"OMG! that's what happened with me and Kurt. I thought he'd never break up with me I mean, look at me. I am like the best he can get and then he goes off with that slut Kate. Anyway, I'm so over him, I've got Andy now and he is sooo much better than Kurt ever was, if you know what I mean"

"Oh I know, I'm so glad I dumped Chris, he was so ugly, I think I just missed Joey."

Imagine having to listen to this everyday. The boring prattle of your friends love lives, or should I say sex lives. Actually, I cant really call them friends, more like people I hang around with and mentally make fun of. There all the same, every single girl at this school; shallow, self-centred, vain, and boy crazy. I however am the exact opposite. Deep, caring, don't give a rats tail about how I look and I've never even spoken to a boy properly.

I'm just waiting till school ends, then I can travel the world and never come back. I don't have to worry about my parent's, they wont even notice when I leave, their biggest regret is having a child, as they tell me everyday. Other than that they don't really bother speaking to me otherwise, except the odd occasion like 'we'll be back in a month or more' or 'Merry Christmas'.

I'm glad we have a big house, it makes it easier not to see them as much. I know how I sound, cruel and bitter. I'm really a very nice person, at least I was when I was a kid. Being a teenager opened my eyes to see the world isn't a nice place and that no one really loves you unless they have to. Maybe it's just me and I've had an unfortunate upbringing. I just feel like I was maybe born at the wrong time or to the wrong people.

I walked downstairs to see both my parents sitting at the kitchen table.

"Hi Mum" no reply.

"Hi Dad" no reply.

"Okay well I'm off to school, see you later." still no reply. Just go Bella, there not going to notice you. The walk to the bus stop is always the same, ipod in, try to ignore the idiots chucking handfuls of leaves at each other. I mean come on were old enough now, lets not be immature little toddlers. I could see them as I was walking, they did look like they were having fun though. I use to have fun, until my friends 'grew up' and my parents didn't have time for me. I've always felt like there's someone missing from my life. Someone who actually cares whether I wake up in the morning. You cant go your whole life alone and unloved can you?

As I was lost in my own thoughts I hadn't noticed the black suburban van speeding down the road. Awful driver. It grew closer and slowed where I was walking. I thought it was maybe letting another car passed as it was quite a large van but I was sadly mistaken. I could see the kids at the bus stop all turn to look at me with shocked facial expressions. I couldn't hear anyone through my headphones, but then I realized why everyone was staring. Two arms came around my waist and dragged me backwards. I was so shocked I didn't struggle for a second but when I realised what was going on I kicked and screamed like there was no tomorrow. Unfortunately, he was far stronger than me and without any struggle on his part, threw me into the back of the suburban and sped off down the road.

Review Please :) If I get lots of reviews I will continue.