This is only my second fanfic so go easy on me. Please.

"Oh, God." Eric is NOT going to be happy. If I'm lucky, he WON'T kill.

God, how could this happen? I haven't slept with any one but him in over a year. But there's no way Eric will believe me. He'll think I'm lying. He'll kill me. Litterly.

He's a vampire. And he will be a mad one when he hears I'm pregnant. You see, Vampires can't have babies. Nor can they MAKE someone pregnant. But here I am- haven't cheated on, haven't slept with any one else- pregnant as pregnant can be. I've even been to the doctors so I know it's true. But its not possible.

A couple people have noticed and think it's my boss Sam's kid. I like Sam but I haven't slept with him.

The people who think it don't say it when I'm around- but, I hear it. Not with my ears, but with my mind. I'm not psychic, I'm a telepath. I can read peoples thoughts, not predict the future. Obviously. If I could, I definitely would have avoided this.

It's not that I don't want kids, just not now. Who knows when someone will attack me next. That's mostly what my life consists of. Violence. Well that and all things super natural.

So far all of my boyfriends have been of the super- natural brand. Not that I don't like dating normal guys- because, believe me, if I could stand it: I would- it's just that when you always know what your partners thinking (when their imagining you naked, someone else naked, looking at you flaws and whishing your someone else) it just doesn't work. Ever.

Not just that but everyone -but my good friends- here in Bon Temps think I a nut job. And know one wants to get to know you when you know their most personal thoughts.

And that's why most of my friends are sups. My ex-boyfriend, and first lover, is a vampire, and my other ex is a were tiger. Now my current boy friend, Eric(who I've mentioned is a vampire), is either (a) going to kill me or (b) going to dump me, because he'll think I cheated on him- which I didn't!

I have to tell him before the word gets to him. Could this day get any worse?

I slowly got in my car and headed to Shreveport. On the way I kept imaging Eric's pale hands latch on to my thought and squeeze the life out of my, as soon as I told him I was pregnant.

Soon, the bar Eric owned came into view. When I entered Fangtasia, Pam was there to greet me, wearing the black dress vampires wear in movies. She would much rather be wearing pastel colors but this was her work uniform.

"Hey, Sookie, what brings you here," she asked lightly. I was so nervous I could have peed myself. Luckily I didn't.

"I need to talk to Eric," I told her, trying desperately not to sound scared.

She smiled. "He's in his office."

Now I was almost shaking. "Thanks, Pam."

As I started walking towards Eric's office, I heard Pam's voice behind me shout, "Oh, Sookie, You might want to go a little lighter on the food- you starting to gain a little weight.

Thanks a lot Pam, I thought meanish-ly (Ok so I may have made up that word- I'm pregnant- I get to.)

When I reached his office, I knocked. "Come in," he shouted absent- mindedly. For a second I was tempted to run away, but I didn't- I walked in. Ready (foe the most part) to face my fears.

Tune in next chapter to find out what Eric says about Sookie being pregnant. I always hated cliff-hangers, but it keeps you read'. So thanks to all who have read this chapter and please add to favorites and review.