A/N: I honestly have NO idea what got me back into SasuNaru, but whatever it was... the muse has returned and I'm ready to write about it! It's been YEARS since I've read/watched Naruto. I know a LOT about pre-Shippuden but NOTHING of Shippuden itself. This is why I am writing an AU story because it's the only one that I know anything about. You'll just have to bear with me.

WARNING: This story will have parralels to the canon story; however, there will be A LOT of differences. For example, Naruto has parents. Since they're not ninjas... they have parents. Apple-pie life I guess.

Though they are all 16. Or 17. Whatever. Shippuden age.

Please enjoy. And sorry for the length. It's a pretty long chapter. ^^"

Naruto Uzumaki's life was pretty much the life any teenager would want. He had great parents, a large, fancy home with a huge bedroom that had its own bathroom, the best friends people could ever ask for, and an orange Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder which his father had bought for him brand new last year. His life was almost story-book perfect, like God had blessed his life to make it just absolutely perfect.

Still, he couldn't get a girlfriend.

Why? Ask Sasuke Uchiha that.

Sasuke Uchiha was Konoha's cheif of police's son. He was good looking, smart, talented, and his hair was always perfectly spiked. Meticulously so, actually. Naruto loathed him with most everything in him mostly because he knew he was awesome. He knew every single girl in the high-school-with their short skirts and tight, partly-buttoned shirts just begging to be ripped open-fawned so mercilessly over him. He knew he was hot. Yet he stayed single because not one girl was good enough for him. Oh no. Sakura Haruno-the girl Naruto had been in love with since the second grade-was probably the leader of his fan club. Sakura and her friend, Ino, basically had most every girl in the whole school beat for the obsessive fan-girling. She figured that one day Sasuke would come to his senses and sweep her off of her dainty little feet. Naruto hated how Sasuke monopolized all the girls but never gave them the time of day. It was infuriating and for that, most of the guys in the Konohagure Junior Class hated the Uchiha with all of their beings.

But the worst thing above all was the fact that every Monday night, Naruto and his family would trek over to the Uchiha residence to eat supper. Sometimes the Uchihas would come to the Uzumakis, but, more times than less, the Uzumaki family came over to that bastard's home to eat the best home-cooked food you had ever eaten. Mostly because Fugaku Uchiha and Minato were the best of friends. It kept the whole city safe and sound because the mayor and his chief of police would discuss strategies for keeping the city safe every Monday night. It never failed.

Naruto really, really hated Mondays. More than most people do.

And all because of that bastard named Sasuke Uchiha who Naruto hated.

Chapter One: One Reason to Hate Mondays

Naruto awoke that morning with a familiar sense of dread. It was a Monday which meant... all day at the Uchiha residence, eating good food and then sitting around. He never did anything at the Uchihas, mostly because the only person who was free to talk to was Sasuke and that was not going to happen. He always went back to his room and read a book or study, blatantly ignoring Naruto. The blonde mostly sat on their large, leather couch watching a soccer game on the TV. Either that or some dumb anime which took his mind of the boredom and loathing he was feeling. Once he even took his X-Box and played Street Fighter while the anti-social raven resided in his room, pretending the blonde didn't exist.

Naruto moaned as he threw the covers off of him, his alarm beeping loudly next to his ear. He slammed his hand down to turn it off, winding up only pressing the snooze button. He bent down, flicked off the switch, and returned to a standing position. He glanced around the room in a daze, finding his closet slowly. He staggered over there and opened the door, walking inside of the rather huge walk-in closet that his room contained.

Inside were rows and rows of clothes. He was only looking for the school uniform which he had three of. He picked out one of them and dressed inside the closet. When he was finished, he walked into the bathroom, flicked on the lights, and stared at his mug in the mirror.

The blonde examined himself, noticing the purplish lines under his eyes. He was pretty tired since he had stayed up all night on the school's chatroom, talking with Sakura. She thought of him nothing more as a brother which, basically, was a pride crusher to last a life time. His blonde hair was scattered all over the place, instead of its usual spikey manner. He spread some hair-gel through his fingers and molded his hair, spraying it with some aerosol hair-spray. By the time he was finished, he was basically ready for school. He brushed his teeth, swished some mouth wash, and then walked out of the bathroom still really tired and wanting to return to his bed which was practically calling out to him. He grabbed his bag and walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning, honey," said his mom who was in full-on mom garb, with the floral apron and the warm smile. She had made him a breakfast plate, but it was pretty much too late to eat anything.


"I'll put this in the fridge. You can eat it later if you'd like." His mom took the plate and put it in the fridge. Naruto nodded, turning around only to almost run into his father who was straightening his tie.

"Woah, son!" said Minato. "Watch where you're going." He laughed good-naturedly. Naruto nodded with a tight smile.

