It didn't feel very fair to me to just leave you with a cliffy for the next few days, so I decided to post another chapter.

And yes, it's longer, and yes it has Roxanne in it.

I think stayed mostly in character this time.

Anyway, enjoy!

I slowly awoken from my dreamless sleep feeling the ropes suddenly looser on my feet. Once I registered what was happening I could tell why, "Megamind? What are you doing?"

He stared at me with an apologetic look sketched on his face, "I'm setting you free. I would use one of my lasers, but minion usually knew where to find those, so I have to do it manually. I also don't have any spare clothes for your size." He rambled.

I sighed, ignoring the last comment, in mild frustration, "No, I mean why?"

He now started loosening the ropes tied tightly against my arms, "This was a terrible mistake. I was just-" He paused thinking intently for a moment, "I have other important manners to deal with and leaving you confined to a chair is probably not the best solution." He had just lessened the last knot was now staring at me with a genuine sincere look upon his face.

'He's changed.' I thought and smiled slowly starting to feel my arms and legs again.

Once the numbness wore off, without a thought, I hugged him "Thank you."

His body went ridged seeming confused, but he eventually calmed down wrapping his arms around my back, "Thanks for bringing my car back."

I chuckled a bit backing off, "I hope I didn't dent it in anyway. Since it was invisible when I found it, I practically slammed into it out in the rain."

"You're not hurt are you?" He asked his tone suddenly concerned.

'He cares?' I wondered, "No, I'm perfectly fine," and that's when I noticed how messed up he looked, "What happened to you?"

"What? Oh this." He gestured to his ripped outfit, "Tighten."

I raised an eyebrow, "Tighten?"

He sighed, "He's a complete disaster." He began pacing backward and forward in thought, "He doesn't want to be the super hero, he wants to be the super villain getting rid of me in the process."

He groaned covering one of his eyes with his hand in defeat," What was I thinking when I created him? He's a complete monster."

"Wait, you created him?" I asked hearing this for the first time.

"Yes I already know, I'm an awful person, blah, blah, blah, but that doesn't solve anything." He ignored me thinking intently for a moment.

His face suddenly lit up, "I need to find Roxanne, she'll know what to do."

"Whoa," I interjected stepping in front of him, "Your going to back to Roxanne after all the things said about her? Why?"

He sighed grabbing my shoulders, "Do you have any better ideas?"

"Well," I gave it some thought, "No, but if you go, I have guess that I have to come too."

"Wait, What? Why would do that? Your free to go."

"I know, but in reality I have nothing to go back to," He stared at me puzzled.

I sighed, "I may be Jay Lakeview from Channel 5 news, but when you found me I had just been fired. I have nothing to go back to." I shrugged my shoulders, "So why not, maybe this might be my ticket back in."

"Fine," He decided releasing my shoulders, "but if something happens, you only have yourself to blame. And hey," He shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe she might have some clothes she can spare."

I rolled my eyes.

"Is this-"

He sighed cutting me off as we stepped to one apartment door in particular, "Yes, this is Roxanne Ritchie's apartment. Just please, knock on the door."

"Okay, geez." I retorted irritated and lightly taped against the door a couple times.

"I'm coming." I heard he muffled voice from the other side.

"Who is it?" She called swinging the door in at the exact moment.

She stared at me, her annoyed look increasing at my appearance, "Can I help you?"

I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but all that came out was, "Uh.."

Megamind used this opportunity to come close to the doorway for her to see.

She instantly groaned, "Not you."

She attempted to slam the door, but he blocked it with his boot, "Wait, I need your help!"

She sighed, "You know, just when I thought you could go any lower. You find," Her gaze shifted to me, "some random girl wandering the streets to get me to answer the door."

I glared at her, "No, it's not like that. Please, just listen to me." He begged speaking before I had said something I would have probably regretted.

She sighed, "Fine, what do you want?"

" Tighten's turned evil-"

"Congratulations, one of you genius plans has back fired on you." She cut him off sarcastically, "And why did my door man let you up?"

He immediately reached into his pocket pulling out a small glowing blue cube, 'So that's what happened?'

She gasped swiping away the cube, "Carlos." It was her turn to glare as she once again attempted to push him off the door, but he pushed harder back.

"What are you- No!" He begged making her suddenly halt, "I need your help."

"Why do you need my help?"

He sighed, "Because you're the smartest person I know."

'She doesn't really deserve it.' I thought still glaring at her, but nether her nor him noticed.

She sighed and finally opened the door all the way letting us both in, "You can't hide here."

"Copper should have worked, why didn't copper work? It worked perfectly well last time." He rambled grabbing one of the many papers dangling from her ceiling.

"Copper? You're not making any sense."

I was to busy intently scanning around the room seeing at all the papers, 'Didn't he-.'

"Look, if we don't find Tightens weakness, he'll destroy the whole city." That broke me away from my thoughts as he sauntered over in her direction, gesturing toward the window she was standing in front of.

They both shifted there gaze out into the damaged city being currently damaged by Tighten.

There was a long pause, giving her some time to think it over, "Okay," She decided, " how can I help?"

"Find answers, you knew Metroman best. Did he have a cave, a hideout, a fortress of some sort? Anything that would give us clues?" He asked staring intently at the paper that he had grabbed earlier.

"Well, there is one place I know."

"What is it?" I asked thinking now of all times would be good time to speak up.

She stared at me for a minute with that almost annoying look in her eyes suddenly returning, "He had this old abandoned school house just north of the city, it's not that hard to find." She replied as if I didn't affect her in anyway.

"That's a start, maybe we can find some answers there." Megamind replied optimistic blind about the secret sparks between me and her.

"I can drive you there if you like?" She replied gazing at me at what almost seemed as a warning glare.

"No, the invisible car will do just fine." He replied still clearly not aware.

He suddenly gazed at me and eyes lit up instantly , "Roxanne would you mind giving Jay some extra clothes?"

She blankly stared at me, "Sure."

Once she strode out of the room and out of sight I fought back a glare, 'What does he see in her?'

Thanks for all the reviews you guys. ^-^ See ya next time.