A/N - Ok this is the last chapter of the story.
I want to thank everyone who read and reviewed :)
I really wanted to write a flashback/backstory kind of chapter where I could show things from the killer's POV.. but I didn't realise it would be soo long!
Please review :) Thank you x
Any feedback is welcome and how I could improve and if I could have done anything differently.

Chapter 15 - From the Beginning (Flashbacks and the Diary of a Killer)


Dorothea "I need an ambulance- and – and the cops. It's an emergency" Boqin Kung sobbed down the phone, which trembled in his hand after calling 911.

His wife, Lifen, was sitting beside him; numb with complete shock; unable to move or talk.

"What's the problem" the voice from the phone asked.

"My baby daughters- they've just been – they've been murdered. Suffocated. They're only-" his voice shook with tears "only 9 months old"

"Could you please tell me your name and address, sir? I know this must be hard for you, but we have to get to you immediately."

Boqin gave his details; his voice still shaking.

The ambulance and police car arrived a couple of minutes later and the two tiny, young bodies were carried out.

"NOOO" Lifen screamed. Her husband pulled her into a tight hug and together they broke down in tears; watching their daughters being taken away.

Neither of them were looking at their eldest daughter. Dorothea Kung, aged 7, sat in the corner of the living room watching the scene intently.

She was keeping perfectly still and silent.

Her long, silky black hair concealed her pale face; hiding her features.

"Are you ok, darling?" one of the policemen asked, resting a gentle hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at him, and then let out a cold, callous laugh that would haunt everyone in the room for the rest of their lives.

It was a laugh completely unsuited to a young child.

"I'm not ok" she finally whispered in a cruel and quiet voice. "I want to do it again."


Dorothea Kung was sent to California State Asylum where was placed in a small, white room in the children's ward.

These four walls became her home for eight years.

Her parents never came to visit; they didn't want to see her after what she had done to her sisters.

Dorothea didn't care; she didn't love them anyway. She loved no one.

Dorothea seemed like a normal little girl on the outside; she was very quiet, incredibly intelligent for her age and loved to read.

Every day she would read some of her books; Fairy tales, Shakespeare's plays, Harry Potter.

On the inside, however, she had a grim, consuming obsession with death and murder.

She kept a little journal which she hid from the doctors; it was full of many different and elaborate ways in which she could kill people.

The guard that patrolled the children's ward at night was a chubby man with glasses.

Dorothea didn't sleep. She would stay up and terrorise him constantly.

"Alan" she would whisper. "I want to kill you. I want to watch you die."

Alan attempted to ignore her, but her words would get more and more graphic; she described in vivid detail exactly how she planned on killing him.

Alan was a cheerful sort of man; he couldn't take it anymore; he had to quit his job.

"I'm going to get you one day, Alan."


I knew what they called me.

All the guards- they had a name for me; The devil child.

They thought I didn't know, but I did.

I knew everything that went on and I didn't like people talking about me.

I made that fat guard, Alan, leave his job.

They said he was haunted by my face and my voice in his dreams.

They didn't know that he was in my dreams too; screaming for mercy as I held a gun up to his head and blew his brains out.

I drew a picture of it in my journal.

As I grew older, I grew smarter.

I decided to change tactic and act nice; I needed to get out, I needed to kill again; the writing wasn't enough.

I lied to the psychiatrist and pretended I regretted killing the babies. I didn't; I loved every second of it, but I learnt to become a remarkable actress.

I played the sweet, scared and confused girl; tortured by her past.

I didn't tell the bitch that I wanted to stab her in the heart and gut her insides; she believed every word I said.

It took years of acting, years of lying, years of oppressing my needs but finally at the age of fifteen I was released.

For my own "protection" I had to move out of the state.

It wasn't me that needed protected but nonetheless I was moved to a small town in Ohio; Lima.

I was given a new identity. It was here that I became Tina Cohen Chang.


I began killing homeless people on the streets; people that wouldn't be missed.

It felt exhilarating to kill again; I was back and I was in control.

I kept very careful; no one could catch me this time.

It felt so good, but somehow it didn't seem like enough.


"Guys, let's give a big glee welcome to our three new members; fresh off their big win on Friday night" Will announced, walking into the choir room with three of the football players behind him.

"Noah Puckerman" he pointed "Matt Rutherford and Mike Chang."

I looked up; only noticing Mike, despite him being at the back.

Ever since I was young I had wanted to kill everyone I ever met.

