Wiping the tears away from her eyes, Daphne continued to run until she tumbled out into a bedroom of the Wilson's house, panting as she leaned against the wall shakily. "No, no ,no..." She repeated over and over again as her mind tried to come to terms with everything. She could feel chills running up her spine as she though about it more and more, "No, no he can't be..."

A sudden slam brought her from her thoughts as she jumped into the centre of the room. Eyes wide, she back away towards the window as she stared into the face of the the ghost of George Wilson. "Hello there Miss. Blake." He grinned, flashing her a set of yellow teeth, "Now, where were we?"

Heart pounding, she turned to the window and looked out, feeling her stomach drop. They were on the second floor. Whimpering softly, she looked once again at the ghost and raised her hands in surrender, "Any chance of letting me go?" She mumbled, putting on a charming smile.

"I can't let you get in the way." He replied, sounding strangely apologetic.

Lowering her gaze, she sniffed "Jonathan, I-" She didn't finish her sentence, instead she ran forward, pushing the ghost to the ground as she bolted for the door. Reaching for the handle, she felt a weight on her back before crashing into the closed door, pinned down by something she couldn't see.

Breathing ragged, she struggled helplessly as he moved in close to her, "I'm sorry." He said gently as she felt a set of ropes coiling around her wrists before she began screaming desperately for help.

Running outside, Fred looked around searching for the fleeing red head. "Daphne!" he called out, not getting a reply. Heading to the other side of the house, he spotted Velma, Shaggy and Scooby standing outside. Sprinting over to them, he opened his mouth to speak, but was left in silence.

Piercing screams echoed through the halls as Fred's head perked up, "Daphne." He murmured.

"Like, you don't think?" Shaggy said, pulling Scooby close by the collar.

"We need to go." Fred announced, breaking into a run, "Split up if you need to, just find her."

Velma gripped hold of Shaggy's arm as he tried to follow Fred, "Shaggy don't, go the other way."

"But like, Velms-"

"No Shaggy, we need to find Daphne as fast as we an, and Fred's right, the best way to do that s to split up."

"You go with Fred then, like, we can't just let him go on his own." Shaggy protested as Scooby nodded in agreement.

"I-I'd rather not." She mumbled, "You know how he gets about Daph, lets just go this way." She said, starting to run the opposite way.

Mewing into the cloth covering her mouth, Daphne looked up, begging for mercy with her eyes ans the ghost picked up her bound form in a bridal carry. Wriggling in his arms, she tried to shout for help, but the most she could manage was a futile mumble.

"Stop struggling." The ghost ordered, looking down at her.

Thrashing about defiantly, she twisted and turned until she was almost dropped, but he kept his grip firm. Spitting inaudible insults into her gag, she settled down a little as he sighed at her.

"I'm not going to hurt you." The ghost reassured, readjusting his hold on her, "I just need people to think you've been sacrificed or something, at least for a while."

Walking around a corner in one of the passageways, he set her down on the floor, propping her up against the wall as he pulled out a key. Blinking in the very little light there was, she watched him unlock a small door a few feet high and open it. Peering inside, she saw that the door was no more than the size on a regular kitchen cupboard, but inside, it was a lot bigger. Cocking her head to once side, she looked back up at the ghost, who was now sliding her into the small opening. Protesting slightly, she tried to stop him stuffing her inside, but soon stopped as she got a batter look inside.

Her eyes grew wide as she looked at various pieces of paper stuck to the wall around a small desk in the corner. The only light source was a few scented candles, mixing in with the smell of damp plaster and wood in the dank room. Looking back out at the ghost, she saw him holding the door in his hand as he frowned at her, "I'll be back later." He said gently, closing the door.

"Hey!" A male voice yelled, as footsteps approached at a rapid pace. Daphne couldn't see what was going on, the door had been closed and her vision blocked, but she could hear everything, from shouts and cries, to crashes and bangs. It sounded like a fist fight, a violent one at that, but she still couldn't quite tell who it was. Another few bangs and another loud cash then there was nothing but silence. Jumping as the door creaked open once again, she moaned softly as she looked at Jonathan, his face splattered with red and white.

