Okay, here we go, chapter 5, the final chapter of this story, haha, I hope it's good, lemme know what you think please :) I have ideas for new stories as well, just got to find a computer that will let me post them lol, but dum dum, here we go.

Also just going to warn,

This chapter is rated M.

I don't think that it is really very terrible, but it might not suit all readers, I just wanted to throw it out there, it has language and some what detailed scenes, so if you're not of age, you most likely shouldn't read, but if you chose to, I warned you.

I do not own Naruto

Although, I often wonder if ramen does, hmmm?


Home Sweet... Home...

Sasuke stared at his ceiling later that night. It was around 4 in the morning and he still had not been able to fall asleep. He had roamed through the hallways a couple of times already. He sat on the floor, outside of Sakura's very door way, and he watched Sakura as she slept beautifully for a few moments, he tried to time his breathing with hers, calming himself to try and fall asleep, but he still couldn't make himself rest.

Something about being back had made him on edge. He had barely slept any of the three almost four months he had been back. Snake eyes always stared at him, waking him from his dreams, reminding him of something he had been trying to forget. And his mark burned, everyday he thought his skin would catch fire. Or he thought when he looked at it some days, it would be charred, as if flame had caught it during the day, burning away his flesh and leaving nothing but black scorched skin in its wake.

He continued to stare at the ceiling, wondering where Itatchi was, where Orochimaru was, and whether his mark burned because the snake man was still trying to call Sasuke to him. Maybe Orochimaru still needed him. Something inside of Sasuke was restless. It would not be calmed or broken. No matter how hard the man tried or wished it. Peace would not come to him.

Sakura woke. Her breathing was rushed again, her heart pounded, her ears rang with the rushing blood. That man, she could never get that man out of her head. She was dreaming of Sasuke again. Dreaming of him pressing his soft lips against hers. She heard him whisper that he loved her in her dreams, it was like she had almost even felt his hands pressed against her skin, feeling every curve of her body. She wished that he could see her like that. She wanted a future with him so badly.

All she wanted was to be with him. She saw that he was letting her in emotionally, she wanted him to let her in the whole way. But she could not get these thoughts out of her head. They just kept swimming around, she imagined them doing everything together, cooking, cleaning, going on missions together. She imagined they'd be married someday, she held the perfect picture of how he would propose.

She knew it would happen. It would just take time. But as these tame fantasies ran through her mind, others would follow in their tracks. After the perfect wedding she would imagine how he would carry her to his bed later in the day, how she wished he would kiss her so softly, making her skin spark every time his fingers ran across her flesh. She saw how he would take off her beautiful white dress, how he would look at her when he saw all of her. It would be something beautiful, something romantic. Her mind told her that he could be like that. That he could be gentle and amazing. She knew, somehow, that he could be.

As she laid there, attempting to rid herself of these thoughts, something felt wrong. Like static ran through the air, and blew into her veins, making her feel nervous and afraid. She didn't know what it was, but she could feel it. Something was terribly, terribly wrong. She jumped out of her bed and ran to her mother's room. But when she threw open the door, she found her mother sleeping peacefully in her bed. Nothing was wrong with her mother.

Sakura walked towards her own room, wondering why it felt like static was shooting through her. She pondered it as she walked, feeling tension growing in her being. She noticed Sasuke's doorway was slightly ajar, so taking it upon herself to make sure every one in the household was fine before she decided she was just as crazy as her mother, Sakura changed direction. Walking only a few short steps to the man's room.

"Sasuke," The girl whispered, wondering if the raven haired man would be awake, wondering if he also felt the static coursing through the mostly calm house. She pushed open the door farther, stepping into the darkness of the room. "Sasuke," she spoke his name again.

Nothing answered her, and she was blind in the darkness, a feeling of dread pulled at her insides, it didn't feel like anyone was in the room with her. She reached out with her chakra, feeling for his presence, since she was blind with her eyes.