Everyone that is until I met Mike Chang.

I couldn't explain what or why but something about Mike intrigued me.

I had never felt anything like this before; I had never become attached to another human being in any way before.

Not even Artie. I hated that four eyed loser. I had only started dating him because I felt it was a normal, humanly thing to do; to have a boyfriend.

And I needed, more than anything, to seem normal; or they would lock me away again.

But Mike was different. He was so beautiful and I didn't want to kill him.


Please be Mike. Please be Mike. Please be Mike.

I reached my hand into the hat full of names of the kids in Glee Club to decide who I would be paired with for the ballad assignment.

My heart skipped a beat as I read the name.

"Other Asian" I read aloud with the appropriate amount of disgust and confusion on my face to convince everyone that I wasn't completely ecstatic.


"Hey, Tina. Do you want to come round my house after school and pick a ballad for our assignment?" Mike asked at the end of Glee Club.

Of course! Oh Mike, you don't know how happy you've made me. I love you.

"Uhh.. Sure" Tina replied unenthusiastically.


I didn't know what to expect as I walked into Mike's shed; this was where we would practise for our ballad.

I certainly wasn't prepared for the sight I saw before me.

"I don't normally let anyone in here; not even Matt; certainly not my parents. It's a private place." He warned me. "Matt would freak out, but I know you won't."

He had a knowing look in his eyes.

The shed was padlocked and when he took out the key and unlocked the door I couldn't help but gasp.

The first thing I noticed was the rotten yet tempting smell of death.

I saw the source of the smell immediately; dead animal parts.

The room was filled with legs, eyes, heads and even whole bodies of dead animals; cats, dogs, birds.

He had living spiders, rats and reptiles in cages on the shelves and newspaper cuttings of decorated his walls like wallpaper.

I was shocked, yet no room had ever been quite so alluring to me before.

I had also never been so attracted to Mike.

He suddenly turned to me.

"I know about you, Dorothea." He said.

I couldn't stop my jaw from dropping. How did he know?

There was a long and tense pause.

For the first time since I'd met him I thought about killing Mike; right there and then.

For the first time in my life I felt like I wasn't in control.

He couldn't know about me. No one could know about me here.

I couldn't speak.

"Your article is on my wall; it was always one of my favourites. It always fascinated me because you were my age;; I joined Glee club to get closer to you. You haven't changed at all."

My voice was still trapped in my throat.

"I expect you convinced them that you're normal, but I can see you're not. I know that killing is-" he searched for the word "-an addiction."

"Have you – killed before?" I finally managed to mutter.

"Only animals; I'm not quite as hardcore as you." He smiled at me.

We spoke for hours.

I talked about the journal full of different killings that I wrote when I was younger. I had never told anyone about that before, but I had never met anyone I trusted so much before.

Mike told me he had always had an anger inside of him that could only be tamed with violence.

He wanted to kill people.

I said I could help him.

We discussed our ideas and devised a plan.


Lost Creek Island

I recognised Alan immediately.

I couldn't believe he was here; what were the chances?

I hid my face behind my hair and turned away from him.

When I heard that he'd fainted from seeing the photograph I knew the cause straight away; he recognised me too.


"Alan? Alan? Are you ok" Will asked, shaking Alan's body after he had fainted.

"This has never happened before. I don't know what came over him." Andrea trembled.

Finally one of Alan's eyes opened; he looked horrified.

"Devil- the devil is here" he cried. Will and Andrea exchanged confused glances.

"What do you mean, darling?" Andrea questioned, kneeling beside him.

"Devil child. The devil child. I'll never forget that face."


"One of your kids – in – in the photograph. She's the devil child – Dorothea – it's Dorothea."

"Alan, I can assure you that none of my Glee kids are called Dorothea." Will reassured him.

Alan sat up; unable to breathe normally.

"It's her – it's the devil child. I know that face."


When she was sure that Mercedes was fast asleep, Tina snuck out of her cabin, with her gun in her pocket, and made her way to Andrea and Alan's hut.

One of the windows was left slightly open, which Tina managed to wriggle through.

Andrea was sitting at a table in the kitchen; with her back turned to Tina; completely unaware of the intruder.

Tina quietly and softly treaded over to her and with one swift movement both her hands were clasped around the woman's neck.

Andrea let out a muffled cry; but she was dead before she could scream.

Tina then made her way into the bedroom, where Alan was fast asleep; the gun was clasped in her hands.

