Goodbye NCR and Brotherhood

Inside Area 51

"Listen son, I know your making an army, but for what war are you talking about?" His father asked worriedly.

"I'll talk to you later father, but right now I need to repair the teleporter." Richard replied in a normal tone.

His father and mother just exchanged worried glances at each other as they saw him walk off.

"Serenity, how goes with the repairs?" Just then a purple orb appeared next to him, from what it looks like, it looked like a robot observer, but in reality, it was the monitor of Area 51. (Some of you halo guys know what it looks like) "While the important systems to the teleporter are restored, more power is required for it to completely work." The eye replied back in its neutral monotone.

Monitor 235 also known as Serenity, was the enclave's own artificial intelligence. Though it was a first the enclave could advance so far to make an AI in Richard's perspective, the AI still did not understand half if not most of the alien technology held within the facility. The few good things about it though, was that it was the AI that took part in the construction of most of the facility along with the data organizing within the computer systems and of the converted alien weaponry, armor, and drones. He found her within its data station in room with the super computer of the facility. He even managed to convert her into serving him by using his knowledge of computers to make him the new permanent host of Area 51, he also managed to give her a personality as well, but she just usually replies neutrally. When Margret found out, she felt as if Richard was dumping her for a new AI, of course, Richard explained to her that they could use the knowledge that Serenity knows for their own purposes, and improve any designs she may hold. During these times Margret and Serenity tend to have a intelligence battle from time to time, and see who can out-think who.

"Divert all unnecessary power to the teleporter, see if that helps, if it still doesn't work, then I'll try and rewire the power couplings to give it more juice." Richard then went to the nearest terminal to call a meeting with the general of the NCR and the elder of the Brotherhood. They would only complicate things in his plans if they stay here longer.

He then came upon Dr. Li who was currently working with a few chemicals. She only added a drop into the container that it went from purple, to green. "With the progress were making here, we could make the entire wasteland fertile again." She said, proud of the progress she was making. She saw out the corner of her eye, Richard was waiting behind her.

"Something wrong Richard?"

"Yes, Dr. Li, I need to ask you a question."

"Of course, I managed to get this far in my work, and I could use a break right now," as she set the container down on the table, and turned to face him. "What is it?"

"I plan on sending away the NCR, the Brotherhood, and the scientists back home, the teleporter is repaired but it still needs enough power for it to work properly. But, what I am going to ask you right now is, can you stay behind?"

Shocked was the right word in her mind right now, why would he even consider this?

"Richard why do you need to send the NCR and Brotherhood back? I know you don't like this brotherhood as much as I do, but me? What about the other scientists here? We could use this facility, and discover its potential and see if we could use to benefit the wasteland."

"That's exactly it, but I don't trust anyone here, the scientists from the commonwealth will want to hoard as much data they can, like the Brotherhood, once we discover how everything works. The NCR is a good nation, but from what I read about them before we came here, they are a bunch of beurocratic idiots. From what I heard from a few of the troopers and Hawke, they are expanding too fast for their forces to handle. They're already stretched thin as it is, and some of their laws aren't exactly the best for everyone." He looked at her in the eye right now, and she can see that fire in his eyes, the kind James had when he's determined.

"I know you may call me as stubborn as my father sometimes, but this world is in trouble. The people here are facing a powerful evil to the north, and for me to just leave them here, would just make me as bad as the Brotherhood. I know its asking a lot, but right now I only trust you since you've always been a friend of my parents. I aim on asking for Hawke's help along with his group, and I'll also be asking my parents to stay. Please at least consider this decision, but if you decide to go home, then I'll gather as much data for you to analyze, and keep it in a storage device, it'll be protected with an encoded password, and I'll tell you how to unlock it."

Madison only let out an aspirated sigh, he was right that he was stubborn as his father, but help saving this world was too much for her, and everyone to handle. But from the way he told her, there was not much she could do to convince him otherwise, and if he's staying, James and Catherine were going to be staying as well. They wanted to catch up on lost time, since James was believed to have died when Richard was 19, and Catherine was taken before he could've started his childhood. She took one look at him, and told her answer.

