Kendall's POV

It's the next day and we're all sitting in the library, before our fifth period class… Once again Luke is telling another stupid story. I'm sensing quite a pattern here.

"So I told him-"

" 'God damn... This is going to be such a lame story, I can't wait to refrain from telling my friends'?"

"That hurt my feelings."

"So hire a therapist, Luke. I'm trying to finish this fucking worksheet. What is a cosine? Its the second day, man! For god's sake! You'd think-"

"That no one cares about your petty problems?"

"Touché... Touché, indeed."

Luke smirks at me and goes back to his cartoon drawing of some stupid superhero I never took the time to really learn about. Such a studious young man.

We're sitting in the library during one of our frees, I am studying, Luke is drawing, Cass is... I don't know what Cass does in her free time and I'm not even bothering to look over, Ronnie is humming to herself and staring at the ceiling, Josh is just MIA.

There's suddenly a loud crash as the door slams open, of course its the Wolf Pack. Me and my friends have taken to calling them that now, they're just always in a... pack. We all thought wolf pack was appropriate just 'cause they all look pretty intimidating, unless you've seen them running and screaming and just being stupid jackasses, in which case they're more like a pack of... bunnies . Cass voted for the Gaggle of Geese, but really? Just really?

They're all roughhousing and yelping because of course... Who really needs quiet in a library? Totally overrated... They don't really seem to notice anyone else is in the library, except for Brady who's looking around pretty worried.

Oh fuck. I put my head back down and go back to the thrilling world of Geometry.

"Look, Brady! There she is!" Collin whispers (shouts) to Brady.

I'm just really praying that he's talking about Mrs. Fentworth, the librarian who's worked here at the Reservation since my parents were students. Hey, maybe the kid knows how to read!

Suddenly there's a huge shadow over my math textbook (and just about the entire table), I curse to myself in my head. And shit... Is it hot, its like someone dropped La Push in the middle of a volcano.

"Hey, Kendall..."

I'm not really liking how tall it is... What I'm eye-level to is highly appropriate. I huff and look up at him, "Hi Brady, how can I help you?"

He goofily smiles at me for about ten seconds, and I raise my eyebrows.

"Talk." Coughs Quil two tables away that the pack is not really sitting at... just sort of lounging up against.

"Um... I figured we should meet up about the project some time."

"Well yeah, Brady... We have um, class next period so I figured we could do it then...?"

"Right. Right. Yeah, totally. Sounds great. Next period. I'll be there."

I mean... I'd hope so, you're sort of required to be there.

I nod, my eyebrows still raised, "Cool?"

He smiles at me and then bounds out of the library. The pack quickly scrambles out behind him, murmuring things and shaking their heads.

"I think he likes you," Luke says matter-of-factly, still drawing and coloring in the hero, it looks quite goo- HA. WHAT?

"I think he likes her tits... Push up bras do fucking wonders," Cass comments.

"Excuse me! I will have you know that I am a -"

"Too personal, Ken. Too personal." Ronnie mutters.

"Wait wait wait! I wanted to hear that! Dammit, Ron!" He huffs at Ronnie who just glares darkly back at him. "Anywho... Yeah, I think the kid likes you."

"For once in my life I will readily agree with Cass that the kid just wants to get in my pants."

"What do you mean 'for once in your life'? I must remind you of many crucial moments that we shared in the playground together that I have saved your ass. Let's not forget the monkey bars incident!"

"Cass, you were the one pushed me off of the monkey bars..."

"I was also the one who called Mrs. Thompson to come and take you to the nurse! How quickly we forget!"

"It was a hairline fracture!"

"Oh dear sweet mother of fry bread..." Luke groans. "The dude likes you!"

"Dude?" I raise my eyebrows skeptically. "Dude? Really? Have you been hanging out in Forks?"

"KEN! Pay attention! How do you feel about this shocking new confession?" He makes his voice sound deep like a TV announcer and shoves his pencil in my face.

"Its not a confession..." I snap and slap his hand, sending his pencil flying thru the air. "He didn't confess it, you are making a conjecture. A horribly wrong misconjecture I might add," I say as I pack my things in a huff.

"Misconjecture is not a word, my dear sweet Ken," he smiles up at me.

"What the fuck is a conjecture?" Cass asks, just looking so confused with the entire situation.

"UGH!" I whisper to myself and walk (as fast as possible, seriously wearing Converse tomorrow, no doubt about it) out of the library and towards the room I have Biology or Chemistry or whatever Science I'm supposed to be taking.

I throw my things on the desk as I arrive at my lab table and sit down on the stool in a huff.

"Kendall? You okay?"

Oh life... You tickle me.

"I'm doing great, Brady. Thanks."

"D'you wanna... Work on the project?"

Sigh. "Just give me a minute, okay?"

"Take as long as you need."

I think our project is due before 2100, but I'll go with it.

"Okay," I sit up to Brady's face smiling back at me. "Where did we leave off yesterday?"

"Well we just had a really rough plan of what we thought we'd do."

"Right, right. Stem Cell Research."

"And I was thinking, although I totally love your idea... How about we change it up a bit?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Well sure, what'd you have in mind?"

"Genetic Engineering maybe..." He goes on to explain all of the interesting things he researched. Guys. He researched.

