T-T I have started another story that is highly unlikely to be finished. But I'll live. And I don't try to not finish I just get distracted and forget it. But there are three stories that I am trying my best to work on. My G.I. Joe No Names A Snake Eyes one. My Lost Boys RockAByeBye Baby A David one. And this. Also I am making up words to use as the ancient language. I will use some real words but not really.

Avery watched the elf's back as he went to do other things. 'I'm a bit lonely. When will I see you again?' Avery asked Sparta in her mind.

'I'll be there not long after the battle starts. I must find that wizard. We need to learn more about the races of this land. If we don't we may just not survive in the open.' The deep voice of Sparta spoke wisely. He then sighed. 'Try asking the human from before. Ask about dragons too.'

Mutely Avery left the wall she had somehow come to lean against. Her search for Aragorn came up empty. And soon enough the battling began.

~Skipping to the retreat.~

Avery's breaths came in short gasps as she used her right hand to fight with the sword. Her dominant hand, the left, was wounded and Avery believed it was also broken. She would have used the Magic that coursed through her veins to heal it but there wasn't any time. Orc and Uruk Hai were attacking relentlessly giving not time to do anything at all. 'I am retuning little one. I could not find the wizard. We shall have to search at a later time. For now I shall join the fight.' Sparta's comment distracted her enough so that an Uruk Hai got close. With out a second though she yelled "Brisingr!" The red and black flame scorched and killed the ugly beast.

More came though. And when she brought those down even more were there to take the las ones place. Legolas showed up and helped her to take most of them down. "A retreat has been ordered." He killed another one. "Fall back to the keep." With out any hesitation she did as told.

Everyone was in a rush to lock the doors up with wood so none of the noticed when no one was looking she spoke in the ancient language "Waise heill" He wrist healed fast but the pain was slow to leave. And the large cut on her arm she closed just enough to stop the bleading.

"Child." It was Legolas' voice. She didn't turn right away but finished the spell then turned. "I need to see your arm." He took it gently in his hands and was amused to find only that the cut was truthfully small and non fatal where he could have sworn a major injury was. "How-" he started but was interrupted by yells.

"A great beast flies over head!" There were other yells but all Avery was focused on was getting to the top of the tower to see what great beast they were talking about. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Aragorn and Gimli exit a door to her right. Quickly she followed.

A roar of anger came and she looked up. 'Sparta get away! The arrows!' Whatever the great beast was it flew strait up and hid above the clouds. "Avery?" Aragorn broke her from her thoughts. "What are you doing here?"

"I was told to come help. Lets go." Avery told him and Aragorn nodded, buying her lie. Quickly he threw Gimli onto the bridge. "Go." she told him assuring him also. "I can make it." Aragorn nodded and leapt. She followed right after. 'My Sword. I need my sword!' She fought the beasts off with the one she had but needed her own.

'I can't make it down. The damned men are shooting up.' "Stop the arrows! Stop them. Shoot the Orcs!" Avery yelled and Aragorn repeated the command to the others making them listen. 'I'm coming down.'

"The beast!"

"Don't shoot. Aragorn said aim for the Orcs."

"But the beast!"

"Worry about the Orcs."

'Tell your friends to move back, to get out of the way. I am going to roast the ones that have hurt you little one.' "Aragorn, Gimli against the door hurry. You might want to cover your eyes too." Just as they did as she told them to another roar sounded. Then flames engulfed the Orcs in front of them. The great beast landed in front of the three and spat fire all around, successfully killing the Orcs and Uruk Hai around them.

The large beast held off the enemy long enough for several things to happen. Aragorn and Gimli watched it in wonder. The neck had spikes on the back and the long tail had them too. It had great claws of black that matched to color of the spikes. And it's body was deep crimson, blood like one might say. There was a saddle made of a leather like material with supplies in it. Avery ran forward at it, the sword slipping from her grasp. "No! Boy stay back!" Gimli started to rush forward.

Aragorn stopped him by holding his arm in front of the small male. "Wait a minute Gimli, watch." Avery kept going forward and once she reached it, it's head swung towards her. She wrapped her arms around it's magnificent head and started to speak in a language that neither human nor dwarf knew.

"Yek meno dek!" Avery kept saying over and over. 'Imissed you too little one. Get on.' Avery did as he asked and got into the saddle, then loudly she yelled. "Fly Sparta! Today we burn these monsters!" The beast took to the air another roar was let loose from it's throat.

A rope was tossed down to the two remaining people. Legolas started to pull the rope up when a giant claw took it and flew up at a lazy pace. It may have been lazy but it was faster than Legolas. Carefully it set the two down. Avery's voice spoke in the same powerful language as before. "Idrey Sparta!" Although no man that heard it understood the dragon took back to the fields. Flu Sparta!

"Saddle the horses." King Theodore Said in a calm tone inside of the keep where near to all of the surviving men and elves had retreated. They all realized what he was really saying. We ride to a heroic death.

Avery way at the far end of the field, her spoken spells draining her and killing the Orcs and Uruk Hai. Sparta breathed fire upon the enemies and when possible he grabbed them in his claws and tore them the shred. When close enough to the ground Avery took her bow and shot the hell out of any that came in her range.

The king and a the men rode out of the keep, killing and trampling any that came too close. Half way down the slope the White Wizard showed up. His bright staff held high. After a moment an army of men that were forced to leave came up behind him. The battle that followed was short for now the men outnumbered the enemy. And with a dragon constantly killing tens of them at a time the enemy fell fast. As soon as the remainder were dead the dragon landed in the middle of the empty battle field.

Avery slid off his back and hugged him around his neck. "Yek las ki huk." She said before her legs gave out on her. The dragon caught her in one of its large claws. He understood her and held her closely to his chest because when one used too much magic it effects the person greatly. And just as she had said, she used too much to keep conscious. Then Sparta noticed that he White Wizard approached, his army stayed put. The king, Aragorn, Gimli And Legolas also approached.

Speaking in the minds of the five people he warned them to stay back. But none of them heard so he growled his discomfort at having them too close. 'Can you hear me White Wizard?' He said this too every-mind trying to find one that cold understand. "He's asking for you Gandolf." Legolas spoke.

The dragons red head spun to face him. 'An elf, figures. You seem to be the only being here that can hear me. Tell the men to put their weapons away. Or me and the girl leave.'

"Disarm yourself! Put your weapons away!" Reluctantly the men did as told.

'Good. Tell the Wizard that I wish to talk to him when there is time.'

"I can hear you now that I have removed the barriers I had protecting my mind." He bowed his head to the giant creature. "I have only heard of your kind in myths. It is an honor to meet you."

'My kind only resides in legends now. But I must speak to you once I get her to safety.' The dragon spoke to the wizard. Suddenly his head shot to right in front of the elf. 'And if you do not stop trying to get closer, Elf, I will burn you to a crisp.' He breath a cloud of smoke into Legolas' face for emphasis.