A Stalker's New Life

Story based off of XV-Dragon's, Stalker A Christmas Version

Written by W. Vandom

Beta read by MagicalGirl23


Despite a big chunk of this chapter being mapped out by XV-Dragon in his story, I still had a hard time writing it. The last part is completely different than his story though and marks the beginning of my original material for the story. I hope everyone enjoys it.

I also wanted to thank MagicalGirl23 for all the hard work she puts into beta reading and all the improvements and fleshing out she has done. It helps my stories a lot and I really appreciate and love her work, so thank you so much,


The shopping trip managed to tire everyone out, but in their own caravan like way they managed to carry everything up to Susan's apartment to find the young redhead fast asleep on the couch. All of the women looked at the adorable sight, a couple of them completely unable to picture this lovely little angel as the shy and timid girl from Susan's descriptions.

"She is so much like you, Susan, she reacts the same exact way you do to my soup…she attacks it." Yan Lin said in amused way of greeting upon seeing the group of women gathered in front of the couch. "Have you been experimenting with cloning in your spare time?" She joked good-naturedly.

"I knew I shouldn't have bought you that Austin Powers box set for your birthday last year." Joan moaned palming her face at the bad reference to Mini-Me. Of course looking at the girl Joan had to admit that the girl shared an uncanny resemblance to Susan except for skin tone and hair color. The bone structure, the way she looked was almost identical to how Susan looked when she was that age.

"You know, Susie, she does look a lot like you." Anna said offhandedly, "Are you absolutely sure she isn't Willie?"

"First off, I really wish you would stop calling me that." Susan sighed offhandedly, "And besides, I already told you she is a year too old to be Wilhelmina."

"Leave her alone girls, I agree that she looks a little like what we thought Wilhelmina would, but there is no actual proof." Elizabeth said, trying to get the other women to back down from this in order to spare Susan the pain if the girl wasn't Wilhelmina.

"There is significant evidence to suggest that there is a possibility." Theresa said as she folded her arms and took on a scrutinizing expression as she stared openly at the pretty little redhead. "I mean let's look at this logically, this girl shares a lot of Susan's features, has the same shade of hair as that rat bastard, according to Susan her eye color is the same as Wilhelmina's. Her age has not yet been proven, just what she told Susan and that could be a lie."

As much as Susan desperately wanted to entertain the thought that this girl was her daughter she couldn't allow herself beyond the occasional wistful thought. There were just too many coincidences, many of the same she had seen various other times only to end up being a let down. Her mother's heart had felt that pain of losing her child one too many times and by this girl's admission, she was a year too old and her mother was dead.

"You know, I can just work some of my patented mind voodoo on her. You know, point A to Point B kinda thing." Anna sing-songed hopefully only to receive a glare from Yan Lin.

"And what if she does point at Susan? Have any of you considered that she might be lying for a reason? I've seen the scars while you girls were out shopping, there is a reason she doesn't want to open up. It would be better to get her to trust us and open up on her own that to force her. If we move to quickly she may run away again, do you want that?" Yan Lin pointed out, her voice full of disappointment and a little anger at the lack of thinking over the suggestion.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it. I...We just want to know." Anna sighed.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have snapped. I want to know to, but now isn't the time." Yan Lin said, before turning to Susan. "You are coming with us this year, right?"

"If Wilma is feeling better when its time, I'll go." Susan said, knowing that there was no way Wilma could be over her flu by then.

"Good, from the way she was acting she is already feeling much better thanks to my soup." Yan Lin grinned knowingly, "Why don't we take Wilma's gifts and that way they will be there at the lodge for Christmas."

"Nooooooooo..." Anna whined as the others giggled a bit. They knew she wasn't serious, well not entirely as they already lugged the bags around all day and then carried them all the way up from the car. Now they would have to take them back down again.

"Let me get a few things out first, she needs a decent coat and clothes. Plus I think I'm going to go ahead and give her one of the stuffed frogs I bought." Susan said, her long unused mothering instincts kicking in as she started digging through the bags with a vengeance.

The day spent with Yan Lin wasn't so bad, Will couldn't even help falling asleep despite not wanting to. Sadly she had dreams of Susan finding out the truth and sending her back to Tony, but not before punishing her. She woke up late in the afternoon and though she was scared a little, she was feeling much better.