"I know I'm going to regret this, but, I'm staying with you," Richard seemed to relax a little when he heard that, "But we're going to need a team if we're going to using this facility. Me and your parents still don't know how all of this works."

"Don't worry, thanks to Serenity, I'm learning more about Area 51. But, that's not all." He looked around to see if no one was around. "I'm already learning and adapting, Madison, I don't know how or why, but I can easily see a look at a schematic and tell how it works. Even when I read a book, I just need a second to tell the entire page, word for word." He started to walk around a bit, and use his hands for emphasis on how important this matter is.

"I'm also getting stronger, faster, and my reflexes are already more than that of a normal human. What's worse is that I may be telekinetic, earlier when I was making repairs to the teleporter, a wrench slowly moved into my hand even though it was a feet away from me. I think it may have been from the augmentations the aliens injected me with, when I was abducted. I'll let you see a blood sample to see the cause, but for now, we need to keep this matter a secret. You can tell me parents, but at a secret location where no one will hear."

Madison knew Richard wasn't the kind to lie, in fact, it have been impossible for him to lie at all, but from the way he described his situation, then its best that his parents know about it. But the one thing that got her thinking was what he meant when he was augmented. She already knew he was abducted because he has a ship of his own, and he couldn't have made it by himself, but if what he said has to deal with what was injected to him, it would be best to examine him, if people found out, they'll want to make him into their lab rat. Her only response to him was a simple nod, and Richard then thanked her, and went off to find Hawke and tell him what he was planning to do.


In Hawke's barracks

"You do realize that they won't stand for it." Hawke said after hearing everything. Hawke's group consisted of Arcade Gamnon, Boone, Veronica, Cass, a cyber dog named Rex, a ghoul named Raul, a shop security robot called Eyebot (Duraframe)-Subject E, or known as ED-E, and a super mutant named Lily. There were however two guys dressed as veterans, just sitting around in a corner. The news however didn't shock them; it's the fact that Hawke and Richard almost looked EXACTLY the same. Now if you remember Hawke was captured into becoming an enclave super soldier, but the fact was that he too was augmented. There were a few facial features that made them different, but still, they almost looked like brothers.

"Are you two lost brothers or something?" Veronica asked, dumbfounded.

"I was born a single child." Richard replied.

"I however have three brothers. Now before you ask I'll give you some details about them. Their names are Falcon, Kite, and Sparrow. Falcon and I are both 19. Sparrow and Kite are 18."

"Where are they now?"

"Falcon and Kite decided to stay in the Mojave and help out the people there. Sparrow and me on the other hand joined with the NCR and the veterans. Plus, before any of this happened we used to be couriers for the Mojave Express. The only reason we're here now is because of a scandal delivery which ended up me getting shot in the head twice and left for dead."

At that comment Richard was stupefied. No one usually could survive a shot to the head, and survive, let alone have no brain damage whatsoever. "How did you survive?"

"Call me lucky. Anyway it was because of that we went on an adventure of a lifetime, and meet up with the others along the way. We even managed to scrounge up some old veteran armor and anti-materiel rifles from a few bodies along the way. We made the dusters black and had our own insignias on there so the NCR didn't confuse us with their own. Though the one thing I don't know is that Falcon and Kite seem to get up and go off when we get to New Vegas sometimes. Falcon tells us he was visiting someone and headed for the Thorn while Kite also said the same thing and went to the Vault 21 hotel."

"Don't seem to know why but the next day we see quite happy and content about something. It was like they had the best night of their lives. And I don't mean sleeping soundly either."

Changing the topic, "So Hawke what's your decision?"

"I'm willing to help, but you'll have to give the leaders a good reason why you're doing this. Knowing them, they're gonna be stubborn as hell in going back." Hawke then walked out of the barracks, leaving the team behind. Richard then turned his attention to Veronica.

"I already told you my plan, are you going back with the Brotherhood?"

