I know this took me about 400 hundred years, but I've kind of had writer's block with this fic.
Anyway, it all finished now. A nice happy ending :)
Doesn't even have any smut. I don't know what's happened to me lately...

Anyway, reviews would be lovely.

And I don't own Glee. Obviously.

Untitled Faberry fic Part Three

It was 7'o'clock sharp and I was at Quinn's house, just like she said. I'd been having a fierce internal battle with myself about whether I should even show up. But here I was.

Quinn was just manipulating me, using sex to make me do as I was told. But if she really didn't care about me then why was she so angry when I tried to end things? It couldn't have just been about the sex. Quinn was the most popular girl in school. She could get anybody she wanted, so why was she so possessive about a loser like me? There had to be something else, and if I finally found out what that was then maybe it would be easier to end things. Or maybe I wouldn't have to end things at all...

"Right on time, I see," said Quinn as she answered the door. "So you can be obedient."

I followed her up into her bedroom. She looked so pure and innocent – practically virginal – in her pale yellow dress that reached just below her knees and didn't even show any cleavage, and her blonde hair left out and curling against her shoulders. This was clearly how she dressed when she was with her parents. The perfect, wholesome, God-fearing cheerleader. She'd probably be kicked out of the house if her parents knew what she was really like.

Once we were in her room she shut the door behind us and went to kiss me. But I back away from her.

"Oh, what now?" she said impatiently.

"Can I... I can ask you something?" I said quietly.

She huffed and rolled her eyes. "What?"

"Why me?" I asked. "Out of all the girls you could have, why do you want me?"

Quinn took off her cardigan and threw it aside, rolling her eyes at me again.

"Because you're mine, okay?" she said, sounding annoyed. "And I know for a fact that you wouldn't have it any other way. Now are you going to stand there asking stupid questions or are you going to fuck me?"

She started taking her dress off before I could say anything, and stood there in her underwear with her hands on her hips.

"I'm... yours?" I said, frowning.

"Yes!" she said, her patience waning even more. "Honestly, Berry, what is your problem?"

"I'm not your property," I said, my voice getting stronger. "I don't belong to you. If anything... it's the other way around."

Quinn laughed humourlessly. "Excuse me?"

"I could just end things and get over you and carry on with my life," I said, glaring at her. "I don't need to be here. Okay, so you're head Cheerio and the hypocritical president of the Celibacy Club, and I'm just that Glee loser that nobody talks to except to insult. But at least I'm not insecure. At least I know who I am and can accept it."

"What's your point?" Quinn scoffed.

"My point is that I don't need you," I said. "But you need me."

"Don't be ridiculous, Man Hands," she sneered. "I don't need you."

"If you didn't need me then I wouldn't even be here," I insisted. "You would never have told me to come here if you didn't need me. You just can't admit it because you're scared."

"Oh shut up, Berry," she said angrily. "You don't know what you're talking about. Now hurry up and get those grandma clothes off before my parents get home."

"See, that's exactly what you're afraid of," I said, folding my arms sternly. "You're scared that people will find out the truth about you and you won't be the perfect little future Prom Queen any more, not just because you're attracted to girls but because you're attracted to me."

"Okay, now you're just being absurd," she said with an ugly frown. "As I've said many, many times before, the only thing I like about you is the fact that you're good in bed. That is your one redeeming feature, so don't flatter yourself, RuPaul."

"You can insult me all you want," I said, smirking. "But it doesn't change anything. If you're feeling horny then buy a vibrator. I hear they're actually rather affordable and styled in a manner subtle enough so that it won't be obvious what it is should your Mom or Dad stumble across it. It's also a lot less time-consuming than pushing me around."

I'd never felt so... strong. It was like I was finally seeing her for what she was, and it wasn't nearly as wonderful as I once thought. I wasn't going to let her push me around anymore. She'd have to kill me first, and she looked as if she was probably about to. Her cheeks were flushed with anger and her hands were balled into fists. But for once I didn't care. If she decided to try and physically hurt me again I was ready to give as good as I got.

"Listen, you little hobbit," she spat, her eyes narrowed. "You need to get something into head. Number one; you belong to me. Number two; I am not insecure and I certainly don't need you. And finally, stop acting like you don't want me. You love me, so shut up and do as you're fucking told!"

"Okay, so I love you," I said. "I can't really help that. I guess love is not just blind, but deaf and stupid too. But I don't want to do this anymore."

"Nonsense, you couldn't possibly live without me," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I'll try," I said. "But I'm finished of being your doormat, Quinn. I deserve better. I deserve someone who really cares about me, instead of a cruel, manipulative bitch like you."

Suddenly she slapped me in the face, so hard that I stumbled back slightly. I could feel my cheek stinging but I refused to let myself cry. That was exactly what she wanted. I stood up straight and looked right into her eyes.

"Do you honestly think that's going to make me stay with you?" I asked, my voice sounding shaky.

She glared at me, visibly trembling, before turning away from me. She started to put her dress back on without looking at me.

"Fine," she said bitterly, sounding as if she was about to cry. "Just go. If I'm such a bitch and you hate being with me so much then just leave. But don't think I'm going to be here when you suddenly start missing me."

I couldn't move. I just stood there and watched her, my sore cheek throbbing.

"What are you still doing here?" she said when she turned around.

I could tell she was using a lot of self-control not to cry, but her eyes were going red.

"Why can't you just say it?" I said quietly. "You don't have to keep on acting like you don't care. Nothing bad is going to happen if you just admit it. I won't go anywhere if you just... say it."

She closed her eyes and shook her head, biting her lip as a single tear rolled down her cheek. I slowly moved closer to her. I would have loved to just walk up and hug her, but I had to be cautious.

"Please, Quinn," I whispered. "You know you don't want me to leave. If you just say it then I won't. We both know it's true. I just need you to say it out loud. I need you to stop pushing me away."

Quinn sat down on her bed and finally gave into her tears. I quickly went and sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. She rested her head on my shoulder and cried, and I held her tightly. I felt her arms snake around my waist and soon she was holding me too, so tight that it was actually a little painful.

"I... I'm s-sorry," she whispered. "You're right, I'm... I'm such a bitch. Y-you deserve so... so much better than me. Please don't go. I'll say it, just... don't go."

She looked up at me, teary eyed and desperate. I gently wiped the tears off her cheek with my thumb, and she leaned into my touch. And then she finally said it. Those three words that I'd been waiting for forever. She said it so quietly that it would have been easy to miss. But she said it.

"I love you."

I smiled and stroked her cheek. "Do you really mean it?"

She nodded. "You were right. It just scared me, so I tried to push it to the back of my head. I tried to act like it was just sex and I didn't need you. But I do. I need you, Rachel. I love you."

I was so happy I thought I was going to cry. "That's all I've ever wanted to hear."

When we kissed it was like a dream. I was so used to our kisses being rough and passionate. But this was gentle and tender and... magical. I mean, that sounds rather clichéd but it was. It was the way I'd always wanted Quinn to kiss me. We didn't even have sex that night. When Quinn's parents came home that evening she convinced them to let me stay over for a sleepover, but we just lay together in her bed, kissing and holding each other and talking – really talking for the first time ever. It was wonderful falling asleep in her arms, not feeling used or hurt or stupid. Just... happy. It was all I'd ever wanted.

Hope you enjoyed, Humble Readers.
Hope it was actually worth the wait :P
Why don't you tell me so in review format?