"Feeling better?" Susan asked as she came in and realized Will was sitting up on the couch.

"Actually, I am. That stuff must be magic." Will said as she brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "Is chicken soup supposed to do that?"

"Haven't you ever had chicken soup before?" Susan asked curiously, looking at Will as she sat down on the arm of the couch, as though she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing. Will flinched a little as Susan felt her forehead, but didn't pull away. Instead, she leaned into the warm, comforting touch she had so long been denied yet after only a few moments it was removed and she felt a wave of crushing dissappointment.

"I'll have to go get the thermometer to be sure, but it feels like your fever is gone." Susan said smiling a little, suspecting just how "magical" Yan Lin's soup actually was. That was so like the meddling grandmotherly woman, she was just too loveable to stay mad at. "As long as you feel up to it, we will be going with my friends up to the ski lodge this weekend."

"Really?" Will asked more than a little surprised. She would love to try it, and from what little Yan Lin had talked about their annual ski trip, Will wanted really much to go.

"Yes, really. I believe Yan Lin said there was chicken soup left in the fridge if you're hungry. I can warm it up for you." Susan said as she headed toward the kitchen.

"Can I have one of those cheese sandwich things?" Will asked meekly as she followed after only a moment's hesitation.

"Cheese sandwich things...Oh, you mean a grilled cheese? Sure, just have a seat and I'll make you some up." Susan said though she had nasty thoughts running through her head. Most of them involved a lot of bruising inflicted on the bastard who was this girl's father.

"Wilma, I want to talk to you about something important." Susan sighed as she finished making everything and sat it down on the table in front of the redhead before sitting down herself to watch her eat.

"Shoot." Will said as she took a big bite of the sandwich, noting that it was nowhere near as good as Yan Lin's. It looked like the older woman wasn't joking when she said Susan couldn't really cook.

"Honey, I want to know who hurt you like this? Was it your father?" Susan asked, making Will drop her sandwich back on the plate in fear, her body radiating absolute terror as she started to back up but Susan grabbed her hands keeping her from running away. "I swear that I will protect you. No matter who hurt you, I won't ever let them hurt you again."

The sincerity in the woman's eyes almost made Will want to tell her everything. She knew better than that though, she knew that Tony would either pay her off or she would just throw her out for being her worthless daughter. "No, please no. Don't make me tell you. He'll find out and the pain will just start over again."

"Oh honey." Susan sighed as she brushed the tears out of the girl's eyes after getting up to walk around the table to hug the redhead. "I promise he will never hurt you again, but I won't ask again. Just answer me one thing, did your mother ever try to stop it?"

"She...she walked out on us, said I was just a worthless piece of shit." Will sobbed like her life had ended, as Susan pulled her tighter though at first the older woman stiffened. It took Will a few moments to remember that she told Susan her mother was dead, and choked out. "She was in the paper a few months ago, found dead in an alley."

"I'm sorry Wilma." Susan said kissing the top of Will's head while trying to comfort her. The rest of the night was mostly spent in silence since after she finished eating Will went back to the comfort of the Land of Dreams.

The following day was spent mostly in comfortable silence, most of the morning with Will sleeping and the afternoon with her watching television with Susan. At times she wanted to tell the woman the truth, wanting to say that she was Susan's daughter. She wanted this time to be spent as mother and daughter, not mother and street urchin. Still, every time Will tried to speak up she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

She was very thankful for the handful of clothes she had received from Susan including very comfortable pajamas and a ski suit. Susan had also informed her that there would be skis and ice skates at the lodge for her to use which excited the redhead bringing her out of her shell even more. She was looking forward to the trip though she was nervous about it at the same time. There were going to be so many people there, people who were not only Susan's family. But many potential strangers which terrified her more than anytthing. Even if by some miracle Susan accepted Will, she wasn't so sure these other people would.

The day finally arrived and the two piled into a brand new Cadillac Escalade instead of the car that Will seen before. Susan had said it was better for traveling in the snowy mountains that possessed sometimes treacherous roads in winter as it was a four wheel drive, something Will wasn't so sure that was quite the real reason. It didn't matter though, it was warm and roomy and it was the most comfortable car ride she had ever dad.

