Disclaimer: I don't own Degrassi! I own my story.

A/N: Ah, the last chapter :/ But like I said, I might post a short sequel following after this story, but anyway. I might want to clear something before you start reading. This chapter starts the next day, after Eli and Clare totally smooched. Be prepared! Read, review, and enjoy!

This story was suggested by Eclarelover1278D.


Summary: You know what sucks? High school. You know what sucks more? Having a crush on your new best friend. You know what sucks more than that? Finding his girlfriend kissing my boyfriend...

Chapter 8-

"Okay so, I'll come pick you up in a few hours. Then I'll come and get Julia, then we'll wait for KC at the Dot." Eli said as he shoved his books into his messy locker. Clare slowly twisted her combination in and she opened her locker, staring blankly inside her locker. Eli said, "Clare."

She looked over at him and blinked a few times saying, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said that I'll come pick you up in a few hours, then I'll go pick Julia up, and then wait for KC at the Dot." Eli repeated. Clare nodded and she placed her books into her locker. She said, "My mom is coming to pick me up today. I'll see you later okay?" Clare smiled at Eli and he watched her leave through the doors. Eli felt a pair of arms around his waist and he turned around, finding Julia smiling up at him.

"What time are you picking me up?" Julia asked, moving around to stand in front of him. Eli said, "Well I'm picking Clare up around four thirty, so I'll be be your house around four fourty five." Julia nodded and she got up on her tip toes to kiss his lips. She said, "My parents are coming to pick me up. I'll see you later okay?"

Eli frowned and nodded. He sighed, realizing those were the same words Clare had spoken to him. Eli raked his fingers through his hair in slight frustration. He walked out of the school and headed to the parking lot where Morty sat. Eli unlocked the door to the driver's side and he climbed in.

He cranked the ignition on and pulled out of the parking lot. Eli reached over and he turned his music on, blasting loud heavy metal music. He drove quickly to his place and parked in the driveway once he arrived. Eli climbed out and he walked to the front door, twisting the nob. He sighed in relief when it was unlocked, meaning that one of his parents are home.

Not bothering to greet them, Eli walked to his room. He opened the door, and walked straight to his dresser. Eli grabbed a pair of denim skinny jeans, a long sleeve black t-shirt. He pealed his clothes off and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Eli turned the shower on, and stepped inside once it was warm enough. He let the water soak his hair, and body, and Eli sighed, enjoying the warmth of the water on his skin. He washed his hair, and body, and stepped out once he was clean. Steam filled his small bathroom. He wrapped a towel around his waist, and he reached up to his mirror, wiping the condensation off his mirror.

Eli stared at himself in the mirror, then shook his head, flinging water everywhere, and his hair stood up in every direction. He sighed walked back to his room. Eli let the towel fall from his waist, and he slipped his pants on, then his shirt. Eli grabbed the towel from the floor, and rubbed it in his hair, damping it.

"Bzz, bzz, bzz."

Eli grabbed his phone from the pocket of his other pants and flipped it open, reading the text.

What color shirt should I wear? Red or blue?

Eli laughed and he quickly texted her back. He walked to the bathroom and brushed his hair, then opened his phone receiving a text from Clare.

Very funny Elijah :P Now seriously, blue or red?

Eli pressed his lips to a line and he dialed her number. He walked to his bed and laid back on it, waiting for Clare to pick up.


"I still think you should just go in a black shirt, or half naked it doesn't really matter."

"It does too Eli! Blue or red. I like the red one best."

"What does the red one look like?" Eli asked, getting a little annoyed that Clare refused to wear black, or go walk around half naked.

"It's a love sleeve sweater shirt."

"What does the blue one look like?"

"It's a lacy tank top."

"The blue one." Eli responded quickly.

"Geez Eli, don't think about your answer okay?" Clare laughed on the other line.

"What you asked for my opinion, I gave it to you. So, the blue one." Eli said. Clare giggled again, and she said, "Okay, what about pants? Should I wear the ones you adore so much, or a skirt? I want too look really cute tonight."

"Who are you wanting to look cute for?"

Eli felt the rate of his heart begin to increase when he didn't hear a response from Clare. She said, "Well... nobody specifically. I just you know. Want to look cute." Eli smirked, knowing that Clare is blushing right now.

