Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling, I only like to dabble in her world.

I wish someone had told me

It wasn't easy, my life, that is. It wasn't easy carrying this last name. It wasn't easy being compared to your parents, your aunt and uncle. One would think I had so many opportunities, such a bright future. I didn't like to think so. More often than not, I felt belittled, worthless. It wasn't because I was unintelligent. It wasn't because I was different. It wasn't because I wasn't beautiful.

I was.

I was all of those things.

I didn't want any of it.

Things had changed, they said, things were different. Ancient rivalries were gone. My dad has told me they'd buried the hatchet.

If that were the case, why was there a cap on who I could love? I wish they'd told me earlier.

Rose&Scorpious. I wish someone would mention our names together, intertwined yet separated by just one small word.

My big blue eyes find him across the room. He's watching me too. Neither of us smiles nor wave. Instead, we're just enjoying the moment because we haven't seen each other in weeks. After Albus told my uncle he had seen us holding hands in the Entrance Hall, he had made sure to tell my mum and dad as well. What with so much family tentatively watching me, it was impossible to run into him.

I sigh longingly, wanting to walk over to him and feel him underneath my fingertips again. Alas, tomorrow is the last day either of us shall ever walk these halls again. Our seventh year had come to an abrupt halt, and after this, we might never see each other again. At least, not until I move out of my parents sheltered threshold and live on my own – free of their supposedly surpassed prejudices.

I love my parents, really. They've always been…perfect. Love came easy for them though; they'd all known each other and been friends since they were eleven. They had their friends, their lovers, and their enemies all sorted out. But I lived in a different era, in a time where those lines were blurred and confusing. My uncle had encouraged we speak to Scorpius, and to any other slytherin at that, but he'd never imagined his precious Rose would ever fall in love...not with any of them.

I wish someone had told me earlier, for its too late now. I'm in too deep.

I don't even know what it is about Scorpius that makes me want to try so hard; it might have something to do with that smirk of his…or perhaps his smoldering grey eyes. I feel my cheeks burn up and stop myself.

It's funny...I didn't like him at first, not really. It wasn't until our third year where we got stuck working on a Herbology project together. Professor Longbottom really had no idea what he'd done, it was only after we blew up half of the greenhouse did he realize it.

I laughed thinking about it, catching a glimpse of Scorpius smirking. Was he thinking about the same moment?

We became good friends after that; friends with absolutely no feelings for each other as it usually happened when one was so young and innocent.

I wish someone had told me all that would change.

With age, that veil of innocence was punctured, hole after hole, until it was completely gone. That's when I found out he had a girlfriend during our fifth year, but I could tell he fancied me. Hugo had known it too, for you see, my brother was the only one who understood us. It was a bold thought, but I was determined that she wasn't the girl for him - I was. A year later, Scorpius ended his relationship and months after that, he told me how he felt about me.

I wish someone had told me how love felt.

He was my first kiss, and I've never wanted to kiss anyone else since then.

And I wish someone had told me how much it would hurt.

A/N: Review? (: