Chapter VI: Casual Chatting and New Plans

Author's Note: Well, I'm not going to lie; it's just not in my nature to deceive you all. I've been busy with school and stress has been an annoyance and I will explain in the bottom Author's Note, but anyways on to important things. First off, I would like to say, that I hoped you all had a wonderful December Holidays, a fantastic New Year, a loving Valentine's Day, and a lucky St. Patrick's Day. Secondly, I feel like a major douche for not updating in so long, but the next installment of Undeniable is here! It's going to be picking up how Edward feels about Imprinting. Sit a while and I hope you enjoy this chapter, I promise you it's a good one and so will be the next one when I straighten out my life and find some more inspiration.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything involving the twilight world or its characters. All of that good sh-tuff belongs to Stephanie Meyer, one really lucky author.

Inspired by Umbrella by Rihanna because it makes me happy . I'm so cheesy, so I love things that are about love for eternity because I'm a love-obsessed teen…

Now that it's rainin' more than ever

Know that we'll still have each other

You can stay under my Umbrella

Edward's POV

It had seemed that time no longer seemed an important detail in my mind. It all seemed to blur between the moment of sitting on the roof realizing this new need to see Jacob and what I was doing now. I was running, no, sprinting to the treaty line, knowing that I would cross it with or without permission. I would take the risk to find out what or why this gnawing feeling of need was in me.

I never seemed to pay much attention to Jacob before, well, about a week ago. However, now, I was desperate to see him, to understand what was happening. As I reached the treaty line, I could smell a disgusting odor. This smell was like the rotting of fruit and eroding metal (1). As I looked through the trees I could see a pair of eyes that belonged to a massive black wolf. His scent was nothing compared to the nice musty forest scent of Jacob.

'Why are you here? You're not allowed to be on our land, remember leech?"

I took an unnecessary breath as I began to walk closer to the imaginary line. "I'm here to…um…because I want to…." I scrambled for the right words but nothing was coming to my mind.

"Want to what exactly? Don't start bullshitting to me; just say why you're here."

"I want to see Jacob." I said in one quick huff that blurted out of my mouth.

The black furred creature seemed extremely reluctant at my response. He stared at me for a good minute before coming to a conclusion. "You can go but don't make me regret this decision. If you hurt him or anyone else for that matter, you'll be dead."

"Thank you, Sam. I'd rather be dead than hurt anyone ever again. I do appreciate this exception."

"Please don't hurt him lee—Edward. He's been through a lot." I looked at him briefly and couldn't help but to give a reassuring smile. I felt a tingle as I stepped over the treaty line. I could only think of 'forbidden' as I passed over the boundary. I raised my hand to wave off the big black wolf and ran at inhuman speed toward his house. Even though I had no idea which one was his, I followed his strangely addicting scent.

I slipped in through his bedroom window which was strangely unlocked. 'Doesn't anybody lock these things anymore?' I thought as I closed it and took the time to look around. The room was small and modest. I walked around glancing at a few pictures in frames and looked at the few knick-knacks that lay about.

I could hear down the hall the conversation going on between Jacob and his father, Billy. I took off my shoes slowly and decided to sit on the bed with my legs crossed. Mentally, I prepared myself. I had to have a serious talk with Jacob. As the conversation in what I assumed was the kitchen came to end I heard the shuffling sound of Jake getting closer. If I was human I would have started to sweat from the extreme feelings of nervousness that slid through my spine. It felt beyond surreal.

As the door knob began to turn, the powerful emotion intensified even more so. Jacob stood in the door's frame, completely shocked I was here. His eyes had widened no doubt to me breaking into his room.

"What are you doing here?"

I let out a sigh. I couldn't help but to feel hurt, and feel slightly agitated. Maybe that kiss was as much of a slip for him as me. I tensed on the inside at that thought as I tried to regain my slight tilt of composure and put on the mask I had perfected after so many years. "Hi to you too, maybe you know the reason why?" I jested.

"Okay, I'm sorry I get it." He said annoyed that I would bring up what I had only heard moments before. What was Billy talking about? Natural curiosity of a vampire only left me at wondering what the san hell was imprinting.

I couldn't help but grin at him for a moment but persisted anyways. "You still didn't answer me" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me with annoyance in my tone quite obvious.

"Wow you have some fast mood swings"

"Not funny"

"I don't really have an answer though." he muttered that I had to slightly strain myself to hear it.

"Don't lie to me Jacob." I said abruptly. In some sort of moment at hearing his response I couldn't help to snap at his reluctance to fill me in. If he was concerned about what had happened why is he so afraid to tell me. Maybe….Maybe it wouldn't be that bad? "It's sad that you would despite the fact that as we speak I can read your mind as well as a lot of other people's."

"God, he's on my ass today and not in the good way."

"Ignoring that comment and continuing, so tell me Jacob" I hesitated; I would just have to be direct with this. "What's imprinting?"

"It's what fucked up my life apparently." he murmured before letting out a sigh. Somewhere in my dead heart I could feel a small ping that lowered my spirits a little.

Taking advantage of the mind reading abilities he decided to think instead of talk to me. He told me how he couldn't live without me and it was a sort of force that pulled him to me and vice versa. Although most interesting, he thought about how I had control over this. He could be a friend, a brother, a protector, or a lover.