"Alan." Tina whispered menacingly; attempting to imitate the chilling voice of her childhood threats.

Alan's eyes shot open; panic etched across his face as he saw Tina standing at the foot of his bed.

"You – " he trembled. "Where's – where's my wife?"

"I've taken care of her" Tina whispered.

"No" he yelled "If you touched her – "

"I already have; what are you going to do, Alan?"

He got up out of his bed and walked over to Tina.

"I'm much stronger now. I'm not afraid of you anymore."

"Is that why you fainted?" she mocked; laughing cruelly at him. "You can't escape this time. I told you I was going to kill you, Alan."

Alan charged over to her; but there was nothing he could do.

Tina pulled the trigger and shot him in the head.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Tina had never felt more alive; it was almost as rewarding and exhilarating as when she killed for the first time many years ago.

She had never felt more powerful.

She cleaned herself up and cut the telephone wires; no one was going to escape.


"Artie, can you come out for a bit. I need to tell you something" Tina whispered, after returning from Andrea and Alan's hut.

"Can it wait until morning?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"Please, Artie" Tina begged.


He put on a jumper and climbed into his wheelchair.

"Shh" Tina whispered, motioning Kurt. It was fine; Kurt was fast asleep with his pink eye mask on.

After rolling himself out of the cabin, Tina began to wheel Artie.

"Where are we going?" he asked after a couple of minutes.

"A beautiful spot up on the hill where you can see the stars and the moon clearly."


She wheeled him up the hill, until suddenly they stopped.

"What's – what's Mike Chang doing here?" Artie asked, concernedly.

Mike was standing a short distance away. He smiled at Tina.

"Don't worry, Artie. Mike's just going to help me with something" Tina whispered, stroking Artie's shoulder.

Mike came closer.

"With – what?" Artie trembled.

He was feeling afraid now; anticipating the worst. "Are – are you dumping me?"

"I'm not sure dumping would be the right word" Tina giggled cruelly.

Artie's heart sank in his chest.

"Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall" she began to whisper into his ear. "Humpty Dumpty had a great-"with one almighty push she forced Artie and his wheelchair off the hill; watching the screaming boy fall rapidly onto the ground; weighed down by his chair.

"-fall" Mike finished, laughing.

"One down" Tina smiled, feeling completely contented.

She couldn't disguise the beam on her face.

"When is it my turn?" Mike asked.

"You will have your turn; I had just wanted to do that for ages; I needed the satisfaction."

They made their way back down the hill and Tina begun to act once more; becoming the grieving girlfriend.


"Puck, your stupid story last night has made everyone paranoid. They all think Artie was killed and they suspect each other." Santana whispered angrily.

"I think Artie dying has made everyone paranoid. Not the stupid story" Puck snapped. "What other explanation is there? He didn't roll up there. How could he? Artie was murdered, and you're just going to have to accept it."

Tina, hearing the conversation, burst into tears and ran to her cabin.

"Now look what you've done" Mike said to Puck, running to follow Tina.

He slammed the cabin door shut and walked over to embrace Tina.

"You're a remarkable actress." He complimented her.

"I know" she smiled back.

They listened to Santana and Puck's argument.

"They suspect each other" Tina said pleasingly.

She then rummaged in her bag, pulling out two sleeping tablets.

"Slip these in Brittany and Santana's drinks tonight. We can't have them waking up and disturbing the plan. You bring the spider and meet me outside their cabin at midnight."


Tina and Mike sat in the forest, waiting for Brittany to wake up.

Her eyes finally opened.

"Where am I? Am I dreaming?" She asked, looking confused.

"You're not dreaming, Brittany" Mike said, walking over to her.

He brushed the girl's blonde hair out of her eyes. "You're having a nightmare."

"Oh no" Brittany groaned. "If I try really hard to open my eyes, then I'll wake up." She forced her eyes open wider, but it didn't work.

"We're going to kill you, Brittany" Tina whispered.

Brittany tried to scream, but Tina had put her hand over her mouth, restraining her.

Mike emptied the spider from the small glass onto Brittany's neck.

They watched as she writhed in pain as the large, furry spider sunk his fangs into her neck.

Brittany's body went limp.

"Nice work Joey" Mike gestured to his spider which had started to crawl away.

"You know we're going to have to kill him?" Tina said.

She didn't give Mike any time to answer before she stamped on Joey with her foot.

