Summary: Everyone dreams of a perfect romance, but what should you do when it becomes a violent and terrifying nightmare? Jacob Black loved Emmett Cullen but will Emmett's brother Edward be able to show him what real love is and save him from this nightmare?

A/N: Ok, I know that I suck and you guys have waited a year for me to update this story but here it is! Finally! I hope that it was worth the wait and if you are kind enough to read and review, I'm going to say thank you for sticking with me. Hopefully, with Breaking Dawn coming out soon, I will have the inspiration that I need to finish writing this story.

Love and Pain

My father, Billy Black, was a proud man. He never wanted to accept hand outs or help from anyone; for such an action showed signs of weakness and laziness. As far back as I could remember, he would always drill into my sisters and I that it was important to make your own way in the world. Hard work, a strong spirit, ambition, aggressiveness and intelligence were the true keys to success and anything less was considered failure. He said that this one thing was so important because you would be the master of your own fate and you alone would reap the rewards, without owing who you are to anyone else.

It took me a whole year to convince him to take Emmett up on his offer to purchase the home that he was now living in. At first he flat out refused. Saying that he had been working since the age of twelve and wasn't about to abandon the home that he had worked so hard to pay for, the home where he had raised his family, to live it up in snobville.

I ever so nicely reminded him that his bank account was almost depleted and the house was falling apart. He yelled at me, saying that my rich boyfriend had turned me into a prima Madonna who had gotten all high and mighty. He then took the liberty of remind me where I came from and that he wasn't about to let doctor feel good turn me into a bitch when he had raised a man. My dear father continued on saying that his house was just fine and there was no need to leave the reservation. When I told him that my sister Rachel had already taken us up on our offer and thought it best for him to live with her, he scuffed and pouted for a while until he finally caved in. Not wanting to be so far away from all of his children was supposedly the motivating factor. I say that it was the hole in the roof and the snow on the living room floor.

The house that Rachel had chosen was perfect for them. It was modest yet spacious, beautifully decorated inside and out, yet not too flashy. My father would not have stood for extravagance. He was a meat and potatoes kind of guy and had no intentions of going posh. Ever. As for me I didn't give a damn about all that. My main concern was for my family's welfare. My father's prideful stubbornness could go to hell.

I wince a little as I pull into the driveway of fore mentioned house and park. I was still in a shit load of pain from last night but I had to be very careful around my father. He had excellent parental telepathy were I was concerned and I didn't need him or his shot gun going to pay my husband a visit any time soon.

Within a few moments I was standing at the front door. I knock twice and it's not too long before I'm greeted with one of my sisters dazzling smiles.

"Hey there stranger, you look an awful lot like my brother. But you can't be him. He doesn't hang around our kind any more." She says with a raised eye brow that lets me know that she's not too happy with me.

I hadn't see my father or my sister in a month. Between Emmett's constant list of demands and the charity events and all of the parties, I haven't had much time on my hands. Hell, they were lucky that I was able to sneak out of the house this morning in order to pay them a visit.

I give her my usual "I'm sorry" grin and shrug before giving her a kiss on the cheek and a massive bear hug. It hurts like hell and the grunt I release causes her to look up at me, a frown on her lips and a question in her eyes.

"Where's Dad?" I ask, stepping around her and into the foyer, effectively avoiding the question that I knew was coming.

"In his usual spot in the den, watching the tube. I tried to get him to go for a stroll but he wouldn't budge. He's been kind of depressed lately."

Her tone and the way that she was looking at me spoke volumes.

"He's worried about you Jake. He thinks that Emmett is trying to isolate you from us, not to mention your friends who call all the time looking for you. The fact that you haven't so much as called him in the last month is only furthering his suspicions and proving his point."

I roll my eyes and turn to face her.

"You know how he is Rachel. He resents Emmett for taking his little boy away from him and giving me a life that he himself could never offer me. He feels as if he's failed me somehow and he's making things up in his own mind in order to make himself feel better."

"Oh, really Jake? So perhaps you can tell me how you got that bruise on your cheek. Or is that just me projecting some kind of pent up emotional turmoil onto your relationship."

Before I have the chance to respond I hear the sound of my father's wheelchair rolling across the floor. I was truly grateful for the interruption. I was in no mood to get into yet another fight in less than twenty-four hours. I give Rachel one of my "we'll discuss this later" looks before I acknowledge my father.

When our eyes meet, I immediately feel the heavy weight of guilt crash down on me, hard.

My father was always very strong and healthy but the man in front of me was someone I barely recognized.

He was pale(which was hard for my people to achieve) and he looked as if he had lost at least ten pounds. In all honesty, I've never seen him look so bad in all my life.

"Hey Dad." I say with a forced smile.

He didn't like to see his children upset and if he knew that he was the cause of such emotion, he would over compensate in order to fix it. Anything to put a smile back on our faces.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the return of the prodigals son. I'm surprised that Emmett let you out of his sight long enough to visit us. Remind me to send him a thank you note."

I sigh and try not to lose my temper. I really can't fucking stand it when they talk about my husband as if he were some psychotic control freak that doesn't even let me take a piss on my own. Why couldn't they just see him the way that I do?

"Stop being a drama king Dad. Emmett doesn't need me at his side twenty-four seven. We've just been really busy lately and before you say anything, I know that; that's no excuse to stay away for so long but I wouldn't have done so if it weren't completely necessary."

"Whatever you need to tell yourself in order to sleep at night Jake." Rachel says with a shake of her head before walking up to me and whispering in my ear. "And don't you believe for a second that our pervious conversation is over because it isn't. Not by a long shot."

