Disclaimer: Not mine.

Written for a prompt made by Nong Pradu for the Halloween/Autumn themed Dean-focused h/c comment-fic meme on LJ.
PROMPT: Sam takes de-aged Dean to look for Halloween costumes. Dean's got his heart set on being Batman but they're shopping kind of last minute and Sam's having a hard time finding it. Lots of wee!Dean looking hopeful and trying to be a big boy even though he's disappointed when it looks like they're not going to find a Batman costume, and then him being all giddy and adorable when they inevitably do. Plus, Sam being all gushy over how cute wee!Dean looks in the Batman tights. Schmooptasticness, please! Then they go trick or treating.


"Sammy," said the little blond boy, walking up to Sam with his teddy bear in his arms.

"What's up, buddy?"

"Um... We's twicky tweats?" asked the tiny three year old with his big hopeful green eyes.

"Er..." said Sam, looking over at Bobby, who shrugged. "It's a bit late now. It's Halloween tonight, you haven't got a costume."

Dean looked down sadly, bottom lip poking out. "Kay den," he whispered, before walking back out, dragging his teddy bear behind him.

Sam felt bad when he heard his little brother start crying in the living room.

Bobby's expression softened. "Come on, Sam. I'll take care of this, go take him to find a costume." He got his wallet out, and handed Sam some money. "He deserves to have some fun."

Sam rolled his eyes, and took the offered money. Bobby could never say no to Dean. "Fine." He stood up, and followed after the little boy. "Hey buddy," he whispered, kneeling beside the couch where the tiny Winchester was crying into the cushions. "Do you still want to go Trick or treating?"

Dean shot up, huge eyes watery. "W-Weally, Sammy?"

"Really, Deanie," answered Sam with a grin.

Dean squealed excitedly, and jumped at Sam. "FANK YOU!"

Sam laughed, and caught his brother, hugging him tightly. "You're welcome. What do you want to go as?" he asked, pulling away.

"Um..." Dean thought for a minute, his face all serious. "Erm... Ooh ooh. NA, NA, NA, NA, BATMAN!"

"You want to dress like Batman?"

"Yes pwease, Sammy. Batman bestest ever and ever."

"Alrighty then. I just need to get ready, and then we can go." Sam sat Dean on the couch, and went to get his jacket and car keys. When he was ready, he knelt back in-front of the couch again, and put the little trainers on the tiny feet.

"I Batman, Sammy," said Dean, clapping excitedly.

Sam laughed again, shaking his head. "Not yet, you're not."

Dean started giggling and squealing. When Sam tied his shoes, he leaned forward, and wrapped his little arms around Sam's neck. "Woves you."

"Love you too," said Sam, kissing the freckled cheek. "Come on then. Let's say bye to uncle Bobby." He stood up, and carried the small boy to the kitchen doorway.

"BYE BYE, UNCY BOB-BOB!" yelled the happy little boy, waving.

"See ya, buddy," replied Bobby with a chuckle. "Make sure ya get the best costume."

"I do uncy Bob-bob. Woves you."

"Love ya too," replied Bobby in a voice filled with emotion.

Sam smiled again, and carried Dean outside to the waiting Impala. "There we go."

"Oooh Pawa," squealed Dean happily as Sam buckled him into the kid's car seat. "Pawa bwack, Sammy."

"Is she?" asked Sam, sounding impressed.

"Yeah. And... and she pwetty awell."

Sam shook his head fondly. Even nearly four year old, Dean still loved his car. When he had Dean strapped in securely, he made his way to the driver's seat. "What music do you want on?" he called over his shoulder.

"Ewmo," came the answer.

Sam smiled, and put in one of Dean's Sesame street tapes, turning it up loud.

"YAY!" cheered Dean when one of his favourites came blaring from the cassette player.

"Dean, get back here," called Sam when his excited brother ran into the store. "DEAN!"

"COME! COME SAMMY... BATMAN!" yelled Dean, jumping up and down.

"I don't think he's going to run away if you don't get there right now."

"He do, Sammy. He do," said Dean, pulling on his big brothers hand.

Sam sighed, and followed Dean into the costume shop. He just hoped they had some Batman costumes left.

When they got to the kids section, Dean's huge eyes looked around at all of the costumes. "Sammy, where Batman?"

"I don't know, Deanie. I haven't had a chance to look yet." Sam let go of Dean's hand, and started checking through the small costumes.

"Oh no. Batman wanned away, Sammy."

"What do you mean he's run away?"

"He go, he not dere, Sammy. He wanned away. B-But I Batman... fight cwime," he whispered, one tear falling down the freckled cheek.

