I can't believe it. All this times I was just too dumb to do anything. All this time the feelings that the fire-mage felt was entirely confusing.

"LUCY!" Natsu shouted in vain in dire desperation of finding the girl. But he won't stop until he found her. He needed to do something. Although he wasn't sure what that was really.

"Azriel." I gasped as he towed me over some mirror-place. "Where are we?"

"You'll find out soon."

"We need to help the others! We need to look for Natsu and Gray!" I explained.

"There's no need really."

"Where are you taking me?" I asked getting an eery feeling to the place that send shivers all over my body. And I was too spooked when Azriel finally stopped walking.

"Ok, this is far enough" He muttered smiling at me. But there was something wrong the feeling I got when I was with Azriel was pure warmth and happiness. But with this person it was just nothingness. That's when I got it.

"You're not Azriel!" I screamed.

"HAHAHA. You haven't changed. You're still the brave girl I knew." He snickered.

"Pardon me?"

"Oh, don't you remember me? First things first you're correct I'm not Azriel. I'm his twin brother Ezekriel."

"Ezekriel? Where's Azriel?"

"That doesn't concern you any longer." The so-called Ezekriel said.


"I smell your fear. But you don't remember me? We used to be playmates too" He laughed.

"Wait a minute." I said racking my brain for anything.

"Oh, let me help you. As he showed a ring. That ring….it looked familiar. And why should it not! It was a triple ring that she gave to Amana, and two other friends she had when she was little. Could it have been Azriel and Ezekriel?

"That ring!" And finally she remembered! Azriel and Ezekriel! The two boys who was brought home by her father who were trained to protect her when she came of age.

"Oh my….I remember you! The boy who always stalked Amana!"

"Yes yes..and Azriel liked you in particular but I always liked Amana! And I'll do anything for her."

"Wow. What do you want from me?" I asked.

"You'll know soon enough."

"NATSU! Have you seen Lucy yet?" Gray asked gasping at the heat of commotion all over.

"No….I looked all over." Natsu answered hopelessly.

"Even I can't find her." Happy chimmed in.

"We have to look for her." Gray gasped.

"I won't give up!" Natsu exclaimed and with that he was on his way to look for the celestial mage.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as Ezekriel grabbed my hair and threw me the other side of the room to the mirror. It hit my head. And the glass broke and shattered all over my body. I bled from the impact.

"Oh, that's enough! I enjoy but I need her wide awake for this!" A familiar voice said with coldness. And a girl with blonde hair identical to mine came out of view glared at me with a vicious smile on her face. Amana.

"A-amana?" I whispered unable to mouth the words as I gasped out blood from my mouth.

"Yes, dearest cousin! It is I!" She laughed menangcily.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Why she asks?" She laughed as she walked around the room.

"Good job Ezekriel."

"You're in hoops with him? What's going on?" I demanded as I tried to get up with no success as I felt pain all over my head.

"Oh, let's just say he's helping get my revenge on you!"

"Whyyy?" I asked miserably dragging my legs to where she was.

"You've been far away too long that you don't even remember." She whispered leaning over to me.

"I was treated like trash! To my father's eyes all he saw was an incompetent fool trying to match my cousin's shadow! It was like I didn't exist. And worse! My mother took away her life because she couldn't even bear to face the people that I was her daughter! All my father said was why can't I be like Lucy? LUCY LUCY LUCY HEARTFILIA!" She shrieked in her annoying high-pitched voice. It was almost like a baby wailing. "That's why you have to suffer. Suffer the way I did."

"I'm sorry about your mom and how miserable your life was…but do you thing it was easy for me?" I said. It was so unfair! I didn't get such a happy life either.

"Who cares? At least you're rest assured that your mom loved you after she died! Mine…I wasn't lucky enough."

"So what? You go blame me?" Even I couldn't believe at the shock of my voice.

"YES! Because you were born! And after years….I worked hard to be better than you. I did everything that my father told me to do. But in the end Uncle….decided to give everything to you! Even if I was the one who worked hard for our company" She screamed and suddenly grabbed my hair pulling it hard to make me shout.


