I don't own Brawl's rights, Nintendo does, but I love the game and the hilarious fanfiction for it! Hope you all like this one!

"In the Brawl Universe, worlds collide in epic battle. Heroes of all forms, shapes, and sizes come together in harmony for one noble purpose."


"Crazy Hand, PLEASE!" Master Hand, the five -fingered deity of the Smash Bros Universe pleaded with his psychotic sibling. In the conference room of the Arena. the giant white gloves were standing, well actually floating, at a podium before the Super Smash Brawlers who Master Hand had (he hated the pun) 'hand' picked from their universes.

Mario: Plumber Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Luigi: Mario's bro and part time ghost buster.

Peach: Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom and Mario's girlfriend.

Wario: Mario's chubby, rude, greedy, garlic loving, doppelganger.

Bowser: The irritable Koopa King and persistent kidnapper of Peach.

Yoshi: A green dinosaur with a long pink tongue and a fierce appetite (Heaven help us if he and Kirby ever want the same snack.)

Pokemon Trainer: Adventurer and keeper of elemental pocket monsters.

Pikachu: Small yet powerful Electric Mouse Pokemon.

Jigglypuff: A round pink Normal-type Pokemon with a soothing singing voice (if you

value your kidneys, DON'T fall asleep during her solos!)

Lucario: The Fighting/Steel type Pokemon with the power of Aura.

Kirby: Round and pink (creepily like Jigglypuff) Defender of Popstar and devourer of food…and monsters….and well, practically anyone unlucky enough to come near his mouth.

King Dedeede: Chubby penguin king of the Waddledees and constant foe of Kirby.

Meta Knight: Mysterious masked Star Warrior and wielder of the sword Galaxia.

The Ice Climbers: Blue and pink parka-wearing Eskimos with the power of ice and oversized wooden hammers (not really sure why mountain climbers would have those).

Pit: Angelic warrior for the Light goddess, Palutena.

Donkey Kong: Super strong, tie-wearing gorilla (Addicted to bananas)

Diddy Kong: Donkey Kong's monkey sidekick and wielder of various barrel shaped devices (that right I said barrel)

Link: Hero of Time and wielder of the legendary Master Sword and Triforce of Courage.

Zelda: Princess of Hyrule and wielder of the Triforce of Wisdom.

Ganondorf: King of Evil, wielder of the Triforce of Power, and, to her eternal annoyance, kidnapper of Zelda. (Why do the bad guys always kidnap princesses? Is it like a fad or something?)

Toon Link: A cartoonish younger version of Link and Hero of the Winds.

Captain Falcon: Red helmeted F-Zero champion (Don't scratch his ride's paintjob or you'll be thrown to Kirby.)

Fox McCloud: Anthropomorphic (big surprise) fox, ace pilot, and leader of the Star Fox mercenary team.

Falco Lombardi: Anthropomorphic (another big surprise) blue falcon and wingman to Fox.

Wolf O'Donnell: Anthropomorphic (must I even say it?) wolf and head of Star Fox's rival team, Star Wolf.

Olimar: Mute astronaut and commander of the plantlike Pikmin.

Ness: Baseball loving boy with the psychic powers of PK.

Lucas: Ness' timid younger friend and fellow psychic.

Marth: Prince of Altea and expert swordsman with the Blade of Legends, Falchion (Despite how his haircut looks, he is not a girl.)

Samus: Intergalactic bounty hunter wearing the advanced Chozo Power Suit (she would have been wearing her Zero Suit, but she didn't like being around Crazy Hand when she did)

Ike: Mercenary ally to Marth and owner of the blessed sword Ragnell.

Mr. Game and Watch: One of the oldest of the Brawlers, composed of digital pixels.

ROB: (As the name implies) A robot on wheels with deadly laser vision (Good thing too since it scared people from calling him nerdy)

Sonic: Super speedy hedgehog from the Chaos filled world of Mobius.

