As their eyes locked, neither one of them heard the front door slam downstairs. He reached up and touched her cheek lightly.

"Zim…" she protested weakly.

He ignored her whisper, and put a finger lightly to her lips. "Shhh…" He leaned in a little closer, and whispered to her. "For once, just let it go." And she did. The next second, their lips touched. The kiss was light at first. He slid his tongue into her mouth, and the contact deepened. She reacted, and then wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing herself to be pulled back on the bed with him. They broke away to breathe, but she pounced on him again before he had time to stop her, though he wouldn't have. It all came together now. She loved him. She always had, and she knew that he felt the same way, too. He pulled her tighter to her, and they didn't say another word.

Coming up the stairs, Dib heard nothing from Gaz's room, which he thought was odd, since he knew she was supposed to have some lab partner come over tonight. Seeing her door cracked open, he took a peek in, and was rendered speechless at what he saw.

"No…" he whispered. There, locked in a kiss with his little sister, was his mortal enemy. The alien that had infiltrated his planet, his school, and now his house. He watched in disgust as she reached up and put her arms around his neck, and was pulled on top of him. "Noooooo!" he screamed, flinging the door open. Zim jumped up, and Gaz gasped.

"Get. Out." Dib's tone was pure hatred.

"Wait, Dib I-" Zim was cut off by a stunning blow to his left eye. He jumped up and hit Dib in the stomach, only to be hit again by another punch to his jawline.

"Get the fuck out of my house." Gaz should have been scared of her brother's tone. It was so flat and cold, like nothing she'd ever heard. But instead, she was angry. As she fell to knees at the Irken's side, she spoke to her with a voice trembling in rage, not fear.

"God damn it Dib! What is wrong with you?! Don't you get it? I'm not a little girl anymore! We're not kids! You can't just run around hating people because you think they're aliens or something! You are sick! There is something wrong with you, and there always has been! Just give up already!

"You've always hated Zim, ever since he came here, and it's time to grow up. There's nothing wrong with him. He's just like the rest of us, no matter what he looks like. He's got feelings, emotions, and now he's got love!" Gaz's tone became pleading. "Just leave him alone, Dib."

Dib looked at his sister with a confused look on his face. As he looked back and forth from Gaz to Zim, it became too much to bear. He flew out of the room, and down the stairs, slamming the front door behind him.

A single tear fell from Gaz's eye, but she brushed it away, turning her attention to Zim.

"Oh Jesus, are you okay?" she murmured. A trial of blood ran from his mouth.

"I think so…" he reached a hand up to the blood at his mouth, and wiped it with his hand. Bringing it down, he stopped in front of his face. "Red?" he puzzled.

Gaz have him a lightly worried look. "Yes, red. The color of most blood… Are you sure you're okay?"

Zim looked at his hand in wonder. "It's red…" Suddenly, he pulled Gaz into another kiss.

She pulled away after a moment, with a look on her face that was hard to read. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," he grinned. "For the first time, nothing…" He stared into eyes that were wide with concern, and leaned over to kiss her again. She pulled him to her, and they kissed again.