This is my fist attempt at writing fan fiction…please be kind. This story contains yaoi, twincest, and torture...don't like it, don't read it. Please enjoy. Let me know what you think..


It had been three years since Dante lost his brother. Three years he had been searching for a portal into the demon world. He had gotten a tip from a demon he was sent to slay. The demon told the hunter where it was in exchange for his life. "If this doesn't pan out, I'm coming back for your sorry hid."

"This better not be another dead end." Dante muttered. He found himself in an abandoned lot on the outskirts of town. The far corner of the lot was over run with wild brush and decrepit looking trees. He looked around, couldn't see any other obstructions, "Okay, guess I'll start there. They couldn't possibly have left a portal open behind this pitiful excuse a forest." He could sense the demonic power as he walked into the brush. He readied Rebellion and continued his stride forward. Just beyond the trees was the large ominous portal. "I'll be damned," he mused.

He walked through the portal and took in his surroundings. "That fire and brimstone shit is no joke." The smell of sulfur was overwhelming. The land was barren and pock marked with pits and large rock structures. " Ok, where to start?"

Shrieks and cries could be heard from all around him. It was hard to single out where they were coming from, however, he was only interested in finding one. He wandered around for what seemed like days, going mostly unchallenged, before he heard the cry he was looking for. His heart began to race. He listened, slowly moving in the direction he thought it had come from. Nothing… "If this is my minds idea of a sick joke, I'm gonna be really pissed!"

He heard it again. Dante took off in a flat run towards the scream. He followed his brother's cries for a good hour before they stopped. He waited.. 'Come on Verge', he thought. Panic was beginning to take over him, until he heard Vergil scream once more. He sprinted full speed around a large bolder to see his brother crawling out of a deep crater in the earth. He watched as Vergil almost made it out before a large tentacle lazily wrapped itself around his leg and drew him back in. This happened about three more times before Vergil finally got into a standing position. Suddenly the tentacle shot out of the pit and attached itself around his neck. Vergil fell backwards gasping for air, clutching at the appendage. Suddenly, Rebellion slashed through the snake like arm. The demon howled and it retracted its slimy limb.

Vergil sat up slowly and gazed at the red clad man who was spitting obscenities at the hole in the ground. "Dante?" he rasped. Dante turned around to look at Vergil. His clothes were in tatters. The once beautiful cerulean blue coat that he adorned, shredded. He was too thin. His silvery sweptback hair was now a matted up gray that hung around his face. Vergil was bloody, bruised and ...frightened? Something he had never seen in his brother, fear. Despite his ragged appearance, that fear in his brothers eyes is what disturbed him the most.

He crouched down next to Vergil, wrapped his arm around his shoulder and smiled faintly, "Lets get you outta here." Vergil looked at Dante in disbelief. This was impossible. How did he find him? They had deceived him before, was it a trick now? " How?" he croaked out. "Later. Let's hope I can remember how to get out." Dante smirks.

They walked for hours, stopping occasionally for Vergil to rest. Dante was certain they were heading in the right direction when he finally spotted the portal. It was still a distance away, but at least they found it.

'Something's not right.' Vergil thought. 'Why is this so easy?' Dante could see the uneasy expression on his brother face. They picked up their pace a bit. " Look we're home free." Dante beamed. The elder suddenly had an overwhelming sense of dread. " He'll never let me go." He said barely above a whisper. It was all he could manage after screaming as long as he had. Dante tilted his head at his twin, looking puzzled. "Who?" "Victor."

Dante grabbed Vergil's hand and began dragging him along. He didn't like the sound of that. They were almost out of this hell hole and he'd be damned if they weren't gonna make it.

Vergil stopped suddenly. Dante turned to ask him why he had stopped, and saw the reason. Vergil looked down and saw the blade of a katana, his katana, protruding from his chest. He looked up at Dante and said, "I told you," through blood stained lips, and then fell to his knees.

A tall dark figure stood behind Vergil. He wore his jet-black hair long past his shoulders. His eyes were the color of garnets that threatened to burn holes right through Dante. Pale lips pulled back in a sneer to reveal a row of sharp, jagged teeth. In his hand he held an orb of lightening. "So you must be the one he's been crying out for?" Victor growled and launched the orb at Dante.

Dante quickly jumped out of the way, pulling Ebony and Ivory from behind his back and let out a volley of shots. He seethed with rage. There was no way he was losing his brother again. Not when they were this close. His shots met their mark, sending the demon stumbling back. "He's mine! I will not give him up so easily," Victor spat. Lightening flew from his hands, as Dante ducked and dodged. "Well, today's not your lucky day then pal, cause he's leaving with me." Dante threw back, firing off more rounds. One caught Victor right between the eyes, disabling him momentarily. Dante took that opportunity to scoop up Vergil and dash through the portal. They made it passed the trees when the portal exploded outward and then collapsed in on itself.

He carried his injured brother back to where he left his car and set him down on the ground next to it. He grabbed a hold of Yamato, " This might sting a bit," and swiftly pulled it out. Vergil never made a sound, but collapsed back into Dante's arms. He lifted him up and laid him in the back of the car, then drove back to his shop.

His brother's wounds had mostly healed by the time thy made it back. He helped Vergil out of the car and led him inside. Dante asked the elder if he was hungry or wanted something to drink. He got no response to either question. Vergil just stared blankly at his twin, trembling. It appeared that he had gone catatonic.

The hunter decided it would be better to get Vergil cleaned up. He took a hold of his twins' hand and noticed him flinch. "It's ok. No one is going to hurt you Verge." He led them upstairs and into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, he adjusted the temperature before turning back to undress the elder. When he was don, he undressed himself and brought him into the shower.

Dante started by washing his twins hair. The dirty gray soon gave way to the silvery white like his own. "You're a mess Verge." Dante sighed. Vergil watched as his brother slowly and methodically washed him, flinching ever so often. Dante frowned at all the new scars he had uncovered allover his brother. No doubt they would heal once Vergil was healthy again, but he still hated to see them mare his perfect skin.

Dante dried his brother off and brought him to his bed. He laid Vergil down covering him up before slipping in beside him. Vergil stared at the ceiling, tears silently running down his face. He slowly turned his head towards the younger, who lay on his side watching him.

"You came." He whispered.

Dante nodded.


The youngers eyes filled with sorrow as he brushed away his brothers tears. " Because I love you Verge. I could hear you calling out for me in my head. I wasn't going to leave you there, not when I knew you were alive."

Vergil searched his face, not sure what he was looking for. Dante pulled him close, again he flinched. He thought it would take some time before his brother would get use to someone touching him and not inflict pain. "Rest Vergil. Just rest."