Snake: Heat packing spy and defender against the Metal Gear mechs.

All of them with their own special abilities and traits.

And right now all of them suffering another mental episode from Crazy Hand.

Crazy Hand flew off the podium until he stopped in front of Falco's seat. "Polly want a cracker?"

"What did you say?" Falco asked with a dangerous gleam in his eye.

Crazy Hand pulled a box of crackers out of thin air and pushed them towards the pilot's beak. "STUFF THE TURKEY! IT THANKSGIVING!"

Falcon smacked the box away and pointed a wing at the glove. "Listen you Hamburger Helper reject, I AIN'T NO PARROT AND I AIN'T NO TURKEY! I'M A FREAKING FALCON!"

"AW.." Crazy Hand, disappointed his canary wasn't hungry, flew back up to his brother.

"Crazy," Master Hand sighed. "How many times have I told you not to try to force feed the Brawlers?"

Crazy Hand wiggled his fingers, counting down the number of times (which took a while since he had only five fingers.) "Uh, ninety two?"

"Correct. So why did you do it?"


Everyone turned and glared at Toon Link. The cartoonish boy looked nervously around him at the hostile faces. "It wasn't me! Really! Swear to Din!"

"Yea. It better not have, kid.." Falco warned, taking out his blaster and raising it to fire.

"People, people, please!" Master Hand gestured at the Brawlers to not beat Toon Link to a pulp. "Now, as I was trying to say, due to the recent Subspace 'incident,' devices I constructed to randomly assign Brawlers to battle were damaged."

Master Hand pointed to a pile of smoking scrap metal behind him.

"In order for the fights to continue, we will need to find a new way to choose the opponents. Any suggestions?"

Peach raised her gloved hand. "How about we all write our names on pieces of paper and put them in a bucket? Whoever we pick will be the person we fight!"

"That-a sounds kind-a lame." Mario commented.

The room became silent as the grave.

"Oh-a boy."

Peach turned to the plumber, her kind blue eyes now red with demonic wrath. "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, HOW ABOUT I SHOVE THE BUCKET DOWN YOUR WINDPIPE! LET"S SEE YOU UNCLOG THAT!"

Mario trembled before his girlfriend and rapidly apologized. "I-a was just-a kidding! It's a great idea! I-a love it! Please don't-a maul me!"

Peach's eyes turned blue again and she giggled. "Thanks sweetie!" She pecked the terrified plumber on the cheek.

"Any other suggestions?" Master Hand asked, glad that he didn't have lungs.

Pikachu raised his paw. "Pika, pika, Pikachu chu pi?"

Ike raised his own hand. "Uh, could someone translate that?"

"He said 'what if we play musical chairs?'" Pokemon Trainer explained. "He also said 'the first two left would be the ones to Brawl.'"

"But then no one would try to win!" Ike exclaimed.

Pikachu glared his beady eyes at the swordsman and shocked him with a Thunderbolt (which when you consider the fact that Ike had his sword on his belt would have been very painful). "Pika!"

"He said 'no one asked you, Grimer breath!'" Pokemon Trainer translated.

"Okay," a burnt Ike shakily asked as he got up from the ashes that once were his seat. "What's a Grimer?"

"You don't want to know."

"We could throw Brawlers to Yoshi and have him devour them." ROB suggested. "My calculations indicate that those who escape from their confinement in his eggs around the same period of time would be on the same level of ability."

Yoshi licked his lips (or what he had instead of lips) and stared hungrily at Wario.

"I don't-a like the way that dino's looking at-a me." Wario whispered to Bowser.

Bowser looked sideways at Yoshi, who was preparing a bib printed with a yellow 'W' around his green neck. "Just avoid eye contact and don't move. They're attracted to movement."

"Yea, that could-a work." Wario murmured thoughtfully as Yoshi snuck up behind him and started salting his head.