"Yeah. Well, I'm off."

"Goodbye, dear! Have a great day!" called Kushina from the kitchen. Her son gave one last wave until he was outside, walking to his orange Mitsubishi which gleamed brightly for him in the mid-morning sunlight. He jabbed the keys into the ignition and the radio began to play some J-pop song that Naruto practically knew by heart considering it was always on the radio. He sang along with the lyrics as he drove to the collassal private school where most teens in the city of Konoha attended, considering that Konoha was one of the richest cities in all of Japan, known for its tourism, beautiful sights, and how safe it was considering. There hadn't really been a single incident in over 16 years when there was a series of murders-all of whom were Uchiha clan members-which caused the whole city to freak out, leading to quite the uproar amongst the community. Since then, the chief of police swore nothing else would happen. The worst thing about it was that the murderer was of the chief's own: Itachi Uchiha a.k.a Sasuke's older brother.

Students were pulling into the parking lot, each with new cars, new-ish cars, and there were a few rather clunky ones who parents were rich, but frugal. For example, Naruto's best friend Kiba's parents were one of the most frugal parents alive. Often worse than Naruto's own, who at least bought their son a brand new car to drive around in.

The Inuzuka fellow leaned against the side of his beat-up Camry with his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets, waiting as per usual for his best friend. Naruto opened up the car, locked it with a "beep", and walked over to his friend the dog-lover.

"Hey, Uzumaki," said Kiba, taken out a fist to have Naruto pound it. The blonde put his fist to the other's and they walked into the school together, grinning from ear to ear, talking about girls and whatnot. They were laughing and carrying on when the blondenoticed the dark prescence of Sasuke Uchiha pass by him without a word or glance. Naruto fumed.

"One reason to hate Mondays...that douche-nozzle."

Kiba nodded, understand Naruto's unfortunate predicament. He, too, didn't like the self-centered Uchiha. He was part of the reason why he didn't have a girl friend. He really liked Ino, but she was also one of those fan girls for Sasuke. No one could rid themselves of the raven... especially not Naruto who wanted nothing more than to go home later tonight and crash on his bed. Maybe he could convince his parents that he had a lot of homework? Nah... they'd still make him go. He'd still much rather eat a huge bowl of miso ramen. Better yet, head to Ichiraku and buy a bowl. Two maybe... three possibly...

The pair walked to their first period class which was Iruka Umino's Advanced Lit. class taught to only those who were really great at Lit. Naruto wasn't great in a lot of things, but this class was his favorite of all. He did great on every test and every project, getting great compliments from Iruka-sensei who was more like his big-brother than his teacher. Still, he called Iruka Iruka-sensei. It was weird to call him anything else. He was Naruto's old baby-sitter back in the day, and was pretty much his mentor at life. Next to his father, of course. Iruka often visits the blonde when there are no papers to grade and whatnot. And sometimes, Iruka would buy him a huge bowl of ramen at Ichiraku.

"Alright class, take your seats," said the young teacher, motioning for the class to settle down and plant their tushes against the wooden chairs provided. "We have a new assignment."

The class groaned. Not another assignment! He had the worst assignments ever... and they were usually more like projects. However, they were not worth a project grade.

"Since we've been learning about biographies over people, I've come up with the idea that each of you will write your own biography of a person. However, you will not get to choose. It will be completely random. In an effort to save time..." Iruka reached behind him and picked up a straw hat that farmers usually wore when harvesting rice. "...I will draw your name and your partner's name out of this and you must write a two-page biography about their life. Doesn't sound too hard, right?"

The class groaned again.

"Come on, guys! Look up! This'll be fun. You might even make a new friend. Okay. First is-" The teacher drew out the first name, opening the slip of paper to reveal the name. "-Ino Yamanaka with-" he drew another name. "-Kiba Inuzuka."

Kiba grinned. Ino shook her head. Naruto knew what she was thinking: "Why didn't I get paired with Sasuke?"

After a round of names, most everyone had partners. Hinata with her cousin Neji, Shikamaru with the transfer student named Gaara, some girl named Shizune and Shino. About everyone had a partner except four people, one being Naruto and another being Sasuke. The other two were paired together which left...

"Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki. Ooh. Interesting." Iruka-sensei just smiled. Naruto had never wanted to punch his mentor any more than he did today, at that very moment. He was so pissed...

"Good luck everyone. This is due at the end of this month. I suggest you get started."

Naruto put his head down.

"Tough luck, dude. Having to work with that egotistical dick-wad."

"Shut the hell up, Kiba."

Kiba raised his hands in surrender. Iruka-sensei continued on with the lecture, talking about some Japanese biography written of a Japanese president back in the day. It was boring and draining. By the end of the class, Naruto wanted to lay down in the middle of the road, waiting for a car to run right over top of him. Kiba could feel his pain and slung his arm around his shoulders.

