Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters. They are owned by the TIIC of General Hospital. They just aren't used properly.

Feedback: Well I would just love to hear it, good or bad. Please let me know what you think.

Author's Notes: I wrote this in response to a challenge on another board. This is written in soap style, quick moving plot, cliffhangers, etc. It will feature quite a lot of the cast, so if you don't see your favorite right away, keep reading they may show up. This is based on the idea of the car accident between Elizabeth, Gia and Courtney and a different and I think more interesting result to come out of it. I think it will be quite a ride.


Web of Deceit

~General Hospital ER~

"What do we have?" Dr. Eve Lambert asked, crossing to the gurney as soon as it crashed through the door.

"A female, approximately 21 years old. Minor head trauma, her pupils are responsive if a little dazed. There are minor lacerations on her face and bruises." Paramedic Steve Grey explained. "She's been semi-conscious the whole way in. Frank is bringing in the major trauma."

Eve nodded and after a quick check of the girls' eyes she stepped back from the gurney. "Take her to exam room 2," she turned to address the nurse. "Amy check her for a concussion, and draw some blood for a drug and alcohol test." She wrinkled her nose at the smell coming off the girl. "Not that she needs it, but we need the official count."

Amy nodded and followed the gurney.

"What's this one's story?" Eve pulled on another pair of gloves and moved closer to the bleeding girl on the gurney that had just entered the ER.

"Major head trauma. Numerous lacerations around her head and neck. There are glass shards still embedded on the right side of her face. Including a particularly nasty piece right by her eye." Paramedic Frank Scanlon scanned his chart. "Her pupils are sluggish, and she's been unconscious since we arrived on scene, her pulse is slow and thready. There is also some swelling in her abdomen."

Eve nodded and probed the stomach area, even unconscious the girl moved in response. "Okay get her to Trauma 1, we need a type and cross match. Alert OR to get a trauma team with an eye surgeon standing by to remove the glass. But first page Dr. Thornhart, we need to check her spleen. It seems like it's ruptured. If that's the case, we need to remove it first before it bursts." Eve shook her head. "Damn what a night."


"Detective we got the results back for the blood and alcohol tests we ran on the driver of that wreck out on Bayview road." A lab technician called out.

Detective Alex Garcia stopped before he could enter the lounge and held out a hand for the file. "What are they?"

"Her blood alcohol level was .11 which is well over the legal limit," the tech glanced down at his papers. "She also tested positive for PCP. The amount in her system, tells us she ingested a rather large dose within an hour of getting behind the wheel of the car."

"Damn are you sure?" Garcia asked in surprise.

"Positive. With that much alcohol and drugs in her system, it's a wonder more people weren't hurt during her crazy trip."

"Thanks for making this a priority." Garcia said absently before moving to the payphone. This put a whole different spin on things and he was going to need a warrant before he proceeded.


"You're going to be okay." Bobbie Spencer murmured before checking the chart. "Just hold on a little while longer." She turned around when the door opened behind her and Detective Garcia walked in the room. "Detective this really isn't a good time."

"Dr. Lambert said she's well enough to leave." Garcia explained.

Bobbie nodded reluctantly. "Yes. But can't you wait before questioning her?"

"It's okay Bobbie, I'll talk to him." A soft voice interrupted her.

Garcia focused on the girl on the bed. "Elizabeth Webber I am placing you under arrest for driving under the influence, reckless endangerment, and possession of a controlled substance."

"What?" Elizabeth's mouth dropped open in surprise. She hoped that the words were some awful mistake, brought on by her headache. But when she saw the serious look on his face she realized they weren't.


Elizabeth thought she was prepared, but she still flinched when the camera flashed blinding her.

"Turn to the left." A bored sounding voice ordered. "Hold the sign to your shoulder and turn to the left."

Blinking at the spots in her eyes she did as she was told. A part of her still believed that this was all some hideous nightmare. The fog her brain seemed to be in, helped her think that. Nothing felt real to her. At least not yet.

"Turn to the right."

Soon she would wake up on her couch in her studio, or even better in the big bed she'd had on Sonny's island. Somewhere, anywhere, but here.

"Come on." The matron grabbed her arm. "I don't have all night, you know. Now give me your hand."