"Okay Blue Eyes. I say some jeans, and I have to go. I got a few things to do before I come and pick you up." Eli stated as he got up and walked out of his room. Clare said, "Okay. I'll see you in a little bit."

The line went dead and Eli closed his phone. He walked into the kitchen, and was greeted by his mother. She said, "Oh, Eli... I didn't hear you walk in... when did you walk in?" Eli looked towards the clock and said, "Like thirty minutes ago." His mother mouthed an "oh" and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Double date with Clare and her boyfriend." Eli muttered.

"With who and who?" She asked.

"Clare and KC, her boyfriend." Eli said louder.

"Don't you hate KC? Aren't you in love with little Clare-bear? Won't that be a little... awkward?" His mother asked quickly. Eli clenched the seat before him and bowed his head. He said, "It doesn't matter... I don't even want to think about it."

His mother blinked a few times.

"What's wrong Eli?"

Eli sighed and the grip on the chair tightened, causing his knuckles to turn white.

"I kissed Clare yesterday."

"What?" His mother shrieked, slightly excited. Eli glanced up at her and said, "It's not really a good thing. Clare practically avoided me all day, well... not avoided she hardly talked to me all day." His mother rolled her eyes and said, "Who cares, at least she still talks to you. Are you and Clare FINALLY going to get together? Please tell me you're going to dump Julia, and go for Clare."

Eli sighed heavily, now remembering that talking to his mother about this kind of stuff isn't always good. He turned tail and refused to listen to her mad questioning. Eli slammed the door shut to his room and he grabbed his lap top, and then walked to his bed. He placed it on his lap and signed into his FaceRange account.

He checked his messages, receiving one from Julia.

Subject: Hey

What should I wear tonight? I know you're going to be wearing black, as usual. So, I maybe we should match?

Eli's eyebrow rose and he typed his response. He glanced at the corner of the screen. Eli sighed heavily, just two more hours. He was getting a little too anxious to see Clare, which he could just get up and drive to her house, and chill with her until then, but knowing Clare she'd probably make him leave.

Eli growled in frustration and he checked his messages once the alert button "blinged" signaling that he had gotten a new message.

Subject: Hey

But... we normally match when we go out together...

Before Eli could respond, he received an IM from said person.

Jules-gold55: So, what should I wear?

Eli-gold48: I don't know, jeans and a t-shirt?

Jules-gold55: Okay... which jeans? I pulled out my ripped up jeans, and for the shirt, how about the black Dead Hand t-shirt you bought me?

Eli-gold48: That's fine Jules.

Jules-gold55: Okay! Thank you, I'll see you in a little while.

Eli-gold48: Bye



Julia quickly got dressed and she checked her phone. It was a little bit passed three, which gave her enough time to go to the school and meet up with KC. She fixed her long hair into a low ponytail, and slipped her shoes on. She walked out of her room and bolted out the front door shouting behind her, "Mom! Dad! I'm going to go meet KC at the Dot!"

She shut the door behind her and ran towards the school.

"Damn... I wish I had a car." She breathed as she sprinted faster to the school.

Julia soon made it after a ten minute run, and smiled, finding KC walking through the door, along with a few of his teammates. Julia stood on the steps, and KC glanced down at her, watching her breath heavily through her open mouth.

"What are you doing here?" KC asked.

"I came to see you." Julia smiled.

KC rolled his eyes and dug into his pockets, trying to find his car keys. Once he found them, he walked down the steps, passed Julia, who turned around and linked her arm through his. He smiled faintly in return, and Julia said, "Oh. You're loosening up." She got up and kissed his cheek.

When they reached his car, he pressed the unlock button, and Julia climbed into the passenger's side. KC walked around and he climbed into the driver's side. He turned the ignition on and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Your place. Then we can go to the Dot early, I'll tell Eli that you came to pick me up." KC nodded and he pulled out of the parking lot, and drove to his place. When they arrived, Julia jumped out of the car and waited for KC at the front of the door. He unlocked the door, and headed upstairs to his apartment, hoping to God his mother isn't home.

As he opened the door he called, "Mom! Are you home?"

No answer.

Julia plopped down on the couch and KC said, "I'm going to take a quick shower. Make yourself at home." Julia ignored his statement and turned the T.V. on as KC walked to the back of the apartment, where his room lies. Julia flipped through the channels, listening to the water start running in the bathroom.

