Author's Note: For Stacey who requested the Young Avengers with the prompt dildo. Unbeta'd, so if anything's off, that's on me! Feel free to let me know if you catch anything, tho. :) Cheers!
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.

Condom is Not a Four Letter Word
by Bether

"It was awful," Billy complained, pulling a face.

Teddy grinned. "It wasn't that bad."

Billy gave his boyfriend a Look. "Yes. It was."

"C'mon," Teddy clapped him on the shoulder, "it was informative!"

Billy gaped at him. "When are we ever going to need to know how to do—that?"

Tilting his head, Teddy considered. "I dunno," he conceded, "but it seems like the kind of thing we should know all the same."

Billy shook his head. "It was embarrassing."

Teddy rolled his eyes. "It's not like it was just us—everybody had to do it."

"But they only had one banana." He slouched, dejected. "Everyone stared."

Kate, who'd been observing them, chose then to pipe up. "It could've been worse. We had to use a dildo at my school." She shook her head. "I guess they think going to an all girl's school means we don't know what a penis looks like."

Both boys stared at her for a moment, stunned. Then Billy dropped his head into his hands, while Teddy threw an arm over his shoulder and grinned at Kate.