Yet another DP story by me! YAY! This one is about…

Danny is rudely awakened by a ghost, or so he thought. Now he wakes up in a strange place, and has to find his way back to Amity Park to save his loved one, Same Manson, and the whole world! Again! I don't own DP.

R&R please! Italics are thoughts.

A Day Without You is Like A Year Without Rain

Chapter 1: Woods

Danny Phantom paced back and forth in a small circle. He'd been picked up from his room when he was sleeping, and when he woke, he was in some woods. All he remembered was waking up for a minute and shadows were all around him. A tingly feeling had been running through him, and then everything went black. He had to find his way back to Amity Park. To his friends, family, and girlfriend. Sam. Oh she was probably worried. If she was even awake. It was the whole Nocturne thing all over again!

He decided to get a good view of his surroundings, and hopefully a nearby town. He flew up above the ever green tops. There was no town nearby, just forest. He looked below him, and gasped. Below him lay a meadow, with tall lush green grass. A cliff with a crystal clear water fall falling off it's top and into a small pond, were the late afternoon sun caused it to sparkle. The rocks around the small pond and within it sparkled as well, almost as if they held millions of tiny diamonds within them.

"Well at least I have water." Danny stated, still wide eyed at the beauty in front of him. He patted his pockets for his cell phone.

He pulled it out and opened it, raising it above his head, trying to get a signal.

"DUH! I'm in the middle of no where, of coarse there won't be any signal!" He face palmed himself. He flew downinto the clearing, and found enough sticks and twigs to make a camp, thenset off around the meadow for food. He found some edible nuts and berries, but that was mainly it. He ripped a small circle of grass out of the ground, and incircled the outer edge with small rocks. He placed some of the sticks and twigs in the circle, and shot it with a green ecto blast, causing green flames to come up. He then proceded to use the grass and special ecto plasm to make two bowls, in which he place food in one, and water in another. Setting them in his makeshift tent, he went back to the fire, and sat down. He hoped he wouldn't be here long, after all he couldn't survive off of nuts and berries. He sat there by the fire, watching the blades of soft green grass sway in the breeze. He sat like that for a good hour or so, till twilight. When twilight came, he laid down on his back, arms behind his head, to star gaze. He let his mind slowly wonder. He thought of home, Tucker, and finnally, Sam. Was she okay? Had she been taken somewhere as well? Suddenly he heard howling behind him, and a drop of what apeared to be water, which he figured was saliva, dripped onto his nose. He looked behind him to see a tall dark figure with bright green eyes that seemed to glow, almost brighter than his, standing behind him. The figure raised it's paw, and quickly brought it down.

Mwahahaha! Evil cliff hanger! R&R please! Maybe I'll post the next chapie soon!