"Aw. Come here," whispered Sam, wiping the tear. "It's alright." He hugged the upset little boy gently, running his hand over the little back. "We'll go look at some other shops. There must be one little batman costume around somewhere."

"Find Batman? Come, Sammy. He pway hide seeks."

Sam smiled once again as he stood up. He took the tiny hand in his big one as the two walked back out of the store.

As soon as Sam walked into the second store, he walked over to the guy at the checkout. "Excuse me, Do you have any kids Batman costumes?"

The little boy stood up on his tiptoes, trying to peek over the counter. "Gots Batman, mister?" he asked in his childlike voice, eyes big and round in his angelic face.

"Nope. Sorry," said the young man, looking up at Sam. "You do know it's Halloween tonight? Most of our costumes have gone." He looked over at the other side of the room. "We've got a Spiderman."

"'Pideyman gay," said Dean, making Sam laugh. According to Dean, all the superheroes that were not Batman were gay, despite the fact the kid didn't even know what the word meant.

"I'm sorry, but that's all we have."

Sam sighed. "Okay. Thanks anyway. Come on, little brother."

Dean nodded sadly, and took Sam's hand. "Kay big bwuver."

The third and fourth store they went into didn't have any either. Dean was trailing behind Sam sadly as they walked into the fifth one.

"Let's check in here."

Dean looked up at Sam. "Deanie sad, Sammy," he said quietly, tears spilling down his freckled cheeks.

Sam knelt, and hugged Dean quickly. "I know. Are you sure you don't want to be anyone else if we can't find Batman?"

"NO! I Batman, Sammy. He bestest. Pwease, Sammy." Dean looked up at Sam, big puppy dog eyes out in full force.

"Oh alright then. I promise you we'll find him," he told him, using his thumb to wipe the tears. The kid had his heart set on being Batman, so he was going as Batman. Sam wasn't going to stop looking until he found a little Batman costume, he would look all night, and search the whole country if he had to. There was no way he was going to disappoint Dean.

Dean sniffled, and wiped his eyes. "Batman wanned away... and... and he gone."

"You never know, he could be in here. We're not going home until we find Batman. Come on."

"Kay Sammy."

Sam stood up and walked over to the young woman behind the counter. "Excuse me, miss?"

"Hiya pwetty wady... Batman pway hide seeks?" asked the little boy, looking up at the woman with a big smile. "Pwease?"

"Please tell me you have some little Batman costumes here."

"No. I'm very sorry. We don't sell kids Batman here, we only sell adults I'm afraid."

"'K-Kay den." Dean's bottom lip trembled as he looked up at Sam with a tiny smile. "I bwave."

Sam winked, and looked over at the adults section. "Come over here. I want to look at something."

"Kay." Dean followed his big brother, head lowered.

Sam checked through some costumes, and smiled when he found what he was looking for. "Come on," he said, leading Dean back over to the checkout.

Dean was too sad to ask what Sam had bought. He didn't care, he wanted to be Batman.

It was the sixth store they went to that they finally had some luck.

Sam grinned when he walked in, and straight away found what they were looking for. "Dean, come here."

"Why, Sammy?" asked Dean, following slowly. His whole face lit up when he saw the selection of Batman costumes. "BATMAN! BATMAN! BATMAN, SAMMY BATMAN!"

Sam laughed when Dean started jumping up and down, clapping and squealing in his excitement.

"NA NA NA BATMAN!" Dean was so excited, he didn't notice people in the store turn to stare at him.

"Finally," whispered Sam, kneeling to check through the costumes to see if they had any 3 year old sizes.

The little boy's eyes were huge and hopeful as he put his little hands together. "He founds, Sammy. We founds him. YAY!"

Sam's smile grew as he listened to his brother get excited. "Ta da," he said, lifting out a costume that would fit Dean.


"I guess that means you're happy then?" asked Sam, raising his eyebrows.

Dean giggled in delight. "I woads happy, Sammy. Fank you finds Batman."

"You're welcome, Deanie." Sam put the costume in-front of the little boy to make sure it would fit his tiny body. He nodded when he realised it would be fine. "We've finally found him, we can go now."

"WOOOOOOOO!" cheered a happy little boy, running to the checkout.

Sam had to walk fast to keep up. "Will you calm down a minute?" he asked when Dean kept bouncing up and down, a big grin on his little face. "Just this please," he said when it was his turn.


"Are you?" asked the woman at the checkout. "Wow. I bet you'll make the cutest Batman ever."

"Fank you," said Dean, going all shy.

Sam smiled when Dean's face went bright red. "Thanks a lot," he said, taking the bag. "Come on then, BatDean."

"Come Sammy... To Pawa," he said, spinning around, and pointing at the door, before he took off running to the car.


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