Well I decided to rewrite twins are universal. I have had trouble sticking to one story line for the girls and I apologize for that. I won't spoil the end because it's very interesting how my girls came in to existence. So without further ado the first chapters of Twins are Universal: rewritten.

Disclaimer: If I owned transformers, starscream would have generation one coloring and have his trine mates with him.

Chapter theme song: Calling All Skeletons by alkaline trio

(Prologue; location: Kaon; more specifically launch site of escape shuttle for decepticon femmes.)

The tall black and white form of BombShell stalked the halls of the main hall, the capital of Kaon if you will; with a fierce determination that only she could be known for. The only femme that could possibly hold the interest of megatron long enough to spark mate with him to be precise. Behind her two small sparklings one bright red with black and white markings along with a red visor and two small nodes one on each side of its head behind the visor soft blue optics focused on its parental unit, the other a stunning shade of yellow with black and white highlighting and a face mask and audio fins on the sides of its small helm blue optics shone brightly above the face mask and on to the slender form of its parental unit as well.

"Megatron." BombShell called out

The aforementioned mech turned to face the black and white femme with something akin to longing. His blood red gaze drifted to the two sparklings skittering behind her.

"BombShell." Megatron turned back around and dismissed the soldier with a growl and returned the loving gaze back to his spark mate.

"Are you sure there is no other way?"

"I cannot afford to have you, or our sparklings as targets in this war, you will board the shuttle with RazorBlade and HellRaiser." Megatron growled why did she have to question him?

"I fear that, our sparklings will miss their other parental unit, as will I." BombShell purred and as if to confirm the statement both sparklings attached themselves to his legs and whined.

He picked them both up and clicked reassuringly; this was the only way to ensure that they would not become part of the growing casualties in this war (not that he cared about the others.). HellRaiser tilted her yellow head before clicking forlornly. Her twin sister (RazorBlade) was busy playing with his sharp pincers.

"We will see each other again, and the decepticons will win the war, do not be concerned with what doesn't concern you." Megatron ordered in a hushed tone.

"Anything that concerns my spark mate concerns me, I only wished for you to see our sparklings once more before we boarded." BombShell moved closer until her chassis was pressed right up on his own. She leaned in and pressed her silver lip plates to his own briefly and pulled the two sparklings back in to her arms.

"You had better make good on your promise to see us after the war." was all she whispered to him before walking off to join the other femmes boarding the shuttle.

"You have my word." He whispered back.

BombShell held back a whine at leaving her spark mate but as she focused on the small red and yellow forms of their sparklings she overcame any emotion of regret. Her priority as of now was to make sure that they reached a new sector of the galaxy as far away from cybertron as possible to avoid the war. At the entrance of the shuttle NightFury (starscreams spark mate) was waiting for her.

"BombShell." She greeted tersely

They had been good friends until starscream had decided to become megatron's personnel punching bag in a way. BombShell merely nodded and boarded the shuttle. HellRaiser and RazorBlade immediately went over to the other sparklings and began to wrestle.

'Warriors, just like their male progenitor.'

She thought wryly, as she seated herself in to the piloting seat. The other femmes filed in along with their sparklings and took their seats. To her left in the co-pilot seat NightFury to her right in the other co-pilot seat Parallel (SoundWave's femme) she nodded to both of them and closed the loading doors. The sparklings skittered on their femme progenitors laps in fear as the shuttle's thrusters powered up.

HellRaiser and RazorBlade merely chirped and sat on their designated seats to wait for the shuttle to stabilize. The shuttle floated out of Cybertron's gravitational pull in mere astro seconds and the sparklings were able to move about the cabin. The sparklings packed themselves in to a single window to see the stars and their home planet fade away in to the distance.

/this war is going to destroy cybertron. / Parallel vented and glanced back at cybertron.

/at this point prime is going to have to do something; something drastic. / NightFury agreed in her own way her own wings twitching with the very thought of just what prime would do.

/its best we forget about cybertron and focus on finding a temporary home for ourselves. / BombShell ordered before closing off the link.