"As much as the Brotherhood is like a family to me, I think I can learn a lot of this place. Plus, the relations between me and the scribes isn't really good right now."

"What about everyone else?"

"Hawke's helped me out with my problems, if he's staying here, you can bet I'm tagging along." Cass answered.

"Every sniper will always need a spotter." Boone replied and offering one of his rare smiles.

ED-E and Rex beeped and barked in approval.

"I follow wherever the boss goes." Raul answered.

"Ah what the hell, he helped us out, so I might as well follow wherever he goes." Arcade said.

"A CHILD WILL ALWAYS NEED A GRANDMOTHER'S GUIDANCE." Lily commented rather loudly, but then again she was a super mutant. Richard also wondered why one person was missing.

"How come his brother Sparrow isn't here?"

Veronica answered for him, "Hawke didn't want to put him at risk and lose his youngest brother when we were fighting the enclave, and so he convinced the higher-ups to assign him somewhere else. His brother wasn't thrilled about it but he understood why he did it."

Richard nodded in understanding then headed over to two rangers from what he can tell they also wore black dusters (The correct term in describing the jacket the veterans wear over their armor). One of them spotted him coming and saluted him.

"Private Danson, SpecOps of Black Recon. How can I help you sir?" (Eh, I can't seem to think of a good name for the group.)

"Black Recon? Is this the name of Hawke's group? "

"Yes sir."

"So who's he?" Richard said pointing over to the man who was sitting and leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed. His head was tilted to the side Richard guessed he was sleeping.

"That's Jim, he's the newest edition to the team, and most of the time we call him Rookie."

"Why do you call him that?"

"Well its because he just finished his basic training. Command thought that the best way for a new recruit to be a hardened soldier is by placing them in experienced squads and learn from them. Take for us for example, we are specialized in different professions and command believes that if Rookie can learn from us, then he might be able to know how to assess different combat situations."

Danson then leaned in close to whisper in his ear. "We also know that he's been getting close to Veronica lately, and some of the guys here have been making a pool to see if he can get in her pants." Just then Danson received a kick in his butt. It was from Jim. Apparently, he wasn't that asleep.

"Okay changing the subject here, how did he get into the NCR in the first place, in fact why was he placed in the group in the first place?"

"Well I was assigned here because the higher-ups thought my skill with a rifle could be more useful with Hawke. Rookie on the other hand was practically shoved into group, and told not to ask any questions about it but let him learn from us.

"That answers one question, could you answer this one? You guys really went through a lot, what happened here?"

Cass answered his question, "It was a mass slaughter here. The enclave dug in deep and we lost most of our forces at the entrance. Even we got inside the infiltration teams were torn apart with the security systems and the ambush points made by the troopers."

It was at that moment Hawke then entered back again and announced to the group, "Alright the leaders have met up in the command tent, and they are REALLY pissed."

"I guess I have a meeting with the military leaders."

As he was beginning to head out, he caught sight of Hawke walking over to Cass, where she had a devilish grin on her face. She then grabbed his hand and led him to a separate room.

"Uh, are they-"

"Yes." Boone interrupted before he could finish.

"So they're gonna-" Richard started again but Boone answered back.

"Pretty much."

Richard just left it at that.

(You guys know what I'm talking about!)


In the Command Center

When Hawke said they were pissed, he was right, the elder and general were practically fuming at what Richard said.

"How could you propose such a thing? You just want the technology here for yourself!" Oliver exclaimed.

"Don't think the brotherhood won't fight what we fought hard to obtain." McNamara said.

"Now, now, let's not get too worked up about this."

"Worked up, you're asking us to leave this base that could benefit the NCR in your hands!" Oliver shouted.

"Don't forget about our agreement general. The brotherhood also needs to research the technology here, don't think its all yours." McNamara said as he glared at Oliver.

"Gentlemen please. Think of the position you're in." Richard spoke coolly, but what he didn't know was that his ability was starting up again, and this time it was influencing his "silver tongue."

