A/N This is my second fanfiction give it a chance it's actually pretty good team, Jacob fans might hate me for this one though:D but I still love you all ( I don't own anything all rights to Stephanie Myer) WARNING: Includes strong language adult content, sexual content, This chapter is the base you need it for the rest of the story just give it a chance please

Disclaimer: I own nothing all rights to Stephanie Meyer


The dizziness Surrounded me I felt myself about to lose consciousness at the brutal hands of the man who claimed to love me.

"Don't fall asleep now!" he screamed kicking me in the ribcage.

"You are going to feel every last bit of pain I can cause because you have a hard time following simple instructions!" He ranted throwing my body into the coffee table shattering the glass. He dragged me by my hair ripping out huge chunks of my beautiful brown locks.

All I could do was cry out in pain, I was simply no match for Jake I tried to fight back with all my might, I was strong but not strong enough, me fighting back would only make infuriate him and then the beating would be twice as bad.

Needless to say I stopped fighting a long time ago and practiced shielding my body from the blows.

I curled up in a fetal position on the floor hands hiding my face as he continued to kick, punch me, the vile prick even spit on me.

"You're so fucking pathetic you know that? You're a weak little good for nothing bitch you disgust me! Why I even bother with you, I don't even fucking know you have been a horrible girlfriend, no one even wants you Shit! I barely want you I'm the best you will ever get so be grateful you don't even deserve me."He growled.

"All you have ever been good for is a piece of ass Hell! You aren't even all that good at that either, I guess that's what I get for fucking with a virgin, well at least you can suck a mean dick, I mean I got to hand it to you Bella the way you work your mouth. . . . . . . "He paused in thought

"Matter of fact come over here right now and suck me off" he demanded, loosening his belt. I really had no choice in the matter either do what I was told or receive another beating and then having to follow through on his desires in the long run. Jake always gets his way I know that by now.

My bottom lip was busted and it was killing me, bleeding and swelling didn't mean anything to him he just wanted my lips around his dick now and there was no negotiation about that.

I dragged my limp body across the cold hard floor,

"Clean your mouth up look disgusting!" He sneered throwing a hot rag at me, I wiped the blood and tears off my face and positioned myself between his legs looking up at the top of his shaft.

Jake was let's say the shortest crayon in the box. I told him once in an argument. I told him that his dick was so small he could never make me cum and that's the first time he hit me.


"Jake you don't own me! I am my own woman! I haven't lived with Charlie swan in years so stop acting like my fucking daddy!" I hollered at him

"What did you say to me!" Jake barked.

"You heard me! I'm grown Jake, I can come and go as I please you're not my master!"


"OH SO NOW I'M A WHORE I WASN'T A WHORE WHEN I WAS SUCKING YOUR DICK TWO NIGHTS AGO WAS I!" I yelled deflecting from the hurt I felt inside.


"NO JAKE THAT IS WHAT I FUCKING WISH I WAS DOING! ATLEST I WOULD HAVE AN ORGASM FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE! BECAUSE YOUR DICKS SO LITTLE YOU CAN NEVER MAKE ME CUM LITTLE DICK FAGGOT!" I shot out with so much rage that's when he punched me right in the mouth, my head flew back and I crashed into the wall collapsing to the floor as he looked down at me.

"BITCH ARE YOU CRAZY? SPEAKING TO ME LIKE I'M ONE OF THOSE PUSSY WIMPS YOUR USED TO FUCKING WITH!" he taunted me. I was still in so much shock from him actually hitting me it took me a minute to respond, but when I felt the blood from my lip trickle down my chin I realized what happened and rage over took me.

I kicked him in the groin making him stumble back for a minute, and then I grabbed the alarm clock and threw it at the side of his face hitting him in the ear and making it bleed.

"YOU BASTARD!" I yelled feeling accomplished, but that all suddenly stopped when I looked into his eyes and I saw nothing jet black. Before I had the time to respond he had his hands around my throat choking the life out of me.

I tried to pry his hands off but his grip was too strong I was losing air fast and my eyes started to close I guess he realized what he was doing because he instantly let go. I gasped for air trying to get some oxygen to my brain, I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Bella I just got so angry I never meant to hurt you please don't leave me, I need you I love you." he begged and those beautiful brown eyes returned to me and he started kissing my face providing me with a swarm of apologies.

"It will never happen again I'm going to get a better grip on my anger just please don't leave me" he begged. I finally told him it was okay I believe him and I love him too assuring him I wasn't going to leave him. he kissed me and led me to the bedroom undressed me an stuck his little dick in me trying hard to make me feel good I faked an orgasm so he would feel accomplished but I went to bed that night hurt, broken hearted, upset, and unsatisfied.

End Flashback

And yet here I was all over again, stuck in this same relationship just now realizing everything was a lie.

"Hurry up whore!" he snarled, pulling my face right onto his shaft my lips parted and he entered my mouth

"Yeah little whore suck that shit good for daddy" he moaned I hated when he referred to me like I was a prostitute. He pushed my head down further and groaned as he continued to degrade me. I did as I was told not risking any more trouble I wanted nothing more than to bust into a million tears but I knew better than that, it would only make things that much worse for me.

I did what I was told, and in two minutes he was finished forcing me to swallow his salty fluids that just made me want to gag.

He pulled out of my mouth pushing my face back I remained frozen in my spot.

"Oh. . . . Bella now I remember why I love you" he claimed bending down to stroke my cheek, I wanted to shrug away but I couldn't chance another beating.

