Gothic: my friend wanted me to write this…

DeeDee: *Pouts*You make it sound like it's a chore!

Gothic: I'd rather be writing Shaman King!

DeeDee: Well I'd rather have Ikuto as my boyfriend instead of the one I got so stop complaining!

Gothic: whatever, your helping me write this since I'm better with drama

DeeDee: This is drama! Two people in love until someone comes in-between them and a misunderstanding happens, they meet in a restaurant up with their friends after the break and emotions run high until-

Gothic: *Covers her mouth* Alright, shut up before you give everything away.

I do not own Shugo Chara








Let The Battles Begin...

Kukai sighed as he flipped laid in his bed, bored and depressed. Bored because he had nothing to, depressed because of the reason he was bored. Sure, it's been two weeks but he still couldn't get over his nasty break up with The Hoshina Utau. Won't give details but it involved yelling, accusations and ended in a slap.

The beeping of his cell phone took him out of his thoughts. Shaking his head, Kukai checked to see he had a Text Message.

From: Ikuto

Get ready, we're taking you out, be there in 10

Kukai sighed.

To: Ikuto

We? And I don't feel like going out, another time

Beep! Beep!

From: Ikuto

I'll get your brothers to kick you out then, your depression is getting old

And Nagihiko and Tada-Gay are coming

Kukai couldn't help but chuckle at the last part. Ikuto never liked Tadase.

After thinking about it typed his answer.

Sure, I could use some fun

Sending the reply he started to get ready. He looked through his closet for his jacket and froze.

Utau's sweater. She must have left it here one time when she was over and he forgot to give it back. He sighed and grabbed his jacket and went down stairs.

"Hey, have you guys seen my wallet?" he shouted to his brothers.

"Uh, check on top of the fridge."

It was there, with all his money and…so was her picture.

'The world just loves to hate me' he thought. He starred at the picture before deciding something. He made a quick phone call then went outside to wait.

Fifteen minutes later Ikuto pulled up in his drive way.

"Thought you said you'd be here in ten," He said, climbing in the back with Tadase.

"Sorry, traffic." Ikuto grumbled, backing up.

"Oh, we have to pick someone up on the way."

"Come on Utau, it'll be fun."

"Get lost…"

"Stop mopping and let's go, we'll take your mind off things." Amu pleaded.


"Utau-Chi, stop being stubborn!" Yaya yelled.

Right now Amu, Rima and Yaya were in Utau's room, trying to get her to go out. It's safe to say that nothings worked to far.

"Utau," Rima leaned forward and whispered something in her ear. Immediately she stood up and started looking through her closet.

"Uh, what did you say to her?" Amu sweat dropped.

"Nothing, let's go wait for her down stairs," Rima said calmly heading for the door. As the passed Amu could here Utau muttering things like, "Stupid shrimp…blackmail…back at her…"

Finally when she came down she was wearing a blue shirt the had the top of the sleeves gone so it was a piece of fabric tied from her shoulder to her wrist, a white skirt and black boots that went up to her knees. She had her regular cross necklace on and white sunglasses though it was already getting dark out.

"Let's go, I'll drive."


Ten minutes later they arrived at her fav Karaoke Bar,

It was busy, considering it was a Sunday. When they walked in the manger immediately greeted them.

"Ah, Hoshina-San, it's been awhile, so nice to see you," He was a short black haired man with a beard.

"Yeah I know, think you can get me a table for me and my friends?" Utau asked.

"Yes, right this way." he lead them a table in a corner that had a blue light hanging over them. It was a pretty big table for just three people. It looked like it could sit ten people.

"Why did you come here Utau?" Amu asked, looking around. She'd never been here before.

"It's the only place that doesn't let the paparazzi in, I can hang out without it being such a big deal." Utau sighed, taking off her glasses.

"I thought you said your not going to hide from your fans anymore?" Amu asked her.

"Yes, my fans, the press are just annoying people that twist your words and give you no privacy." Amu sweat dropped.

Rima was looking at a Menu when she noticed the name of the place.

"Hoshi Hana Uta?" She looked at Utau, who shrugged.

"I would sing here before I started singing for Easter. So when I became famous the manager asked if he could re-name the place after me, no big deal." she said. "Oi, Waiter," she called to someone passing by.

