This is my very first fanfiction story! To put it mildly I am thrilled. I don't know why I decided to do this but it is one of my favorite book series. Well I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Last I heard was that I was not in Rick Riordan's will and he was not dead (thank goodness for that he is one of my favorite authors) so you figure it out.

I pulled my hair up twisting it this way and that to see what looked better. In the end I settled for my customary ponytail. I then settled down to wait for my Seaweed Brain, knowing he would be 10 minutes late max and, for all my precision, loving him more for it.

After attempting to tame my hair and failing I hugged my mom goodbye and left for Annabeth's apartment. I was in such a rush I didn't even notice the gathering shadows behind me.

I was almost to Annabeth's apartment now. I just had to go through a little back alley. When I was about halfway through it I heard a sound behind me. Turning I saw 30 dracnae. Turning again I saw 30 more.

"Come with usss without a fight and we may be generousss in our torment." Yeah right I thought drawing my sword in a wordless disagreement.

"Asss you wish."She hissed smiling. I charged.

Seaweed Brain should be here by now. I thought to myself. Even he is never 5 hours late. I was worried and pacing the floor. When I finally called Mrs. Jackson she said that Percy had left at 11:45 5 hours and 15 minutes before. Suddenly I stopped; I thought that I had heard a moan. All was quiet then There! I heard it again. It seemed to be coming from in front of our door. Cautiously I opened the door and looked around. I saw nothing. Then I heard the moan from below me. I looked down and gasped. Percy.

All he had was a cut that looked to be from a claw on his arm, but I was still worried as he still hadn't woken up.

"Percy come on. Come on Percy, WAKE UP!" He started stirring and Annabeth was ready to start crying from relief.

"Oh Percy! Thank the gods! I was so worri-"She was cut off when Percy cried out

"Who are you? Where are you? Where am I?" Percy's voice was laced with fear.

"Percy…It's me Annabeth."

"Annabeth…" He said it like he was feeling the name. "Annabeth-"His face light in recognition.

"Annabeth help! He, K-Ahhh!" He was cut off by his own scream.

Annabeth stepped back in shock. An electrical storm surrounded him and his face was twisted in pain.

Just as quickly as it had started it stopped.

"What," Percy said panting, "Was that? And Annabeth, I'm sorry I don't know you."

"What are you talking about, of course you know me. I'm your girlfriend, I've been on two authorized quests, countless battles, and in a war with you. I save you, you save me…You're my Seaweed Brain." She added softly.

"But I don't REMEMBER." He said. "And why are all the lights off?" He asked.

Annabeth froze."What did you say?"

"Why are all the lights off?" He repeated.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no. This isn't happening." Yet it was. She examined his eyes and found the truth there.

He was blind. His beautiful sea green eyes could not see.

"Annabeth?" I asked.

"Yes?" she replied in that beautiful voice. So familiar…No! Focus.

"The lights are on, aren't they?"

He heard her sharp intake of breath and a quiet "yes" in reply.

"No, no, no. They took too much already." I mumbled. "My memories, my friends, and now my sight."

"Percy," Annabeth started breaking me free of my daze. "Who is 'they'?"

"Him. Kr-Aahhhh!" My world erupted in pain.

"Okay," I started in a shaky voice, "You have got to stop asking about my past."

"That's it!" Annabeth exclaimed. "It's a spell to keep you from remembering!"

"This is good how…?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. Hey, getting caught, tortured, losing your memory, and not even being able to remember that does that to a person.

"Well now we know what's going on Seaweed Brain. Duh." Her whole sentence reflected the last word.

"We need to get to camp."

So that's the end of chapter one. I hope to publish the next chapter in 2 to 3 days. Read, review, and please be nice no swearing.