"Don't even dare say my name! I hate you!"

"Please, don't do this." I said.

"It's too late."

"Where's Azriel?" I demanded.

"Oh, he's fine! I wouldn't worry about him if I were you. He's not the one who's in trouble here. But to think you do have a sin you commited to him." Ezekriel said conversationally.

"What's that?"

"You left him and said that you never even wanted anything to do about him! But I guess my brother was just too in love to see reason."

"W-What? Me in love with him?" I gasped at this sudden realization. I liked Azriel as a friend but nothing else.

"But I don't love him! I like him but not romantically involved." I said exasperated.

"What?" Ezekriel looked at Amana.

"Don't look at me like that! It was needed so that we can make Azriel angry at Lucy!" Amana said defending herself.

"So all these years you've been lying to me and my brother?"

"It doesn't matter."

"YOU LIED?" A new voice echoed through the mirror room. And I spun around to see Azriel.

"It doesn't matter! You didn't even go through with the plans!" Amana directed to Azriel. "Do it Ezekriel finish the job!" And as on cue…Ezekriel held out a long kind of sword and directed it point towards me. But Azriel blocked it with some sort of magic. And as they fought I tried to get ahold of my keys but Amana stepped on my fingers and took it. "You won't be needing this" she sneered.

And as a matter of minutes Azriel was already lying on the floor defeated.

"L-lucy…run!" Azriel's last words for me before he lost consciousness.

"Stay there brother! I don't want us to fight." Ezekriel muttered.

And as he walked towards me…I was so sure that my life was almost at it's end. And I thought to myself that life wasn't really fair. So I was gonna die today? That was boring. I didn't want the story of my life to end like this. But I wasn't the author of this fairytale. All I could think of as he lifted his sword to end my life was fairy tail, my friends and most importantly Natsu.

"Lucy!" A familiar voice screamed with a hint of battle aura. I wouldn't recognize the voice if it weren't the same boy I was thinking of before I died.

"NATSU!" I screamed with delight. I didn't care if were to die today. If I was to spend it with Natsu everything will be okay. And he came strolling towards me as Ezekriel and Amana backed off whether it was because of surprise or Natsu's expression frightened them.

"Are you okay?" Natsu exclaimed as he took me in his arms.

"Natsu….you came for me." I said happily.

"Of course I would." He looked at me closer and anger suddenly lipped through his features.

"Who did this to you?" He said in a deadly voice. I let myself actually look at myself. I was bleeding no doubt. I felt a horrible pain in my head. And I can almost taste blood as it fell from my forehead. And I think I broke my knee when Ezekriel stepped on it.

"How bad am I?" I chuckled. I knew I didn't fool him with my joke. "Stay there Luce. I'll handle it."

"You. Did. This. To. Her." Natsu said carefully.

"What now if we did? What do you care?" Amana challenged him.

"I care about Lucy! No one gets away for hurting her! I'm gonna burn all of you to ashes!" Natsu roared. And soon enough Natsu was off to battle Ezekriel. They were almost a match. Except unbelievably Ezekriel was strong. But I believe in Natsu.

I never really thought about it…but now I understand why I was so jealous with Lucy being with others guys….and why I was so angry seeing her all covered in blood being hurt by this creep. I liked Lucy. That much I can say. I've completely fallen for her.

"You think you can beat me dragon-boy?" Ezekriel taunted.

"I'm not only gonna beat you! I'll burn you." Natsu said in terror. And Natsu and Ezekriel battled but as much as I can keep up Amana was holding out something. A sphere-like knife. And she was going after me! I tried to make a run but she got me in my ankle oh and boy did it hurt. Natsu went to peek at my sudden outburst and with that little distraction Natsu was cornered by Ezekriel with his magic darkness which can absolve powers. And he drew his sword out.

"Natsu!" I screamed.

"He's too busy to save you cousin dear! What are you gonna do now?"

And with that she hit my head at the mirror and that added another pain at my skull. When suddenly I heard another voice join in.

"Requipt!" And thankfully to see Erza going to view to disarm Amana the sphere like thing.

