. Schue helped Ms. Pillsbury down, who looked in awe at the country side. Why was she here? Finn thought. Wouldn't she have like, a heart attack or something if she got dirty. But then he remembered that she had a crush on Mr. Schue, and people did crazy things for love. (Or so Rachel told him.) "Here are your maps, I'll let you in once our monster gets here!" the man gave a hearty laugh.

"Are you kidding me?" Puck muttered as he grabbed his map. "Dude, this isn't even going to be scary! This is going to be easy!" Finn nodded in agreement. Somehow, beating Rachel didn't seem so bad anymore.

A girl in a bright orange vest ran up to the flannel man and whispered in his ear. "What? You mean… Fuck." He turned to address the group. "I'm so sorry. We can't let you go in there!"

"What?" Rachel said, using her 'outraged' voice.

"Emily has just told me that Todd, our monster, was attacked on his way here. The… thing that attacked him left a note in the ground- telling him that if he wanted to live, he should stay away from the maze."

Finn got that sinking feeling he felt every time he watched a horror movie.

"Bull!" Puck snorted. "There's no monster! I want my money!"

"Noah is right." Rachel said. "Come on Mercedes!" the little drama queen somehow dragged the diva into the maze.

Puck shouted and ran to catch up with the girls. Finn chased after him, mainly due to the fact that Puck had both their mazes. The other groups followed, the manager shouting after them. Finn wondered if the monster was real, but just for a second, because even a meat-head like him knew that there was no such thing as monsters.

Finn and Puck had just gotten their second stamp when they heard it. Two screams, both with powerful lungs behind them, echoed through the walls of corn. "Rachel!" Finn shouted, adrenalin kicking in. They raced towards the screams, which had died off. They got to a checkpoint just as Mike and Tina did. "What happened?" Tina gasped.

"Don't know, we just heard a scream." Puck said, stamping their cards while they were there. Finn felt his heart sink. There on the ground was a pink sweater with black paw prints. He got to his knees and picked it up. Rachel had loved this sweater. "Finn? Oh fuck." Puck saw what his teammate was holding.

"I'll go get Mr. Schue." Tina said, as she ran off through the corn stalks.

Two down, eight to go.

"Those kids shouldn't be out there," the owner, whom Will had learned was named Jed. Despite the easygoing personality, Jed was sincerely worried about his costumers. It gave the teacher shivers, but he told himself it was just a Halloween prank. Right?

"Mr. Schuster!" Tina's voice cut through the brisk autumn air. She bolted from the maze, panic in her eyes. "Rachel! And Mercedes!" her warning was interrupted by a bought of hacking coughs as she struggled to regain her breath. Mr. Schue sprang from his seat and reached over to his student, a bottle of water in one hand.

"Breathe, Tina, just Breathe. What about Rachel and Mercedes?" Secretly Mr. Schue hoped that the two girls had gotten into a fight. If only.

"They're missing! We heard a scream and Finn found Rachel's sweater and I just don't know what to do!" Tina looked on the verge of hysterical tears. Dread seeped into Will's heart.

"Em'? I'm going to go help Tina find Rachel and Mercedes."

"I'm coming too." Emma grabbed a flashlight, determination making her face glow.

"I wouldn't if I were you, little missy." Jed's county drawl quietly warned the visitors. "Bad things happen in that maze, you don't know what you'll be up against."

"And you do?" Will asked, suspicion creeping into his voice.

Jed was serious, his face falling into a mask of unnerving calmness. "A beast. A cold blooded killer. He haunts that maze. Silent, he will come. Oh. He will come, don't doubt that."

Will refuse to be intimidated. "They are my kids, Jed. I don't care about your stupid Halloween pranks, I have a responsibility." His voice was stronger than he had expected.

Jed paled, but nodded. "Be careful."

Sam had never known the meaning of fear until he saw the blood. Flashes of the attack swam before his eyes, darting away like fish before he could look further into them.

The walls of corn rustling.

A glint of metal in the moonlight.

A bloodcurdling scream, high and full of alarm.

Quinn falling, laying on the ground motionless, blood trickling from a gash in her forehead.

Sam knelt on the earth beside his girl-who-is-a-friend, stroking her hair, trying to stop the bleeding. It wasn't flowing very hard, and she didn't feel dead. But what did he know? Hell, he didn't even know how to check her pulse. She seemed so… fragile.

"Rachel? Mercedes! Are you here?"

"Mr. Schue?" Sam called, hope building in his chest. Maybe, just maybe the Spanish teacher would make everything alright. "Mr. Schuster over here! Quinn's hurt!"

Sam watched as Mr. Schue appeared from the darkness. "Oh my!" the guidance councilor, Ms. Pillsbury, exclaimed, rushing to the fallen teen. She grabbed Quinn's wrist. Oh duh. After a few seconds the germaphobe visibly relaxed. "She's alive, just unconscious. She might not even need stitches."

"Hold on," Mr. Schue said. "Sam, how did Quinn get injured? Were you attacked?"

Sam nodded. "I didn't see what it was, though. It just happened! One second we were fine and the next…" he gestured to Quinn. "I think it had a- a knife or something!"

"What if he comes back?" Tina asked, fear dripping into her voice.

The group sat in silence for a minute. Then Mr. Schue spoke. "O.k. here's what we'll do. Em' and I will take Quinn back and get her fixed up. You two will get the rest of Glee back. Who's still out there?"

Tina checked off the members as she listed them, "Mike, Finn and Puck, Santana and Brittney, Us, and maybe Rachel and Mercedes, if they didn't- you know- get taken."

Mercedes and Rachel were missing? This wasn't good. Sam cleared his throat. "Sounds like a good plan to me."

Tina knew that she and Sam weren't the best of friends, but this silence was too awkward to dwell in. "So… Sam, you and Quinn…" she started, but trailed off when she realized how NOSY that sounded. Luckily the blond (or fake blond, as Kurt claimed) looked relieved for a way out of the dreadful (and plainly spooky) silence.

"Yah, we're tight. I really like her. She's really… sweet." He laughed, and Tina smiled. This wasn't so bad. "But I feel like… I don't know. On a scale of 'how close' we are we're like, a four or a five."

"I think Quinn really likes you, but she's just not used to being close to anyone."

"You're probably right, that's why I'm taking it slow. What about you and Mike?"

"Mike? We're a… 7? It depends on the day, really." Tina shrugged, trying to get the focus off herself.

"What about you and Artie?"


Sam shrugged defensively. "I hang out with the dude, we nerds have to stick together right? He mentions you a lot."

Tina sighed. "I was ready to go to a 9. But Artie…"

"Maybe he's just unsure."

"He's what?"

"He can't walk, so he can never do a bunch of stuff like dancing or go out for track or jump rope. So when you two started going out, it must've felt like suddenly feeling like he could do all that stuff. But he still couldn't, and he was…"

Sam trailed off, and Tina felt a pang of guilt. She cleared her throat. "This is the place, so where are the boys?"

"Puck probably ditched us, and Finn went with him."

"MIKE!" Tina called, panic fluttering in her chest.


"Come on, this isn't funny!" Sam thought it sounded like Tina was about to cry. He shone the flashlight around, hoping that the Asian was hiding. The beam fell across a shoe.


Her gasp would've broken the hearts of millions. "Mike." She sobbed.

Sam knew he needed to get her away from here. This was getting too freaky. "Come on, Tee. Let's go get Finn and Puck." To his surprise, the girl didn't move.

"No. You can, but I-I'm going to find M-Mr. Shues-s-t-ter." Sam realized that the girl stuttered when she was scared.

"K. We can do that too. I'd like to be with Quinn anyway."