But she could not feel him in the room. Panic now ran into the girl's veins, she quickly widened her search, extending it to the entire house. She felt him, it was the presence she knew, but it was masked and dim, but she felt it. She almost flew down the stairs, practically tripping over her own, now heavy, feet.

"Sasuke?" The girl said into the darkness of the living room, she still could not see, the house was so dark, and being in the middle of the night, the faint glow of the moon reflecting off the ivory snow was all she could see through the large windows in the room.

She heard footsteps that weren't hers. "Sasuke," She repeated again. Knowing her own house she stepped some forward, and turned a table lamp on, hurting her own green eyes. After they adjusted she looked up, and saw the black haired man standing, staring into her face. "What are you doing?" she asked. She felt almost naked standing in front of him, with simply short shorts on and a tank top.

Sasuke didn't answer. His obsidian eyes met her jade ones, and then, something clicked. He had a pack on his back, and she saw her own weapons tied to his thigh. He was wearing that gray jacket, the one that fit him so well. The girl's heart ran up her throat. They simply stared at each other for some minutes.

"You're leaving again aren't you?" Her voice was small and wavering. And her jade eyes cast themselves down onto the floor. She felt his obsidian eyes fall onto her face.

She saw him nod in her peripheral vision. "I-i had to see you one last time" The Uchiha said quietly. His voice was low, and no matter how beautiful it truly was, it didn't make the pain any easier.

"But this is your home Sasuke, you belong here with me..." Sakura's stated, tears gathering in her pretty jade eyes. "This is your home Sasuke..." She said it in the utmost belief and resignation. She lifted her eyes to look at his face.

He stayed silent, watching her eyes accuse him of the crime of betrayal. "When did I tell you that Sakura?" he said it quietly. His voice remained low, and even, not letting her anger bother him.

Her pink eye brows furrowed, "You didn't have to tell me, Sasuke... you just do! You belong here, Kohana is your home, this is home Sasuke... y-"

"No." his even voice cut her off. "This cannot be my home. Sakura my home was destroyed. And I have to kill Itatchi for that. This can never be my home Sakura. I don't belong here." he turned his eyes away from her, it killed him inside to see her in such obvious pain.

"But I love you Sasuke... I need you... y-you don't understand how much!" The man's black eyes widened, snapping back up to look at her face. But he then turned from her, facing the door that would take him away from her. She ran up to him, her hands and fingers tightened into fists. "You bastard!" she screamed, hitting his back with her closed fists.

"You're just like him! You're just like my damn father!"

In an instant Sasuke had Sakura's fists in his hands, and he backed her into one of the walls, pinning her against it. "What?" he asked her quietly, his words whispered air against her skin, making her heart jump in her chest, and explosion of different feelings broke out over her, she struggled to keep her anger at the same level.

"You're exactly like my father," she spit the words in his face, "My father is not actually dead," Sakura seethed, glaring her pretty eyes out on the raven haired man who had her pinned against the wall. "He left my mother after he found out she was pregnant with me. He told her that this place would never be home to him. He told her that she would never be home to him and then he left. He left her! When I was in her fucking stomach!" the girl's green eyes burned holes into Sasuke's black ones.

"If you want to leave, go ahead and fucking leave." She said again spitting the words in his face. Her mouth was set in a straight line, her brows arched, wrinkling her normally smooth face in anger. Hurt and pain welled deep within her, she felt betrayed by him. "Go ahead and fucking leave." She repeated her venom.


"Just fucking go Sasuke." She said struggling in his grasp, trying to pull herself away from him, to quickly attempt to pull her pieces together before he could hurt her anymore. He backed a step away from her, and she went to move away from him, but before she knew what was going on, he had slammed her back into the wall, knocking the breath out of her, and as her gasp left her lips, it was muffled by Sasuke's mouth, that was pressed against hers.