Elizabeth held it out and didn't even flinch when the guard jerked on her arm to rub her fingers over the slimy inkpad. She watched with detached interest as first one finger then the next made an imprint on a white piece of paper. When it was free she brought her hand closer to her face, eyeing the black smears warily as the officer did the same thing with her other hand.

"Here." The matron shoved a paper towel in her hand. "Wipe it off."

Elizabeth frowned at the towel in her hand and after a long minute she began to rub at her hands. The blackness came off on the white towel and the contrast was sharp to her artistic eye.

The matron grabbed her arm and pulled the non-responsive girl to a gray metal door and pushed her inside. Elizabeth glanced around the tiny room. It was barely bigger than a closet. An old beat-up green filing cabinet was against one wall but other than that there wasn't any furniture in it.


The first whisper of unease went through Elizabeth as she turned and looked at the woman officer.

"I said strip." The matron ordered pulling on a rubber glove. "Don't make me do it for you Princess."

Reality crashed into Elizabeth hard and she fought back the tears as she mutely complied.


"What do you mean I have to stay here?" Elizabeth asked huskily. Her tears had come and gone leaving her hollow.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth." Garcia said and he honestly was sorry for her. "It's too late for you to be arraigned tonight. The earliest opening is tomorrow morning after 9:00."

"I have to spend the night in jail?" She kept her eyes on the table. Her cheeks were still red from the humiliation she had recently endured. And the memory of that, made her unable to meet his eyes.

"Yes." Garcia couldn't help but feel for the girl. He had known her for years and at one time had been fairly close to her, in the aftermath of her reporting her rape. He shook his head, she certainly had fallen a long way, since then. "You won't be in general population. You'll be in a holding tank."

Elizabeth flinched.

"Look I'll keep it empty for as long as I can. If it's a slow night maybe you'll have the tank to yourself all night."

Elizabeth bit her lip and nodded, then for the first time she looked at him. "How is she?"

"She survived the surgery. They did have to remove her spleen. Right now they are working on removing the glass from her face." He didn't mention the possibility that one of the pieces of glass might have severed her optic nerve, rendering her blind in her right eye. They didn't know for sure yet and Elizabeth was dealing with enough right now.

Tears pricked the back of her eyes turning them into jeweled sapphires but they didn't fall. "Thank you for telling me."

Garcia pushed back from the table and headed for the door, his hand was on the doorknob when he hesitated. "I'll get the matron to take you to a cell. While your waiting I'll send your Grandmother in."

"Thank you."

Again he hesitated, keeping his back to her. "Elizabeth I'll only say this once. Get a lawyer, a good one. First offense or not the charges your facing are pretty serious." With that he left her alone.


Garcia smothered a groan when he saw the worried face of Audrey Hardy. "You can speak to her, but I can only give you five minutes."

"Please. Isn't there any way that she can come home? She'll be with me, and I'll bring her to the Court tomorrow." Audrey pleaded with him.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Hardy it's procedure." He awkwardly patted her hand. "The charges are serious, but she will get bail tomorrow. My gut tells me that this was an accident brought on by bad judgment on her part. But when she does get out of here, she's going to need a lot of help. She's going down the wrong track, and needs someone to help pull her off of it."

Audrey stiffened at the reprimand of her granddaughter and eyed him coolly. "I would like to see her now."

"Five minutes." He reminded her then opened the door. Audrey didn't acknowledge him and brushed past him quickly to get inside the interrogation room. With a deep sigh he sat at his desk and studied the open file there.

From the preliminary information they had gathered so far the accident, was just that, an accident. And all the evidence pointed directly to Elizabeth Webber, a drunk and stoned Elizabeth Webber. He glared at the phone when it began to ring. Closing his eyes he leaned back in the chair before grabbing it. "Garcia."

As he listened his eyes opened slowly, then he sat up and began to scribble notes as the voice on the other end continued. This wasn't good.


"Do you need anything Elizabeth?" Audrey could see the pain in her eyes. "An aspirin perhaps," she suggested then immediately wished she hadn't.