"Are you okay?" Susan asked, looking over at the redhead snuggling into the heated seat.

"Yeah, it's probably just a bit of the flu lingering." Will said, her voice hitching a little nervously as she looked towards Susan while averting eye contact. It wasn't the flu, it was that she was scared as hell about meeting all of these strange people.

"We won't be on the slopes until tomorrow honey so you have all evening to rest." Susan said, flashing a small reassuring smile at the redhead, but Will could tell that the woman was humoring her. "Of course, both of us will have to take lessons since I'm not very good at it. Normally I just skate. Well, unless you already know how to ski."

"I haven't ever skated, much less ski." Will sighed. It was true, she had never really had a chance to do anything remotely fun while living with her father. If she tried or was out doing something he didn't approve of, and he didn't approve of anything, she would severely be punished for it.

"We will learn together then." Susan said as a large cabin came into view, "We're here."

The place was beautiful, that was a fact. Like a living Christmas postcard everything was covered with glimmering white that sparkled with the luster of diamonds, the air thick with the scent of different types of pines. Whom possessed dangling icicles that threw crystal rainbows and danced with sound of little bells whenever the slightest breeze blew.

There were a lot of different vehicles parked outside next to where Susan pulled into the drive. As the two got out Will helped get the Christmas presents, once again looking over the names and felt a little put out when she didn't see her own anywhere. She mentally chided herself since Susan didn't really know her that well so there wasn't any reason to but her anything. Of course Will still desperately wished she had enough money to buy something for Susan for Christmas.

"Come on and open the door you bunch of con artists!" Susan shouted as she kicked the door with her boot scaring Will a bit.

"Aunt Susan, thanks for making my mom win the bet." A dark skinned boy with dreadlocks said as he opened the door, "And this must be Wilma?"

"Yeah Peter, but what bet did your mom win the bet for?" Susan asked, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Only that you would be the last to show up." Peter said with a huge grin on his face as he stepped out of the way letting the two inside.

Will cried out in shock as a hyper brunette girl ran to her looking over the packages. She has having trouble holding the packages steady as the brunette kept moving them around in her arms trying to get a better look at the name tags on them. Will tried to look around the armful of colorfully wrapped boxes to seek help from Susan to find her talking with some other adults who was helping relieve her of her burden.

"Just kick her in the shin if she doesn't leave you alone." Susan called over to Will confusing the redhead. Did she really want Will to kick the brunette girl? Will couldn't help shaking a little as she grew more and more afraid of what the hyper girl was going to do.

"Like she would, Auntie, she's shaking in her boots." The girl laughed making Will grow a little upset with the girl. Before Will realized what she was doing she automatically kicked the girl in the shin making the brunette dance around like a jerky marionette in pain holding her foot. Will felt bad about it but she wanted to hurry and get through before attacked again. Sadly with her arms so full she couldn't see and accidentally stepped on the dancing girl's foot making her cry out again.

Will looked at everyone frightened as several of them had their mouths hanging open as the girl fell back on her ass on the floor nursing both feet now. After a few moments the whole group started laughing hysterically with Yan Lin saying matter-of-factly, yet with a hint of amusement. "That should teach you to go mugging someone to see what gifts belong to who."

Will still felt really bad for what happened to the brunette though as Yan Lin and two other women showed Will the tree and helped unload the armful of gifts. Will felt like she was going to cry when she spotted a few gifts already under there from people she didn't know as well as her mother. She kept the emotion hidden though as she was steered to the couch with Susan, both of them getting fresh mugs of hot chocolate pushed into their hands.

Introductions were made and the adults, minus Susan who everyone refused access to the kitchen, went to finish dinner. The girls all talked some while enjoying a warm drink though Will found it hard to say much as she was too nervous, but thankfully the blonde haired girl named Cornelia seemed to divert a lot of attention to herself. At least until someone knocked on the door and Susan asked Will to get it as Yan Lin was calling fro her from the kitchen.

Opening the door her jaw dropped and she could have sworn if it was a cartoon she would have hearts in her eyes. Standing right in front of her was the most perfect boy she had ever seen. She had seen some very good looking boys before, but her father gave her ample reason to foster a hate to boys that weren't him so never really found any she liked. This boy was different though, he made her feel things she never really experienced before and she swore that if there was such a thing as love at first sight then this was it.