"Oh…" I responded in a habitual sort of way.

"Ha, strange how his 'sister' responded the same way."

"What was that? Who did you tell before me?" I clenched my hands into fists somewhat upset by it.

"Um…Alice" he whispered as he took a seat next to me. If he told Alice about it then why was she angry. She had no right, it didn't even involve her. I mentally sighed and decided to change this topic.

"So…I have control of this?" I asked. He slowly nodded his head and then proceeded to speak.

"Yeah you make it what you want it to be, just don't leave me please." He begged. I did a quick glance to see that he had unintentional puppy dog eyes.

I had to choose? I couldn't just send him away. He was already physically sick from not seeing me, I can't even imagine what would happen if I rejected the imprint at all. Then there was Bella too. We were meant to find each other and I thought I'd marry her soon but I'm not sure anymore really. I felt so conflicted.

"He doesn't want anything to do with me." Jacob's thoughts interrupted my own thoughts.

"That's not true" I whispered. "I wouldn't be here if it was." I didn't realize I had but my hand found itself comfortable on his shoulder. The warm temperature felt good and I couldn't help but to feel like it belonged there. "I just think we should be friends Jake because I'm with Bella and I don't know where this will go. I'm just…" I didn't finish the sentence. The finishing of that sentence was that I was, well, afraid. Fear not out of what people thought or this situation but, somewhere I felt something for Jacob but somewhere I knew I still loved Bella. Even though I don't know what exactly how much I loved her.

"I understand, Edward. Anyways want a strawberry or something from the plate?" He sat there with a complete look of regret and feeling stupid. "Sorry…don't eat…forgot…" he rambled blurting out only pieces. He was completely embarrassed by the situation.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a strawberry out of the plate and bit into it. The juice slightly escaped onto my lips and I could feel lingering eyes on them. As I glanced up, I couldn't help to chuckle as saw Jacob turning a pink color. "Just because I'm a vampire doesn't mean that I can't eat food. It just doesn't taste good." A grin spread thick across my face.

Time disappeared like the illusion it is and before I knew it a few good hours had passed in casual chatting. It was 10:20 AM and Jacob and I had moved to the Kitchen to cook more food. It seemed that his appetite had started to grow back since I had got here which was a good thing.

His father had left before he even had a chance to see or talk to me. I assumed that he disappeared in order to give me and Jacob some time alone to talk. Jacob noticed my concern for where his father was and filled me in that he was probably down the street at Sue Clearwater's. Jacob then prompted to sit down at the table with yet another plate of pancakes. However, this time, they had chocolate chips cooked within them. (2)

"Wow How many Pancakes are you going to eat? That's your fifth plate in the last hour." I couldn't believe how many pancakes he was scarfing down.

"Shut up Edward. I love my pancakes." He stuck out his tongue.

"Do you even chew them?" I replied with a smirk.

He was quiet at first. He looked up from his plate and gave me a look that said 'You're an Ass' then replied. "Maybe, but at least I eat."

As the silence intesified, although never growing awkward, Jacob began to mull something over. His teeth grazed over his bottom lip as he stared back at his plate. Pushing pieces of pancake around the plate.

"So…I'm not really sure how to ask this but," He looked up from his plate. His dark chocolate eyes lingered on me as he started to fidget nervously. "Do you like, want to do something today? You know, like get to know each other and just hang out" He stumbled through the sentence.

"Well we are hanging out now technically but I'm up for it. What did you have in mind?" His dark features began to turn red as blood rushed to his face. He obviously hadn't thought this completely through. I couldn't help but to fight the small smile that bubbled its way up at the mere situation.

"Well, we could go see a movie or something in Port Angeles." He nervously rubbed the side of his neck. His muscles tensing more as the seconds went by.

"That sounds like a great idea, actually." I smiled at him. Everything was just so natural with Jacob, even though our situation isn't one I would have opted for. Aside from the immortal enemies, I was almost…excited to do something normal with him. "We can go now if you want. What movie did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking Black Swan; I've wanted to see it for a month or so now." (3) My smile couldn't have grown wider and in a matter of minutes we were out the door.

Number Notes:

You know like that smelly smell that smells smelly (lol). Like if you have one of those suck cafeteria tables and scratch it with a coin or something and it smells like zinc. Its really gross..

I just wanted to say I love Chocolate Chip Pancakes…they are so good :P

I know time frame doesn't make sense for Black Swan to be in theaters in the spring season, but I'm taking liberties so…yeah, I just really loved that movie lol

Author's Note: So I think I'm going to end it there just because I wanted to have something I can easily go into when I update again. If I get too stuck there won't be anything at all. So the reason I was pretty much dead from writing was simply no inspiration. I was completely unmotivated in everything. In fact I might end up going to Summer School because I dropped so far below in classes. Now, ironically enough I haven't gotten any better, even after therapy, after telling one of my parents my sexual orientation (something which was extremely hard to tell a highly religious person). Not to mention on top of that, I was the first one that found out that the guy I'm in love with (not even a crush, its far stronger) is dating my friend, and now I have to watch them every day. So now the only thing that is making me feel better is writing, and I hope it'll keep me going enough till I graduate. I doubt it though, after my mother said I was "confused"….I hate my life :/ I'll try to update by next week if I have time. I love you all :)