"It'll be alright, man. This assignment is due soon anyways... no worries."

"Easy for you to say," grumbled Naruto. "You got paired with Ino. She has C-cups."

"So I've heard," said Kiba was a small sneer. "But in all seriousness, I don't think you'll die. You might, but I doubt it."

Naruto nodded his head, wishing that this school day would end already.

When Naruto arrived back to his house, he changed from his school uniform and turned on his X-Box, entering a chatroom with Shikamaru, Kiba, Lee, and Choji. The blonde placed his mike over his head and began to chat with them. Eventually he started playing Street Fighter, playing over Live. He wasn't doing very well, mostly because he was tired and in a really bad mood. He disliked everything. He really just wanted to play sick so he didn't have to go to that dick's house. Too bad for him because his parents were calling him thirty minutes after 5, telling him to get down here or he wouldn't be allowed to play X-box for an entire week. He groaned, signed off of Live, and put on a pair of jeans (he had been laying around in his underwear) that were rather baggy. He grabbed a notebook and pen, sticking the pen into the rings of the notebook.

Naruto bounded down the stairs, almost tackling his father to the ground.

"Whoa, son. Eager to get to Sasuke's, eh?" Yondaime knew of his son's disdain for the black-haired boy. Naruto frowned.

"As if, dad. I just wanna go and get back."

The blonde, tall man laughed.

"Of course. I should'veknown." Yondaime straightened his tie as Naruto and his mother walked out the door to their white Honda Accord sitting in their garage. Naruto's father climbed into the driver's seat, starting the engine and pulling out into the streets of Konoha. Naruto slid his head-phones in, listening to the sounds of J-pop and J-rock that played themselves on shuffle, one song titled "Fighting Dreamers" was currently his favorite. He liked the random English lyrics as well as the Japanese ones. He found it to be his theme song. He was a dreamer, and he would fight for it. It basically told the story of his life.

They arrived at the Uchiha home about 15-till 6. When the family got out of the car, smells of food wafted around in the air. Naruto felt his stomach grumble. The best thing about Mondays was eating Auntie's food. It was some of the best in the known world. The family walked up to the door and rang to doorbell. Mikoto Uchiha answered the door with a smiling face-quite the opposite of her son's stoical facade-and welcomed the family in.

"You know that you don't have to ring the doorbell!" said the black-haired lady. "You're family."

"Ah, well, thank you Mikoto," said Yondaime.

The Uzumakis walked in into the pleasant, large home of the Uchihas. It was chilly outside, but the fact that Mikoto was baking heated the house. Naruto sniffed the air with excitement. It smelled heavenly. He looked around the room noticing that Sasuke was not in there yet. He was probably still in his room. A long hallway extended on the other side of the room with doors lining the walls. Sasuke's was on the end, and he could see that it was tightly shut. The blonde grimaced. He, of course, thought that he was too good to eat with the family.

"Naruto-kun, would you like to go get Sasuke? He's had a rough day today and he was resting," said Sasuke's mother.

Naruto nodded, his face straining to put on at least a semi-happy face. So Sasuke had a rough day too. The poor baby. The blonde turned his face away and it turned into a sneer.

He walked to the end of the hallway and knocked on the last wooden door twice.

"Hey, teme. Come on. Your mom said to come and get you."

He waited a little bit for some sort of movement behind it. He knocked again.

"I don't care if you want to be a douche to me, but doing it to your parents is seriously awful. Come on out, already!"

He heard a shuffle and then the wooden door flew open, revealing a black-haired, pale, Asian-boy who looked like he was about to kill someone. He was wearing a skin-tight navy tee with a pair of black skin-tight skinny jeans. His all-black eyes bore into Naruto's bright-blue ones, making Naruto step backwards. He was a bit afraid of the raven, but a bit stunned at his... fascinating appearance.

"Move," he stated, making Naruto press against the wall, allowing the boy to pass by him slowly. The way he walked was graceful, like a dancers, but it was also meaningful like with every step he took, he was going to get somewhere instead of walking around aimlessly.

"Ah, Sasuke-kun!" said Yondaime with a smile. "Nice of you to join us."

The raven sat down slowly. Naruto shook his head. He had been watching the boy's steps carefully, not being able to take his eyes off of the slender figure. Naruto eventually joined them, sitting right across from him. Naruto kept his head down. He was almost too nervous to look up. Wait, what am I doing? Naruto thought. He put his head up to face Sasuke who was watching him intently. Naruto adverted his eyes, turning to look at the man sitting at the head of the table. He was Fugaku Uchiha, the Chief of Police. He still wore his uniform proudly.