"Basically, the officials at the NCR will think you and your forces are dead. Thus, if you don't return to the Mojave with the technology you discovered, they will most likely promote the next closest military officer your position." When Oliver heard that, he was stunned that he had a point. The entire facility was taken when the teleporter malfunctioned and the officials may have already declared them dead if they haven't returned back.

"And elder, wouldn't the brotherhood outposts be scattered and argue over who is supposed to take the position of elder? Plus, think of what the technology could be used when turned in to the West coast brotherhood." McNamara then went pale at the thought. He was right. Without leadership, the outposts in the Mojave would lose leadership and will most likely argue over who is qualified to be leader. He also had a point when he said that the technology could benefit the brotherhood. The advance technology here could change everything.

"Even if we could how will be able to return, the teleporter was destroyed beyond repair when it was used." McNamara said.

"Actually I have a solution to your problem." Richard said with a sly smile on his face.


Inside the facility

Both the NCR and Brotherhood were all lined up, as the teleporter was ready and already charging. Richard was very confident that this would work, but decided to be on the safe side and ask Serenity.

"Serenity, are you sure there's enough juice to get everyone back?" Richard never doubted the numbers, there was always one thing that could go wrong and ruin everything.

"Yes sir, I am very positive, with the amount of power that we have to the teleporter, we should have enough for one trip back to Earth. The odds of this being successful is 75.9999%"

"Alright," he then turned to Oliver and McNamara and produced two cubes and handed it to them, "these cubes holds important data that could benefit mankind. Including advanced schematics for NCR trooper armor and weapons. It also includes schematics for crop farming; I figured that you'd need it when you need the crops the most during the seasons. To open it just press the button underneath and it'll show the data." Oliver thanked him and turned to McNamara.

"In this one, it holds data on how to make advanced Eye-bots like ED-E, along with schematics on improved laser weapons and power armor. I figured that you'd want a little kick when dealing with deathclaws and the such."

"And what of the technology here?" McNamara may have been grateful that he was giving them upgrades on their armor and weapons, but he wasn't fully confident in leaving the facility alone with him.

"The teleporter could only stay open for so long, and with that fact that most of half of the facility's power was damaged during the attack, this is all that you can take with you in order come out in one piece. Another fact would that Earth is all the way in the other side of the galaxy, so it's taking all of the facility's power to make a jump this far. Besides you don't have to worry about me, Hawke is with me and his team, so basically he can keep an eye on me while you guys are away."

Oliver and McNamara didn't like the idea of leaving the facility to a guy they barely know, but they do trust Hawke and knowing him, he'll be sure to keep an eye on him until they could find a way to return back to Earth. The teleporter then began to hum as the wheels within it started spinning. It went faster and faster as energy within it started growing bigger until it was a huge ball of energy. The rings then slowly stopped spinning and then formed midway to make a gate as the energy stretched out to form the portal.

"Okay people the portal's open but it won't hold for long! I suggest you go right now before anything happens!" Richard shouted to the addressed crowd. Everyone soon enough gathered their things and started up the stairs to the portal, a few were hesitant about going through it, but if it helped getting back home, they were willing to take it. After a few seconds of a few people putting their hands in to test if it works, they then stepped through and waited until they went to the other side. It was here that Oliver decided to ask, "Where will this take us?"

"It will take you to the outskirts of the original area of the facility. You guys know of how to get back right?"

"Of course. I may not be fully trusting in you yet but, thank you." As he extended his hand for Richard to shake. Richard shook his hand, as well as McNamara as he thanked him as well. It took a few minutes until everyone from the NCR and brotherhood passed through the portal. The scientist then left as well, and Richard also had a harder time in agreeing on what could be given to them when they return to Earth. Richard then had handed them a cube that contains some knowledge about the enclave's research in technology (and that's not the alien technology, also don't blame me for this part here I don't have any idea what to give the scientists). This then left the room empty with himself, his parents, Dr. Li, and Serenity. One thing about the portal though, was that it was not closing down.

