Chapter 3: Dada Where's 'arry?


As Fire is sleeping she has a vision of what goes on in the home of the Dursleys and her little brother.

Fire wakes up screaming and crying. She saw that the Dursleys stuffed her little brother in a cupboard crying.

Severus hearing her scream and cry rushes to her room. He says in an irritated voice, "What are you screaming and crying about?" Fire looks at him with tears in her eyes and says, "Dada wheras 'arry?"

Severus freezes and looks at Fire again and thinks,' Can she see visions of her brother in that house?' Then he thinks again on what she said. 'Did she just call me Dada?'

Severus goes to Fire and picks her up. He hushes her and tells her everything is going to be ok. She doesn't go back to sleep.

He sighs and rocks and hums her trying to make go back to sleep. She still doesn't go to sleep.

Severus then says to her, "I won't leave you Fire. I stay with you until you wake up, ok?"

Fire looks at him and smiles a small smile. He tries to hum again and she falls asleep this time.

He sighs in relief that she fell asleep. Then he thinks what Fire said. 'Can she see visions of her brother? I have to talk to Albus about this.'

At the Dursley Household

Little Harry is crying in the living room. He is wondering why isn't Fire here to help him. Vernon has had enough of his crying so he hit him and yelled, "QUIET BOY I'M TRYING TO WATCH THE TELLY!"

Petunia says, "He's just a baby he doesn't know anything. He's Dudley's age."

Vernon turns to her and slaps her hard enough to make her fall down.

Harry sees this and crawls to her to see if she's ok. Dudley screams and cries.

Vernon goes to Dudley and screams, "SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP!" He smacks really hard, which makes Dudley scream and cry even louder.

Vernon frustrated goes to Petunia tossing Harry gotta the way.

He says in a threatening voice, "If you don't get those to shut up soon I'll- he never got to finish because Harry then started screaming at the top of his lungs!

His scream made Vernon go unconscious and Dudley's bruise was healed so was Petunia's slap.

Petunia looks at Harry with gratitude and says, "Thank you Harry."

She picks Dudley and Harry up and goes up to Dudley's room and tucks them in and sings a lullaby to help them go to sleep.

While Dudley drifts to sleep fast Harry takes a little bit longer to fall asleep.

'wheras fireee I wannnt Fire I am vuerryy scuared.' He falls asleep after hearing the soothing voice of his sister's in his mind.