She held my gaze for a short while. It was her way of driving her point home. It held an air of persistence and a strong urge to get the truth out of me, no matter how long it took. She was determined to get to the bottom of things. Too bad for her I was just as determined to keep my private life just that, privet.

I was grateful when she turned her attention back to my father.

"Well, since Jakey here has decided to grace us with his presence, I'll go and make us all some breakfast. How does bacon, eggs and pancakes sound?"

"Sounds good to me sweetheart." My father beamed up at her before she strode off to the kitchen, leaving just us guys to talk.

With a nod my father turned back towards the den while I followed quietly behind him. Once we reached the room he parked himself back in front of the television while I decided to make myself comfortable in one of his recliners.

I was enjoying the quiet but I knew that he had some issues with me that he would like to get off his chest and it was only a matter of time before he spoke his peace.

As if he could hear my thoughts, my father cleared his throat, folding his hands and turned almost in a slow motion to stare at me.

"So, would you like to tell me just what the hell is going on boy? First I don't see or hear from you in a month, then you pop up at eight thirty in the morning with a God damn bruise on your face the size of Texas. I need to know what's going on son. Now are you going to tell me willingly, or am I going to have to drag it out of you?"

The tone of his voice left no room for discussion. I knew that I had to explain myself but I had to be very careful not to paint a bad picture of Emmett. They didn't understand him like I did. They don't know what kind of man he is. Sure he has his faults but he's good and he loves me more than anything in the world. He just had to work on his temper and I had to find a way not to be such a screw up and embarrassment to him. If anything we were both guilty of something. We both needed to take the blame. I wouldn't let Emmett go down by himself.

"Dad, I already told you that we were busy. Em had a few business parties and conventions that he had to go to and I had my charity events. Please don't think that I don't want to come over and visit often but I do have other responsibilities. Can you at least try to understand that?"

I could see the hurt and anger in his eyes. He knew that I was only telling him half the story.

"If that's true, and let's just say for a second that I believe you, it doesn't stop you from picking up the phone Jake. Damn it kid, it's like that bastard keeps you glued to his side at every second of everyday and for what? So that he can control you? Keep you away from your family, your friends and the career that you chose for yourself?"

I knew this was coming.

"How many times do I have to tell you that this IS the life that I've chosen for myself! I love Emmett and I'm happy with him and the way we decide to live our lives is nobody's business but our own. Now I love you Dad, but every time I do something that you don't approve of, you can't go running off at the mouth and accusing Emmett of practically making me his slave. I know that you're not very happy about me dropping out of school but it was my choice, not Emmett's. He didn't force me to do anything. Now I'm asking you, if you love me as much as you claim to, stop attacking my husband. He's been nothing but good to this family and I won't have you trying to turn me against him."

I watch my father for a second. His face is as hard as stone but his eyes stay searching mine. He never turns away and his expression never falters. I know what he's about to say before the words even leave his mouth.

"As touching as your little speech was, you're not off the hook. I do love you Jake, but that doesn't mean that I'm about to sit here and co-sign your bullshit. I know for a fact that Emmett forced you into not continuing your education. Or do you not remember staying in this very house, crying to your sister about how you didn't really want to give up your studies but Emmett didn't like it. You went on and on about how Emmett needed your support and you couldn't fully give it to him if you were too busy building your own career. So don't sit here and pretend that it was fully your decision. Now, with that being said I do love you Jacob and because of that love I will make sure that the life you live is the life that you truly want, not one that your husband has created for you."

I sigh and leaned back in the chair, silently cursing both myself and my father. He had a good point and my extreme emotional distress that night gave him the facts that he needed to back up his statements. However, he wasn't done with me yet.

"However, non of this explains how you got that bruise. Care to explain?"

"Not really but if you must know, Emmett and I got into an argument last night. I hit him, he hit me back, end of story."

He let out a disbelieving half laugh half sort, closed his eyes for a second before that hard look returned.

"I don't believe that shit for a second. If that bastard is such a saint, then why do you feel the need to lie so often on his behalf."

"I don't need to lie for him. You just don't like the truth. If it's not something that paints Emmett as some kind of monster then you're not interested. You're just pissed off and bitter because my husband has been able to give me the kind of life that you were never able to give mom."

I could see fire in his eyes and I knew that I had crossed the line. Mom was always a sensitive subject and I instantly regretted bringing her up.

"Dad, I'm so sorry…"

I wanted to say so much more and beg my father's forgiveness but the sound of the doorbell ringing frantically caused me to refocus my attention. I hear my sister's voice sounding none to happy about seeing whoever it was at the door. If I were the other person I would think that she was being polite, however I knew better.

"Jake, you have company." She said. Her voice was tight and controlled like an uninvited guest had shown up to ruin her birthday party.

I knew who it was before he had even spoken a word.

"There you are sweetheart, I've been looking all over for you." Emmett's voice called out to me.

Usually I was pretty good at knowing just what kind of mood he was in by the way he spoke but I was too worried about my father at the moment to care. Although my voice seemed to be failing me, there was another person in the room who had no problem with theirs.

"Hello Emmett. You're just in time to answer a question that Jacob has trouble responding to."

"Oh really? What might that be Mr. Black? I'm always willing to help my favorite father in law?"

I watched as my father not only turned his head, but his whole body and rolled over to my husband, putting only two inches between them.

"Glad to hear it. Now, tell me, who the fuck do you think you are putting your hands on my son?"

It was so silent at that moment that you could hear a pin drop from a hundred miles away.

This sucked.

And to think, my day had started out so well…