A/N: 'Silent Tears' is on hiatus as I need to find some inspiration just to finish it off, sorry guys. So anyway, I got this idea whilst watching 'Pretty Little Liars' (If you watch it you may get what it's based off :)) NOTE. I'm from the UK so I don't know how the American school/college systems work, just off the things I research, so if I've got it wrong, I'm sorry, feel free to correct me for future reference. This fic is AU, The characters are very OCC but I've tried to make them more like their characters in the show. This is an edited version of the first chapter thanks to hannah-jennifer for the hints :)

Crossing Boundaries.

As she walked in, Rachel was hit by a wall of smoke. She inhaled and spluttered, coughing as the smoke stuck to the back of her throat, a burning sensation running down her neck. She took a deep gasp of clean air as she walked through the wall, her eyes scanning the bar. It was empty, except for a tall figure, hunched over at the bar and a few old men in the corner, chuckling as Rachel walked by. She scoffed and walked over to the bar, praying the bar tender wouldn't notice the fact that she was four years under the legal age. She absent mindedly tapped her fingers along the wooden bar surface, looking around, hoping that she wasn't being stood up. She needed someone to talk to, especially after yesterdays events, but unfortunately for her, the one person she wanted most, had stood her up. 'Ugh' Her hand flew to her mouth when she realised the sound wasn't muted. Her cheeks flushed red when she noticed the man sitting a few seats away from her, chuckled as he took another sip from his drink.

"You been stood up?" His voice was smooth and musical and she quickly turned her head to see the man sitting a few seats away from her, his mouth was upturned into a grin and his eyes bore into Rachel's. She nodded and licked her lips, smiling back at the man. "You want a drink?" He lifted his glass and indicated to the bar tender, who dropped his mop and rushed over, eager for another customer.

"Um, yeah sorry. I'll have a small glass of wine?" She sounded unsure and slowly raised her eyes to meet the bar tender's, she pursed her lips as she waited for him to throw her out for being under-age. Instead, he muttered a 'Yes ma'am' and walked over to the fridge. Rachel victoriously smiled to herself. She slowly sipped her wine, when it was handed to her and turned to face the mysterious man. "Thanks, for the drink. I was meant to be meeting my friend, but it seems he's stood me up!" The man lifted his head and turned to look at Rachel, who inwardly gasped. He wasn't just some man, he was a damn good-looking man. He looked very young, early twenties she presumed. He had very defined features, and the most beautiful brown eyes she'd ever seen. His hair matched his eyes in colour, but did no justice to the beauty. His hair was cut short and spiked out. He was far too young, and handsome, to be drinking by himself. She smiled at him, her best one, the one that showed all her perfect pearly whites.

He laughed again, "Your boyfriend stood you up? Well, isn't he a keeper!" A smug look spread across his face and Rachel felt the urge to wipe it right off.

"Actually, he's an old friend. I've just moved back from New York, and he insisted we meet here, we've been best friends since, forever really!" The smug smiled never faded and Rachel's insides turned to goo. She quickly looked down at the glass and licked her lips again, before taking a small sip and sighing.

"So, he just left you here. In a bar. Alone. A young, pretty girl like you? Seems like some kind of friend!" She laughed at his comment and turned in her seat to face him again. She noticed that his eyes sparkled everytime he moved his head, even the slightest.

"Yeah, he's probably screwing some poor girl. He's a bit of a man-whore to be honest. A man-whore with the worst haircut, I've ever seen!" She let out a small childish giggle and sipped her wine again, her eye's never leaving the man in-front of her. Slowly, he got up from his seat and moved, to sit next to Rachel, placing his drink down next her hers.

"You starting here then?" Rachel nodded awkwardly, her attention being drawn to the closeness of his body, rather than the questions, "What are you studying?" Rachel snapped out of her dream sequence and stuttered mindlessly.

"Er..Um, AP English and music mostly. I have this weird dream to be a literature professor slash musician when I leave. Girlish dreams never fail me!" She raised her glass in toast and downed the rest of her wine, to the shock of the man across from her.

"Wow, well I'm taking up a teaching post near here! I never did ask your name.." A lop-sided grin appeared on his face and Rachel giggled, resting her elbow on the bar and her head on her hand.

"Rachel Berry," She found herself engrossed in his eyes, leaning forward ever so often, "And yours?" Her voice had an alluring tone, and he too, found himself slowly moving towards her.

