Author's Note: Hello dear readers, I'm back! And so is my next project, Sounds of Screaming. This story is the concluding chapter of my RaiN trilogy which started with Revenge is a dish best served Russian which was succeeded by Second Servings, Second Chances.

Summary: As a sadistic serial killer hunts Miamian music lovers, suspisions arise in the lab when one of their own looks guilty for the crimes, and another is targeted by the killer. Can the team save both or will one be forever lost into the sounds of screaming victims?

Though the first two stories were set in season 7, Sounds of Screaming (SOS) is set in season 8. And, seeing as he has already passed on, Jesse will not be featured in this story, sorry guys.

Now, I will not bore you with anymore details, you'll just have to wait and see what I have in-store for Ryan and Natalia as well as the rest of the team ;)

God it's good to be back ;)

Sounds of Screaming

-Chapter One: Preface: Dying for an Angel

Disclaimer: Well, as far as I know it, I don't own CSI Miami or any of the franchise, I only own Aaron Vincent as well as other characters you may not recognise.

Sweat-soaked clothes clung like a second skin, blood splattered across her torso in large amounts, dirt and salt mingling with the bright crimson. Speckles of light danced in front of her eyes, some green reflects from the grime covered windows, some black tints from her blurry vision.

Gasping for air as she ran, CSI Natalia Boa Vista looked franticly around her, her heart ringing in her ears, beating from her throat. Her senses were in chaos, her mind barely stable enough to command her wearily limbs.

I have to get out of here!

She forgot her wounds, her thirst and they became fear; hopeless fear on flying feet. Natalia continued to run, eyes squinting as she passed through the beams of light, a result of having not seen such brightness for days.

A shiver ran down her spine, teeth chattering coldness attacked. The warehouse's air-conditioning freezing her already shaking nerves.

Hot on her heels, her chaser holstered his gun, hastily following the CSI into the outdoor port.

Running along the hot concrete, surrounded by fence, Natalia skidded to a stop by the edge of the port. To her left stood the cold warehouse that had acted as her prison, her personal hell. To her right, a long drop to the sea below.

Her lungs fought furiously, sobs and gasp both trying to claim her minimal air supply. Her vision spun wildly, fear ringing in her ears, beating against her ear drum in a war chant.

Fight or flight? Fight or flight? Fight or flight?

Fear almost choked her breathless as she looked around fruitlessly, high chain fences trapped her between the hellish warehouse and the raging waves below.

Running a shaking hand through her matted hair, eyes darting between the cruel, towering warehouse and freezing, crashing waters below, the CSI was un-sure which coldness she rather enter.

Feeling the last of her borrowed energy leave her exhausted body, Natalia collapsed to the ground.

Lying in the baking Miami sun, the CSI fought to remain conscious. Having lost all sense of time, she felt alone for an eternity before the cool darkness of shadows swept over her.

With great effort, Natalia looked up, then gasped quietly as the man standing over her talked to himself lowly and darkly.

Powerless, the CSI could only whimper for help as the man knelt down over her. With blurry eyes, Natalia gleamed at the shadowed face, masked from her identification by the cruel sun's angle.

Her chaser tilted his head, light flashing across his eyes. Natalia noticed and found herself staring into angry, cold hazel orbs.

"It's over."

Natalia gulped lowly at the harsh voice. So strong, so cold, it made her feel weaker than she already was.

Reaching into his back pocket and taking out a shining steel flip-up knife, the man smiled slightly in victory; he had her and she wasn't going anywhere.

She was his now.

At the chaser's mercy, her life flashing before her eyes in the glint of a knife, Natalia couldn't help but to think of her co-workers. They had worked so hard to try find her, but it was wasted now.

She suppressed a sob as her thoughts lingered on the lab, she thought of her friends she would miss, her family she would miss. Horatio, Alexx, Eric, Calleigh even Frank and Walter.

But the one her heart and mind remained focused solely on was the one that caused the most pain to bear imaging leaving behind.


Fresh tears leaking, eyes watery and blurred, Natalia looked back up at her chaser's face. He had lost his smile, a determent frown taking hold of his cold, pale features. He moved his knife-wielding hand slowly, as though not to startle his catch.

Natalia felt steel press against her abdomen and whimpered.

"Shhh...It's all over."

The chaser began to cut, shushing her cries with his reparative chant of "It's over." When finished, Natalia felt the fresh sting of his work against her wrists, new blood mixing with the old as it trickled down her fingertips.

The knife was then pressed to her collarbone.

"Don't'll be over in a sec..."

Natalia continued to whimper as fresh pain added to the mounting anguish in her head. Every inch of her body felt agonising but none of it matched the high pitch squealing in her ears, the thumping of her ear-drums, the pounding against her skull.

After a moment of work, the chaser pulled away, examining his findings for a moment before glancing over his shoulders disturbingly. Seeing the coast was clear he took out his holstered gun and clocked back the hammer.

He breathed deeply, preparing himself to end this.

To end this life.

Using the last of energy, Natalia stared past the barrel of his gun and into the cold, hazel eyes of Ryan Wolfe.

Oh! Bet none of you were suspecting that huh?

So am I writing an evil Ryan fic?

Stay tuned to find out ;)

Reviews are always appreciated; let me know what you think before clicking away ;)

-Mel out ;D

PS: This chapter title is "Dying for an Angel" by Avantasia (seeing as this story surrounds the concept of music, each title will either be a song title or related to music someway ;)