The last thing she needed was thoughts of what was happening on cybertron at the moment clouding her processor. She turned to the sound of tapping on her pede. RazorBlade clicked at her and made the motions to be lifted up. Without releasing the wheel she scooped her up and placed the small red sparkling on her lap. Not even a click later her twin was demanding to be lifted up. With a chuckle she placed both sparklings next to each other on her lap and continued to pilot the shuttle.

"There's a solar flare coming, it would be best to change course." Motor Trend (skywarps spark mate.) Warned

"We are far away enough, the shuttle will be fine." BombShell dismissed the warning.

They passed the solar flare, and just as Motor Trend had said the shuttle shutdown.

'Damn you, unicrons law!'

"Yeah, this is why I'm one of the lead astrologists in our division." Motor Trend muttered as she and NightFury began to try and bring the shuttle back online.

They worked for three joors before slumping and giving up.

"It's all fried." NightFury pinched her smell receptors in frustration.

"Well we can't stay here; grab what you can and board the escape pods, try and stay together." BombShell grabbed her sparklings and went in to one of the escape pods.

After all six femmes and their sparklings each were safely tucked away in their own escape pods each one was launched uniformly beginning with BombShell. The pod trembled a little before launching out in to the cold depths of space.

HellRaiser and RazorBlade whimpered and clung to their progenitor for reassurance. BombShell clicked at them reassuringly and put them in to a light recharge before continuing to pilot the pod when she noticed that no other pods were near her.

/NightFury, respond/ she called out opening a communications channel.

Nothing but static, she tried Motor Trend, Heat Wave (Thundercrackers spark mate.), Parallel, Sidewinder (barricades spark mate.), even Dimension (sideways spark mate.) would not respond. She growled in frustration. Of course they had to separate when she told them not to. The two sparklings whined and hugged her tighter in their recharge. She vented, she had to keep calm if not for her own for her sparklings sakes. There would be no use in frightening them and causing them to wake up screeching at the top of their vocal capacitors.

Suddenly the pods controls flickered before going completely dark. It got cold, fast colder than a sparkling should ever be exposed to. She pressed random buttons hoping that something good would happen.

'Unicrons aft pipe, can this get any worse?' she screamed at herself mentally.

Well Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. A deafening roar could be heard coming from the outside of the pod. Her optics flicked upwards and she spotted the swirling purple mass in front of her.

'Well that explains so much.' She thought wryly before the dread of what this meant set in.

Furiously she began to try and online the pod and try to pull them out of the gravitational pull of the black hole but of course Primus and Unicron seemed to be out to destroy her today. The pod surprisingly held together as they were pulled in to the black hole's center to Unicron knows where.

She waited for death; it never came.

(Current location: Milky Way galaxy, approximately three AU's away from earth. Year on earth: 1994 status: cybertronian, online)

BombShell came out of the stasis lock she had placed herself in to the cries of distressed sparklings.

"Progenitor, progenitor, progenitor!" two high pitched voices cried out repeatedly

She on lined her optics and stared in to the sky blue optics of her sparklings. BombShell groaned and the two sparklings made sounds of relief.

'Where in the name of unicron are we?' she wondered mentally.

RazorBlade and HellRaiser moved off to her sides so she could get a better look at the controls. Everything was fine, all the steering mechanisms were working fine, the navigation systems were currently scanning the area, and the temperature was stable enough to not freeze their coolants. So where were they?

Bombshells grabbed hold of the wheel and rotated the pod, in the distance a bright star no older than herself (yeah she is older than the sun what of it?), and closer still a small blue planet. She searched the database and found nothing about this planet or this galaxy.

'Well we did want to get as far away from cybertron as possible.' A small smile curved itself on to her face plates and her sparklings picked up the change of emotion and immediately smiled back at her. She powered up the main thrusters and the pod slowly made its way towards the planet. The planet up close was not as small as she'd thought, roughly the size of cybertron. A ping on the database showed that while the planet was hopelessly primitive with its technology it was able to create something of use. Apparently the 'internet' as it was called was very popular on earth.

Yes this planet would suffice; she scanned the database and learned all she could about what species inhabited the planet. Her face plates scrunched in disgust. Carbon based life forms were the dominant species on this planet, particularly a species the database confirmed as homo-sapiens or humans.


