Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not the characters, not the brands, not anything. :(

Several years after JLU Destroyer

"I want chocolate John." The very pregnant Shayera told her husband. "And not any of that crappy stuff. Good chocolate."

"What do you mean?" John asked relieved this craving wasn't anywhere near as weird as the last one.

"Don't be difficult John. Just go get me some chocolate!" The hormonal woman yelled.

John quickly nodded and left to get her chocolate. When he arrived in the transporter room a group was just getting back from a mission.

"Hey Dinah." He said stopping the known chocoholic.

"Hey John what's up?" Black Canary asked.

"Shay wants chocolate. "Good chocolate" what does that mean?" He asked.

"I'd say German chocolate." Dinah said, her eyes glazing over a little at the thought of one of her favorite treats.


"I disagree." Said the reinstated Huntress stopping John. "I prefer Italian chocolate. My favorite is Venchi."

"No, a good German chocolate like Hachez." Dinah replied

"You're both nuts." Vixen said coming up behind them. "Everyone knows French chocolate is the best. Valrhona is the way to go."

"What's going on?" Clark asked when he found the growing group in the transporter room.

"We're trying to decide what kind of chocolate is the best so John can go get some for Shayera." Dinah replied.

"Lois likes a Swiss chocolate, Felchlin, I think it's called." Clark said.

"Diana what's your favorite kind of chocolate?" Helena yelled as the Amazon neared the group.

"Dolfin. I think they're Belgian, I'm not sure, Bruce gets them for me for Valentine's Day." The princess replied. "Why?"

"John is trying to figure out what kind of chocolate to get Shayera." Mari said.

"Well that's a lot better than her last craving. Go with Hershey's." Wonder Woman said. "Everybody likes Hershey's."

"I can't do that. She said she wanted "good chocolate." Never mind, I'll figure it out. Thanks everybody." John said finally moving on to the transporter.

In the end John utilized his fully charged power ring and took everyone's suggestion. He picked up a couple pieces of Hachez from Germany, Venchi from Italy, Valrhona from France, Felchlin from Switzerland and Dolfin from Belguim.

I can't be wrong this way. John thought as he tiredly returned to the Watchtower and his waiting wife. "I'm back." He said as he entered their quarters. He found Shayera waking up from a nap on the sofa.

"Hey." She said groggily. "What took you so long?"

"I wasn't sure exactly what you wanted." John replied handing her the bag.

She looked in the bag and gave John a brief quizzical look before she started taking the small boxes out. When she pulled the last box out she looked back up at her husband with tears in her eyes.

"What's the matter Shay?" John said carefully sitting down on the sofa next to her. "Did I not get the right one?" He asked slightly nervous.

"It's not that." She said shaking her head. "This is so sweet. You didn't have to do all this."

"So I did okay?" John asked again just to be sure.

"Yes, thank you." Shayera said and kissed him sweetly. "I love you."

"I love you too Shay."

"You know, you could have just gotten a Hershey's bar." She said.

John banged his head on the back of the sofa.