"Welcome, Uzumaki family. I am happy that you can join us once again." The man's deep, gravely voice spoke with pride. He kept his face set, hard. Naruto could tell that Sasuke got all of his expressions from this man.

"Glad that you would have us here," said Naruto's father with a small grin. Naruto got all of his quirks and personality from his father. Also he was a spitting image with his mother's build. Naruto was sort of lanky and not really muscular.

All of the members at the table bowed their heads and muttered "thank you for the food" and began to eat the meal laid out before them. Naruto was slurping noodles right and left, eating some rice in between. He was actually the first one done, the next being Sasuke.

"Father, mother," began to the raven. "Naruto and I must work on an assignment. May we be excused?"

"Of course, dear," said his mother with a smile as she ate her meal slowly.

The two got up. Naruto followed the raven back into his room. He shut the door.

"Listen here, dobe. Let me get one thing straight. I will not answer deep personal questions. Do you understand?"

"Fine. I wouldn't anyways. 'Snot like I care about what you do in your bedroom late at night." Naruto snickered.

"Good. Now. Let's finish this. I hate this just as much as you. Sensei is ignorant for pairing me up with an idiot like you."

Naruto fumed.

"Whatever, teme! I don't need some low-life bastard like you telling me what I am. I may act like an idiot, but at least I'm not a total douche!"

"Sit." Sasuke pointed to the bed. Naruto didn't want to comply, but he had to. With a grumble, the blonde sat down on the bed. Sasuke pulled up his desk chair and sat across from him, leaning backwards and crossing his legs.

Naruto glanced around the room, seeing band posters of some Japanese metal bands and images of skulls. He was a pretty dark person. Naruto's room was filled with J-pop posters and images of half-naked school-girls. Well, at least Sasuke had a large cut-out of the main Halo character. Naruto had one of them as well.

"So. You like Halo, huh?" asked the blonde curiously. The raven looked at him with his dark eyes. Sasuke eventually nodded.

"It's one of the one games I play."

"Really? Me too! I mean, I play Street Fighter a lot too. But that's about it." Naruto noticed a black X-Box on his TV stand and a large plasma sitting atop of the wood. "What games ya got?"

Sasuke said nothing, but rather moved to his game collection and pointed to it. "Call of Duty, Halo 3, Halo Reach, and Tekken 6."

"Really? No Street Fighter?"

"It's a loathsome game. No."

Naruto scowled at him (he was doing that a lot with the raven). "Whatever. I guess I'll ask... what is your favorite? Halo Reach?"


Naruto took out the pen from the rings of his notebook and turned to a blank page, writing "Sasuke" down at the top of the page and then writing that his favorite video game was Halo Reach.

"Okay. Ask me something."

Sasuke moved to get his own notebook and a pencil. He sat back down on the chair and looked back at the blonde.

"I don't know what to ask," he admitted coolly, his icey eyes boring into Naruto's own. "There's nothing I care about."

"I don't give a damn if you care or not! It's a freakin' assignment, teme!" Naruto grumbled. He thought he caught a faint smirk on Sasuke's face, but it was gone in a nano-second. He wrote something down on the paper and looked back up, his eyes showing humor, but his mouth remained the same. The blonde was getting frustrated. He couldn't even ask him a question. What was he? 7? "What did you write?" growled the blonde.

"Hn. Nothing."

"Yeah right nothing! Lemme see!" Naruto practically jumped Sasuke. He was almost in his lap. Sasuke held the notebook high above his head so the blonde couldn't reach it. Naruto stretched an arm as far as it could go, but he just could not reach it. Damn Sasuke and being a few inches taller, with a longer wing-span. He crawled up to where Sasuke was sitting and now was sitting on his lap.

"Let. Me. See. Teme!" shouted Naruto, reaching for the notebook, but he stopped. Something was poking into his thigh. Naruto threw himself backwards, blushing like mad as Sasuke jerked to a standing position. Naruto nodded the... the...


The raven shot out of the room to his conjoining bathroom and slammed the door. Naruto sat down on the bed, covering his face. It was burning a very bright red. He was so embarrassed. What did that mean? Well, he knew what it meant... but did it really mean...?

Sasuke liked Naruto? As in, sexually?


Good afternoon, peeps! Glad that you have read my incredibly long chapter. I know. It was like... 3,000 words! That's pretty long for a chapter of a fanfic. Anyways. I came up with this idea a while back so I finally took the liberty of typing it all and making it into a fanfic! It's been a long time since I've published a fanfic, so I need to get back into the groove of things.

Please tell me what you all think. Reviews=crack to a fanfic writer so PLEASE review. MUST. HAVE. FEEDBACK.

I probably won't continue if I don't have a lot of reviews. ^^" So please. REVIEW. : D

Thank y'all fer readin'! Love ya'