Heeeeeeey 8D

This is my first fanfic, so please R&R. Reviews would be GREATLY appreciated.

Hotch was just finishing his paperwork. He had to do a bit more work since JJ left. Things were hard to manage without a media liaison. After he finished filing his papers, Hotch heard someone come from the hallway.

"Hey Hotch, Director Strauss wants to see you in her office." Prentiss said.

"Okay. Thanks." Hotch replied.

Hotch made his way to Strauss's office. He wondered what she wanted to discuss about now. He can't remember the last time he was called to her office for good news.

"You called?"

"Ah, yes, Agent Hotchner" Strauss replied. "I called to inform you about a new member for the team. Her name is Agent Sophia Miller. She has a PhD in Criminal Psychology and you may find here quite talented."

"I'm sorry Director Strauss but I can't accept that. The team had just gotten used to not having JJ around. I don't think it would help if you just replace her."

"Please, Agent Hotchner. You must admit that the BAU needs some assistance. I don't think you can manage with just five people. The BAU is understaffed."

She had a point. After JJ left, Hotch had a feeling that the team wouldn't work as efficiently as before.

"I understand." Hotch said in defeat. "When will she start working?"

"She will start tomorrow. You may take your leave now."

Hotch left the office. It didn't feel right to replace JJ now, but just like Strauss said, the BAU is understaffed.

How do you like it? Ugh, I can see so many mistakes here. Sorry for the lame and short chapter! I promise the next one would be waaaaay longer. Don't forget to review!