"Why are you here?" Amana screamed.

"I was absolutely fooled with that letter you gave me that you said that came from our master." She said haughtily bringing down her weapon and glared at the beautiful blonde.

"What do you mean? Impossible there should have been no flaws in my plans!" The blonde screamed.

"Yeah? The moment that I was riding that helicopter I was aghast. You instructed the pilot to dispatch me. Not a very clever idea cause of that I was able to assume that you were in for something. Then I kinda bullied the pilot what your plans was about. He was willing enough. And then I came rushing here as fast as I could. If I were you I'd hire someone who's stronger to get rid of me. It was almost too easy." Erza smirked proudly.

"I expected that! But I didn't realize you would be back so soon to join us." Amana said.

"Well, I guess your calculations weren't that perfect." Erza replied coldly.

"Well, that won't happen again! It looks like I underestimated you Erza Scarlet but it won't happen again!" Amana shrieked as she grabbed the knife and held it against my neck.

"Ahhhhh…" I couldn't Help it. The pain as the knife met my skin was too much. I looked to see Natsu and Ezekriel still on it.

"Let her go. This is pointless Amana-san." Erza said carefully.

"It will never be! I will kill all of you."

"SEBASTIAN! Help me!" Amana compelled. Then suddenly the butler who served us at the mansion appeared and attacked Erza with two-bladed swords.

"Roar of the fire dragon!" I heard Natsu scream as he advance at Ezekriel. And Ezekriel almost managed to dodge it but not good enough.

"Lucy!" And then I saw Gray using his ice magic to handle Amana. Then he took Amana's hands and cuffed them with ice.

"Gray! How did you find us?" I managed to say.

"Are you kidding me? With the amount of power everyone was using? I saw it outside." He explained as he got a look at me. "You look bad."

"Thanks. I kinda figured that out." I muttered as I lay at the floor. I couldn't help it. The pain was just too much. I just believed that Erza and Natsu can defeat them.

"What's happening here?" Gray asked. Looking at the battle before us.

"L-long story. You need to help them G-gray." I desperately tried to say.

"Gee, Luce! Are you alright? Crap you're losing too much blood!" He panicked. And as he did so I felt it. I felt the blood ooz away from me. I wondered if I was dying. At least I should let everyone know how much I wanna thank them for everything. And the most important was to let Natsu know…how I felt.

"Well, that wasn't much of a challenge." Erza said. And I saw that she was able to tie Amana to Sebastian.

"Now I'm all fired up! You won't get away with this you bastard!" Natsu shouted.

"I won't be beaten!" Ezekriel said and his attention was suddenly distracted as he scanned the room and saw Amana tied up. "Amana!"

"Fire-Dragon flames!" Natsu burst out flames that went out from his fists and knocked out Ezekriel with the timing and Ezekriel's attention divided Natsu was able to defeat him. I felt at peace to see that there was no harm that has come to Natsu.

"Lucy! Stay with us! Don't worry we're gonna get help." Gray said lifting my head closer to his chest. And I heard someone coming close to us and manage to see Natsu's worried face.

"Lucy, don't you dare die on me! You got that?" He forcefully said as he took me in his arms.

"N-natsu…I'm c-cold." I said but I was having hard time breathing. But I didn't care. Cause all that mattered that I was in his arms.

"No, Luce." He whispered and lighted flames around us.

"Gray! Call Happy and we have to surrender these three to the authorities and get Lucy to a doctor!" Erza instructed.

"Everything's going to be okay Luce. We're going to get you to Wendy hell even a doctor." Natsu whispered shaking me.

"Natsu, I wanted to tell you. T-that I-i-I like you." I whispered so softly that I wasn't sure if he even heard me.

"What was that Luce?" He asked.

"I like you Natsu." I barely said as I fell asleep right there and then.

I expected to wake up covered up in gauzes and to be in a white room. Like perse a Hospital. But that was all to surreal. I was in my room. Back in Magnolia. Three blocks away from Fairy Tail. And as I opened my eyes I actually felt better. I didn't feel the pain that I felt when we battled Amana and the others. And I saw someone smiling at me.

