Writing angst is defiantly not my basis in terms of category. But I haven't had an urge to write like this in FOREVER.


Can't be together. Wrong. Why? What could be wrong with a god and an immortal mythological creature being together?

Song: Love the Way You Lie (By Eminem). Listening to it while reading with totally enhance reading experience. . XD

His lips were blood red, curled into a smirk, dangerous, sending signals off in the blonds head. He knew it was danger, but being drawn to this…creature couldn't be helped. He was. It should've been foreshadowing, of all the blood to come, but that smile only made him feel stagnancy slipping away, and the feeling of…actually feeling, drove him mad.

The onyx's hair was jet black, his eyes smoky, coupled with sinfully dark lashes, and all the things he knew he shouldn't look at. Shaking his head clear made it no different. The smile was still there, the eyes, the pale white skin. All there. His heart clattered in his chest. Bar. Not a good idea.


A tongue flicking out to lick those lips that had signaled the danger and a crescendo burst through the blonds' cerebellum as those eyes stared past his sub-conscious, right through it all. He couldn't pull away. He downed his beer. This couldn't happen. It couldn't be happening, he wouldn't let it.

"Harder…" Soft voice, lilting even. Alcohol. Smoke. Fire. Harder. Nails, scraping. Deeper. Inside. The bedspreads around him, thick, almost comforting, if it weren't so hard. There was blood, he wasn't sure who's. The onyx smirked down at him. The kiss took the blood, the way he ran his tongue over Naruto's lips made him only want more. Different now. A kiss to his neck. Bite. Still harder.

His grip tightened on the bedspreads, legs widening now. Eyes shut in the pleasure, almost weak from it all. Couldn't happen. Shouldn't. Shouldn't. Was. He clung, more. It would be over soon. He raised his hips. He didn't know what to moan when he came.

"What's your name?" Blue met black again, and he was lost in them, in it all.

"Sasuke…" The voice in his ear, deep. And it was so deep inside him, muscle against muscle. And harder.



"Sasuke…" His nails were deep but the boy didn't seem to mind, as lost as him. Naruto flung his head back, so close now, weak with it all. It had never felt this good before, he didn't think it ever would again. Another rough kiss, this time the tongue clash longer, taking away whatever strength he had left. And his head fell back again. This couldn't be happening. But the deep penetrating throbbing within him told him otherwise.

It was.

The room was dark, save for the faint daybreak and the glowing embers of the cigarette. The smoke on his breath felt so hot. Hot, hot. Harder.

"I know, I know what you are."

"What will you do about it…?"

An explosion, his mind too. Fingers, hot, now intertwined. "Nothing…" He whispered, breathing in the scent of the boy's neck. Sasuke.

"It could get you killed, what you are."

"How did you know?"

A smirk. "I've come into some contact with vampires…" Naruto fingered the pendant hanging from Sasuke's slender neck. "But most people would've never noticed."

"Why'd you do this then, if you knew. You're practically as dead as me if anyone finds out now…"

Couldn't happen.

Naruto stared up at the boy he'd only just met with a languished expression. He reached up, and their tongues met again, and he could feel the sharp teeth, although retracted, strong within the immortal mouth of the youth. "True…" He whispered. "Although, by definition, I cannot die."

"Again, true." Another nip to his neck. "Eros…"

"Call me Naruto."


This was going to end up so fucked up.

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