AN- its my first time writing an Ouran High School Host Club Fanfic, so please excuse any mistakes on my part!


Haruhi- 15 yrs

Tamaki- 16 yrs old

Honey- 17 yrs

Mori-17 yrs old

Kyouya- 16 yrs

Hikaru and Kaoru- 15 yrs

Daniel Pendragon(OC)-16 yrs

About OC-

Daniel comes from an eminent british royal family, who claim to share blood with the legendary Arthur Pendragon. She is scarily like a mixture of Haruhi, Kyouya and and Mori. She is also mistaken for a boy, but in actuality she intended to be thought of as a boy. Though Daniel is in fact rich, she got into Ouran High through a Talent scholarship. It is still a mystery to most as to why she did not use her own famiy's money.

Daniel's voice can be very monotonous, but people slowly learn that it doesn't mean that she's not interested. She doesn't approve of emotions at all, so only people who are extremely close to her have seen her actually show any emotion. She remains diplomatic, calm, and polite even in the most aggravating of situations. However, she can get very pissed, and at that time, no one, but Haruhi, can calm her down(these moments are luckily rather rare).

Chapter 1- The New Kid

I sighed. This school was so NOISY! And to top it all off, I was irreparably lost. I scowled to myself. My sense of direction has always been up to questioning. Even back in England, I couldn't find my way home. At several instances, my driver would find me on the other side of town. -_-U And now I was lost in this noisy place as well.

"Hey, isn't that the new kid? Daniel Pendragon?"

"Yeah. I heard he's here on scholarship."

"Really? How come? I mean, he is royalty after all…"

"Don't know, but he really does act all high and mighty…I mean, look at him!"

Girls are such gossips…I walked faster, hoping to stop hearing their voices, and calm myself down.

That's when I looked up, and saw the music room. Oh, I should have looked at the sign on the door! Because, though I didn't know it at the time, once I stepped into that room, my life would never ever be silent again…

I hurried in, unknowingly, and literally slammed the door shut. "Welcome!" said a sing-song voice. I opened my eyes, which I hadn't realized were closed, and turned.

"Oh, its just a guy." This caused the blonde boy to pout. It was a group of 7 boys, out of which only one seemed unhappy with what he was wearing. I didn't blame him. If I was forced to wear such extravagant Turkish clothed, I would be unhappy as well. I stepped forward, not aware that I was doing so.

"You're not wearing that right," I said, stepping forward again, towards the dark haired, obviously flustered boy.

"Huh?" he said.

"Not true! We did a lot of research…" started the twins, who were on either side of her.

"You're dressed in the royal robes, but you've worn it the peasant style. Though you've got the culture right, the way you've worn it is wrong," I stated, calmly, and took off the boys turban. Then I calmly fixed it, under the stares of all 6 of the other boys. "There. Its fixed. You, blonde. Your not wearing you robes right!" I said, and fixed it again.

Then I walked towards the door. "Sorry for barging in. this school is too noisy and I wanted somewhere quiet. Would you happen to know where I could go?" I said.

"There isn't a silent place in this school, what with the fangirls, and these boys," said the dark haired boy whose turban I had fixed.

I sighed. "So there's no hope?"

The kid smiled. "Nope. I'm Haruhi, by the way."

"Daniel. Daniel Pendragon," I said, nodding calmly, offering a smile.

"And I'm Tamaki!" said the blonde. I sweatdropped. Hyper-much?

"We're the Ouran High School Host Club," he continued.

"Huh?" I said, confused.

"Basically, we offer a source of amusement for the women of this school."

I opened my mouth to say something, but Tamaki beat me to it. "You have a nice face! You'd make a perfect host!" this too he said brightly.

I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. "No thanks. I prefer to stay out of sight, and alone."

One of the taller males, a dark haired Bespectacled youth, raised his brow. "I'm Kyouya. Really, Daniel. I find that a little hard to believe. We make it a point to know about prospective hosts. You have great potential."

"Like I said. No thanks. If you know so much about me, then you should also know why I'm replying negative." The guy smirked at me, like he knew everything. I merely rolled my eyes, and opened the door.

"Please Dani-San?" sang a shorter blonde, making cute bambi eyes at me. I raised my eyebrow again.

"Japanese suffixes don't work well with foreign names. You are?"

"Honey! Come! You can have cake with Me! This is Mori!" he said.

I sighed, letting myself be dragged by the kid.

"I'm not going to get any silence, am i?" I said, mostly to myself.

"No. not with all of these hyper boys around," said Haruhi, in her non-malice voice.

"Yes. They do seem overly happy with themselves. I'm sorry, but all I wanted was to get silence. Since it is apparent that I won't be getting any here, I'll just take your leave. Honey-Sempai, I'll eat cake with you some other time. When I am not extremely unstable, and ready to kill someone," I said, and their jaws dropped.

"You're voice!"

"Hm?" I said, glancing at Tamaki.

"So monotonous!" he said, his hands ready to pull his hair out.

I grabbed his hands. "Don't do that. Studies have shown that it increases hairfall," I said. Then I turned and left.