"My own bed?" Elizabeth replied with a soft smile, then shook her head, in spite of the pain she was in she continued. "I'm okay Garcia explained what is going on. He said I'll just have to be here overnight, until the arraignment tomorrow." She bit her lip and considered her options, his final words to her lingered in her ears. "Will you… I mean could you… that is if…."

"Elizabeth what are you trying to ask me?"

"I'll get out if someone bails me out. Will you?"

Audrey's eyes widened in surprise at her granddaughter's low question. She studied the smaller woman in the bright orange jumpsuit that washed all the color from her already too pale face. Elizabeth was a grown woman, whether Audrey wanted to see it or not, but at that moment she sounded so much like the scared 15 year old asking if she was going to get sent away, that it broke her heart.

"Of course I'll bail you out," Audrey patted her hand and studied her eyes, when Elizabeth finally looked at her. They were still a little unfocused, an aftereffect of the drugs, and the head injury she knew. "There will be one rule though. Something I must insist on."


"You must enter a treatment facility." Audrey's tone was serious. "The alcohol can be excused, your young and you made a mistake. But the drugs," she shook her head, missing Elizabeth's gasp of surprise. "I thought you had more sense then that. I knew you were upset about what was going on with Lucky, but surely you must see that drugs are never the answer."

Stunned Elizabeth could only gape at her while Audrey spoke. Finally she found her voice. "I'm not doing drugs."

Audrey's sigh was full of disappointment and she got to her feet when the matron entered the room. "I wish you wouldn't lie Elizabeth. A large amount of PCP was found in your system, the tests they ran on you after the accident confirms it."

PCP? Her mind reeled and the guard too impatient to wait yanked her to her feet and began to lead her away. The clang of the key in the lock jarred her back to reality and she found her voice. "Gram I wasn't doing any drugs. I don't do drugs. There has to be a mistake."

Elizabeth caught the doorframe stilling her forced progress out of the room. "Gram you have to believe me. I never took PCP or any other drug…Ouch!" She dropped her hand when the matron smacked her fingers with a nightstick. "Please Gram."

Audrey stared after her granddaughter with a puzzled look on her face. She wanted nothing more than to believe her. It didn't make any sense for Elizabeth to lie about being on drugs, not when the tests already said she was. But she had to be lying. After all evidence couldn't lie.

Could it?


"Miss Webber?" A funny looking man with a crew cut, bow tie, horn-rimmed glasses, and what appeared to be a nervous winking tic with his left eye held out his hand. "I'm Louis Friend, your public defender."

Elizabeth shook his hand then quickly dropped the clammy hand after a limp shake from the man. She was nearing the end of her rope. Besides the bruises and the headache that she was feeling, she also had the nasty aftereffects of a hangover. Her eyes felt gritty, her throat was scratchy and she couldn't help but wonder if her tongue was swollen, because it certainly felt bigger.

She was also exhausted. For a while she'd had the cell to herself, then about 2:30 the participants of a bar clearing fight at the Kit Kat Klub had joined her and she had soon been relegated to the ice-cold concrete floor. She passed the rest of the night with both eyes opened and watching her new cellmates warily, trying to remember what had happened the night before. But so far she had drawn a blank.

"Miss Webber?"

Louis Friend's nasally toned voice drew her attention back to him. "Yes?"

"I was saying the procedure is simple, the clerk will read the charges and the Judge will ask you how you plead, either guilty or not guilty. Then we'll move on to the discussion of bail." He pulled a file from an overflowing briefcase. "I see that this is your third offense…"

"No I've never been arrested before."

"Hmm…" he studied the folder. "Sorry wrong Elizabeth," he pulled another file out. "Alright this is your first offense. That will help us with bail."

He looked up from the folder and studied her closely. "Can you cry on cue? With your wholesome look, a few tears would definitely help." He frowned as he studied the dress she had on. "Maybe a sweater. We want him to think of you as a good girl who made a mistake, not a hooker on the prowl for a hit."


He steamrolled right over her. "Keep the bangs off of your forehead let him see the bandage," he pushed at her hair. "Damn no blood on it. See what you can do about getting some there before we start. Whatever you do don't smile, don't speak unless directed and try to cry." He tutted under his breath. "This would look so much better if you weren't in that dress."