RazorBlade pointed down at the planet and made demanding noises, her twin soon began to repeat the sounds and motions. Well who was she to refuse the whims of her sparklings although finding a decent disguise would be a problem. Slowly but surely she put the pod in to orbit around the blue planet and after half a breem she decided it was now or never. The pod breached the atmosphere at high velocity bits and pieces flew off but it mostly stayed intact. However the landing left something to be desired as the careened in to the hard ground covering this planet, they all cried out in shock when the pod settled in to the soft dirt with a thud.

'Slagging organic planet.' She growled to herself in her native tongue.

HellRaiser crawled out of the now useless pod first and squeaked in fear, her twin's squeak of fear soon followed prompting BombShell to pull herself out of the pod and see what was wrong. The twins were growling at some small creature with what appeared to be feathers? What kind of hideous creature was this? A quick search showed that it was a mocking bird and apparently it was doing what its name implied. When HellRaiser growled it would puff up and make a sound akin to a growl. BombShell retracted her face plate and pinched her nasal receptors.

"HellRaiser, RazorBlade leave the organic alone." Of course RazorBlade and HellRaiser ignored her.

RazorBlade extended a small red and black servo towards the bird- organic- thing prompting the bird to squawk shrilly and launch itself towards the extended servo. Both sparklings recoiled in fear and ducked behind her legs but this organic was no push over. It continually chased RazorBlade until BombShell grew tired of the chase and transformed her arm in to a very large complex looking ion cannon and blasted the bird to dust.

'That solves one problem.' She thought to herself while RazorBlade purred and rubbed up against her leg much like ravage would do.

'Note to self: keep sparklings away from ravage.'

"Come on you two, we have to find somewhere to rest." BombShell walked off, no general direction in mind just to find something or somewhere they could recharge in peace.

They came across multiple organics, one of which outright tried to attack them, she believed it was referred to as a 'Canis lupus familiaris' or a domestic dog. Two things however evaded them; the humans seemed to be missing in action in this tropical humid environment, and what seemed to be known as cars. Well if they couldn't find technology to transform in to they would find organics.

(Ten years later: current location, Palm Springs, Nevada, year 2001, status: organic, alive.)

They'd survived through it all, they had to adapt and they did. For UNICRONS sake they changed their names to more human like names! BombShell was no longer the tall black and white cybertronian, no instead she was known as Beatrice Shelby Corona she'd scanned multiple organic females to gain what she perceived as the perfect looking organic. She was thin but not anorexic as the humans called it. Full chest, long supple legs, curves in all the right places, softly curled ebony hair, amber optics or eyes as the humans called them were almost red, her skin flawlessly tanned like one of the Hispanic females she had scanned -she even adapted her language components to speak both languages to make it seem authentic- in other words the perfect female specimen for this species. As time passed her cybertronian form became weak with misuse until she was no different than any other common organic. As for RazorBlade and HellRaiser;

RazorBlade was now known as Sera Stiletto Corona by the government. Her name meant burning one in Arabic (she had wanted exotic names for her sparklings to match their exotic heritage.) she appeared to be seven years old in human years her hair was probably the brightest shade of natural red ever, her eyes were still the same color as an autobots optics her visor she didn't have it any more, she was thin with wide hips and slim legs like an hour glass though her legs were scarred from the various scuffles she's gotten in to with her twin. For a sparkling she was very attractive in human standards.

HellRaiser was known as Syria Nova Corona by the government. Her name mean bright, glowing one fitting for her if you ever saw her hair. She like her sister appeared to be seven though she had an heir of maturity and malice around her that made you respects her. Her twin lacked this instead having a more calm care free mischievous heir around herself. Her hair retained the bright yellow color that her original armor had been; her eyes as well retained the light blue color the autobots sported. She was thin (of course.) her hips tapered off to her thin legs full of scratches from scuffles with her sister (which was almost every day.)