"Daphne!" He exclaimed, grinning, "I thought that's who I spotted."

Gripping her bound ankles, he dragged her out of the small door and smiled down at her, starting to undo the ties holding her in position. "J-Jonathan?" She murmured as he pulled ff the gag. Frowning in confusion, she sat up, with a little help from Jonathan and looked around, eyes bulging as she saw the ghost out cold on the floor just a few feet away.

He chuckled lightly as he pulled her into a hug, "Couldn't help myself," He mumbled, "I don't like seeing you in danger."

"B-But, but you, you're...my head hurts." She muttered, burying her head into his shoulder.

Pushing her away softly, he stood up and helped her to her feet, "Come on, we'll lock him up and get out of here."

Watching carefully, Daphne leaned in closer to Jonathan as he dragged at unconscious body into the room she was in just minutes before. Jonathan reached into the ghost's pocket and took the key before closing the door and locking it.

"There," He said smugly, "That should keep him."

Fred paced back and forth in the garden, "We've searched everywhere, Daphne's not here." He said in dismay.

"Don't give up Fred,We'll find her." Velma said reassuringly.

"Like, unless the ghost got her." shaggy said, receiving a sharp jab in the Side from Scooby. "Like, ow man.

Flopping down onto the grass, Fred held his head in his hands as he groaned, "We need to find her."


Rubbing his face, Fred sighed, "I can still hear her sweet voice..."


Uhh, Fred." Velma said slowly, "Turn around."

"Shaggy! Scooby!" Daphne called out from the door of the house.

"Like, It's Daphne!"

"Raphne!" Scooby beamed, bounding towards her, but stopped in his tracks as someone else walked out of the door with her. Growling, he stepped forward slowly.

"Jonathan!" Fred yelled, springing to his feet. "Let her go!"

"Freddie, no, you don't understand!" Daphne cried out, as Fred rushed towards them, hands clenched into fists.

"Woah, dude listen, I'm not-" Jonathan protested, but was cut off as Fred punched him on the cheek.

The next few seconds were a blur to Daphne as she tried to stop the fight breaking out between the two teenagers, at some point Shaggy and Scooby tried to stop them, but were just thrown back, groaning in pain. All Daphne knew was that it was getting out of hand, and she had to do something to try and stop it, so she screamed at the top of her voice.

Everyone stopped what they were doing at looked at her. Fred and Jonathan were lay on the ground, firmly held in each other grips from their wrestling match on the floor. "Just stop okay." She sighed. "Jonathan isn't the one behind all of this, in fact, he saved me from whoever is."

Both boys stood up and brushed themselves off as they glared at each other. "Then what was he doing in the secret passage?" Fred asked, his teeth grinding.

"I'm helping the Wilson's with some jobs around the house." Jonathan muttered, wiping some blood from his lip, "They need help around the house, and I need money."

Fred stepped closer to him and pressed a finger to his chest, "That doesn't explain why you were in the corridor, or why you were covered in pain, and what was that paper for?"

Slapping his hand away, Jonathan glared at him, "I stumbled in there by mistake, the paint was from painting the bathroom, which was one of the jobs on the list I was carrying."

"Fine." Fred muttered, "Take us to the ghost."

"This way." He spat back, walking back into the house.

The group walked through a number of corridors n the passageways before coming to the small, almost invisible door and watched in anticipation as Jonathan unlocked the door. Once open, the gang all piled inside, avoiding the body sprawled across the floor.

"Jinkies!" Velma gasped as she spotted the scrapes of paper on the wall, "These have all been ripped out of that book we found..."

"Anything important?" Fred asked as he bent down to take a better look at the ghost.

Adjusting her glasses, Velma squinted as she carefully read each piece, "According to these...The money is real, but it's not all in one place."

