We all know how Neville made his way to the safety of the Room of Requirment, but I thought I'd take a shot at trying to capture how I think Lavender, Parvati, Padma, Hannah and Susan, the last remaining 7th year girls in the DA, made their escape to join the boys. One-shot

Disclaimer: Please, don't tell me you think I'm JK Rowling?

Lavender looked down at her boiled egg. Somewhere in her hazy memories of simpiler days, she recalled Profesor Trelawney saying something about anceint cultures using egg yolk to predict their fates. But the yellow eye just stared back up at her unblinking. It's cheerful brightness did nothing to tempt Lavender's squirming stomach. Parvati beside her, nibbled quietly on a piece of toast. Meal times were often silent events these days, as the Carrows prowled between the separate tables, peering down their long noses, barking at terrified first years who dared to blow their nose. Lavender reached into her bag until she felt the cool surface under her finger tips. The Gallion's message had long faded, but the words were still imprinted into Lavender's mind.

RoR. Safe.

Anthony had sent the message out to the remaining DA members still walking, heads down, in Hogwarts' hall's. There weren't many of them left now. The boys had gone. They'd joined Neville quickly, eagar to escape into their haven that was the Room of Requirement.

The girls had planned this for weeks, their exit, their leave. It wasn't going to be as dramatic as Neville's terrifing chase, or rebelious as Seamus and the boy's last message. They would simply disappear.

Parvati shifted in her seat before giving Lavender a hard poke.
'Ow,' she mumbled. Parvati conspisously nodded towards the Hufflepuff table, where Susan and Hannah were colecting their things, as if getting ready to go to class. The signal.
'Come on, we are going to be late,' she said, picking up her bag with a little difficulty. Lavender took hold of the strap and tried to swing it over her shoulder casually, as if it's contents weren't anything more than her usual books.

Lavender and Padma reached the entrance way at the same time. As she Moved aside to let her and two other Ravenclaws pass she heared Padma say; 'No, I've forgoten my book, you and Lisa go on without me.' Padma turned away from the other Ravenclaws and gave Parvati a conspirital nod.

Lavender wondered briefly as she made her way up to the fifth floor, how long it will take Proffessor McGonagall to report the amount of missing students from her class.

Reviews are very much wanted! What do you guys think?