Hello, everyone, as you see i haven't written any other stories after Sex Slave so for now i might be stuck with this one :D. No, Sex Slave won't be updated since it's only a onse-shot(or just because i can't figure out how Amu would react when she wakes up all naked next to Ikuto .) *ahem* Anyways here's my new story, i think this one will be multi-chaptered so please enjoy!

Info about the story:

Title: Sweet'n Sour


Status: Ongoing

Author: AmutoLemon

Genres: Romance, Mature, Smut, Psyhological(maybe?), Josei

Rating: Will be aded after the 1st chapter, you can inscrease the rating of this story by reviewing :D

Favourites: Soon to be aded

Alerts: Soon to be added

Chapter name: Prologue - An usual day

Summary: Amu's your usual hard-working, lazy type of woman, she works at a famous company called Easter, her life just goes with the flow, but why there must be someone who actually will change this flow of hers? And what's the secret of that person?

#1Character info :

Name: Hinamori Amu

Sex: Female

Age: 23

Personality: Quiet, invisible, hard-working, messy, lazy. (hard-working and lazy, it does make sense, doesn't it XD?)

Appearence: Pink hair - waist lenght, Height - 170cm (above average), Weight - 60kg

Likes: Cats, anything soft and fluffy, strawberries, RPGs, MMORPGs, anything realated to games and anime.

Hates: when it's dark and she's alone, thinking about a horror movie she watched last night; PMS; Her work place; cleaning the house; cooking.

Amu's POV:


Something rang into my ears, i groaned annoyed and threw the 1st thing under my hand, i opened my eyes only to realise that i had to buy a new clock.

I stood up, all messy and went to the bathroom, after relaxing for 15 minutes on the WC i washed my hands and face, i brushed my hair and made it a bun, i put my uniform on, it was something simple, a white shirt with a black sleevless jacket above, a black knee-lenght tight skirt and transparent tights.

After that i went to the kitchen - a small room with a cooker and some cupboards attached to the white walls.

I sighed and took some eggs from the fridge before warming-up the frying pan and throwing them on it. In less than 5 seconds i had my breakfast ready, while i was eating the water boiled in the kettle, a small noise made me realise that my tea was ready.

I lazily stood up and took a tea-cup, i poured the tea in it and put it on the table, i sat on the chair and continued eating my fried eggs, no matter how much i liked fried eggs, i was already sick of eating the same every morning in the last two years.

"Maybe i should take some cooking classes?" I mumbled to myself, completely forgetting that i could easilly get my uniform dirty and right before going to work.

You're wondering what i'm working as? Nothing special - i am a simple secondary secretary - the 6th division. The whole comany is divided in 20 division, each of them having 1 boss, 1 principal secretary and 10 other secondary secretaries, boring isn't it? The ones in the 1st division are the most skilled people and the president of the Co. himself. I heard they are working only 5 h/day instead of 10, like the rest of the divisions, people say that the divison has only 9 people, each with great brains, years of experience and skills, also that must be the reason why they get double salaries.

My salary? It's normal, i guess including the fact that i work here only for 2 years and i managed to get in the 6th division out of 20.

I get around 500k yen per month (that's around 6187$) Funny isn't it? But it's okay since i can afford to pay my bills with it.

I looked at the clock.

"Holy crap!" I yelled and stood up, i ran to my room and took the black bag, my black shoes and the keys, i locked the door and in the way to the train station i put my shoes on, also making sure that i look okay, the windows i passed by served as a good mirror.

I finally arrived at the train station before it could leave, i took a seat, ah finally i can rest my legs a little after so much running and on 1 inch heels...(OMG such high heels)

Suddenly a granny appeared in front of me, she looked pretty old and it seemed like her legs wouldn't take it anymore, i sighed before standing up and giving her my place, she smiled and thanked me, i also forced a smiled trying not to think of my hurting leg muscles.

Ugh~ I'm bad at sports as usual, no wonder i had the worst grades in PE at school.

I grabbed the bar above my head trying to keep balance, suddenly i felt a hand on my ass, my eyes slightly widen. What the hell? I didn't knew what to do.

Shouldi make a fuss about it or just try and ignore it? I mean my station is only a few seconds away from here... Oh God.

I turned around.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, old pervert?" I yelled and slapped the old man before getting off the train.

OMG,OMG, OMG i did it~ I practically screamed in my head.

OMG - I'm getting late! I started running again, but when i came to the elevator it was already full, i desperately pushed the buttons of the other one trying to get it down to the lobby but it wouldn' ,i sighed and waited for it to come. Aftter a while it finally came, i ran inside and pushed the buttons, in a few seconds i was on the 5th floor.

"Phew, i'm -"

"You're late!" I heard a husky, yet old voice and a pair of eyes glaring at me - my boss. Ugh~

"I'm sorry, i...the elevator.."

"No excuses! It's the 5th day in a row you're getting late!" He growled

"But - i wasn't even a minute late today." I protested

"What do you mean, it wasn't a minute? You wer late exactley 59 seconds!" He exclaimed. I sighed, this man is obsessed!

"Gomenosai" I said looking down, i was more ashamed of not being able to protest other than being late.