The man took the opportunity to slide his tongue into Sakura's mouth when she gasped, he let his tongue feel around her mouth, and the taste of her was amazing. At first she was shocked, but after a moment or two, she let her own tongue explore his mouth, and when Sasuke felt this, he let go of her hands. Sakura wrapped her arms up around his neck as his hands found her waist, pulling her body even closer to his. He pushed his knee in between the girl's legs, his jeans scratched her skin, as he kissed her harder.

They continued to kiss, every passing moment made the fire in them burn brighter, their skin tingled and when their flesh touched, though only through their hands, it felt like they were being burnt. Sasuke let his fingers go only a few inches under Sakura's cami, but the small touch made her heart beat faster and faster.

"Sakura," Sasuke said, she felt him take his hands from her hips and her skin immediately started to itch for his hands to touch her again. He gently kissed her, "give me your hand," she felt his lips against her lips as he said this, and she had no idea why he wanted her hand, but she wanted him, and a part of her was dying for him, so she only partially released her hold on him, kissing him as he took her hand in his larger ones.

Immediately she felt a sharp pain in her palm, a scream was coming from down in her throat but Sasuke pressed his lips even harder against hers, as if he simply swallowed her scream into his very being. She felt warmth blossom to the spot where the searing pain had just been, and the man pulled back from her, just enough, to where she was still pinned between his warm, think body, and the cold wall behind her. But she looked down, and saw that the warmth that blossomed from her hand was her own red blood.

Her pink eyebrows furrowed again, and she looked up at him, wondering why he had cut her hand open, and as she watched, he took his own hand and buried the blade into his flesh for a second, sprouting his own blossom of blood. Then he took their hands and laced their fingers together, letting their blood mix, and he leaned into her and met her lips again.

He pulled only a fraction away from her, and when he whispered to her, she felt his breath against her face and his lips were close enough to hers that they grazed each other just barely as he spoke. "You will always be mine," Sasuke's voice was low and deep. His beautiful voice whispered those beautiful words to the girl, making her heart skip a beat, and he smirked to himself, feeling how much her small heart fluttered when he was near.

"You will always be mine." He said it again, just to feel her heart jump in her chest. "I made sure this time," he met her lips once more, furiously kissing her, tasting her, and feeling her body heat, and her body up against him. "I'm sorry" he said pulling away for the last time. And then, he simply vanished.

There was an empty space in her arms, like she was holding air, and then she ran to the door, throwing it open. Snow blew into her face, temporarily blinding the pink haired girl. It was still dark, the ivory snow and the shadows seemed to blend together, creating outlines of many people who weren't really there. Sakura sighed because she knew that Sasuke now would be somewhere out there in this blizzard.

The cold blanketed her skin, as she stepped out into it for a moment, looking for the raven haired man that owned her heart. "Sasuke," she yelled into the early morning darkness. There was no more of a response than the wind howling, throwing the small snowflakes around.

She stepped inside the house once more, tears burning in her jade eyes, leaving tracks running down her cheeks. He was gone from her again, she leaned against the door, and slid down, curling her long legs up to her chest. Her heart was breaking as she sat there and cried.

His scent was still on her skin, and she could still taste him on her tongue. Her hands curled into fists, frustrated that she couldn't keep the only person in the world she wanted with her.

"Ow," the pink haired said there was a pain in her palm. She looked down at it and saw an already healed, but still painful scar, in the distorted shape of the Uchiha fan. A small smile broke out on Sakura's lips as more tears ran down her face. "I will always be yours," she whispered, holding the scarred hand close to her heart.

Okay :) that was totally the last chapter, woot woot, lol. And sorry that it kinda took a more M rated approach at the end, that's just what came out when I wrote it lol. But I hoped that was shi pow shibang finale for you please please tell me what you think, I want to know!

Lol and thank you all who have read this, I appreciate your time and I hope you believe it was time well spent, lol. Leave a review please :}

Peace everyone,
