This is Chapter 4, and I hope you all like it. Please read and review. Oh, and by the way, congratulations to PurpleDino25! Your guess at Memory's new name was the closest. Good job!

I don't own Fairly Odd Parents. I own my OC.

Chapter 4

"Anti Jenny!"

Anti Jenny shot up breathing heavily at the mention of her name. She glanced down panting to discover that she was safe in her bed inside her cold bedroom. She had had a dream, and it was the strangest dream she had ever. At least, she thought it was the strangest dream she had ever had. It was the only one she could remember ever having.

In her dream, it was pitch black, and she couldn't see anything. But she could hear a voice, singing a song.

"Hey Jenny I miss your smile.

It shone like sunlight reflecting off the water.

A rainbow, you're a rainbow.

Hey Jenny, I remember our first date.

Dancing real close to each other,

Our music was the pouring rain and thunder.

I miss you, my rainbow girl."

That was all that happened.

Anti Jenny blinked her eyes and mentally asked herself the same question that she'd been asking herself for a month. "Where have I heard that voice before?"

That song haunted her memories every single night, ever since she'd woken up from falling down the stairs in her boyfriend's castle. That fall had done significant damage to her brain, as now she couldn't remember anything that had happened beforehand. She wouldn't even have known who she was if her boyfriend hadn't told her.

Anti Jenny didn't understand why she kept having the same dream every night. The singer was male, and sounded about ten years old, but she knew it wasn't her boyfriend's voice. Anti Jenny felt like she should know immediately who he was, but she just couldn't put a face to the voice.

"Who are you?" she whispered aloud, half expecting an answer. But of course like always, she didn't receive one.

"Oh Anti Jenny!" Foop floated into her bedroom with an evil smile. "How's my gorgeously evil Anti-fairy girlfriend today?"

"Fine." Anti Jenny forced an evil smirk for him. "You're looking exceptionally devious today."

"Yes I am, aren't I?" Foop said proudly, as though he heard that all the time. He glanced at Anti Jenny's wall and his lips curled with disgust at the colourful rainbow that covered it.

Anti Jenny knew that if he could destroy it, he would in a heartbeat. But the day that he had given the room to her, she had insisted that it stay. Even though it wasn't very evil, the sight of it gave her comfort even in her darkest hours.

The reason Anti Jenny was living in Foop's castle was because apparently, she had no home. According to Foop, when she was born her parents had been run out of Anti-Fairy World and never seen again. Anti Jenny was left in Anti Cosmo's care secretly so that the mob wouldn't be able to do anything to her. He had wanted to send her away to a prison, but Foop had demanded that she stay. Over time they developed a strong relationship that lasted to this day. Of course, Anti Jenny didn't remember any of this, but Foop told her every day that the day they'd met was the most perfect day of his life, and he never wanted anything bad to happen to her.

"So, what are you up to today?" Anti Jenny asked Foop, yawning and stretching. "Are you going to devise another evil scheme? Or will today be a day just for us? The sky's the limit for what we could do."

"Actually darling, today is Monday, and that means I have to go to school." Foop smiled in a wickedly handsome way at Anti Jenny, then scowled at the mention of the educational building. "So I won't be home at all today."

"Oh." Anti Jenny had heard Foop talk of the school building. The only problem was, she couldn't recall ever being in it. She wanted to go very badly because she wanted to learn all the wonderful things that Foop talked about when he returned home every week day.

"Say, Foop." she said, trying to speak casually. "Do you think today I could…Oh, I don't know…Go with you to school?"

Foop froze in shock. "What?" he asked in disbelief. It was as though Anti Jenny had asked something utterly ridiculous and he couldn't believe his ears.

"I want to go with you." repeated Anti Jenny. "May I? Please?"

"Now dear, we've been through this before. It's not safe outside. The other Anti-fairies don't like you." Foop spoke to her in a very loving way, giving her a sad expression.

"I still don't get why." Anti Jenny grumbled, folding her arms in defiance. "I'm not that different." Then she gazed up worriedly at her boyfriend. "Am I?"

At first she thought she saw worry in his eyes, but then it vanished faster than light. "No dear. You're not at all different. But we don't want to risk anything, do we?"

Anti Jenny's eyes burned with desire. "I don't care if I play with fire, I really want to go outside! I can't remember anything about what it's like, and the whole time I've been here, I've been locked up inside your dad's castle. I feel like Rapunzel for evil's sake!"