"Finn, Finn Hudson!" He coughed awkwardly and leaned back into his chair, not loosing eye contact with Rachel, who was still in the same position as before. She saw the bathroom sign out of the corner of her eye and a seductive smile rose to the surface. She slowly got up and walked around Finn, stopping to whisper in his ear.

"I'm going the bathroom, I'll see you in a sec!" Finn, awkwardly looked around, then abruptly stood up, "Yeah, me too!" He said before speeding off after Rachel.

Finn hoisted Rachel up, her legs wrapping around his waist as her girlish giggles filled the men's bathrooms. He quickly brought his lips to hers, silencing her, before placing her on the counter tops and grasping her face with his, now free, hands. Rachel played with the tufts of hair at the back of his neck, whilst their kisses became more intense, more passionate. She moaned into his mouth and Finn used his free hands to pull her closer, not wanting any space between their bodies. He detached his lips from hers and began kissing her jaw lines, then down to the crook of her neck, covering her perfect skin in delicate kisses. Rachel giggles again, as her hands roamed his chest, feeling the definitions, she brought her hands back up to his neck and bent down to capture his lips again. This time, Finn groaned and Rachel smiled victoriously against his lips. She slide herself off the counter top and pulled away from Finn, winking before running out the door, breathless. When she was gone, Finn sighed satisfactorily, and leaned against the counter, smug at the fact he just spent the past ten minutes, making out with the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, disappointed, her forgot to get her number.

"Oh. My. God. RACHEL?" A shrill scream shook all the students out of their post-summer blues and a small blonde girl pushed her way through the crowd. She ran, screaming, until she reached Rachel, where she latched onto her in a bear-hug, sobbing into her best friend's shoulder. "Oh, I missed you so much! I haven't seen you in ages! Oh my god, you look amazing" She managed to shriek out through her constant sobs. She let go of Rachel, took a step back to view her in full before pulling her back in for another hug.

"Quinny, I missed you too!" Rachel finally said when the blonde girl released her. "You look gorgeous. How was the Caribbean?" Quinn linked arms with Rachel and began dragging her through the masses of people. Rachel inwardly laughed, shocked at how a girl so small could be so strong.

"Never mind the Caribbean, how the hell was New York?" She shouted over the crowds as the pulled Rachel into the school and down the corridors to their familiar positions at their lockers.

"It was just, amazing! I'll tell you all the details during free period!" Rachel couldn't contain her excitement and pulled her best friend in for another hug.

"That reminds me," Quinn said as she reached into her backpack, "I still can't believe we're seniors! This is just amazing. So amazing, that I just had to get you this.." She pulled out a pink box and handed it to Rachel, as Rachel began to open it, Quinn couldn't contain herself and she was literally jumping as Rachel tore through the pink tissue paper and pulled out her present. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes as she stared down at a small pink frame, bedazzled and glittered. It had swirly pink writing etched on the bottom, below a glass space, that read 'Q+R Graduation 2010' with a small red heart dotted above the 'I'. Rachel placed in on her chest and hugged it, before wrapping her arms around Quinn and squeezing her too.

"Oh my gosh, Q! I love it! I wanted to bring your present in but daddy says it's too valuable!" She smiled at Quinn before placing her frame in her locker and staring at it lovingly.

"Shit Rach, we're gunna be late for home room! Quick" Rachel only had time to shut her locker before the blonde girl was dragging her down the corridor again. It's good to be home, she though.

Quinn and Rachel wearily made their way out of home room, all tried out from the amount of talking they had done during the time they should have been listening to their tutor. Quinn told Rachel all about her fights with Puck and rivalry with Santana, she told her all about her holiday with her parents and the glorious cruise her sister took her on and Rachel told Quinn every juicy detail about New York, and even her encounter with that Finn Hudson, however she left out the part where he made her stomach do flips and her heart flutter, she decided that was best kept to herself.

They walked into first period and took their normal seats next to each other. Rachel waved to her friends as Quinn entered into a game of glares with Puck, laughing as she pulled out her folder and rummaged through her bag. She didn't notice their teacher walk in, and she didn't notice all the gasps and low whistled he/she got off the students. It wasn't until she received a note off Quinn, 'Damn, the new English teachers cute!' that she looked up, and stared, horrified.

"Hello class, I'm your new English teacher. My name's Mr..." He looked up from his register to stare into the eyes of one girl who hadn't been off his mind since their encounter.

"Oh, shit!"

A/N: I thought I might just leave this as a one shot, but I'm not really sure. So please review guys, I love hearing your opinions.