A/N Anyone ever seen how similar Miley and Demi are same goes for Selena and Taylor. Anyway this is a story about Emily liking Miley in more than a friendly way but Miley being afraid. Around the same time Selena and Demi are having fights. Throw in a love struck Taylor Swift with one of my favorite actress when I was a kid Monica May. Its not a one shot its more of a angsty drabble but if you see some twist send me a message and maybe it can become more. Enjoy.

Taylor Allison Swift was slouched on the Selena's living room couch while checking her phone for messages. Selena Marie Gomez made her way downstairs and was greeted by the sight of her best friend laying down on her favorite part of her living room couch.

"Hey Tay may I ask what my wonderful best friend is doing laying on my couch at 9:30 am on this blissful Saturday morning," Selena asked.

"Why hello their Miss Gomez. Of course you may ask," Taylor started "Well I thought my super best friend would love to go out to Starbucks with me the fine morning."

"Well then Miss. Swift shall we be on our marry way" Selena smirked while dangling her car keys.

"We shall," was all the blond country singer said before grabbing the young wizard star and walking out the front door.

(In another apartment in Los Angeles)

"MILEY RAY CYRUS GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT," Miley Cyrus cringed at her best friends tone at this time in the morning. She didn't get why Demi was so worked up about an old t-shirt that need to be thrown out. "MILEY"

"Okay ok. Geez I don't get why your so worked up about an old t-shirt" Miley responded coming back into a very pissed of Demitria Devone Lovato's room.

"I am not(breath) worked up about" Demi said trying to not let her voice rise. "The t-shirt."

"Then why am I getting yelled at for wanting to throw it out." The southern girl asked.

"Because just cause its old doesn't mean it doesn't have any emotional value."The native Texan replied.

"She gave it to you didn't she," the green eyed beauty remarked. Making the she in her sentence stand out.

"No…maybe possibly yes so what," the new pop singer mumbled.

Miley's smile faltered as her best friend went down a sad road of memories. She then attempted to put her hand on her now pacing friends shoulder before calling out and saying, "Howwa bout we go and get something to drink. There's a Starbucks about two blocks away from here."

Demi gave Miley a watering smile. "Yeah sure. That sounds like fun."

Selena and Taylor had made it through downtown, through vans of paparazzi, and through many streets with tourist on them without being detected by any one. So quickly and quietly they exited Sel's car and were walking down the street , about to enter Starbucks when.

"LOOK MOMMY ITS TAYLOR SWIFT AND SELENA GOMEZ," a blond little girl who was about five years old shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Dammit we were so close," Selena murmured under her breath. Taylor couldn't help but allow a cheshire grin to appear on her face. Soon a thousand little kids and paparazzi seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Hey Selena and Taylor can we have your autograph" a chorus of little kids voices was heard.

"Hey Selena, Taylor why haven't you been spotted with Miley or Demi. Selena are you and Demi drifting apart. Taylor what do you think about the comment from Demi after her concert." A crew of reporters yelled at the two singers.

Before either of the girls could reply or walk away two sets of hands pulled them inside of Starbucks.

"You guys ok," came the gentle reply of Emily Jordan Osment. While helping Selena up.

"Yeah you were pretty much tackled outside a few moments ago," smirked Monica May as she helped Taylor up.

"Yeah we're fine right Taylor," Selena said as she giggled at Taylor dazed expression.

"Yeah umm yeah we're fine."Taylor stuttered and blushed while looking at Monica.

Monica couldn't help but smile at the two month younger girl's face. Her and Taylor were going to go on tour soon and she had fallen in love hard with the country singer.

"Good, come on we have a table already." Emily mentioned and grinned at the exchange her best friend had with Taylor.

The four friends walked to the back far away from the windows. Soon each had either a cup of coffee or hot chocolate or in Emily's case one of each. And were chit chatting about everyday talk until Emily brought up the question Selena was dreading.

"Is it true." Emily whispered so low that almost neither of the other three girls heard.

"Is what true." Monica asked.

"Is it true you and Demi are done being friends" Emily asked directly to Selena.

Sel was shocked but she knew she had to answer.

"Umm," Selena cleared her throat. "I guess. I truly don't know." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck. "We haven't talked in forever and whenever I've tried to call her she never picks up. I can't believe she's stopped talking to me and started talking to Miley. I thought best friends told each other everything but no she's just ignored me. And I don't blame Miley she's really nice and all but I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should be angry or sad that she's stopped hanging out with me. I didn't even get to tell her I loved her in more than a friendly way" Selena released with a frustrated sigh before her eyes started to water and the tears leaked out.

Taylor was immediately at her side comforting her. Taylor knew how much Demi had hurt Selena with not talking to her or even trying any minimal contact. And she was angry at the new pop singer for treating one of her best friends like this. After making sure Selena was ok she asked Emily the question that had been on her mind lately.

"Hey Em. Has she called you know?" Taylor brought up.

Emily almost choked on her drink. " Umm no she hasn't. I've left a few messages but she hasn't returned them not that I'm surprised but that doesn't make it hurt any less. I don't get why she would be all worked up about it after all we held hand and stuff like that all the time we were almost dating so why not make it actually happen." Emily finished feeling a bit depressed

Demi and Miley walked inside Starbucks surprised by how many paparazzi were outside but even more surprised that they actually managed to slip past them.

