Dudes, this chapter is dramatic, you might wanna start getting the Kleenex soon!

Vote Nick, student body president!" Nick said.

"Nick is your pick! Mr. Prez for Mr. Prez!" Joe said. Nick saw Macy.

"Hey pumpkin!" Nick said, accidentally into the megaphone. Some people laughed, other people awed. He jumped off the table and gave her a kiss.

"Guess what?" They both said.

"Okay, same time," Macy said.

"I'm running for student body president. What! No, you can run! Drop out, no you drop out! Stop that!" They argued.

"Uh, guys," Joe said.

"Well, maybe a little competition is good for our relationship," Macy said.

"And if I win, you can always be first lady/vice president," Nick said.

"And when I win, you'll be first man!" Macy said.

"Wait, what do you mean when you win? I have just as much of a chance as you, Misa," Nick said.

"Did you just call me Misa? Oh, it's on Lucas," Macy said.

"You bet it's on!" Nick said.


Nick was pulling ahead in the race, but Macy was starting to use her cheerleading skills against him. She made up cheers to make people vote for her. Nick made a song, but he couldn't sing. He had been coughing up a lung all night last night and his throat hurt way to much to sing. His lungs couldn't handle the required air.

"What, no song Nick?" Macy asked.

"No, cause I would never use the fact that I'm a rock star against you," Nick said.

"You're just scared because you know I'll be better than you. I'm gonna beat you into the ground Nick," Macy said.

"Wow Mace. When I asked you out, I never thought you would be the type to do anything to be the best at everything," Nick said.

"Well then maybe we shouldn't be in a relationship!" Macy said.

"That just might be the best idea you've had this campaign," Nick said.

"Well then, I guess we're not dating any more," Macy said.

"Fine then!" Nick said, storming off.


Nick sat at the lunch table with Joe and Stella, crying his eyes out.

"I didn't mean to break up with her! I still love her so much! I have no heart, its broken beyond repair!" Nick cried.

"It's okay Nick," Stella said. Nick started coughing. "Are you okay?"

"No, my heart hurts!" Nick cried. He coughed more.

"No that cough bro," Joe said. Nick sniffled and looked at Joe and Stella.

"I don't know, it makes my chest hurt a lot though," Nick said.

"Maybe you should go home Nick," Joe said.

"Will the candidates for student body president report to the main gym at this time."

"I'm in the gym," Nick said.

"Wait!" Stella said. She dried Nick's tears, but he was left with puffy eyes.

"Okay, you're as good as you're gonna get," Stella said. As Nick ran to the gym, his chest hurted. He coughed into his hand and didn't notice that he had coughed up blood.

"First we have Ms. Misa," the principal said.

During Macy's speech, Nick kept coughing, Macy glaring at him. Someone gave him some water, but it didn't help much. After Macy, it was Nick's turn.

"That was low Nick," Macy said. Nick tried to stop himself from crying over Macy, but his eyes were fighting water.

"H-Hi, I'm Nick Lucas and I would li-" Nick felt dizzy. He passed out.

"Nick!" Macy yelled. She ran over to him. "Nick! Nick! Wake up! I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! Please wake up!" she cried. Someone pulled her away as paramedic checked him out.

"Oh my God! Is he breathing?" Someone screamed.

"BP is dropping, we might have internal bleeding," Someone said.

"I need a pulse," another said.

"Failing to find a pulse from the wrist."

"Failing to find one from the collarbone."

"I'm having issues finding a pulse."

"We're losing him!"

"Clear!" Macy cried and tried to go over to Nick, but the held her back. She watched them revive Nick.

"We have a pulse, but no signs of breathing." they put a tube down Nick's throat. Macy could only helplessly watch the life leave the boy she still loved...


"Nick, this is all my fault. Please wake up soon, I can't live with myself if you die. Please don't leave me," Macy cried, holding his limp, lifeless hand. His grip tightened. Macy saw his eyes opened.

"So how's that Lucas boy doing now?" Mr. Misa asked.

"Better. He woke up, but he still can't breathe on his own," Macy said.

"Macy, we need to have a talk," Mr. Misa said.

"Okay," Macy said.

"I'm going to Iraq. I leave next week honey," Mr. Misa said.

"W-what?" Macy asked, tears in her eyes.

"No matter what happens, I love you with all my heart," Mr. Misa said. Macy broke down

Okay, gotta admit I can't wait to see what I write! Trying to make these at least 1,000 words. Sorry its like 900.