A new story which has been in my head a while...

Severus Snape slammed the door to his classroom and stalked across the room and into his office and sat down heavily on his arm chair.

'Finally' he grumbled as he sat back in his arm chair and closed his eyes.

'Uncle Sevviee!' A high pitch voice screeched and then he felt a lump of weight in his lap.

Severus eyes flew open and he stood up immediately dropping the small child on the floor. The small child fell from Severus's lap to the floor with a thud and starting crying immediately.

'Sevviiee...hurts...Daddy!' The child screamed from the floor.

Severus looked at the young girl on the floor screeching. She couldn't have been more than four or five even three. She was tiny and would only come up against Severus's thigh. The girl had white blonde curly hair and it made her ice blue eyes stand out more.

'Sevviieeee' The girl cried and she lifted her arms up to him as if she wanted him to lift her.

Severus stepped towards the child slowly and then bent down to her and held out his hand.

The little girl took hold of Severus's hand and stood up and moved towards him and snuggled into his chest. 'Uncle Sev, my arm hurts.' She said sniffling into his crisp white shirt. 'I want my Daddy.' She said as a fresh batch of tears started. 'I want to go home!'

'Where is home?' He asked as he pulled the child away from him. 'Where do you live?'

'Uncle Sev being silly. I live with Mummy and Daddy at Manor.' The little girl said as she looked at Severus with her bright blue eyes.

'Manor? Malfoy Manor?' Severus said as he looked at the child. Was she a Malfoy? Where the hell did she come from?

Severus lifted the girl into his arms and stepped into his fireplace and shouted 'Headmaster's office.'

Albus Dumbledore looked up when he heard his fire alight and was surprised to see his potions professor with a small child in his arms.

'Severus?' Albus asked as he put his glasses on his head

'I found this child in my office about ten minutes ago. She insists on calling me...Uncle...Sev.' He said as he put the child down on the visitor's chair.

'Uncle Sevviiee.' The girl said as she held her arms out to him to be picked up again.

Severus looked at the child and picks her up again and then sat back down in the chair with the girl on his lap.

'I believe she is from the future Severus.' Albus said as he looked at the child.

'The future?' Severus said

'Yes Severus, look, she's wearing a time turner around her neck.' He said as he pointed to it.

Severus looked at the child's neck and moved her hair up from her neck and saw a gold time turner sat against the back.

'So now we need to know a little about her.' Albus said as she stood up and walked around to the front of his desk. 'Now my dear girl, can you tell me your name?' He said softly.

'Paige.' She said smiling at Albus.

'What a lovely name. Do you know your last name?' He asked as he held some lemon drops in his hand.

'Malfoy. I'm Paige Malfoy.' She said as she took a sweet from Albus.

'Draco's daughter?' Severus said as he looked at Albus.

'Daddy!' the girl shouted as Severus said Draco. 'My daddy is called Draco isn't he Sevviiee?

'That's right...Paige.' He muttered.

'And what's your mother's name? Do you know her name Paige?' Albus said

Paige only nodded and leans back against Severus. 'I'm tired Uncle Sev.'

'Of course.' Albus said. 'Severus I believe we should call Draco and his parents here. It would be best for Paige that while she's here she stays with them.'

Severus looked down at the dainty child now asleep on his chest and nodded.

'You call them and meet in my rooms.' Severus said as he stood up with the child nestled against him.

Severus Snape put Paige down on his king sized bed and covered her with the quilt. He stepped back and looked at the child. She looked like a sleeping angel with her bright blonde hair surrounding her head on the pillow.

'Severus?' Albus called from the living room.

Severus walked out of the bedroom and closed the door silently not to wake the sleeping child. As he turned around he came face to face with three tall blondes in his living room.

'Shall we all have a seat?' Albus said as he sat himself down on one of the arm chairs.

'What has he done now?' Lucius said. 'What have you gotten yourself into now boy?' He said glaring at Draco.

'Nothing!' Draco said as he sat down on his Godfather's sofa next to his mother who was already seated.

'Sit down Lucius; let the Headmaster and Severus explain.' Narcissa said as she looked up at her husband.

Lucius sat down beside his wife and looked over to Severus who was still stood by his bedroom door. Severus walked to his arm chair and sat down and looked at Albus.

'Get on with it then.' Lucius said impatiently.

'This afternoon Severus had a little visitor from the future.' Albus said smiling at the Malfoy's.

'A little visitor?' Lucius said as he looked at Severus. 'I'm sorry Headmaster but I am very busy and I am not in the mood to guess your riddles this afternoon.'

'The Headmaster means that this afternoon I was in my office and was surprised to find a young child in my office who seems to believe I am her Uncle.' Severus said. 'The child in question seems to have time travelled here and goes by the name of Paige Malfoy.'

Narcissa looked at Severus to her husband and then back to Severus. 'Paige Malfoy?' Narcissa said confused.