Elizabeth looked down at her dress, it had been one of her favorites. The two-toned violet dress with spaghetti straps had looked good on her. Now though it was splattered with blood and dirt, there was also a long tear on the left side that exposed the run in her stockings, as well as a good deal of thigh.

"Elizabeth I've been looking for you." Audrey rushed over to them and only stopped when the matron shook her head in warning.

"Gram." Elizabeth wanted to hug her but the cuffs on her wrists and the restraining hand of the guard on her arm stopped her.

Louis Friend turned his attention to Audrey. "You're her Grandmother?" He ran a critical eye over her conservative, classy appearance and his expression brightened. "Audrey Hardy right? I've seen you in the paper regarding the work you do at General Hospital." He rubbed his hands together. "This is great. My life just got a lot easier. Can I have that?"

Without waiting for her reply he took a sweater from Audrey and draped it over Elizabeth's shoulders. "Put it on as soon as the cuffs are removed, and for god's sake fasten it."

"You," he turned back to Audrey. "Make sure your sit directly behind Elizabeth. Have a Kleenex in your hand at all times. Oh and if it starts to look bad, kind of clutch your heart and sigh loudly."

"It's time." The guard informed then before taking Elizabeth's arm to lead her back to the holding pen until it was her turn on the docket sheet. Both Elizabeth and Audrey were too surprised at the actions of her lawyer to do anything but comply.


"You're Honor before we begin. I need to amend the charges the state are bringing against Miss Webber."

Judge Gold tipped his glasses down his nose and studied the polished man in front of him. Between the gold of the man's obviously bleached hair, and the shine on his black leather shoes, he was getting a headache and it wasn't even ten yet. "I figured as much," he reached for his water. "You don't do DUI cases very often Attler."

Duncan "The Rattler" Attler smiled at the compliment the Judge had unwittingly given him, showcasing the perfectly capped teeth that his investment of $10,000 had given him. "Some new information has come to light as to Miss Webber's motives your Honor." He handed a folder to Louis Friend.

"Get on with it." The Judge ordered testily.

"We are amending the complaint to driving under the influence, possession of a controlled substance, reckless endangerment." He paused then, as was his trademark, to draw out the anticipation, before striking out with the fatal blow, much like a snake did. "And the attempted premeditated murder of Gia Campbell."

"What?" Louis Friend shot to his feet. "You're Honor the defense knows nothing of any attempted murder charges, especially premeditated ones."

"Of course you wouldn't," Attler drawled. "I did tell you the information just came to light, and as for a defense," he sneered. "Somehow Louis I doubt you'll be that for much longer."

"Snipe on your own time gentlemen, and I use that term loosely." The Judge interrupted them crossly. "Since you're here Attler I assume you have more evidence to back up this amendment to the charge, then what I have read so far."

"The supplemental report is on your desk. This information was just brought to my attention by the police a little over an hour ago. As you can see the charges are warranted."

"Shut up Counselor." The Judge began to browse the file his clerk had handed him a few minutes before.

Elizabeth couldn't seem to wrap her mind around the words attempted premeditated murder. She was still trying to understand why people thought she had been using drugs, when she hadn't been. Now the word murder had pushed all thoughts of the drug charge out of her head.

"Very well." Judge Gold shut the folder. "Please rise Miss Webber."

Louis poked her in the ribs and she got to her feet.

"Please read the charges as amended." The Judge ordered the clerk.

Elizabeth only half heard the charges. The stunned sensation she had been feeling was slowly fading, leaving behind a feeling of dread. The horrifying realization of what was happening to her, was settling in the pit of her stomach leaving her ice cold.

"Miss Webber." The Judge snapped. "How do you plead?"

"Not," her voice wobbled and she firmed it. "Not guilty."

"So noted." The Judge made a mark on his paper. "Now moving on to the issue of bail…"

"If it pleases the Court the state has a recommendation to make on that."

"Why am I not surprised?" The Judge leaned back in his chair. Christ he needed an alka seltzer. "Dazzle me Attler, if you can."

Attler relished the challenge, especially when he knew he would win. "We request that bail be denied your Honor."

Audrey cried out in distress and Louis Friend shot to his feet again, much like a poptart clearing a toaster. "Your Honor this is absurd. Miss Webber has never even had so much as a parking ticket before last night. To deny her bail is not only wrong it is morally reprehensible."