Crazy Hand flew up overhead Wario and started helping Yoshi add spices to the unsuspecting Italian. "I LIKE CINAMMON! IT TASTES LIKE PIE!"

"What the…" Wario looked up and got his eyeballs covered in spice. "AAAIII! MY EYES! IT-A BURNS! He ran out of the room, desperately trying to wipe the irritating flavorings from his eyes.

Yoshi ran after him, a knife and fork in his hands while squealing, "YOSHI!"

Master Hand watched the chaos and sighed. "I don't get paid enough game sales to do this job."

"What was that?" Fox McCloud asked, his large ears picking up the deity's words.

"Nothing! Nothing!" Master Hand quickly said. He flew up to Crazy Hand, who was now trying to spice a fleeing Pit and crying out "I LIKE YUMMY CHICKEN WINGS!"

"Crazy, that is enough! Please restrain yourself at once, or no more cooking shows for an entire millennium!"

"AW.." Crazy threw the bottle of cinnamon at Kirby, who swallowed it and turned into a cinnamon stick.

The former puffball looked down at himself, squealed with glee, and started eating his own face.

Crazy Hand suddenly snapped his fingers and began dancing around Master Hand. "HEY BRO! I GOTS ME A PERTTY GOOD IDEA!"

Master Hand groaned. "Brother, I already told you, I am not getting you a Metal Gear for a pet."

Snake looked up nervously at the gloves.

"Naw, not that, BUT I DO WANT ONE WITH A PRETTY PINK BOW! What I was thinkin' was THEM could choose the Brawlers!"

Master Hand looked at him (which was pretty hard since he had no eyes or a face) with confusion. "Whom are you talking about?"

"THEM!" Crazy Hand pointed towards the reader. "THOSE PEOPLES WATCHING US! THEY'S IS STALKERS ME THINK!"

"ARE YOU MAD! Wait…don't answer that. You know we are not supposed to enter THEIR world! It's in the contract!"

"What contract?" Wolf asked, his large ears as able to pick up Master Hand's voice as well as Fox's.

Master Hand waved away the mercenary. "Again, NOTHING!" He turned back to Crazy Hand. "No! We are not going to do that!"

Crazy Hand stopped dancing and hung limply in the air, saddened. "But WWWWWWHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY?"

"Again its in the…" Master Hand performed some sign language so Wolf and Fox, who were watching with paranoid looks, could not understand.



Crazy Hand balled himself into a fist and shook with sorrow. "WAAHH! YOU'S NEVER LIKES MY IDEAS!"

Master Hand sighed, giving in to his brother's tantrum. "FINE! We won't enter their world, but we can do something a little more legal with them, alright?"

Crazy Hand relaxed and started dancing around again. "YAY! ME'S AS HAPPY AS LITTLE SCHOOLGIRL!" He flew down to Ness and Lucas. "SAY I'M A PRETTY GIRL!"

The psychic boys looked at each other, terrified, and then said to Crazy Hand at the same time. "But, you're not a girl.."

Crazy Hand shaped his fingers to look like a gun, his forefinger blazing with hellfire. "SAY IT OR I'S HURT YOU!"

Ness and Lucas threw their hands in front of their faces defensively. "YOU'RE A PRETTY GIRL! YOU'RE A PRETTY GIRL!"

Crazy Hand giggled and flew back to the podium with his brother.

"Alright Brawlers, here is how it is." Master Hand announced. "As of now, I shall be requesting the inhabitants of an alternate universe to give me their choices for Super Smash Bros Brawl. Those who give the best choices will get their wish fulfilled and the Brawlers of their choice will do battle. Any questions?"

Everyone remaining in the room raised their hands, including Crazy Hand.

"Alright then, lets begin."

You heard Master Hand! After reading this, just review and tell what battles you want to see, and the most awesome or hilarious will be the winner for the following chapters! Also, between battles, we will see how the Brawlers act when on break from hurting each other! So please review and get ready for SUPER SMASH BROS MELEE INSANITY!