What they were doing now you ask? Well apparently the cybertronian race was all fictional, (stupid black hole!). Though BombShell had to admit they didn't skip to many details though this beast wars was slightly disturbing to her. They were currently shopping for action figures of the autobots. Of course they fell for the autobot warrior twins, of all mechs them! They'd even adopted their names. Two guesses to who was who.

"Mom can I get this one, I don't have this sideswipe yet?" Sera asked giving her famous puppy eye expression

"Of course sides, where is your sister?" Beatrice asked

"Right here mom! Can I get this sunstreaker?" Syria asked her face serious as if expecting a yes.

"Of course, little sun." Beatrice ruffled Syria's hair playfully earning a very serious growl.

"Watch the hair." The seven year old looking child growled trying to mimic sunstreakers voice and failing due to the fact that she was a female but she smiled no smirked in good humor.

They'd adapted their mannerisms to mimic those wretched twins, her once innocent, obedient sparklings were now pranksters in the extreme, and incredibly violent towards anyone who decided to annoy them. She remembered their first day of school where Syria or sunny as she liked to be called had broken a boy's hand and pushed him in to a wall for taking her sunstreaker doll, her sister kicked a girls knee and almost shattered it when she dropped her sideswipe doll. Needless to say they were not to be trifled with.

They walked up to the cash register to pay for their items and the twins were bouncing in place waiting excitedly for their new toys. The cashier was watching Beatrice with over interest and apparently took too long for the twin's patience so they just grabbed the toys and ripped the boxes open grabbing the toys and handing the U.P.C codes back to be able to pay for them. The cashier was shocked by the glares he was receiving from both little girls but scanned the codes and gave Beatrice her change. They twin's had already transformed the toys and were running in circles making explosion noises. Oh what would Beatrice give to see the battle scene they were portraying?

Beatrice shook her head and whistled to them, no it wasn't cybertronian but she had seen another human do this and her children came to her so she had them do it as well. They returned to her side and looked up at her their wide eyes full of questions as to why their game had been stopped.

"How about some ice cream girls?" Beatrice asked with a warm smile

They'd had dinner at home already but of course she'd promised they would come to the toy store to buy the toys that were now being cuddled and loved like they were alive and could give love back.

"I scream, you scream, we all scream, its starscream!" they chorused already running across the street to the ice cream parlor.

"I'll take that as a yes." She shook her head and followed them a few feet behind.

She heard the powerful engine before she saw it; a sleek looking black Saleen mustang sped around the corner blaring its horn barreling towards the twins who were frozen in place watching the car come towards them. Acting on instinct alone she rammed in to her daughters and pushed them away from the incoming car.

The car collided with her at an ungodly speed, so fast it literally ran over her crushing all her bones like twigs underneath its massive weight. She didn't feel the snaps but she felt the pain each one caused. She let out a whimper much like and injured dog would when it injuries were touched. She was aware of her sparklings screaming for her to get up. She cursed that her cybertronian form was now just a former version of herself and useless to her.

She opened her eyes and looked in to the streaming faces of her sparklings. They hugged the dolls to their chests as if to help stifle the sobs. Beatrice didn't want them to see her broken and bleeding but apparently the authorities were taking their time. She didn't care for the human that had run her over she only cared for the fate of her sparklings. She groaned and Sera turned to face her with a hopeful expression alerting her twin that she was conscious. Beatrice twitched her fingers in a manner that said come here. They kneeled on either side of her head and watched her.

"Mommy has to go, now." she rasped out coughing out a lung full of blood making the words difficult to understand.

"Mommy, don't go please stay." Syria begged almost unintelligibly

"The doctors will help you just like ratchet does." Sera was trying to convince her to hold on for just a little longer in her own way.

"Be safe, and don't hurt each other." Beatrice forced her broken and battered body up to a sitting position and kissed the tops of their heads and the toys just to be thorough

Black spots clouded her vision and she saw a bright light high above her. Yes now she was entering the matrix. She bid a silent goodbye to her sparklings and let herself drift off in to the bliss that death was. Before she was completely gone she made a promise to herself to return them home, some way, some how!

End prologue:

Tada! So what do you think? Better than the original so far? Review and you shall receive cookies from the twins. (well at least from Sera because we all know Syria cant cook.)