AN: This is just part one because I want to know if you guys want me to write only in English or with the French. I hope you enjoy! Go to the bottom for translations.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia. Just my OC's.

"How much more do we have to walk?" New York complained as they trudged through bushes.

"Not far, I asked them to meet us halfway." Delaware said leading the way.

"Wait, so you already met them?"

"Huh, no, I just sent them a letter telling them where to meet us."

"As anyone else noticed there is man following us?" New Hampshire whispered.

"Really, where?"

"Don't turn around!"

"Oh, that guy, yeah I asked him to come." Virginia said without looking back.

"Well who is he?"

"His name is Ronald, I think."


"It's something that starts with a R."

"Why is he here?"

"He's a translator. I don't think any of them know any English."

"REALLY!" North Carolina's eyes grew wide. The states began to whisper and chat about how this was going to play out. Delaware and Virginia isolated themselves from the group and walked in silence.

Everyone was nervous. Today was the day they were supposed to meet thirty of the states who were going to tell them what their new life would be like. It had been two months since the Louisiana Purchase, it seemed like everything was changing so fast for them.

They all waited for the others to arrive, each passing the time in their own unique ways. The girls were talking in one group and the guys were spread out most by them self. The two Dakotas were sitting under a tree complaining.

"Je m'ennuie. J'ai faim. Je suis fatigué. J'ai soif. J'ai faim. Je suis fatigué. Je m'ennuie-"* They both said simultaneously. Sitting on a rock not too far from them was Montana who was getting annoyed.

"SHUT UP! Vous deux sont tellement ennuyeux. Pourquoi ne pas vous faire quelque chose de productif?"

"Vous n'êtes pas le patron de nous."

"Calmez-vous tous, vous faites plus nerveux que moi, je le suis déjà." Wyoming said as he passed back and forth.

"Je veux rentrer à la maison, c'est stupide. Pourquoi avons-nous besoin pour y répondre?" The girls now joined in on the complaining. Louis sighed, if this kept on he would surely get a headache.

"Calme, il sonne comme ils sont presque là. Tout le monde se rapprocher." They all moved close to Louis as they heard the bushes rustle in front of them. Nothing could prepare them for what would happen next.

AN: Hope you like it, part two coming soon. Read and review. Historical facts will be up with the next chapter. Also translations done with Google translate so they may be a bit off. (we all know how reliable Google translate is.)

Translations in order:

*"I'm bored. I'm hungry. I'm tired. I'm thirsty. I'm hungry. I'm tired. I'm bored-"

"SHUT UP! You two are so annoying. Why don't you do something productive?"

"You're not the boss of us"

"Calm down all of you, you're making me more nervous than I already am."

"I want to go home, this is stupid. Why do we need to meet them?"

"Quiet, it sounds like they're almost here. Everyone get close."