"Now what!" he was kinda cut, dark, emo-cut brown hair bright blue eyes. He sounded like a jerk but the way he smiled at Utau gave the other two a feeling they knew each other.

"Don't, 'Now what' me, get me coke and Nacho's," she turned to the others. "What about you guys?"

"Yaya will have the same!"

"Root Beer and fries," Rima said.

"Um, I'll-I'll have a coke too," Amu said. "And, um some-some uh-"

"Ramen. Salt. Noodles extra firm. Extra back fat. Topping: seasoned egg." Utau interrupted. "Make that two orders."

"Huh? Utau-"

"Three cokes, a Root Beer, two Nacho's, fries, and the Regular Pop Star Raman," The guy repeated. "Hard to believe that you used to be a model-OW!" he winced as Utau threw her sunglasses at him. "I'm keeping these!" he called over his shoulder, walking away.

"Who was that?" Amu asked Utau when he was gone.

"Him? That's Josh, he's from America. He's been working here since he was sixteen I think," Utau said, not really caring.

"How old is he now?"


"Huh, cute and older," Rima said but Utau shook her head.

"Yeah right, he's a jerk, idiot, loser and the worst play boy I've ever seen."

"Yeah, love you to Sis," they all jumped and looked up to see Ikuto standing there with Nagihiko, Tadase and the last tow people Utau wanted to see. Kukai and Saaya.

"I was talking bout the waiter not you," she said, not looking at Kukai.

"Oh, you mean Josh? He's alright," Ikuto sat beside Amu, putting his arm around her shoulders.

"W-What do you think your doing?" she stammered.

"Sitting, I'm tired. It's no problem, right Utau?" he asked her. She glared at him before turning it onto Kukai.

"Sure, just keep him away from me." she said icily.

"Nice to see you too," he said before sitting down beside Yaya.

So this is how the seating went. It was a round table so it went Utau, Amu, Ikuto, Rima, Nagihiko, Yaya, Tadase, Saaya ending with Kukai sitting across from Utau. Both refused to look at each other. It was an awkward silence.

"So here's your order, Ikuto, I saw you come in and warned the staff that you and your friends have arrived." Josh had come with the girls orders.

"Why did you have to warn them?" Nagihiko asked him.

"Because nine times out of ten when both Utau and Ikuto are here, something goes wrong." he took the guys orders and left.

"I want my sunglasses back!" Utau called after him.

"Yeah right, on E-Bay these a worth more the three of my pay checks put together," Josh waved them in the air.

"Sounds like the guy likes you Utau," Kukai commented.

"And if he does?" Utau challenged.

"Nothing," he said before turning to the others. "So, who wants to try out at Karaoke?"

"I'll give it a shot," Nagihiko said.

"Great, now my ears will bleed," Rima muttered.

"Be nice," Nagi sweat dropped.

He went over to the D.J to pick a song. Since he was in a bright light you could see what he was wearing. Black jeans with a white dress shirt and a black vest over.

(Just The Girl by Click Five)

She's cold and she's cruel

But she knows what she's doin'

She pushed me in the pool At our last school reunion S

he laughs at my dreams

But I dream about her laughter

Strange as it seems She's the one I'm after

Everyone at the table turned to stare at Rima, whose face was more then a little red.

"What!" she snapped at them making them sweat drop.

Cause she's bittersweet

She knocks me off of my feet

And I can't help myself

I don't want anyone else

She's a mystery

She's too much for me

But I keep comin' back for more

She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

She can't keep a secret For more than an hour

She runs on 100 proof attitude power

And the more she ignores me

The more I adore her

What can I do? I'd do anything for her

Nagihiko looked towards Rima who pointedly looked away and he couldn't help but chuckle.

Cause she's bittersweet

She knocks me off of my feet

And I can't help myself

I don't want anyone else

She's a mystery

She's too much for me

But I keep comin' back for more

She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

The way she sees it's me

On her caller ID She won't pick up the phone

She'd rather be alone

But I can't give up just yet

Cause every word she's ever said

Is still ringin' in my head

Still ringin' in my head

She's cold and she's cruel

But she knows what she's doin'

Knows just what to say

So my whole day is ruined

Cause she's bittersweet

She knocks me off of my feet

And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else

She's a mystery

She's too much for me

But I keep comin' back for more

Cause she's bittersweet

She knocks me off of my feet

And I can't help myself

I don't want anyone else

She's a mystery

She's too much for me

But I keep comin' back for more

Oh, I keep comin' back for more

She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

Just the girl I'm lookin' for

I'm lookin' for I'm lookin' for

I'm lookin' for

Just the girl I'm lookin' for

Everyone clapped as Nagihiko finished. He took a bow before walking back over.