"Lucy!" A cheerful voice said. And I looked to see Wendy, Happy and Charles grinning at me.

"Guys! I'm so happy to see you." I said emotionally.

"Are you feeling any better?" Wendy asked.

"Hell, yeah. You healed me didn't you? Thanks, Wendy." I said as I scanned the room looking for someone and saw at the sofa of the room Natsu sleeping peacefully.

"He wouldn't leave you even when we said you'd be alright." Wendy explained motioning to Natsu.


"Yeah, you've been asleep for three days straight. He was here with you the whole time." Wendy explained. I looked at Natsu smiling at the cuteness of it.

"Where's Erza? Gray?" I asked.

"They're fine! They are just with Master talking about a few stuff."

"Oh, I see." I scuffled out of the bed not really knowing what to do.

"Where are you going?" Wendy asked.


"I bet you're hungry! Don't worry I'll go to the guild and ask Mirajane to prepare food for you." Wendy volunteered smiling at me.

"Coming Charles? Happy?"

"Aye" Happy said. "Are you sure you'll be alright Lucy?" Happy asked.

"I will be. Thanks, Happy." I said and hugged him. And with that they left.

With nothing to do…I just stared at Natsu. He was sleeping so peacefully I didn't even bother to wake him up because I desperately wanted to hear his voice. To see the Natsu I loved do something that she was familiar with. I grabbed comfortable blankets and put it over Natsu. Which was silly since he can't actually be cold. But I felt like the need to do it. I was being jumpy to the fact that I actually confessed that I liked him! I wonder what his reaction was. I'm pretty scared that he might reject me and say that he likes someone else or he just doesn't like anyone let alone me.

"What am I going to do with you?" I muttered touching cheeks carefully.

"Idiot. You're making things too hard for me. You just had to make me fall for you huh?" I murmured. Then suddenly I wasn't sure he was awake but suddenly he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. Which ended up with me lying down on top of him. I thought he was awake to see him snoring at me. I couldn't help it. I actually have fallen for the guy? I decided to make it last and lay there contentedly.

"Luce?" I heard Natsu whisper. And as I peeked and saw that he was suddenly wide awake and he pulled off the covers of the blanket which ended up shoving me off and I ended up on the floor.

"Hey!" I complained as I hit the floor. I looked at him and saw that he was using the blanket as a shield.

"Pervert." He suddenly said.

"Excuse me? You're the one who pulled me to you!" I screamed.

"Oh, really?" He asked. Then there was this moment of silence. And he suddenly walked over to me and caught me in a tight-hug.

"N-natsu?" I asked unsure of his actions.

"I'm glad. I'm glad you're okay. I swear I'll never leave you again. I'll protect you from everything." He swore. I felt happiness as he said the words. Then we heard a knock.

"Come in." I said. And I saw same face that I saw not just three days ago.

"What are you doing here?" Natsu demanded.

"I just wanted to explain myself." Azriel said miffed.


"Lucy, I'm sorry for everything. I admit I was with their plan all along but I swear I never intended to get you hurt." He said miserably.

"Obviously she's been hurt badly." Natsu retorted coldly facing Azriel in front of me.

"It's alright Natsu. He's not dangerous." I said patting his arm.

"Will you forgive me Lucy? I'm not leaving here until you forgive me. I'll even beg if I have to." He said.

"I forgive you Azriel. I don't blame you at all."


"Yeah, just promise me you'll be a better person and actually live a better life." I said.

"I don't think I deserve to. But for you I'd do anything." And with that he left giving a few more apology bowed and left. As much as I know he was going to face a few punishments from magical inforcement but it won't be as bad as Amana's or Ezekriel's.

"Look Lucy." Natsu started holding my hands.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure how to say this. But that time before you slept at the mirror room. The umm…stuff you said." He said casually blushing. And with that I started to blush. Was he referring to the part that I confessed.

"Oh, that."

"Yeah." Moments passed and the silence was killing me and I finally said.