"What do you mean Velma?" Daphne asked, peering over the smaller girl's shoulder.

"Well," Velma began, "they seem to be cryptic clues, but most have been worked out, the answer's for some are written underneath, in blue ink."

"Oh, right." Daphne said, sitting on the desk, "Well, at least we know that some of the money has been found, the question is, where is it?"

"Like, yeah, maybe they already spent it." Shaggy offered.

"Hmm, possibly." Daphne answered, not really listening as she pulled open a draw in the desk. Eyes suddenly wide, she looked to the rest of the people, "Uh, guys? I think I found it."

"What?" Everyone said in astonishment.

"There's money in this draw..."

"Okay," Fred said, furrowing his brow, "Lets find out who this is and tell the Wilsons."

Gathering around the body on the floor, Fred pulled off his ascot and began wiping away the theatrical make up on the man's face. The gang stared in awe as the ghost was revealed to be none other, than Jack Wilson, the Wilson's grandson.

In the living room of the Wilson's house, Mrs. Wilson nursed her injured grandson on the sofa as he sighed softly. "I-I'm sorry Grandma, I just wanted to help, get the loan sharks off your back."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Mr. Wilson sighed, patting Jack on the back.

"I knew how you felt about your brother...But it's the only way I could get the money."

Mrs. Wilson held Jack in her arms gently as Mr. Wilson moved into the kitchen, where Mystery Inc. and Jonathan sat around the table. "Thank for all of your help kids." He said smiling weakly at them, "I really appreciate the help."

"It's fine Mr. Wilson." Velma smiled.

"Sorry it wasn't really a big case for you, but we needed it solving."

Fred smiled, "It's fine Sir, I hope everything is okay."

"Oh it should be, now that I know my Brother isn't haunting us." Mr. Wilson chuckled.

"And like, you have the money now too." Shaggy added.

"Indeed we do." Mr. Wilson said slowly, "I just wish my brother didn't get it through...well, you know."

"Well, we'll be on our way Mr. Wilson." Fred said gently, "if you need us, we'll be here."

Outside the gates to the Wilson's place, the group of teenagers and Scooby all stood awkwardly staring at each other. "So, like, now what?" Shaggy said, breaking the painful silence.

"How about the malt shop?" Velma suggested.

"Or searching for a new mystery?" Fred grinned.

The gang all smiled and walked over to the mystery machine, chatting merrily as they piled in; but there was someone missing. Looking out of the window, Fred saw Daphne stood with Jonathan, staring at the floor. "Daph, you coming?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Swallowing hard, Daphne kept her eyes on the floor, "Freddie, I-I don't want to do this any more."

Hesitating, Fred paused for a moment, looking to the rest of the gang for support, "W-What?"

He heard Daphne sniffing before she answered, her eyes still on the ground, "I don't want to solve any more mysteries Freddie."

In the back of the van, Shaggy felt his heart sink, he over heard her talking about it, but he didn't think she meant it. Tuning out the now angry replies of Fred blaming Jonathan and Daphne's parents for her sudden decision, he lowered his head and rubbed the back of his neck. Velma clambered over the front seats to sit with him, nestling into his side as she sighed softly, trying to get away from the argument between the three teens.

A quick jerking motion broke the two apart and Fred reversed, "Fine!" He yelled, "Stay with him, listen to your parents, but don't think you can come crawling back to us later!" Fred seethed, nostrils flaring.

Velma stood up in the back, looking out of the window to see Daphne and Jonathan's bodies growing smaller and smaller as they drove further and further away, but there was no denying it, Daphne was sobbing. Jonathan held her close as she cried, and for a moment, all Velma wanted to do was burst into tears just like Daphne.

Authors Note: BOOM finished ;D

Took a while but it's done, not quite sure when I'll get started on the next on in the series, if I get around to it at all ^-^'

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this story, sorry for the bit of a rushed ending, but I needed to get this done xD

Please review to tell me what you think, and with any suggestions as to what should happen in any other stories :D