"So, what do you think?" he asked.

"I think shrimp here is going to commit murder," Ikuto laughed.

Nagihiko looked at Rima, whose face was red.

"Can't keep a secret, huh?" She asked. Nagi had a bad feeling about this. Kukai and Tadase exchanged a look. 'uh oh'

"Amu did you know that Nagihiko is-" she started but Josh came over with the guys food and drinks. Nagihiko sighed in relief.

"You sure you can eat all that Amu?" Ikuto asked her when he noticed her order. She glared.

"Blame your sister she ordered it for me."

"Your too skinny, get some meat on those bones," Utau smirked. She had already finished her Ramen and was eating the Nacho's.

"Not everyone can eat as much as you Utau," Josh laughed before going to the next table. "Be careful or your weight will-" he had to duck as she threw Amu's Ramen at him.

"Jerk," she muttered. Meanwhile, Kukai was watching their exchange with narrowed eyes.

"You two seem to be close," he said.

Utau glanced at him before smirking. "And if we are? You shouldn't care. By the way, how long did you wait to ask Saaya out? Was it before, or after you two-"

"Let's go check out the games," Standing, Kukai grabbed Saaya's hand and they went over to where the Pool Table and arcade games were.

"Utau, I really think you two should talk," Tadase told her. She just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, because it went so well last time." she said sarcastically.

"Utau-Chan can't you-" Nagihiko started but he was distracted by the person who was now on stage. Kukai.

(Getting Over You, Click Five)

I found your picture in my wallet

Still got your sweater in my closet

I'll bring 'em by, maybe tonight

And people asking how I'm doing

But every question still has you in

I say I'm fine

And I never think about you

But you're always on my mind

I'm getting over you, whoa

I'm getting over you, most of the time

If I say it like I mean it

Then maybe I'll believe it Like it's true

I'm getting over you

Been playing all the songs you hated

I called the girl I almost dated

She's not the one

But I'm having fun

And I'm better off without you

And I think it's what I want

I'm getting over you, whoa

I'm getting over you, most of the time

If I say it like I mean it

Then maybe I'll believe it Like it's true

I'm getting over you

Even if it takes forever

I'll get my shit together

I've been doing so much better

I'm getting over you

I'm getting over you

I'm getting over you, (I'm getting over you) whoa

I'm getting over you, most of the time

If I say it like I mean it

Then maybe I'll believe it Like it's true

I'm getting over you, (I'm getting over you) whoa

I'm getting over you, most of the time

If I say it like I mean it

Then maybe I'll believe it Like it's true

I'm getting over you I'm getting over you

'Yikes' was the only thought everyone had as they looked at Utau. But she was already standing and walking over to the D.J she went on stage and everyone turned to listen to her. She sent a glare towards where Kukai was standing with Saaya, who was oblivious to everything going on. she just kept hanging onto to Kukai's arm, grinning like an idiot.

(Everything Back But You, Avril Lavigne)

Today was the worst day, I went through hell

I wish I could remove it from my mind

Two months away from you but I couldn't tell

I thought that everything was gonna be just fine

The postcard that you wrote with a stupid little note

Something wasn't quite right about it

It smelt like cheap perfume and it didn't smell like you

There is no way you can get around it

Because you wrote

I wish you were her

You left out the "E"

You left without me

And now you're somewhere out there with a

Bitch slut psycho babe

I hate you why are guys so lame

Everything I gave you I want everything back but you

My friends tried to tell me all along

That you weren't the right one for me

My friends tried to tell me to be strong

I bet you didn't think that I would see

The postcard that you wrote with a stupid little note

Something wasn't quite right about it

I wanna see you cry like I did a thousand times

Yeah you're losing me, you're losing me now

Because you wrote

The postcard that you wrote with a stupid little note

Something wasn't quite right about it

It smelt like cheap perfume and it didn't smell like you

There is no way you can get around it

Because you wrote

I wish you were her

You left out the "E"

You left without me

Everything back but you

I wish you were her

You left out the "E"

You left without me

Everything back but you

This was going to be a long night…