"You don't have to feel anything about it! I won't feel bad about it I promise. I just wanted to tell you what I felt. But obviously you don't feel that way." I said in a rush and dared to look at him.

"W-what?" He asked confused by the words I just said.

"I won't hide it Natsu. I like you. I meant that." I said.

"Luce, I"

"No, it's alright!"

"Wait I"

"It's clear to me tha-" Then it was a time that he clomped his hands to my mouth stopping the words that I was about to say. And I regarded him to see he was actually laughing.

"Silly, girl! Will you let me finish what I was about to say?" He laughed as he bent down to touch his forehead to mine.

"I what?" I said beneath his hands.

"Look, I have to tell you this. So, here it goes. I love you too Luce." He said proudly letting go of my mouth and smiled at me.

"Y-you're joking right?" I mumbled.

"Come one Luce! Do I really seem to be joking half of the time?" He said pouting as he stared at me.

"No way."

"I mean it." He said. Suddenly serious.

"Wow. Unbelievable."

"What would it take for you to believe me?" He said holding both of my hands and coming closer to me.

"I'm just shocked." That was the best that I could come up with as tears streamed tru my face.

"Don't cry Luce." He snickered wiping away traitor tears.

"I didn't realize what I felt for you until that I time that you were always around that Ariel-guy and when I saw that Ezeriel hurting you." He frowned.

"Umm…AZRIEL and EZEKRIEL." I laughed.

"Whatever. But it's the truth Lucy. I"ll say it again if you want to." He started to say the words again when I stopped him with something that even surprised me. I kissed him bounding my arms around his neck giving all the force I had just by kissing him. He didn't move at first then he reacted and manage to return the same passion I was letting on.

"Lucy. I love you." Natsu whispered. I tried to say it too but he didn't give me a chance as he grabbed the roots of my hair and forced my lips back to his. His other hand around my back to an inescapable way. I was locked there but I didn't mind. I was happy. I didn't think that there would be a better place than this. Things got a bit heavy when he stopped and looked at me and he kissed me once, twice….a sweet peck on the lips. And we had to stop because Wendy came back with the promised food in hand.

And that afternoon we went to the guild and everyone with a smile on their lips. I imagined it was because I was holding hands with Natsu.

"What the heck? What's the meaning of this Natsu?" Gray asked standing on the table without any clothes perfect.

"Any problem perverted-moron?" Natsu challenged squeezing my hands before leaving to face Gray. And they went at it. I didn't mind. Because this was just how everything was.

"Congratulaions, Lucy! You and Natsu huh?" Mirajane smiled at me.

"Well, I umm…"

"Awwww…so cute. You two look so good together if I must say."

"Thanks, Mira."

"Darn it be quiet you two! You're ruining my cake time!" Erza shouted. Then chaos broke out in the guild. And as usual me and Wendy went hiding under the table. And I laughed all to myself.

"You ok, Luce?" Wendy asked.

"Totally!" I grinned like a lunatic.

And to think I actually thought that sleep over was a bad idea it wasn't. Because when the past went to haunt me. A better one arrived. Because of it I was able to have Natsu. To be with him from now on. And the best part was he loved me. I wondered what was to become of Amana and the others. Whatever happened she was still a part of my life. But knew I had to cut her off I have to move on no matter how much it hurts. Because I've got a better life now. I sighed and I didn't care as long as I was with Natsu and that was all that mattered. To be with the person that I loved the most and to the guild where my friends were. Heck were my family was. This was where I belonged.

Well, that's it! I WILL SO MISS WRITING THIS FANFIC! To be honest I wasn't able to finish this without your help guys! Finished it here in Zambales at my auntie's beach resort. Thanks, so much for the love and support you have shown. I am forever grateful for all those who has given good reviews! Thanks, so much. It would be so nice if we find the guy who would protect and love us right? Lucy is so lucky! And for her to be with her friends who she considers her family. Anyway, please read my new fanfic "Into Fire and unto Ice." This story will be something to look forward to. And, yes it's still about Fairy Tail. Please, do support it. Thank You! I'll be posting after I finish chapter 1! Enjoy.