She picked up the squashed spider and put it into Brittany's gaping mouth.

"For dramatic effect." She said cackling.


When everyone had discovered Brittany's body I crept into Will's cabin.

I wanted to scratch Rachel's face out early to frighten the stupid bitch.

Will came in and ruined my plan.

"Tina" he shrieked "What are you doing here?" He eyed me up suspiciously.

I wanted to kill him, how dare he disrupt me! Luckily I had years of practise at acting.

"I'm – I'm sorry Mr Schue" I stammered. "I just needed to look at Artie"

"His face is scratched out" Will replied.

He didn't look convinced. I needed to step up on the sadness.

"I know, but I miss him so much, Mr Schue. Seeing him in the photo is a comfort to me. You wouldn't understand." I lied.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Tina" he put his arm around me.

I wanted to puke.

I thought about strangling him right there and then, but that would ruin everything.

They would know it was me.

"I'm sorry for doubting you. I'm sorry for being so insensitive; I can't even begin to understand how hard this is for you. You have to understand why I was suspicious though"

The pathetic little man had absolutely no idea.


Mike selected the green and red apple out of Emma's picnic basket.

He laced the red cheek of the apple in poison and placed it back near the bottom, where it lay waiting for its victim.


I watched for hours as Puck, Quinn, Rachel and Finn wasted their time collecting materials to build a raft.

They stayed around for about five hours, piling up an impressive amount of wood.

I came along at the end and burnt it all down.

I then crept into Will and Emma's room and successfully scratched out Rachel's ugly face.


Everyone sat around on the logs as Miss Pillsbury got out her picnic basket and placed it in the centre of the circle.

I situated myself next to Rachel.

"You look terrible Rachel." I told her.

"I do?" She asked, clearly insulted.

"Have you been eating properly? You could do with some food, you look ill."

"Well I haven't been that hungry for a while since all the deaths. I've lost my appetite a bit, but thinking about it now; I do need something healthy, maybe it will bring my spirtits up a little." She glanced longingly at the picnic basket. "Perhaps some strawberries."

"You know what they say; an apple a day keeps the doctor away." I advised her.

"That's true" Rachel responded.

She got up, and made her way to the picnic basket.

"Miss Pillsbury, do you have any apples?"

"There should be an apple in there, I think." She responded.

Rachel rummaged around the basket, finding the poisoned apple.

"During a time like this, I believe it is more important than ever to eat healthily" she announced.

I groaned pleasurably at her stupidity.

I glanced across the circle and smirked at Mike.

We gazed at her, willing for her to eat the apple.

She was getting ready to take a bite, when Kurt stopped her.

"Stop! Don't eat the apple, Rachel."

I was so angry I could have literally gone over to him and snapped the brat's head off with my bare hands.

I was about to explode but luckily I managed to keep it all inside.


Mike got up during the night when he was sure that Matt was fast asleep.

He rummaged around in his bag for his red paint and paintbrush.

It was cold outside so he felt around for his jumper to put on but he accidently picked up Matt's instead.

He took the paint and went over to Tina, Mercedes and Kurt's cabin and wrote "You're next" on the front in large letters.


"Don't slip up Mike" Tina warned him that night.

They had carried Will's body (after drugging him with sleeping pills) to the top of the hill.

"Don't worry, I won't" he assured her. "I've got it covered; I throw Will down. You take the sleeping pills, then I put you down at the bottom on top of him-"

"Make it look like I'm dead" Tina interrupted.

"I will"

"When you find our bodies no one else can touch me; just you. They have to think I'm dead. And Mike, please don't act too overdramatic."

"I won't, ok. Now just take the pills."

Tina swallowed the pills and Mike carried out his task; pushing Will over the edge of the hill so his lifeless body hit the jagged rocks on the way down.

He then carried Tina to the bottom; sprawling her on top of Will and smearing some of Will's blood on her.


"Plant this under Puck's bed. I want people to start blaming him" Tina handed Mike the gun.

She was sitting on the bed where Mike had rested her; Will's body was in the bed beside her.

"And slip this note under Kurt and Mercedes' door later." She gave him the note she had written to lure them into the forest that night.

"Anything else?" Mike asked.

"I think that's all". The pair kissed and Mike crept out of the cabin.

The sneaking was no good though; he had been spotted.

"MIKE" Emma shrieked "What do you think you are doing?"


I hid in the cabin with Will's body where no one would see me.

