Not amazing. But I needed something to start it up. ENJOY my lovely readers.

(Kind of short also, but next chapter I will try to make way longer)


"Here, how about these?" I walked over to Ali and looked at the Halloween costumes she was holding in disgust

"For me? I don't think so!" I said while showing her a nun costume

I felt embarrassed as people started to stare at Ali cracking up and rolling on the floor

"Get up" I whispered

"A...NUN?" she said while laughing and shouting

I quickly put the costume down and continued to look

"Clare. If you don't show any skin, Eli is just going to leave you like KC did" she said while following me

I just continued to browse like I didn't care but really I was worried to death inside


"So, dude what's Clare going to be?" Adam said while winking

"I don't know" I said while shrugging

"But you would like to know"

"Words in my mouth again. Really Adam?"

"Uh speaking of costumes, when are we going to get ours? Halloween is tonight you know?" Adam said irritated

"We can now, I guess. But just to shut you up!"

"BOOYAH!" Adam yelled

"Dude, booyah?" I said while raising an eyebrow

"Let's just get in your funeral car"

"Hearse" I corrected

He ignored me and jumped in anxiously while I started the car and found a good song.


"What are you doing on your phone Ali, aren't you going to find a costume" I said irritated

"Already did" she said while holding up a sexy cop costume "but I'd suggest you'd hurry up unless you want to see Eli and Adam here too"

"EXCUSE ME" I shouted, feeling my eyes pop out of my head

She showed me on her phone, Adams Facebook status and I started to run down the aisle's looking quicker than ever

"Here" She said while throwing me a costume "it's a Goth ballerina costume, enjoy"

I quickly looked at it then ran over to the dressing room

I was about to open the door when I heard loud rock music.. "Crap! There here!" I shouted

We quickly dove to the floor and started to crawl

"I swear Adam; you better find a costume here. This is the only Halloween store within an hour of my house" I heard Eli say while walking in

"Well, at least Ali and Clare were smart enough not to get there costume on the day of Halloween" Adam said while hitting Eli on the back

Eli ignored him and took out his phone and started…texting?

I then figured out I was wrong when I felt my phone vibrate and then Beethoven come on. We quickly crawled out the store and jumped onto our bikes. Eli knew my ring tone, so I had no doubt he knew we were there.

The 20 minute bike ride home went by quickly while thinking about him. But my thoughts got stopped when I heard Ali yell to open my door. And when I did Ali forced me to try on my costume. I went into my bathroom, took my clothes off and put it on. OH MY! IM GOING TO KILL ALI!

Hope you liked it! It should get better as it goes on!

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