She continued to flip through the channels, and reached into her pocket, pulling her phone out. Julia quickly texted Eli, telling him that she has a ride to the Dot. Julia settled for something to watch, and she soon received a text back.

Um... okay?

Julia rolled her eyes and she sighed, getting up and swinging her arms. She walked towards the back of the apartment, and walked into KC's room. She sat on his bed and waited for him to get out of the shower. Julia tapped her knees with her hands when she crossed her legs.

She leaned back on her arms, and made a few popping sounds with her mouth. The shower turned off, and KC soon stepped out, in a pair of baggy blue jeans and a dark purple t-shirt. He blinked, finding Julia on his bed. She smirked and reached over and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to her.

Their lips crashed onto each others, and they shared a sloppy kiss. KC's tongue moved into her mouth, gliding across hers. Julia kissed him back, and soon pulled away. She said, "Let's go ahead and go to the Dot."

KC blinked a few times, and shrugges his shoulders saying, "Fine." He moved away from her and both walked out of the room, down the hall, and out the door. When they reached outside, Julia climbed into his car, and he did the same. KC turned the ignition on and he drove towards the Dot.

He doesn't live far from the Dot, so the ride was short. KC parked and he and Julia stepped out of the car, walked into the Dot, and sat in the booths next to the window.



"Eli, what are you doing here?" Clare asked as she opened the door. Eli moved by her, stepping inside her house. He said, "It's almost time for the date, and I said that I'd come pick you up. You look super hot by the way."

Clare blushed and looked down at herself, eyeing her lacy top, and jeans. Her hair had been blown out, and flat ironed, and she applied a small amount of make up. She closed the door and sat down next to Eli on the couch, who was clearly staring at her.

Clare cleared her throat, and Eli looked up at her.

"What?" He asked.

"Quit staring at me... it's... it's weird." Clare muttered.

Eli pinned his eyebrows together and said, "It's not weird... you're beautiful so me staring should be a compliment." Clare's face burned red and she turned her head away, muttering incoherent words under her breath. She scratched the back of her head and squeaked when Eli pulled her to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck.

"E-Eli stop it!" Clare gasped.

"Why?" He asked, his lips grazed her neck. Eli sighed and whispered against her skin, "You smell so good Clare." She whimpered and Eli pulled away. He laughed softly at her face and she slapped his leg.

"Oh, harder Clare." Eli purred.

Clare blushed, and she brought her legs up to chest, buring her head in her knees. Eli smirked and said, "It's a about almost time that we head to the Dot, let's get going." Eli got up and Clare followed after. She grabbed her purse and followed Eli out the front door.

He opened the car door for her, and she climbed in saying, "Thank you." She sat down in the seat and watched Eli slide across the hood of Morty, and almost burst out into a series of heavy laughter, when he fell on the other side. Eli shot up from the ground and he slowly climbed into Morty. Eli cleared his throat, and Clare giggled at him.

"Shut up." He said.

"I didn't say anything." Clare said, holding her hands up in defense.

"Eh, heh heh." Eli fake laughed. He turned the ignition on, and drove towards the Dot. Clare blinked a few times when they passed by the street Julia lived on. She said, "Um, you passed Julia's house." Eli said, "She sent me a text earlier saying that she had a ride to the Dot already."

"Oh." Clare muttered.

The drive there was short than expected, since Julia didn't need to be picked up of course. Once they arrived, Eli parked away from the Dot, so nobody would ruin his Morty. He stepped out of the driver's side, and walked around to open the door for Clare. She climbed out, and both walked towards the Dot. Eli said, "So, like I was saying... I really do think that Degrassi needs to have uniforms, only in black."

"Eli that's stupid, you're such a guy." Clare laughed.

"Yeah well you're such a-

Clare glanced up at Eli and asked, "I'm such a?" She watched the smile on Eli's face disappear and Clare looked where his eyes were fixated on. Her heart sunk, and her mouth fell open slighty agape.

"I-is that... Eli don't!" Clare reached out to grab Eli's arm, but failed when he stormed into the Dot. Outside she watched the scene play out in front of her. Clare's tears had already begun to weld watching Eli beat the ever living crap out of KC, after tearing him away from Julia's mouth. Her lips trembled, and Julia and her eyes locked onto each others.