After a while, I finally found an empty music room. I smiled at the beautiful grand piano. I let my fingers ghosted the keys. Then I made a decision and sat down, and began my playing, completely oblivious to the 7 boys who had followed me.

I opened my mouth, and sang.

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need.
I love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply, do..

I will be strong
I will be faithful
Because I am counting on a new beginning
A reason for living
A deeper meaning yeah

I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

And when the stars are shining brightly in the velvet sky
I'll make a wish send it to heaven
That'll make you wanna cry
The tears of joy for all the pleasure and the certainty
That we're surrounded by the comfort and protection
Of the highest power and lonely hours
The tears devour you

I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

Oh, can't you see it baby?
Don't have to close your eyes
'cause it's standing right before you
All that you need will surely come

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope
I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply, do..

I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I wanna lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

(I wanna stand with you on a mountain
I wanna bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me)

I wanna stand with you on a mountain

Then I heard clapping. I turned, and my eyes turned cold. "Why are you following me?" I growled. Tamaki stepped back. "You're good," said Haruhi, smiling. I blushed lightly, and turned away from them. "I'm not that great."

"You are. I mean, you did get in on a talent scholarship…" he said, sitting next to me.

"Why are you here?" I repeated, my fingers moving across the piano on its own accord.

"Misunderstood Musical Genius. That's you're new technique with the girls, when you become a host!" said Honey.

"That again? I already told you, I'm not interested."

"Oh. But you will be. No one knows who you really are," said Kyouya, and I turned again.

"So what? Tell the world I'm a girl. I don't really care. Listen, , frankly, I dress this way because I feel the need to. If other people disapprove, I frankly don't give a shit. They can disapprove all they like. I've been disapproved of my whole life, a couple more people really wouldn't make a difference to me," I said, the song I was playing became an angst filled piece. The host club was silent.

"Its not that bad, really. Though I have to spend a lot of time with these guys, it can be rather fun. I got pulled in too. They always have their way, so its best to go with the flow. Trust me," said Haruhi, and sighed.

I looked down, at my feet, and softly said, "Why? Why would you want me to join? Firstly, I'm a girl. But then again, so is Haruhi-san." All the boys froze. They obviously misjudged my intelligence.

"Also, Kyouya-san, though it may seem like I am of great use, financially, the truth is otherwise. Though I am, in fact owner of the Pendragon empire, I cannot use that money till I turn 17. Therefore, I am of no use to you either," I said, getting up, and facing the boys.

"And lastly," I said, and the boys cringed, apprehensive, "I don't get along with people very well." They all did an anime fall.

"Don't worry about that1 as a misunderstood Musical Genius you won't need to!" said Honey.

I sighed. "Will you all shut up and stop following me if I agree?" I said.

All the boys, except Mori-Sempai and Kyouya, nodded. Tamaki seemed like he had already gone to heaven. "This is great!" he said, grabbing my hands to twirl me around.

I involuntarily twisted him arm, causing him to shriek in pain. I quickly let go. "Ah-I'm sorry. That was involuntary. i…I personally do not like holding hands with people," I said, and then I noticed Kyouya writing something in his notebook.

In a flash I pulled the book out of his hand, and looked at it.

New Kid-Daniel Pendragon.

Owner of pendragon empire. Useful only after age 17. Will turn physical if touched. Cautious approach necessary. Perfect for 'misunderstood genius' type in HC. Potential customers- ?

"Nice handwriting," I said, giving it back to him. He sweatdropped.

"So are you coming to the Host club today? We need to prepare you appropriately for it," said the twins, Kaoru and Hikaru, in perfect synchrony.

"I look fine. I'm not that bad a hair stylist," I said.

"You cut your own hair? That's…that's like something HARUHI would do!" said Tamaki, staring at me.

"Really. Oh joy. Can I go now? I'll be there in time for your tea party. What time is the thing?"

"3:00!" said Haruhi.


I left, but I heard the last sentence. "How many of you thought the way she said 'Tea Party' made us sound gay?" said Tamaki.

I smirked and went on my neverending search for silence.

Then I realized something and ran back. They were still there, but they were a bit surprised to see me.

"You guys do realize that since I am a Pendragon, the kids parents will know I'm a girl, right? The façade won't last very long," I said. Tamaki looked like his heart had broken.

"Its ok. Come as a girl. You'll be our first hostess," said Kyouya.

"Fuck off. I'm not wearing a skirt, ever."

He looked up and smirked.

"Really, now? Would you like to bet on that?" he said.

"Like I said, Outori, fuck off. Stick your miniscule dick up your ass."

The entire host club stared at me in mild horror. No one spoke to Kyouya like that. He looked at me and said, "Whoever manages to get her in a skirt will get pictures of Haruhi in middle school AND pics of Ms. Pendragon here, where she had longer hair." At that, he showed a picture of me in a long dress, looking a bit lost. I glared at him. "Where. Did. You. Get. Those?" I growled.

He grinned. "We all have our sources."

"I already hate you," I muttered, as I felt myself tugged by the twins.

Kyouya merely grinned.

I scowled, knowing that there was no point arguing with this bunch of crazy people.

AN-so? Did you like? Please Rand R! This is gonna be so much fun!