Now I don't mean to sound like a cynical, lonely person but really... He actually researched it?

This isn't even anything I have against the jack ass who basically broke my heart... I'm not even sure Luke or Josh knows how to use Google except for to look up some inapropro vids, if you know what I mean...

"Yeah! Sounds great," I pipe up. "We can grab some books from the library and do some more research. Sounds fine."

"Great," he gives me a smile and I nod and go back to my planner and cross things out I had planned for the project.

"You're... really organized."

"Oh don't worry, its only the second day... By November I'll have lost this, every pencil I own and my History notes will be in my English binder and the corrections for my Spanish test will be where my Math homework should be. It'll all just be lovely."

He starts to laugh and I'm a bit taken aback... I wasn't really aware people anything I found to be anything but bitchy. ... Thanks?

I give him another tentative smile and finish erasing everything.

"I'm actually going to be out of school starting Friday until about... Next Tuesday."


"Oh... So should I... Work on this by myself?"

"NO! Of course not! I thought maybe we could... Meet during lunch sometime over the weekend?"

Now, I'm not really sure what you would call it... But something just sort of bubbles inside of me... I can't even classify it as anger, because... Anger is at the bottom of this thermometer of feelings.

"Where at a diner?"

"Yeah! There's actually this great place-" You must be joking.

"In Forks. On Grand Street? I bet," I snap, my eyes becoming narrower and narrower, until I'm sure I must look like Voldemort.

"What? Yeah..." Realization suddenly dawns over his face and his eyes widen, "No no-"

"Let me guess, this time you'll show two and a half hours late," I growl as I start packing up for my second big dramatic exit within twenty minutes.

"Kendall, no-"

"Will it be Lily Stone again this time? Or have you moved onto bigger and better things now? Becca Weil? Rhea Connor?"

"Please, Kendall, just lis-"

"You haven't changed at all. You're just the same immature prick that you were four months ago (as if someone could drastically change over four months) ," I pick up my bags and my books... Although God knows where I'm going because class just started five minutes ago.


"Screw you, Brady. Just leave me the hell alone," I yell at him (ignoring everyone and I mean everyone's eyes on me) as I wobble (seriously though? who thought it would be a good idea to wear three-inch heels to school? please?) out of the classroom.

Brady's POV

"I'm actually going to be out of school starting Friday until about... Next Tuesday."

Her eyebrows furrow in that cute little way, "Oh... So should I... Work on this by myself?"

You can do this, Brady. Just ask her out. You can do it.

"No! Of course not! I thought maybe we could... Meeting during lunch sometime over the weekend?"

Her eyebrows narrow, she must be mulling it over.

"Where at a diner?" Her voice is weirdly quieter than it was a few seconds ago, but... She read my mind! We're... In sync.

"Yeah! there's actually this great place-"

"In Forks. On Grand Street? I bet," she snaps.

I'm a bit taken aback and confused "What? Yeah..." Oh my god. No. Oh God. No... Please tell me I just didn't... I try to correct my mistake but she's already stood up.

"Let me guess, this tie you'll show two and a half hours late," she snarls out at me as she starts to pack her bags.

This is definitely not what I had planned. "Kendall, no-"

"Will it be Lily Stone again this time? Or have you moved onto bigger and better things now? Becca Weil? Rhea Connor?"

I'm begging her to listen to me, to just hear me out, so I can explain myself for the mistakes that I've made.

The whole class is sort of watching us now, I can tell, but they're all the last thing on my mind right now. "You haven't changed at all. You're just the same immature prick that you were four months ago." She picks up her things and my inner wolf is whining, but I'm frozen to the spot I'm standing at.


"Screw you, Brady. Just leave me the hell alone." And for the third time since I've really met my imprint (the person I'm casually madly in love with) I have made a complete jack ass of myself and she has torn me apart without even knowing what she's doing.

Of course I'm also shaking like a number that hasn't been invented on the Richter scale, so I quickly make my way out of the class before y'know, possibly killing my fellow students and revealing the secret the rest of the pack is trying to keep.

Brady... Sam says warningly as I rip another brand new set of clothes and phase, I'm supposed to be in school right now.

That's right... You are... What's wro-

My head suddenly floods with the memories of everything that's just happened and Sam frustratedly growls, but sighs.

How about you meet me by the river junction near me and Em's house?

I whine, but start to trot over...

Sometimes... I really wish I had been transformed into a lion... God knows they don't practice monogamy over in the prides.

I cannot believe this is my first update since the beginning of the summer. I'm so sorry, guys! I've been so busy and I've literally had NO idea what I should write. This sort of came to me while I was taking a day off from my classes, it's not my best and it's sort of the same old crap… But… I like a lot of drama and I know you guys don't want Kendall to immediately forgive Brady.

No she is not being too hard on him. She is a girl, as I'm a majority of you who are reading this, she may have overreacted a bit, but the chick is sensitive. Sue me.

I am working on the Luke situation. Trust me… I'm an evil genius, I know what I'm doing guys. Just relax.

Don't you just love Cass? It'd be really awkward if you didn't because she's actually a lot like me, she isn't written after me I'm not quite that self-centered but she says and does a lot of the same things I say and do with my close friends.

Review? It'd make me realize I did this for the people who CARE about my story.