"Must be someone really important not to notice us pass by." Miley commented not really caring that the press hadn't noticed them.

"Yeah that was weird but it felt nice being able to walk by without being questioned."Demi mentioned before telling a waiter for a table with more privacy.

Once they were seated and supplied with coffee. They were about to go over plans for the summer when a question from the table behind them caught their guard. Since they were divided by a booth wall Miley and Demi didn't have a chance to see who was sitting in the table next to them. But as soon as the question was asked they wished they had realized who was there. Again the question was asked this time there was answer.

"Is it true you and Demi are done being friends" Emily asked.

"Umm, I guess. I truly don't know. We haven't talked in forever and whenever I've tried to call her she never picks up. I can't believe she's stopped talking to me and started talking to Miley. I thought best friends told each other everything but no she's just ignored me. And I don't blame Miley she's really nice and all but I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should be angry or sad that she's stopped hanging out with me. I didn't even get to tell her I loved her in more than a friendly way." Selena answered.

Miley looked at Demi who had a shocked face. Selena had just confessed she liked her or more like loved her and was upset that Demi had wanted to cut contact. Demi started yelling at herself internally about ignoring Sel and for hurting her best friend. Soon Taylor's voice was heard

"Hey Em. Has she called you know?"

Followed by a stuttering reply of Emily Osment.

" Umm no she hasn't. I've left a few messages but she hasn't returned them not that I'm surprised but that doesn't make it hurt any less. I don't get why she would be all worked up about it after all we held hand and stuff like that all the time we were almost dating so why not make it actually happen."

Now it was Miley's turn to be shocked Emily was upset because she hadn't called back. She knew she like Emily from the start but hearing Emily say that was a dream come true. Now if she could only tell her no now if both her and Demi could just tell them their true feelings. They were just going to walk up to them but lost the nerve and made their way to the exit which was just by their table. They were just about to exit when…

Selena, Taylor, Emily and Monica were about to order the check when Demi and Miley walked right by them. Neither Selena nor Emily could hold it in. "Hey look it Demi and Miley who would of thought they were in Starbucks."Emily commented.

"Yeah Em. I would have thought they'd be at a famous five start restaurant. Since they're famous and wealthy."Selena stated with obvious sarcasm and hurt laced through her voice.

Demi and Miley stopped when they heard the comments. What both of their friends said had hurt even though they knew it was partially true.

"Oh look they stopped. Do you think they heard. Monica."Emily asked.

"Emily, don't do anything you'll regret. I know that your mad at them but that shouldn't mean that you should comment on them like that. Even though I completely agree." Monica answered.

"You should go." Taylor told Miley and Demi coldly.

"What" both pop singers shouted distressed. Not believing the sweet country singer had just told them to leave without saying please and in a harsh tone.

"Wha a at Taylor." Miley asked not willing to believe the blonds' words.

"You heard me." the country singer said in the same cold harsh voice.

After a few seconds Demi managed to snap out of shock and faced Taylor while saying. "Did you just snap at us."

Taylor shrugged and replied "Maybe I did maybe I didn't."

"Oh no you didn't. You did not just snap at us. Do you know who we are. You have no right to say something like that. We can sue you." Demi stated.

"Oh look is the all powerful Demitria Lovato scaring us. I don't think so. Plus I think she forgot that we can sue her just as much as she can sue us. Oh and Demi you better not anger Taylor anymore or we just might." Selena spat at Demi.

Demi opened her mouth to reply but then closed it she knew that what Selena had just said was almost completely true yet she couldn't stop the tears from forming. Miley looked at her friend before glaring daggers at Selene while declaring. " Why did you just say that. You had no right telling her off like that. Demi needs her best friend right now in her career and your just yelling at her. What type of best friend are you."

Selena looked at Miley like she had just been slapped. "Excuse me." She sad incredibly.

"You heard me" the pop star singer repeated.

"UGH. You think I'm the bad friend. Well excuse me for trying to keep contact when she shut off her connections with me. At first I thought it was because she was busy then I start reading you and her have been hanging out. I go around asking if its true and they say yes. So what am I suppose to believe. She just disappears a few days before I'm gonna confess that I love her in more than a friendly way and she leaves. So what am I suppose to do huh. So what Miley huh." Selena yelled at Miley while sobs racked her body.

Taylors arms were instantly around her for the second time today. Demi saw and wanted nothing more but to be her right now. Emily's voice was soon heard. "You hurt her bad Demi. You hurt her really bad. Oh and Miley I don't know whats gotten into you lately but if its something like what happened to them I don't want my heart broken. I was willig to give us a chance but now I'm not so sure."

"We should go." Monica said during the whole verbal combat she had paid for the bill. "We'll see you around. Maybe." And with that Monica, Emily, Taylor and Selena left not even glancing back at the two wide eyed beauties.

Demi and Miley looked at them walk away in shock. Both wishing they could just go after them and tell them, beg them they were sorry and t please forgive them. But n they just let them go and by tomorrow it would be like nothing had happened. They would go back to their regular lives sulking inside but pretending everything was fine on the outside. No one would ever know that these six stars just had an argument. No one would ever find out really why they were all drifting apart.

No one would.

A/N What did you think. I forgot to mention I don't own any of these people.