
Fifteen years later

Two families made their way through King's Cross Station, each with their own trolley laden down with a trunk and owl.

"When am I gonna go?" A young boy whined, tugging on his father's coat.

"Two year Eff," the one eared man said, grinning. "Until then, you still get to help out around the shop." Eff made a face.

"No worries Effie," a freckle faced girl with red hair, matching the boys'. "Gina and I'll write and tell you everything! Right?" She looked to her left and was met by her mirror image, the girl named Gina grinned.

"Right you are Wendy." She said, nodding solemly.

Winnifred and Georgina Weasley were not twins, despite the initial assumption. No, they were cousins, cousins as close as twins. Their fathers were Fred and George Weasley, the most famous pranksters Hogwarts ever accepted (except for, perhaps, the Maruaders, but that's an entirely different story). And now, their daughters would make their way through the halls and corridors, continuing their reign and eventually teaching the ropes to Fred Fabian Weasley II, otherwise known as Eff.

"Promise?" Eff said hopefully, looking at his sister and cousin with wide blue eyes.

"Of course!" They said, throwing their arms around him.

"We're gonna be late," Alicia said, glancing at her watch.

"Ready then?" Fred asked, grinning as he ran through the barrier, his nephew at his heels.

"Fred 3," George ordered his daughter. "Get through there."

"Don't call me Fred," she said, rolling her eyes. "It's Wendy!"

"Like Chicago?" Gina asked cheekily. Wendy stuck her touge out at the other girl. Verity laughed, following her husband and niece through the barrier.

"Ready?" George asked his niece. She looked up at her namesake and smiled.

"As always," she laughed.

"Ladies first," George said, motioning for her to go.

"Alright," they stood still for a moment. "Well, aren't you going first?" George shook his head and pushed the laughing red head through. Gina stumbled, knocking into a dark skinned girl with dredlocks.

"Sorry!" they said at the same time, meeting each others' eyes. "Roxanne/Gina!" They hugged and looked up at George, who stood behind them.

"Are you going to try out for Quidditch commentator?" he asked, curiously.

"Of course," Roxie said, sticking out her tounge. "It's got to stay in the family. Either that or I'll be a chaser. Then again, Ace might want that position when he comes with Eff."

Roxanne Jordan and her brother, Ace Jordan, were the children of Lee Jordan and the now married Angelina Jonhston/Jordan. Roxie was Wendy and Gina's best friend, just as Ace was Eff's best mate.

"Uncle George!" a voice cried. Pretty Victorie Weasley, Bill and Fleur's oldest daughter, ran up to them, followed by her father.

"Hello, Torie!" he said, hugging her. "Where's your mum?"

"She eez at 'ome with Dominique and leetle Louis." Victorie had a mix of Bill and Fleur's accents.

Slender and strawberry blond, she made a pretty picture. Her pale blue eyes sparkled as she spotted a shock of bright pink hair in the crowd.

"Is that Teddy?" Gina asked, trying to see over the crowd.

"I'll talk to you on ze train," Torie said, running after the Metamorphagus. "Teddie!" A whistle blared around them.

"We'd best get you on the train," George said, looking around for his wife, brother, sister-in-law, and children. "Come on." They made their way through the crowd, finally reaching the train.

"There you are!" Verity said, hugging her daughter. "Hurry up and get on!" Fred and George helped to lift to trunk onto the train, just in time for the doors to shut.

"Promise you'll write," Angelina commanded her daughter, smiling.

"And send me a toliet seat!" Eff cried as the train began to move.

"Alright!" the girls cried, waving. Ace and Eff took off running beside it, gradually losing ground until they stood still, waving and laughing as their sisters and (Eff's) cousin left.

"You know something?" George asked, watching the train disappear. Everyone looked at him. "I would never name my daughter Roxanne. OUCH!"

"Don't make fun of our name choice." Angelina snapped.

"Our name choice? You named her. OW! Stop hitting people Angie!

Dear Rowly,

Thanks for listening (not that you had much of a
choice) and, even though you still killed off Loopy
and Tonks, good job. It's better than killing me off.
And nice call with Alicia and Verity. But seriously,
WHY couldn't we have had a funeral for George's

Mischeviously your,

Gred and Forge

A/N: Now, should we just leave it there, or make a sequel about the girls (Gina and Wendy)? Also, Fred and George are pretty much the stars of all our Harry Potter fics, so check some of them out if you'd like!

- rozepoze2000 - Thank you! We feel so honored! :D And thanks! What's it called?
- moon-over-mountain - thanks for the Review and Story Alerting! Glad you liked it!
- Shockin'BlueEyes - thanks for Story Alerting!
- Magicgirl29 - thanks for the Reivew! And that was a wonderful suggestion! Thanks!