A/N: I apologize for the wait! I've been on writer's block for a while and then life got crazy. -_- BUT. Here I ammm. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

The Switch

"Why are you shaking?"

Gilbert had gone quiet for the last three minutes. Trying to find the right words to say, but every time he tried, his voice would fail him. A wind swirled around as the trees whispered to one another, branches clacking against one another. The sounds made him a bit more paranoid as he looked around frantically with fear-filled eyes.

"I .." Regaining composure, he looked at the other man with a uneasy expression. Shaking his head, "I don't believe this.."

"Well, it is a lot to take in." The man let out a throaty chuckle.

"What's your name?"

"Tobias. Tobias Gregory Thornton."

The name didn't ring a bell, he didn't know why he was hoping for some sort of familiarity when he didn't go outside the walls of the palace.

"I'm Gil-"

"I know who you are," He cut him off rather rudely, "I've been undercover this whole time. I had to see him."


"My nephew."

This situation confused him. How could all this even be possible? It felt like a dream. Maybe he'll wake up any second now? In a way, he hoped that he would. "Your nephew? You mean Oz, right? What happened? If Oz isn't the real heir, does that mean that the real one is out there?"

"Correct. The only reason why Rachel would cheat on her husband was simply for revenge purposes. Zai cheated on her for royalty. That bastard didn't think he did anything wrong! Since the other lady was a renowned Princess, he figured she's royalty, it's not going going to hurt anyone. But, anyways... Zai impregnated that Princess and the family disowned her for the pregnancy out of Wedlock. She has four brothers and sisters that could have easily taken her place."

"But didn't they care about there daughter?"

"Some families don't give a damn about where their children end up, it's a matter of upholding status."

"That's horrible."

"Yeah, well.. That's life."

Silence filled the air once again, The only sound that could be heard is the wind, whistling and howling, causing Gilbert to shiver a little bit. Not because he was cold, but from hearing about how royal families could be so heartless. But, he refused to make that judgment on all royal members, considering Oz had grown up in this life. Forced to follow in the footsteps of the Duke.

Oz had his moments of being rather cruel, but they were never meant to hurt anyone.

"Zai is the reason my sister is dead, and I plan on making him pay dearly for it. And I think that after he thinks that you're out of the picture, he's going to watch Oz suffer before him and then take that opportunity to kill him. It's all about timing, though. I believe he wants to make it look like an accident."

He turned his brilliant eyes on Gilbert now.

"I scratch your back, you scratch mine."

Ending Note: SHORT. What could Tobias be up to? Are his intentions good? We'll find out soon! Please review! I'm terribly sorry for the length, trouble in paradise cuts my computer time short, in the most inconvenient times. Lol! Hope you enjoyed the update, though. Feedback would be lovely!