A.N: Wow i can't believe im writing this! I've acually wanted to write this since i saw 28 days later! I've been dwelling in writing it for a long time but never got the guts to write it... but their is a zombie marathon on tv :D IT IS AWESOME! all the classics...

I am a huge zombie head! My room is covered in arms, legs, posters, and fake blood all year around!

Just turned 20 in the 24th so October if the month for getting shit done for me! And so I already wrote the 2nd chapter! its kinda a follow up on my second fav couple! it's a supprise!

I hope you enjoy this! any questions plese ask!

/~~~~ Chapter1- Tag You're Infected~~~~\\

Jinx kicked a balled up piece of paper on the ground to the far other end of the floor she stood on. She had a broom in one hand and a trash bag in the other that was nearly filled to the top. She pushed a strand of pink hair behind her ear and smiled,

"Almost done with this room Wally, how are you doing?" She called out.

"Just about done taking inventory... We cleaned out good this one" He smiled to the box of can's in front of him.

Jinx felt her heart swell with pride as she set everything down and walked from the room she was cleaning to the supply closet they kept upstairs to see the guy she was just talking to. She leaned against the doorway and watched him count can's of food and other items.

Her mind began to wonder to the day she met him on the playground when they were 5. He was playing tag with some other people and found her behind a tree reading a kids book. He wouldn't leave her alone until she joined them. She was glad she gave in back then... or she would probably be dead long ago.

Wally turned back to her and his flaming red hair fell into his blue eyes as she smiled to her, "Why you staring at me?"

"Just thinking about the day me met" She shrugged and ran her fingers threw her pink hair.

"Hm... good day" He turned back to the cans.

She was about to make a smart remark to him, when he turned around and tossed a book to her. Jinx caught it and looked down to the cover to see it was 'Animal Farm'. Jinx gasped and squealed as she hugged the book to her chest.

"Wally oh my gosh! You- Thank you! I was getting so bored re-reading the books I have! Thank you" Jinx jumped and lunged at him as she hugged him from behind.

Wally just chuckled and turned his head back to her, "Saw it on my scavenge of a coffee shop. I saw a few more but this was small enough to fit in the bag, I'll pick up another on my next trip" He smiled sweetly down at her.

Jinx pushed away and her smile turned into a frown, "No you should just be focusing on supplies! Not things to entertain me! I feel bad for you putting your life in danger every time you walk out that door to get food but if you died just to get me a book it would kill me Wally!" She pouted and crossed her arms.

Wally held up his hands in defense, "Whoa whoa girl calm down. I just saw it on the counter next to a box of tea bags, so I swiped them both. I would never put myself in danger for a book." He smiled sadly to her with arms out as he tried to explain to her.

But he was lying, he actually did go into that shop intending to find something for her. He knew she was bored with her selection, even though she would never say, so he went. And the smile on her face not to mention the hug was worth the risk.

Jinx eyes him before nodding, "Ok I guess I believe you... Let's just get this all put away before you fall asleep on your feet." She was about to walk away but turned around and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks again Wally" She left and went back to cleaning the room she was just in.

Jinx picked up the broom and began to sweep the dirt up that Wally tracked in and as she swept she began to think. She remembered a time when just taking thing's from shops was illegal. But if no one occupied the store anymore it was free game in today's world. She sighed wondering if there would ever be a day where they would all pay for their stealing... No it wasn't stealing, it was surviving.

A six months ago Jinx was getting ready to enter college, she worked her ass off to get into the university of her dreams. She was valedictorian, and had a job as a library. Wally and her had stayed best friends since their run in at the park. He even applied to the same college at her and got in. They were inseparable threw anything, sports, academics, even at their own homes they were over until the other had to go to sleep. Jinx was a foster care child of an old woman named Carol. While Wally had a mom and a very close uncle who Wally looked up to like the father that abandoned him.

Everything was suppose to be perfect for them. Wally was planning on asking Jinx out to a movie the night of her 18th birthday. He figured she liked him as well since she said yes to him taking her to their senior prom a few months back.

Jinx's birthday went perfectly, she had dinner with Wally's family and then Wally took her to any movie of her birthday choice, and then gave her a locket with "Tag you're it" engraved on the back and pictured of them in it from their graduation from high school.

When walking home they shared their first kiss under the tree that they first met under.

When Wally dropped her off at her house, both of them knew instantly that this relationship would go the distance for them. Both went to bed thinking only the best of the future. But the next morning an emergency broadcast was sent out threw the city.

At first the news just said their was a terrorist attack in California, then they said an outbreak of an infection in West Virginia. Different stories were thrown around about each state until one finally stuck by the end of the night. The dead have come to life and are infecting everyone they bite. The next day is when the looting began in their own town as well as everywhere else. Jinx was at a coffee shop with Wally. Everyone was panicking but the morning seemed normal, everyone assumed the government was taking care of it. But it only takes one person to cause a stampede. Just was Jinx was sipping her coffee, a man ran by picked up a trashcan and threw it into the glass window.

Wally covered Jinx with his body and people began screaming and running as men ran in grabbing things and running out. Soon everyone was either stealing or running and screaming. Wally grabbed Jinx's hand and pulled her from the chaos and back to his house. Jinx called Carol and told her she would be staying with Wally's family that night.

By day three the there were only 3 news channels on and it worried all of them. Wally walked Jinx home but when they arrived the door was kicked in and Carol's body was laying just a few inches away cut open and organ's spilt out. Jinx cried her eyes out for her foster mother as Wally took her back to his house. 911 didn't work, only a pre

recorded message saying all dispatch was busy at the moment and to try back later.