Clare glared at her and she stormed into the Dot. She moved around the people who crouded around KC and Eli, and pracitcally climbed over the booth to get to Julia. She grabbed her by the hair, and slammed her face down on the table top. Julia screamed in pain, and held her nose, which started bleeding.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you!" Clare shouted, pulling Julia out of the booth and onto the floor, which caused Eli to trip over her body and land flat on his butt, his legs over her stomach. KC got up and he held his jaw. Eli got up and glared down at Julia.

"E-Eli, I can explain." She got up and reached out to him.

"Don't touch me... you fucking slut." Eli hissed. Clare watched the tears weld in his eyes, and he stormed out of the Dot, slamming the door behind him in the process. Clare looked over at Julia and then to KC. Her tears weld up, and streamed down her face. She said, "KC... we're done... don't you ever, talk to me again. And Julia... I warn you... if you EVER come near Eli... you're going to wish you were never born." Her tone was icy, and Julia stepped back, her back clashing against KC's chest.

Clare choked on a sob, and she exited the Dot. She looked around, trying to find Eli, noticing that Morty was still parked away from the dot. Clare headed towards the direction of his car, she heard a loud sobbing coming from the back of the car.

She swallowed hard and walked around to the back. Clare grabbed the handle and she opened the back door, the sound of heavy sobbing grew louder. She knew Eli wouldn't mind her coming inside, so she crawled in, and closed the door behind her. Clare moved to Eli and she placed a hand on his shoulder.

Eli sniffled and he turned to Clare, enveloping his arms around her waist. And Clare had never felt so heartbroken in her entire life, listening to the man she fell in love cry his eyes out on her shoulder. Clare's tears streamed down her face slowly, and she rubbed Eli's back.

They stayed like that for what seemed like forever. Eli pulled away and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. Clare brushed her tears away and Eli muttered, "I can't believe... that she was... she was cheating on me... with your boyfriend."

"I-I really don't want to think about it... let's just... let's..." Her voice squeaked and she soon started to sob uncontrollably. Eli wrapped his arms around her, and now it was Clare's turn to cry. She sobbed and clenched his shirt, saying something along the lines of, "I trusted him, why would he hurt me like this?"

"Because guys are dicks." Eli responded as he rubbed her back, then pulled Clare away, cupping her face. He whispered, "I won't ever hurt you Clare... I promise." Clare nodded, and chewed on her bottom lip as she nodded her head.

Eli kissed her tears away and watched her blue eyes slowly open. Eli brushed her tears away and she sniffled. He leaned forward and he kissed her lips softly. Clare whimpered and she kissed him back, wrapping her hands around his neck. He pulled away and glued his forehead against hers. Eli muttered, "Clare... I think I... I love you." Clare choked on a sob, and she smiled. Clare swallowed hard and responded after a short pause, "Eli... I don't think I love you... I know I love you."

Eli pulled away to look into her eyes, "If we ever get together Clare... can you promise me something?"


"Don't... don't hurt me please."

Clare moved his bangs from his face and she said, "I promise Eli... I would NEVER hurt you."

Eli nodded and he kissed her yet again.

Clare pulled away and whispered, "Do you promise too?"

"Clare, I could never hurt you... I'd kill myself before I even thought about hurting you." Eli clenched her shirt and Clare nodded. He looked into her blue eyes, and he moved away, pulling her to him. Clare leaned against Eli and their fingers laced with each others.

"I love you Clare... so much." Eli muttered, leaning his head against hers.

"I love you too Eli." Clare responded, a smile tugging the corners of her lips up. Eli kissed her temple. Clare closed her eyes and her fingers tightened around his. Clare tilted her head up and Eli kissed her lips.

The world is a stage, everyone plays a different roll, in the end... it's all a crazy masquerade, for the masks that we wear, are clearly hiding our true colors. You can never realize what's underneath, until your heart is broken...

The End!

Well that was the best thing that I have ever written :) I really loved updating for this story, it's really great. Be on a look out, because I will be posting a sequel to this story, it will be short, but it will be worth it! I love you guys! Reading your reviews really made my day, and I had never been happier.

Thanks again!

Good bye for now!