I stared out the window at Mike.

He sat alone on the log. Beautiful, beautiful Mike.

Even the back of his head was desriable.

Everything was working out perfectly; except Rachel's death, but that was ok; She could be killed at the end and watch all her friends die first. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

She could watch Finn die. That would be more satisfying.

I gazed at Mike.

Quinn came and sat next to him on the log.

That stupid bitch. What was she doing?

Why was he talking to that whore?


Kurt and Mercedes sat on the bed together in their cabin.

"So what are your theories on the killer? Who do you think killed - T-Tina?" Kurt asked, attempting not to cry as he said her name.

"Well Matt had that red paint on his jumper yesterday. He said he didn't know how it got there, but I think I do – he obviously wrote the message" Mercedes responded.

"He's probably in on it with someone though" she added. "What do you think?"

"I'm not sure why, but I don't trust Quinn. I couldn't give a reason, there's just something about her I don't -" Kurt stopped; something had caught his eye.

Mercedes followed his gaze.

A piece of paper had been slipped underneath their door and it sat perched on the floor.

"Oh no" Mercedes said, her heart beat soaring.

Kurt got up quietly to peer out the window.

No one was there.

"Read it" Mercedes told Kurt.

She was still glued to her bed, unable to move.

He bent down slowly, reading the note;

Kurt and Mercedes,
Puck is the killer. He tried to kill me, but he failed. I pretended to be dead and escaped when I was put in the cabin. Meet me in the forest at midnight, I have a plan. Finn's not safe sharing with Puck; bring him with you. Tell no one else. It can only be you three.

Kurt gasped.

Mercedes read the note as well.

"Oh my – Puck? It's Puck" she breathed.

"But Tina. Tina's alive" Kurt beamed. "I can't believe it." The pair hugged, unable to contain their happiness at the realisation that one of their best friends wasn't really dead.

"What if - maybe Puck wrote this? Maybe it's a trap to bring us to the forest" Kurt suggested, looking disheartened.

"Don't say that Kurt. Anyway this is definitely my girl's handwriting; I could recognise it from anywhere."

"Do you know what that means Mercedes?" Kurt grinned. "Tina's got a plan – we're going to be saved."


Mike and I watched from behind the trees as Kurt, Mercedes and Finn walked through the forest.

Kurt's torch flickered out but we had come prepared; we were wearing our night vision goggles and holding a knife each so they couldn't see anything but we could see them – clear as day.

We could see every trace of fear in etched into their petrified faces.

"You go first" I whispered to Mike as we drew nearer to the trio.

He nodded at me.

He pulled out the knife and began stabbing Finn continuously.

Finn screamed and his body writhed around in pain.


I smiled satisfyingly; feeling completely in love with Mike.

I just stopped and stared at him; I had never been more turned on.

Finn's body fell to the floor.

"NOOOOOOOOO" Kurt screamed.

I had to be a part of it; I got my knife and stabbed it into Mercedes' back. She screamed and cried.

"Stop it. Stop it, you psycho"

Mike started to stab Kurt.

The slashing and chilling screams continued for a couple of minutes until the three were dead.

To better suit the nursery rhyme "Three Blind Mice" and just for the fun of it we carved their eyes out with the knives.


Rachel killed Puck.

I hated her.

He was mine to kill; that's the second time that ugly whore ruined my plan.

How dare she!

First she doesn't die.. and now this!

Why should she get the satisfaction of killing?

She didn't go through the effort into planning everything. I DID!

I could feel the anger literally bubbling up inside of me.

I looked out the window and saw Quinn talking to Mike again.

I had to take this into my own hands.

It was getting ridiculous.

I slipped a note under the door for Quinn warning her "Watch your back, bitch."

I was serious.

Quinn had to die!


"Do you think Rachel killed the others then?" Matt asked Mike as the duo sat in their cabin.

"Well that's what Quinn thinks, but I don't think so."

"Do you think it was Puck then? I can't imagine him killing anyone, but in some ways I hope it was him; that would mean it's all over."

" I still don't trust Santana – she's been quiet all day" Mike interjecting, attempting to persuade Matt that Santana was the killer.

He knew that Tina was going to kill Santana that night, so he desperately didn't want Matt to be in the way.

He needed Matt to survive.

He couldn't lose his best friend.

If Matt thought Santana was the killer then he wouldn't go to her cabin, but he wasn't convinced.