"Hi." Will breathed as she felt her face heating up, praying it wasn't as obvious as it felt. Though unable to tear her gaze away from the hunk in front of her. "Wow."

"You must be Wilma." The girl said, giggling a little as Will finally tore her gaze away with supreme reluctance from the boy. "We were told that there would be a new face this year. I'm Elyon Brown, and this lovable idiot is Caleb and his father Julian."

"I am not an idiot." Caleb scoffed as Julian smiled in amusement.

"Can we come in now, it's freezing out here." Caleb shot out brashly making Will's blush grow even more in intensity as she squeaked and moved out of the way making room for the three newcomers to squeeze in.

"Sorry, I can be a bit scatter brained sometimes." Will giggled nervously, her eyes drifting to the boy's backside as he walked by.

"It's okay," Elyon whispered to Will as she passed by, "He has that effect on girls."

Will couldn't help but blush even more making her hotter and very uncomfortable as Julian gently patted her on the head on his way by. She couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, hell, she felt SUPREMELY embarrassed and that was an understatement.

"Are you okay, Wilma?" Caleb asked while looking on with worry, "You seem all red."

"I have to go help Susan set the table." Will squeaked as she rushed off as the girls all giggled except for a blonde who was mentally spitting daggers at the redhead.

Dinner was a bit loud for Will's taste, but it was enjoyable. She couldn't help from blushing at the knowing looks Susan and a few of the other woman around the table was giving her. She also couldn't help feeling nervous at the way Cornelia kept glaring at her in distaste. She was able to thankfully make it all the way through the meal without making a complete fool of herself. Yan Lin's quiet warning to not scarf down her food and simply enjoy it helped a great deal as well since she didn't look like a pig in front of Caleb while at the same time she was able to enjoy her meal.

The evening after dinner was spent in front of the fireplace with the other girls and Susan right next to her who she leaned into. Will had to admit that she never felt so relaxed and safe before. She was beginning to think that everything just might work out. She decided that she might just tell Susan everything, but wanted to wait until morning because she was just too tired to do it just then.

Sleeping arrangements definitely made Will's head spin as name after name was called out as places were discussed. It was hard for Will to keep up with everything as she kept whipping her eyes from one person to another during the quick paced conversation.

"Are you using the fold out this year, Susan?" Elizabeth asked making Will to crane her neck up to see Susan's response. "Or would you like to trade?"

"Yeah, I'm the only single one here so you all take the rooms." Susan replied.

"Well I'm single to, if we follow that logic then that would mean I should be sharing the couch with you." Julian said, his voice teasing making Susan throw a pillow at the man who quickly dodged it. Joan caught the pillow though and used it to smack the man over the head with it.

"Hey, I don't do group." Julian laughed harder as he backed away from several of the women who were ganging up on him looking a little angry, though Will could tell that it was just for show. Caleb buried his face in his hands and shook his head in embarrassment.

"You can sleep with me tonight if you want, Wilma." Susan said, "Go get changed and when you get back we can get to bed."

Will nodded and quickly grabbed her stuff before rushing off to the bathroom, though she heard Irma joke, "And here I thought Corny was the fastest one when it came to staking a claim on the bathroom."

"Daddy, please stop itttt..." Will whimpered as she bolted upright in the hideaway bed next to Susan. She was panting heavily from the nightmare she just had of Tony finding her and Susan giving her to him just to be rid of her. Tears were streaming down her eyes as she shivered in absolute terror. At least until a pink light caught her attention.

Looking up Will saw the pendant she saw Susan wear one other time floating toward her, glowing brightly. She gasped, unable to scream as the cold fear was threatening to overwhelm her as she scooted away from the advancing light only to fall off the bed on her back onto the floor with a loud cry.

"Wilma!" Susan cried out in shock as Will got up and started to back away from the jewel following her leaving Susan frozen with a horrified expression.

"What's going on...out...here?" Elizabeth grumbled, her face a look of annoyance until realizing what was going on. A small smile took the place of annoyance as she rushed over to hug Wilma. Shortly after the others all came out and hugged the redhead, congratulating her and calling her Wilhelmina.