Then the national guard showed up in large van's pulling Wally's family and them into it. Jinx just held Wally as he ran his finger's threw her hair to sooth her. They were sent to a camp on the outside of town where they were loading families into trains that were to be sent to Washington. Everything seemed to be going fine. Until a woman screamed and everyone began a stamped into the train. Gunfire was heard as military began firing into the crowd since there was an infected among them. Wally covered Jinx with his body as his uncle lead the way to the other side of the train.

They made it but just as Wally had pushed Jinx into the door he turned around and saw his mother being dragged away by two bloodied infected biting her as she screamed for Wally to go. Wally lunged for her but his uncle Barry grabbed him and held him back. The guards then came and fired rounds into his mother and the infected. Wally screamed as he tried to break away but his uncle pulled him all the way into the train. The train took off as Wally watched out the window as more infected came and killed the military men that shot his mother.

Jinx held Wally has he sat their with tears in his eyes and he just hugged her back. Berry sat with tears in his own eyes as he thought of his little sister and the horrible death she just suffered.

The train took them to Colorado and when it stopped Wally and Jinx gasped at what they saw. Hundreds of people screaming trying to fight there way onto the train. The military men got out and began to shoot them while the other ran to fill up the train's gas. But the bullets weren't enough as a door was thrusted open and people began piling in trampling the others. Barry grabbed the two and ran out the other end to the emergency exit. They jumped out just as open fire was given in the train.

They ran down the tracks from the crowds until they came to the city where it was mostly deserted. There were people boarding up places while some infected ran after other people. Barry looked down to see a dead military soldier and he took his weapons off him and told with Wally and Jinx to follow him no matter what.

They came to an old man boarding up a house, he saw Barrie and the two and smiled, "not from around here are you?"

Barry smiled back and talked the man into housing them for the night. They met the old man's wife and their 3 other guest's who were actually the old couples neighbors. But when nightfall hit a group of infected broke into the house and while they were eating the old woman the old man the neighbors made a run for it while Barry pulled the kids to the roof since more infected were coming in the front door.

They jumped to the next roof and saw that most of the neighborhood was on fire anyways. From a distance they saw the trains deserted and they wondered where the hundreds of people trying to cram in them went. To answer their question a look to the left and they saw hundreds of infected crowded around a church that had survivors on the roof. Barry then saw a news reporter woman running from three infected. Barry called out to her to come to them but as she tried to climb the ladder to the side the infected got her.

2 days later they had stayed in the building on the third story all locked up. They ate the small bit of food that was left in the apartment. Power went out the other day and they sat in darkness as it got colder each day.

A week after that they ran out of food and Barry left to go find rations. He came back with a few guns, and some blankets but not luck with food. So the next day he left to go get food and then that was the last time they saw him. Well alive anyways, because when Wally left to go find food he saw his uncle... he was pale, bloodied, and had his left arm missing as he feasted like a dog on the news reported they saw die. He put a bullet in his head and went back to Jinx with a cold face.

After that day Wally was about to go again for scavenging when a military vehicle swept the streets killing infected. Wally and Jinx were saved and fed by them as they took them to the airport where they counted about 20 other people. They loaded everyone onto a plane and it took off. Hours later they woke up to find they had flown to London.

At first they landed and were all checked out and sent to a camp near the airport. After they showered and washed their dirty clothes they thought things would turn back to normal. Until 2 days later it all started over and London began just as bad as Colorado.

News reports said infection was last reported in France, United states, and Tokyo, but it was clear in Alaska, Hawaii, and Cuba. At least for now...

Wally and Jinx were in the middle of the shoot of between military and the infected when they got with a small band of people and left the slowly infecting camp to the country side in a truck they hot wired. As they went on many of the survivors died. They finally found a house but soon after a small raid of infected it was only Wally and Jinx running.

Wally had become determined to let nothing happen to Jinx since she was all he had left in this fucked up world. Threw every encounter with an infected he took them down before they could even glance her way.

Finally they found a two story cabin near a lake with stone walls and metal roof. It had been abandoned so they made it their home. Wally boarded up the windows with wood, and re-enforced the door for night time. A week later they hadn't seen any infected, Wally suggested it was because they were all in the city looking for food, not in a deserted area like this.

It had been a month since everything started and Wally convinced Jinx to let him go into the city to find supplies. A walk to the city was only a 40 minutes, 15 if he ran. Wally was on the track team from middle school to graduation, he ran each day in the morning and any time he could practice in the evening. He was the fastest boy, broke 2 records at their high school, and won 3 different champions for the teams.

Jinx let him go but cried the entire time he was away. He came back that night with a backpack full of rations and she cried into his arms to never leave her again. Soon they established a pattern, Wally would collect supplies while Jinx would stay behind and protect the house.

Everything was calm for them as they lived off seeing each other alive each day. It was what kept them going, what put smiles onto their faces, and what made their love for each other grow stronger. And now six months to almost the day everything happened they were thriving well.

Jinx finished cleaning the dirt from the wooden floors and closed off the trash bag. She went into the living room where a pile of firewood sat and she cracked open the book Wally had gotten for her and she began to read savoring each new word. Wally walked in next with a peanut butter sandwich in one hand and he sat across form her smiling.

Just as he was about to ask her if she wanted a sandwich they heard a yell and both bolted up. Wally's caring blue eye's turned cold as he ran to the window and grabbed the shotgun leaning next to it. He peeked out the peep hole and looked around the long yard of grass they has that roamed on until the dirt road took it off to the forest. He gasped and looked to Jinx,

"Stay here don't you dare go outside yet!" He dashed for the stairs and to the roof top.

He crouched down and aimed his gun as he scrunched up his face in concentration.

/ end chapter1\\


Sorry if there are any spelling errors I'll re-read it soon and fix the ones i can find. I hope you enjoyed this so until next chapter!

Peace out!