Severus only nodded.

'She's from the future? How fare in the future?' Lucius said.

'Were not sure yet. She fell asleep before we could ask any more questions although we do know some details about her.' Albus said.

'What are these details then?' Lucius said.

'She insisted on wanted her father...Draco.' Severus said as he looked at Draco.

'What!' Draco said shocked.

'Oh darling you have a daughter.' Narcissa said smiling.

'Not yet he doesn't Narcissa.' Lucius said.

'She is your daughter from the future Draco. She somehow time travelled her.' Severus said.

'We don't know how long she'll be here and because of her age we think it's best if she stayed with you.' Albus said. 'She needs to be around people who she knows.'

'Then surly she can stay with us?' Lucius said.

'It would be easier if she is able to stay here, we can work on a way how to get her back to her time.' Albus said. 'You are more than welcome to visit and the Christmas holiday are just around the corner and Draco and Paige can go home then.'

'Of course.' Narcissa said politely. 'Now darling if you need any help you can owl me anytime.' She said smiling at Draco.

Draco only nodded still shocked that his future daughter was here.

'We shall take our leave, I have a meeting in ten minutes.' Lucius said as he stood up.

'Remember if you need me, owl me Draco. Raising a child is hard.' Narcissa said as she walked to the floo.

Lucius soon followed his wife into the floo and shouted 'Malfoy Manor' and with that his parents left him alone to look after his...daughter.

'Uncle Sevvviieee...' a voice called from the bedroom. 'I'm Hungweee' she said as she opened the door. 'Dadddddyyyyyy!' She screeched as she launched herself across the room and into Draco's arms.

Draco found himself with the small girl in his arms with her little arms wrapped around his neck showering him with kisses.

'Daddy, you came!' She said smiling up at him.

Draco looked down at the child in his lap. She was tiny and had huge bright blue eyes much like his mother's. Her hair was long and reached the middle of her back but it was also curly and unruly like no one in his family; must get that from her mother he thought.

'Daddy...why are you looking at me funny?' She asked him

'Umm...I'm not...Paige.' He said quietly.

'Can we go home now? I want to see mummy and I want to play with my new Princess house.' She said smiling.

'Well Paige, you'll be staying her with your father for a few days.' Albus said as he stood up. 'I must leave Severus I'm sure you can help Draco.' Albus said as he walked towards Severus's front door. 'Oh and I have added a child's bed to your room Draco and a few other bits.' And with that last statement Albus left Severus's private rooms.

'How am I supposed to look after...my daughter and carry on with school?' Draco said as he shifted Paige on his lap who was now fussing and trying to get down.

'You'll have help Draco.' Severus said. 'While you're in class I expect Paige will be with Madam Promfrey.'

'And what about when I'm at practice?' Draco said. He had to admit he sounded like a father.

'Then I'll have to look Paige.' Severus said. 'I'm sure your house mates will help you out. I'm sure Miss Parkinson will love to help you.'

'Daddy...why can't we go home? Won't Mummy miss us?' She asked as she slid off his lap and stood in front of him.

'Well, were staying here for a while and your...mu...mother knows where we are.' Draco said as he looked at the small girl.

The small girl smiled at Draco and grabbed his hand 'Come on then Daddy let's go look around. I want to see the castle.' She said jumping up and down excitedly.

'In a minute Paige.' Draco said sounding like his own father he thought. 'Severus what am I suppose to do with her?'

'Take her wherever you go Draco and entertain a...how old is she?' Severus said as he looked at the child.

'Umm...Paige can you tell...ummmm me how old you are?' He asked

'I'm four' she said holding up four fingers. 'You're silly Daddy you know how old I am.' She said giggling.

'A four year old' Draco said standing up. 'How do I look after a four year old?'

'You'll learn Draco.' Severus said smirking knowing it was going to be hard.

Draco took hold of Paige's hand and looked at Severus. 'Say goodbye to your Uncle Sevviieee then Paige.' He said.

'Byeee Uncle Sevvviieeee!' She screeched as she hugged his knees.

'Goodbye Paige.' He said patting her head awkwardly.

Draco walked out of his Godfather's rooms and walked down to the Slytherin Common room. Maybe he could get Pansy to watch Paige or Millicent they probably knew more about children than he did.

'Daddy, where's Grandpa and Nana?' She asked quietly as she looked around at the portraits.

'Your Grandpa and Nana Malfoy?' he asked. His father would die if he knew that he would become Grandpa. The great Lucius Malfoy a Grandpa!

'Yes, Grandpa Lu' she said sweetly.

'He's at home with...Nana. Will be seeing them in a week or so when we go home for Christmas.' He said

'Will Mummy be there?' She asked

'Maybe.' He said as they reached the Slytherin Portrait.

So, here is the first and one of my longest chapters ever!

I hope you like the first chapter; please review.

Greeneyes xxxx