"That was so good honestly I don't have the energy to be mad at you anymore, yeah you didn't put the cover on my rabbit and it rained and it got a little wet because you got caught up in your silly school assignment it will dry and be alright, I see that now just make sure this place is spotless when I get back I'm going to the bar be back later." He said as he walked over the glass and flipped over furniture.

"Love you!" He shouted out, those were the last words I heard him speak before he disappeared as he left me alone in this dark gloomy hell I called my home. Not even having the energy to cry I picked myself up and staggered to the bathroom to first clean myself up and get myself together.

I turned the red handle on the shower as the hot steamy water began to fog up the mirrors I peeled off my clothes and stepped into the relaxing shower.

The hot water crashed against my battered body and relaxed my sore muscles it felt so good, but it saddened me to know once I stepped out of my steamed filled heaven the pain would slowly begin to creep back up on me.

I scrubbed off the dry blood that covers my body so much leaked into my hair forcing me to wash it. As I ran my hair under the water then watched the red water sink down the drain as I released a yelp of pain my head and hair were extremely tender where the chunks where missing.

I knew sooner or later I was going to have to look at my reflection I wish it would have to be later but I had to start preparing my cover up for school, didn't want people to start asking questions, If Jake caught wind of it more trouble for me. I stepped out the shower, slowly but surely the pain was coming back there was pain in each step I took towards the door.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped my sore body, but then realized the thick roughness of the towel only made my body ache more so I decided to ditch it and walk to my bedroom in my birthday suit. I walked past my built it mirrors that hung against the closet doors and scared myself half to death my body was in total disarray it was purple black and blue all over, totally black on and under each ribcage, there were tiny holes from my shoulder to my breast and some miscellaneous ones on my legs from the tiny shards of glass that penetrated me.

My legs had too many scratches and scares to count and there was a huge purple and blue bruise on the back of my left thigh. Shockingly my face was the best looking out of everything, I did a good job hiding it from his blows, I only had a busted lip and a tiny cut under my right ear that could be covered mostly with makeup and lipstick, at least it was better than when he blacked my eyes I had to wear sun glasses to every class claiming I got laser eye surgery for two weeks even provided a fatly doctors note thank you internet.

Man I am so getting tired of this I sighed as I walked away from my discouraging reflection to get dressed.

I went to the closet to get a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and some air force ones so I could get the glass up I went to the vanity to do a test run on my makeup for tomorrow, plus Jake hated when he came home to an ugly woman even if it was his fault he'd beat me more for looking raggedy when he came home claiming he's the one who has to look at it, like he's not the cause or something.

I just shook my head trying to rid myself of any thoughts of him this point. I started cleaning, first the glass I swept it up and double vacuumed, then I the flipped over furniture, hiding the holes in the walls with pictures and calendars.

I cleaned up blood and anything extra that got knocked or torn down.

Then I just started tidying up the rest of the apartment like sweeping cleaning the kitchen and things of that nature. When I was done I just looked and shook my head. No one would ever guess what goes down between these walls Hell! No one ever did. But I'm just so sick of living like this I should not have to endure these horrible beatings.

They just hurt so bad, I know I make him angry that is my fault I know I need to try harder to please him but I wish he would just go back to cursing me out I can handle that but the beatings are getting worse I feel one day he won't be able to stop himself and he will kill me, I shouldn't have to live in fear every day.

But yet that's the price I pay for love, is it worth it though? But then again, no one will ever love me more than Jake even my own father doesn't love me. Scholarships and grants paid for my schooling with my 3.5 GPA he was actually happy to see me go so I wouldn't see him pop pain pills 12 times a day and get so blazed he doesn't know what's going on. That's how he started dealing with the divorce of my so called mother Renee she was never really a mother to me she signed all her rights over to Charlie and left when I was 3 I know he blames me for her leaving too.

He also had post dramatic stress disorder, he has flashback of killings he witnessed, and nightmares so he just pops pills and consumes his liquor to numb all his pain the combination alone is suicidal.

But hey what can I possibly do? But maybe if I can come up with a good enough excuse I can live back with him for a while until I can find a part time job and can afford my own apartment but the lie has to be good.

There was no way I could tell my dad the truth not that he would care. I just got to get out of here. I looked over at the clock it was 10:30p.m he normally got drunk and comes home between 12 and 2 either to fight or for sex.

In either matter once again I have no choice; it was either now or never. I pulled out the two duffel bags I owned filled the first one with shirts, dresses, and undergarments. I filled duffel number two with pants, skirts, socks and shoes. I got a plastic bag for my toiletries and gathered and put everything in the trunk of my old Honda civic.

I looked back at the old dull apartment and vowed that I would never return I didn't want to sleep with the devil any longer. I got in the driver's seat jammed the key in the ignition twisted it and my baby roared to life. I backed out the parking lot and peeled off leaving the private hell Jake built in my rearview mirror I can't say I was sad to see it go because now maybe I could find myself again, find out who Bella Swan is, who she was before Jake broke her, so I can start to pick up the pieces and put them back together again so I can be all I can be. I know Kindergarten Be all you can be but sadly that's truly my goal I want to be something I can be proud of.

A/N So what you guys think you like? A lot going on here in this chapter it only gets better from here this chapter was intense huh? I had to put emphasis on a lot of things for the future of this story hope you enjoyed it I know it was kinda tragic but she's leaving right? :D so Please review gimmie your honest opinions good or bad Pleaseeeeeeeee! Review! Review! Review! Need my motivation I want to see what my readers think and if I should skew my direction I'll be updating soon :D ~MissFictionJunkieUknown~