Disclaimer: I don't Own Danny Phantom

Summary: Based off of a Challenge issued by Ghostanimal that I write. However, since this is not a response to the challenge, I can give it my own twists

Warning: First Chapter will be taken directly from original. Actually, a LOT of this will be taken from the original

New Class Rewrite

Chapter 1: The New Class

Sophomores Daniel (Danny) Fenton, Samantha (Sam) Manson, and Tucker (No Nickname) Foley walked up to the door to their English Class and saw a note on the door

Casper High has issued a new class. The following sophomore students are to report to Room 223A and will be taking English in the 7th period and will not be taking Physical Science

Baxter, Dash

Foley, Tucker

Fenton, Daniel

Manson, Samantha

Sanchez, Paulina

Strong, Star

Grey, Valerie

Johnson, Kwan

Peterson, Mikey

Williams, Nathan

"Wow. We get out of a science class?" Sam asked stunned at her luck

"Guess we're going to 223A." Danny said as the gang turned and went to the classroom

The trio froze at the sight that there were also Freshmen, Juniors, and Seniors. Jasmine (Jazz) Fenton gave her brother and his friends a 'do you know what's going on' look. Danny and his friends shrugged and went to sit near her.

"did you hear anything about this new class?" Danny asked his sister

"No. Though I wonder if this has anything to do with Mom and Dad being so secretive lately"

"Good point" Danny agreed. "Last time they've been THIS secretive was when they were building the portal."

The last kids walked into the class and the tardy bell rang. Just before the ringing stopped, Danny and Jazz developed horrified looks on their faces with Sam and Tucker not being far behind them.

Jack and Maddie Fenton walked in the door.

"Good morning Kids." Jack greeted

"Please be subs, please be subs" the Fenton kids whispered under their breaths as they crossed their fingers under their desks.

"Due to the excess amount of ghost activity," Maddie explained "The School board agreed to install a NEW class"

"You don't mean…" Sam asked

"Yes Sam." Maddie confirmed

"WELCOME TO GHOSTS 101!" Jack announced

It was all Danny could do not to scream. He pulled out a few sheets of paper and used his diminishing strength to write his sister a note while his parents gave the course description

If I breath, I'll scream. If I pass out, I give you permission to NOT resuscitate me

"There WILL be labs, so we're going to have to get each of you a hazmat suit." Maddie said. "Because you will be dealing with ectoplasm."