"Um, Serenity, would you mind telling me why the portal is still open?" Richard was not worried that there might have been a malfunction, but it was the thought that something may have been caught in the other end.

"There appears to be three more users that are coming from the other end sir."

"Users?" As he said that, he saw three figures get thrown out of the portal and landed with a thud on the stairs and roll down to the floor before them. From what he saw, the three figures looked like NCR veterans that he saw Danson and Jim wear. As they got up and get a feel of where they were, the portal behind them started dissipating and rings slowly drop down to the platform. When the three figures got up, their reactions were shocked, surprised, and anxious with their weapons they had on them drawn. The three of them noticed the people before them and one of them spoke up.

"Who are you and where are we?"

"I am Richard Solomon, and you are in Area 51. Might I ask who you three are?" He told them, but for some reason, they look vaguely familiar.

"I'm Falcon," one said another said, "I'm Kite," and the last one said, "and I'm Sparrow." Though the last one said it almost sheepishly.

Then it dawned upon him, they were Hawke's brothers that he mentioned earlier.

"You're Hawke's –" he was about to finish until Serenity chimed in.

"Sir, I am getting a transmition from one of the outposts on the surface. Transmitting now." Serenity's eye then showed a screen that showed the helmet of the Neon dark trooper under his command. (The guys that look like helghast)

"Sir, Amata, Sulona, and Tyrone are here and say that they need to meet you. Something about the ambassadors from the Alliance wanting to meet you in person."

Richard just groaned at the confirmation before him. This was gonna be a long day ahead.

AH-HA! You thought I was gone did you! Well I'm back, with some new ideas for the story. Although I have to say sorry that it was a long time in updating, you know, school, life, homework, not being able to get on fanfiction since its blocked to deliver my chapters at home. Also, sorry if chapter 8 was a bit rushed and a bit suckish since I needed something for the action in Northrend. Anyway I'll be sure to add chapter 10 real soon if I can. So here's another trailer for your appetites.

Trailer 2:

*Que Blue Moon by Frank Sinatra*

You see the moon shining in the night sky. It then lowers down to a chapel and as it spans out you recognize it as Stormwind with the stone roads and human buildings.

Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone,
Without a dream in my heart,
Without a love of my own,

Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for,
You heard me saying a prayer for,
Someone I really could care for,

As it is spanning outwards, you see soldiers patrolling the houses and businesses that are still open. But as you see there are different soldiers as well, the soldier clones of Richard Solomon are also patrolling while some are heading into stores to buy and sell.

And then there suddenly appeared before me,
The only one my arms would hold,
I heard somebody whisper "please adore me,"
And when I looked to the moon it turned to gold,

Blue moon, now I'm no longer alone,
Without a dream in my heart,
Without a love of my own.

It then draws back through the canal, bridges, arks, and through the trade district. Within there, you see the Solomon's clones trading, and talking with the people still awake, then it moves back until it's at the valley of heroes.

And then there suddenly appeared before me,
The only one my arms will ever hold,
I heard somebody whisper "please adore me",
And when I looked the Moon had turned to gold,

Blue moon,
Now I'm no longer alone,
Without a dream in my heart,
Without a love of my own,

You then see that it passes through the honored statues of Stormwind's heroes until you get to one of the towers near the main entrance. Then you see a helmet rise up as the soldier taps the side of his helmet for the optics to light up. You recognize this soldier to be an NCR veteran, and as it draws back more, you see that there are three more around him doing the same thing, two of which are crouching down on one knee. The four of them lift up their weapons that seem to be anti-materiel rifles and take aim. They then fire their weapons but at that time begin to slow down. As the bullets slowly go down to their designated target, it leads down to a nearby forest which then reveals a small group of bandits hiding behind a few trees. Time is returns back to normal as the bullets hit their mark and flesh and brain matter splatter the ground and screen.

You are then shown a group of bandits near a body, and judging from the build, it is a boy. One of them is digging a grave next to him, as their leader is taking a drag from his stick.

Blue moon,
Now I'm no longer alone,
Without a dream in my heart,
Without a love of my own…