Feeling very angry and let down Anti Jenny flopped down on her bed again, letting out a depressed sigh.

Foop floated onto the bed and gave her a hug, which kind of hurt because of his hard shape. "Anti Jenny, I'm only doing this for your own good." he told her softly. "If anything ever happened to you-"

"You'd never be able to forgive yourself, I know." Anti Jenny interrupted. Then her voice dropped down a few notches. "We've had this discussion before."

Both Anti-fairies were silent until Foop said, "Tell you what. When I get home, we'll work on the most diabolical world domination plan ever. We'll take it to Father, and see if he likes it. How does that sound?"

"Like icing on a cake." Anti Jenny smiled, as Foop kissed her. When they broke apart she frowned teasingly. "Did you forget to shave again? You know how much I hate the feeling of hair on my face. Do it before you go to school! And help me find my hair brush so I can do my hair."

"Yes Ma'am." Foop teased, giving her a bow.

Anti Jenny giggled. "Yeah that's right. I'm in the driver's seat. You've got to do what I say!"

"And what is your wish Ma'am?" Foop asked slyly.

Anti Jenny answered without hesitation. "Kiss me."

Without hesitation the two kissed softly on the lips. But when Foop broke away he said, "We'd better stop. Father doesn't like our goody-goody attitudes."

"Okay." Anti Jenny stood up and scowled at him playfully. "Get out of here! You're such an imbecile! Don't come back until all your hair is gone! I expect you to be as bald as an egg the next time I see you."

Foop chuckled and used his wand to poof up a black hairbrush. "Whatever you say Ma'am." he told her, handing the brush to her. Immediately Anti Jenny felt like a fool. She wished that she could use a wand like Foop, and float around, and cause trouble. But Foop and his parents forbid her to use a wand because they said she wouldn't be able to control it.

"Oh, before you go, could you poof me up a mirror Foop? I want to be able to see what I'm doing when I do my hair."

Immediately Foop's expression grew dark. "You already know the answer to that." he responded coldly, poofing away.

Anti Jenny sighed. She had forgotten that the family forbid her to use mirrors. They said it made people look vain if they spent all their time in front of mirrors. There wasn't a single one in the castle.

Now alone, Anti Jenny brushed her black hair, and put it into two tiny pigtails. Then she went to her dresser and picked out a blue tent dress and black leggings. Everything that she owned was black and blue. There were times when she wished that she could spice it up a little, maybe wear some green, or purple. If anything, she wanted pink, but she couldn't tell Foop that. He'd get so angry, Anti Jenny didn't even want to imagine it.

Wringing her blue hands, she tried to decide what to do. She couldn't read, because she didn't have any books. Finally she grabbed her black chalk and drew a hopscotch court. Then she turned on her music player, snatched a black pebble from off of the floor, and started playing. The rock and roll music echoed in her room, making her feel alive. She found herself singing along.

"It's Saturday night, and I'm feeling alright!

Want to see what I can do.

Jumping up and down, dancing all around.

Forget about all the rules."

The chorus came up next, and Anti Jenny started spinning around in a circle, leaping up and down. Her hair bounced with her, and she swung her head from side to side.

"Because nobody can tell me what to do!

I'm as free as a bird!

There's no cage to hold me back.

Gonna live my life, and live it loud!

Gonna live my life, and live it proud."

Suddenly Anti Jenny had a thought. Why was she locked up inside the castle? Foop wasn't her parent, why was he always telling her what to do? She suspected that she was just feeling this way because of the music, but still…It did make her wonder. What was so bad outside that Foop thought she couldn't handle? Other then the fact that nobody liked her.

"It's been years since my parents were kicked out of here." she thought to herself. "I bet nobody even remembers what I look like."

It was then that she made her final decision. She was getting out of the castle. She was going to go to school.

She walked out of her room and all throughout the castle. Luckily, Anti Cosmo and Anti Wanda never spotted her as she made her way to the big wooden doors. When she finally made it, she glanced around once more, then opened the door and slipped out.

"No more leading me by the nose." Anti Jenny whispered. "When it comes to my life, I'm in the driver's seat."

Then she closed the door and set off for the school, taking in the sweet outside air.

It tasted like freedom.

I'm sorry about the wait. Please tell me what you think. And PurpleDino25, thanks for giving me this idea. I didn't do it exactly like "Discovery" but your story definitely helped me. You don't mind, do you?