"You're getting extra work today." He siad and went back to his office. I let out an other sigh as i heard females giggling and pointing at me. Extra-work? I mean, again?

~lunch time~

Normal POV:

"Ah~ Finally~" Amu said and streched her back, she rested her head on the desk and smiled, her eyes closed and relaxed. She would have eaten something by now, but since she can't cook anything eles other than eggs and pancakes, she decided to eat only dinner and breakfast - a few months ago.

She put her hand in her palm and with her eyes closed tried to rest a little, but do how can it be possible when all those girls buzzed like bees only a few metres away from her. She sighed and took a black copybook from her bag, she opened it at the page 39 - the last words were written the day from before.

As you already guessed it was her diary, but she didn't wrote much about herself, most likely about the people around her.

She took a pen and 'accidentally' started overhearing the conversations between her work-mates.

"So, how did it go Haruna?" One of them asked

"Ah, yesterday's blind-date? It was really annoying, believe me!" She said rolling her eyes, the other girls stared at her like there would fall gold from her mouth.

"What happened, what happened?" A red headed girl asked

"Well, at 1st he seemed nice, and he had good looks but after a few minutes he become really arrogant and, could you believe it? He even asked me to date him after that, i was so annoyed, but i accepted, at end of the date though, i dumped him" She said and made a 'oh, i am so cool' face. Amu smirked before starting writing.


Tomone Haruka - blonde hair, short, really skinny, a bitch.

Lied to her friends that she dumped a hot guy, in reality she was the one who got dumped, i saw her cry in front of the guy while buying some eggs and milk.

"You're so cool Haruka-chan~, i wish ai was as confident as you" A short, chubby girl said, her blue eyes showing a sad expression.

"Eh, but what happened Rina-chan?" Haruka asked confused.

"Uh...Nero-kun.. he dumped me" She said almost brusting into tears, the other girls comforted her.

"C'mon tell us what happened." Haruka demanded.

"After a few nights together, he said he is nauseous when it comes to chubby girls and said that i should really drop a few kilos." She said between sniffs

"And.. and.. he said it was all a bet, wether i would i sleep with him or not" *sniff* Sniff*

Amu cuckled and rolled her eyes at the girl's stupidity.

Kokoro Rina - light green hair, wears glasses, short, naive, chubby, always says the truth and alwyas believes in what others say.

Got dumped again, she really shouldn't believe everything so easilly, it's obvious that she's bad when it comes to choosing friends and boyfriends.

She's a easy catch, lats moth i saw her with 5 different men in front of a hotel, she was all shivering, all of her partners looked like delinquents, the betting types or the virgin ones, who just wanted to fuck with a naive girl, which actually believed in their 'love'.

After a while an other girl came in the room, she was pretty tall and her red hair was slightly curled at the ends.

"Oh my, eating trash again?" She said in a bossy tone, the other girls glared at her while starting a verbal fight. Amu once again rolled her eyes and started writing.

Yamabuki Saaya - tall, red hair curled at the ends, nice body, a total bitch, acts all bossy.

Only if hse was a little more true to herself and other maybe she would have been liked a little, but her bossy act makes her hated by most of her work-mates.

Wears fashionable clothes, they're cheap though, the originals aren't sold in the district she lives.

"Oh, well i guess it's time to go back to work~" Amu said to herself and started writing something at the computer (L: *glares*)

"Fine,fine, just chatting~" She rolled her eyes before replying to an other friends request.

"What are you doing, Hinamori-san?" She suddenly heard a female voice coming from behind, Amu quickly closed the chat window and turned around.

"Ah, Suzuki-san.." Amu smiled uneasily after mentally sighing in relief.

In Amu's diary:

Szuki Nana - tall, very beautifull, black long hair, nice, polite.

A very nice woman, she's the principal secretary of our division. In my opinion she's too forgiving.

"We'll have a guest tomorrow, can you please finish all your work today, tomorrow we'll be here only for 5 hours." Suzuki Explained, Amu's eyes widen. 5 hours? It was heaven for her, but instead, today she had to over-work herself.

"Also, you should help cleaning our division, the guest is our Company's President himself."

"Oh~ I see, wait, the President? Why would he come here, i mean in the 5 months i work in this divison i have never seen him O.o" Amu stated

"Oh, i'm not sure myself, by if i find out more i'll definitelly tell you too." Nana smiled, Amu nodded and started working.

Tomorrow will definitelly be a hard day... She thought continuing to copy some files.

Thank you for reading, i hope you've enjoyed the first chapter, please leave a review if you want me to continue this story :D

Ikuto: Eh, when i'm coming in?

L: *glares* *takes the frying pan and hits Ikuto in the head*

Ikuto: *faints*

Amu: Why did you do that?

L: Keep him away from the readers :0

Amu: Ah.. Yes..?

The angels above Ikuto's head: Review, Review, Review~

A random joke:

#1 frog : *noise* something like (oak?)

#2 frog: *noise noise* (oak oak)

#3 frog: *noise noise noise* (oak oak oak?)

#2 frog takes a gun and shoots frog #3.

#1 frog: Why did you do that?

#2 fog: He knew too much.

Hit the yellow ballon if you liked/ or not the random joke :D!