"Stop it!" Will cried out as Susan took the jewel back while giving Will a critical look. "I'm not Wilhelmina, will you please stop it!"

"Wilma, the only way that the Heart would chose you is if you were Wilhelmina or if you were chosen as her replacement." Joan explained, "It's okay, we won't let anyone hurt you."

Will debated telling the truth for a few moments before looking up to see Susan's expression. She seemed happy at first, but that happiness slowly faded away as confusion and anger took its place. If they wanted Wilhelmina back so much then why was Susan getting so angry? Was she mad at her? She was nice to Wilma, but if that was how Susan reacted when she thought the redhead could be her daughter then she must really resent that thought.

"Please answer me one question." Susan pleaded, a stern half pleading look in her eyes. "Are you Wilhelmina?"

"I'm sorry." Will sighed shaking her head.

"Come on, lets all have a seat so we can talk this out." Yan Lin said loud enough to get everyone to quiet down.

The large group of people sat down around the newly lit fire and explained everything to Will as Susan held the Heart tightly to her chest. Will watched the woman distance herself from the redhead while watching all of Will's reactions. Will felt like crying more than being scared over all the magic stuff as she watched Susan's expression keep switching from sadness to anger and finally to pure hatred. She realized that it was a very bad idea to tell Susan now after everything, and especially from the looks she was given.

After about an hour of explanations, Irma started asking if they all could finally open their presents and when the adults finally said "yes" the brunette and Hay Lin both cheered loudly. Will found herself alone on a chair away from the main group as she pulled her feet up on the chair hugging her knees watching the happy and excited looks on everyone's faces.

"Here sweetie." Anna said bringing over a pile of presents that had Will's name on them.

"Go ahead, open them." Yan Lin said giving the redhead a worried look as most everyone else was caught up in the other girls excitement of Christmas morning. Will just sighed and carefully pulled the paper off, the excitement she felt about actually having presents under the tree no longer there as she realized she was once again alone. The only reason they were keeping her around was because of this bizarre "Keeper of the Heart" thing.

It was later in the day after breakfast when everyone was heading out to go ski, everyone except for Susan and Yan Lin who was sitting in the kitchen talking. Will was supposed to already be out on the slopes with the others as Anna was going to teach her, but Will wanted to go back after her scarf.

"I don't want her in my apartment Yan Lin. Please just take her in, since Caleb is staying in Meridian with Elyon I know you have extra room." Susan said, Will overhearing it as she went to pick up her scarf. She was right, Susan didn't want her making her hurry quietly back out the door. Neither her father or her mother wanted her.

"Susan, I know you are upset, but she needs you right now." Yan Lin sighed as she put a cup of hot chocolate down in front of the younger woman and taking one for herself to sit in front of her at the table.

"I know she needs someone, but why me? I know she isn't my daughter, I want to believe she is, but she isn't. DO you have any idea how much it hurts to look at her right now?" Susan asked, her eyes watering up. "Her being the new keeper...you know what it means."

"Yes, and I'm sorry, it's tearing me up to, but that girl isn't at fault. Don't push her away, she's been hurt enough as it is." Yan Lin pleaded desperately with the woman.

"They knew it, they knew it all along I bet and now they are trying to replace her." Susan cried.

"Honey," Yan Lin said taking the woman's hands, "That may have been why the Oracle didn't tell you despite the council's orders. He didn't want you to give up hope that she was alive, but if she really isn't Wilhelmina then..."

"She's dead, I know that. I know the Heart searches out someone with similar traits, blah, blah, blah. I don't care, my daughter is DEAD! That is more important than Candracar! Fuck them! They can all go to hell!" Susan sobbed.

"Susan..." Yan Lin sighed sadly.

"I don't want her in my apartment Yan Lin. Please just take her in, since Caleb is staying in Meridian with Elyon I know you have extra room." Susan said, "I'll come and help train her, but as soon as that's over I'm leaving the Heart and leaving Heatherfiled. I can't stay there any longer."

"Susan, we're your family." Yan Lin said.

"I know, but I can't keep looking at the reminder that my baby is dead and never coming home." Susan said as she got up and stalked away from the kitchen.