"She's sad, that's all"

"Or guilty?" Mike suggested, trying hard to imprint that Santana could be the killer into Matt's mind.

"No dude, I don't think Santana's the killer. I can't believe you still think she is."

"I can't help what I think, Matt. She sits in that cabin alone all the time – I think she's plotting."

Matt rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to keep her company tonight."

"She might – she might try and kill you" Mike replied, looking genuinely worried.

"Don't worry Mike. I trust her." Mike had to change tactic; Matt just knew that Santana wasn't the killer and he needed him to stay at his own cabin so that wouldn't get in the way of her death.

"What about me? Who's going to keep me company?"

"You can look after yourself." Matt told him. Mike was desperate.

"Don't go man" he pleaded. "It's out last night, we need to stay together."


"Whatever happens you can't kill Matt" Mike warned Tina. "I don't care if he gets in the way, I don't care if he goes to Santana's cabin or he finds out it was us. You just can't kill him."

"Of course not. I wouldn't do that to you" Tina reassured him, looking up into Mike's eyes. "Matt will survive, don't you worry. This will all be over soon and we can run away together like we planned. I wouldn't kill Matt, don't worry about it."


Matt was never supposed to be killed.

Ok, that's a lie; I was going to slip some poison into his drink before we left, but Mike was never to know.

I knew he wouldn't forgive me if I killed him, but I couldn't have anyone getting away.

He just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, so he had to die.

I drugged Emma who had volunteered to keep a lookout.

How could that meek, puny little woman even measure up to a killer like me? It was so pathetic I wanted to laugh.

I left the cabin and saw Matt creeping out towards Santana's.

I didn't hesitate.

I didn't care about what I had promised Mike, he would understand.

It was for us.

Matt would have to die.

I crept up behind him, slitting his throat with my knife. He was dead before he hit the floor, he didn't have time to scream. He probably didn't even know he was dying.

Santana was asleep when I went into her cabin.

I put black tape over her mouth so that she couldn't scream.

Her eyes widened in horror as she saw me.

She tried to escape, but I was stronger. I kept her in her bed.

"Yes Santana. I am the killer." I told her. "I've just killed Matt, and now it's your turn."

Santana shook her head, unable to accept that her little lover boy could be dead.

Tears rolled down from her eyes.

It made me immensely happy to see her cry; she was always such a bitch.

"Just a little prick on the spinning wheel will do it, I think." I taunted her.

I got out my knife and chopped one of her fingers off.

It wasn't easy; the finger wouldn't come off at first, but I persisted. This is what I must go through for murder; it can be hard work at times but I don't give up.

"Any last words Santana?" I asked.

She nodded, clearly in a lot of pain.

"If you scream I will only make your death slower and more horrific, got it?" I warned her. She nodded again, and I ripped the tape from off her mouth.

"I give up" She said through tears. "Kill me. What have I got to live for? You've killed Brittany and Matt. They were the only people that ever meant anything to me. I'd rather die and be with them than live another day without them-"

"Blah blah blah" I interrupted "You're boring me."

I rang her neck with my hands until she was still.

Leaving the cabin, I put down the note and took the gun off of Emma.


This was where everything went wrong.

I underestimated how attached Mike was to Matt and how human he could be.

He told the girls everything.

It wasn't too late.

I took Quinn and threatened to kill her if Mike didn't come with me.

After that we would only have Rachel and Emma to kill.

It would be perfect; our plan would have worked.

We could have been happy, but Mike didn't want to kill anymore.

He was weak; he discovered his conscience, but I was stronger; I never had one.

He said he didn't love me, but I know he was lying.

He was saying it to protect me; a love like ours will never diminish.

He always loved me and he always will, no matter what he says.

The cops came and took us away.

Like Romeo and Juliet, fate was against; trying to break us apart.

But I know, even though we are apart that all we can think about is each other.

He still loves me more than anything.

We went to court, we got lawyers, but Quinn, Rachel and Emma testified against us and Mike was telling the truth.

We were separated and I screamed to Mike in court that I still love him and one day we will be together again.

He couldn't even look at me, I know it must have been too hard to say goodbye.

Now they've put me back in the asylum; they say I'm mentally disturbed.
I'm not though; I just like to kill. Is that such a problem?

And maybe one day when I've convinced these idiots that I've changed again, I'll be back, and more than prepared to kill again.



Thanks for reading if you made it all the way to the bottom :P I know it was very long compared with all the other chapters lol