"I tend to agree with you Mr. Friend." The Judge leaned on his elbows and looked at the overbearing prosecutor. "So far I'm not impressed."

"Your Honor. As it says in my report Miss Webber only recently returned to the states from parts unknown, after having been missing for months. Her absence was due to the fact that she had disappeared to fake her own death," he moved towards the empty jury box in practice for the trial to come. "In fact during those months no one, not even her family, knew where she was, or if she was even alive. Another point in her disfavor," he sneered the word slightly. "Is her close association with Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan. It has been confirmed by sources that Mr. Corinthos even arranged for her 'death.' Now if that is not a flight risk," he grinned then, looking very much like his nickname at that moment. "I'm sure I don't know what is."

The Judge turned to look at Louis Friend.

"You're Honor her alleged associations with Mr. Corinthos have no bearing whatsoever on the charges she is currently facing." Louis paled and tried to decipher the quick notes he had taken when he had spoken with Elizabeth, before the Judge had called the case. "Her Grandmother, Audrey Hardy, is a strong pillar of the community, her fiancé is also…"

"Her ex-fiancé has also faked his own death," Attler interrupted him. "And she left him at the altar a few weeks ago. And as for her Grandmother," he pulled a form from his immaculate briefcase. "I have here a missing person's report that Mrs. Hardy filed on Elizabeth Webber during her months long absence. A form that eventually led to the speculation of Miss Webber's death."

Elizabeth turned back to look at her Grandmother, and Audrey bowed her head. Guilt swamped her, she'd had no idea that Audrey had been that worried about her.

"Your Honor," Attler moved towards the bench. "I admit that on paper Elizabeth Webber is a model citizen, and she certainly looks appealing enough. But let's go past the surface. She has lied to everyone in her life, repeatedly, she faked her own death, with no thoughts as to what that would do to the people she left behind. People like her devoted Grandmother," he pointed at Audrey. "And let's not forget her actions. Actions, which have brought us here today."

"There is another beautiful young woman who is in a hospital bed as a result of these actions. Gia Campbell a once successful model, is now horribly scarred on her face, she has lost partial vision in her right eye. Her spleen had to be removed, rendering her more susceptible to illnesses for the rest of her life. And all of this was done maliciously, and with malice of forethought by Miss Webber."

He turned away from Elizabeth whom he had been bearing down on while speaking of Gia's injuries, and focused on Judge Gold. He waited a beat longer then struck, like the snake he was. "I would hate to see her get bail, only to have her disappear," he moved closer and lowered his voice. "Or perhaps marry her way out of trouble," the words were only a whisper but when the Judge flinched he knew that he had heard them.

Judge Gold snapped to alert in his chair and frowned at Attler through disgust filled eyes. He had never forgotten that he had been the one who had granted Sonny Corinthos bail a year and a half ago, and Corinthos had used that opportunity to marry the sole eyewitness against him, thereby killing any chance of conviction. Even if he could forget it, the people around him loved to remind him of it.

"Bail is denied." The Judge held up his hand. "I will entertain a motion to reconsider after Miss Webber's attorney has a chance to review the evidence. Matron take Miss Webber into custody and return her to jail," he scanned his calendar. "This case is set for hearing on February 11, before Judge Irons," he hit his gavel. "Next case."

"Mr. Friend?" Elizabeth asked meekly.

"Jesus you could have warned me," he grumbled shoving notebooks into his briefcase. "Corinthos, premeditated murder," he shuddered. "You make sure you tell Mr. Corinthos that I wasn't prepared. That this wasn't my fault. You weren't honest with me." With that warning he hurried away almost knocking Audrey over in his haste.

"Gram?" Elizabeth asked, tears stinging her eyes.

"I'll get help." Audrey cried as the guard slapped the cuffs on her granddaughter's wrists.

Elizabeth flinched and began to move when the guard ordered her too. This couldn't be happening. It had to be a terrible mistake.

The Matron grinned menacingly at her. "It seems we'll be seeing a lot of each other Princess. I have to tell you, you're pretty popular at the jail right now. Gia's family to one of our own, and well, we don't like anyone hurting family."