Okay. I know I promised the sequel to 'To Love' a billion years ago, and I know I said 'within a week' when I promised it.
This is me apologizing.
And me promising that it really is coming soon. Just not as soon as I'd like.

All the same, I don' t want you guys to forget I actually exsist, so here is a small collection of one-shots I've coined 'The Lost Notes'

Basically it carries off of my collection '26 Notes'- these are all the other words I could have used. They are in no sort of order, alphabetic or otherwise, and there will be repeats in letters, I'm sure. It's just a little continuation of lost letters, really.

Some are short and some are long, but this will just be on ongoing project for the side-burner as I work out the kinks in my other upcoming fics.

Please review. It's the most encouraging thing a reader can do, and it takes a mere minute of your time.
And as wrong as it may be, it makes me want to write more, faster.
It's just the honest truth.


"What are you trying to say, Kate?" Castle was in her face, and she could tell he wasn't about to drop the topic.

"Nothing, Castle. Can we get back to the murder board please?" she turned away, trying to hide the blush rising in her face.

"No, we can't. I want you to finish your sentence first," he baited. "What are you getting at?"

"I just mean…" She searched the precinct, searching for a way out of this conversation. She found both Ryan and Esposito averting her gaze, refusing to look at her or them. "We are work. Can we do this later?"

"No," his smile was loud and she found herself mirroring it. Embarrassed was not something Kate Beckett did, but she was flushing all sorts of red, inventing a few shades of her own. "You liiiiike me," he accused, using immature words and a very suggestive voice in her ear. He poked her side, and she countered it with a light blow to his stomach.

He was getting as close and personal as he dared, his voice hushed, his words only for her ears. As cute as she was flustered, he valued their privacy as much as she did. "You want to kiiisss me. Love me and hoooold me," he murmured in a sing-song voice. She smiled as the movie reference, pushing him away, lightly.

"I'm just saying…" Again she was looking around, but this time she was looking for the right words. "We work well together. The back and forth, the polar opposite approaches. It works." She looked at him for a moment before continuing. "We balance each other out. You complement me."

Again his head dipped down so he could whisper, not wanting anyone else to overhear.

"You complete me, too."

And there is was again: A whole new shade of red.